来源:股典钟AI连板涨停王 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-02 | 1515 次浏览 | 分享到:

So the stocked goods can eventually be sold. The fourth is that in addition to scallions, it is more durable for storage and can be stored for a long time. Because of these four characteristics, the time is long.
Become a casino full of speculative capital. Whenever the planting area is reduced or natural disasters occur, wholesalers, middlemen, and private hot money will hoard, speculate, and jointly raise prices.
The price of onion, ginger and garlic often rises ridiculously, and falls into a mess. Because the price fluctuates too much and is suitable for speculation, hot money is coming. After the hot money came in, the normal order of supply and demand was destroyed.
The price of onion, ginger and garlic has fluctuated more violently, and this has formed a strange circle, and the price can't stop rising and falling sharply. So the question is, what is the oil that is used to hype onion, ginger, and garlic?
Hot money is all kinds of private capital that wants to make quick money. Simply put, hot money is not the long-term capital for building factories and buying equipment, but just ran away after making a fortune. Short-term capital.