来源:股典钟AI连板涨停王 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-02 | 1511 次浏览 | 分享到:

都涨了不少,这么多的食品一起涨价,很有点通货膨胀的架势。我们看一下最新的c p i 数据,十二月份c p i 同比涨幅百分之零点二。
然后打算在二零一五年二零一六年这两年又攀上了历史最高点。去年为了应对疫情冲击,m 二时隔多年重回两位数增长。

The price of green onions has skyrocketed, and many people who are still pursuing the freedom of cherries turn around to find that the once stable freedom of green onions is gone. This is the price trend of green onions in the price information system of the Ministry of Agriculture.
At this time last year, the price of green onions was RMB 2.8, and now it is RMB 9.5, which is a 339% increase in a year. In addition to green onions, the recent prices of pork, eggs, and peppers.
They have all gone up a lot, and the prices of so many foods have risen together, which is a bit of an inflationary posture. Let's take a look at the latest c p i data. In December, c p i increased by 0.2% year-on-year.
For the entire year of 2020, prices have increased by 2.5%. From the data point of view, prices are quite stable, and inflation has not come. The price increase of green onions is not due to the general price increase caused by inflation.
But for another reason. The first is that last year's green onion production was severely reduced. Because the price of green onions in 2019 was too low, it fell to a few cents per catty at one time. Therefore, in 2020, many farmers are not growing green onions.
The national green onion planting area has decreased by about 30%. In addition, the main green onion producing areas such as Shandong and Yunnan experienced heavy rainfall last year. The green onions are drought-tolerant and flood-resistant.
Many onion seedlings have died, the planting area has shrunk, coupled with the disaster-stricken green onions, the price will naturally rise. The second reason for the rise in green onion prices is capital speculation.
Last year, corn ushered in a big bull market not seen in ten years. It only rose 40% in one year, while the price of green onions rose by 300% in only half a year. If there is no hot money to fuel the flames, green onion prices will not fluctuate so sharply.
Since the ad valorem price rose in June last year, a lot of hot money poured into the market, and the ad valorem doubled almost every three months. There were many dealers or middlemen who made huge profits.
Why does the price of onion, ginger and garlic soar at every turn, why is the garlic so cruel, Jiang Lijun rushes forward, always on the hot search. Prices always fluctuate. Cong Jiang Suan market.
Domestic vegetable prices often skyrocketed and plummeted. From historical data, almost every three to five years, the price of onion, ginger, and garlic will rise several times or even more than ten times. We have compiled the price trends of green onions, ginger, and garlic in the past fifteen years.
Feel the ups and downs of these three vegetables together. This is the price trend of green onions in the past fifteen years. In 2007, the price of green onions was about 50 cents, but in 2008 it had risen to 6 yuan.
It has risen twelve times, and then from one year to one year, from seven to five yuan in 15 to 16 years, from eight to nine yuan, from 19 to 20.
From nine mao to the current ten yuan, we can see that the price of green onions increases by about ten times every four years or so. Looking at ginger again, it is still a piece of eight in 2009.
By ten years it had risen to ten yuan, and then it rose from two yuan in one or two years to twenty yuan in four years, and about five yuan in 19 years. By mid-2020, it has reached a maximum of 17 yuan.
Ginger has risen almost once in five years, and the increase can also be five to ten times. Finally, it is the garlic with the most news and the most ferocious hype. This is the low point of 2009.
It was about fifty cents, and in 2010 it had risen to twelve yuan, which was more than twenty times higher. The cut-off is about 2.5 yuan for one to five years. After two consecutive years of rising, it reached 17 yuan in 2017.
Then it rose from one yuan to seven yuan in 2018 to about ten yuan in 19 years. The rise and fall cycle of garlic is about four years. Except for onion, ginger and garlic, there should be no other agricultural products whose prices can fluctuate so sharply.
The price trend of this roller coaster made the stock feel ashamed. Why does the humble green onion, ginger and garlic price always jump up and down? There are two main reasons.
The first is that farmers like to follow the trend. There is a big difference between agricultural products and ordinary commodities. For general commodities, if the price rises, the output will increase immediately. As the supply increases.
Prices have slowly dropped, but agricultural products are not good, because crops have a long growth cycle, so even if the price of onion, ginger, and garlic rose, the output would not be able to increase that year.
Farmers always decide based on last year's prices to plant acreage this year. Last year, the price was high. This year there will be more varieties. Last year's low prices have lost money, and this year they will plant less. Because most farmers' decision-making methods are similar.
So the planting area can easily get up and down like a bunch. If someone in the village planted green onions last year and made a lot of money, there would be a lot more people growing green onions in the village this year.
Everyone grows green onions, and the price of green onions will definitely fall. The large ups and downs of the planting area have caused the prices to soar and plummet. The market for garlic was good in 2018, and garlic farmers made money.
By 2009, the country's garlic planting area had increased by 22%. Then there is the unsalable garlic, and garlic farmers are losing money. Farmers growing vegetables are a bit like stocks, and they like to chase the rise and kill the fall.
If you don't grow one, you don't grow onion, ginger, and garlic, and the price fluctuates sharply. The second reason is the hype of hot money. Cong Jiang Suan Market has four characteristics. First of all, they are all Komatsu vegetables.
The overall plate is small, and the price is easily manipulated. A few small targets will not affect the price of wheat, but it will definitely affect the price of garlic. Then the production areas of Cong Jiang Garlic are concentrated.
Convenient for large-scale acquisitions and unified storage. Taking garlic as an example, the production areas are mainly concentrated in the counties of Jinxiang, Pizhouzhong, and Mulanling. Third, because everyone has to eat green onion, ginger and garlic, every meal is indispensable.
So the stocked goods can eventually be sold. The fourth is that in addition to scallions, it is more durable for storage and can be stored for a long time. Because of these four characteristics, the time is long.
Become a casino full of speculative capital. Whenever the planting area is reduced or natural disasters occur, wholesalers, middlemen, and private hot money will hoard, speculate, and jointly raise prices.
The price of onion, ginger and garlic often rises ridiculously, and falls into a mess. Because the price fluctuates too much and is suitable for speculation, hot money is coming. After the hot money came in, the normal order of supply and demand was destroyed.
The price of onion, ginger and garlic has fluctuated more violently, and this has formed a strange circle, and the price can't stop rising and falling sharply. So the question is, what is the oil that is used to hype onion, ginger, and garlic?
Hot money is all kinds of private capital that wants to make quick money. Simply put, hot money is not the long-term capital for building factories and buying equipment, but just ran away after making a fortune. Short-term capital.
There are many different types of capital speculating on Congjiangsu. There are real estate developers, coal bosses, and business owners who have spare money. There are many individuals who want to get rich and use leverage to enter the market. They are originally distributors in the vegetable business.
When the central bank releases water and private funds are abundant, hot money becomes active. At this time, the price of onion, ginger and garlic will generally rise sharply. After the subprime mortgage crisis in 2008, the central bank was four trillion yuan.
By 2009, garlic was frying and ushered in a surge. In 2014, the central bank made two targeted RRR cuts and issued more than 700 billion spicy noodles.
Then it is planned to reach the highest point in history in the two years of 2015 and 2016. In response to the impact of the epidemic last year, m2 returned to double-digit growth after many years.
In theory, there are a lot of funds in the market now, and hot money may be eager to try again. How hot money is used to speculate vegetables, for example, the most fiercely fried garlic, the process is not at all.
It's not complicated, just three steps, go to the main producing area to harvest garlic, store the garlic in the cold storage for a period of time, and then sell it. This picture shows the price trend of garlic during the hottest period in 1516.
Garlic is harvested at the end of May and stored in cold storage in July. It can be seen that the lowest point of garlic prices in 2015 and 2016 was the harvest season in May.
Then, after garlic was put into storage in July, the price kept rising, and it usually came to February and March of the following year, which is the highest point around the New Year. If you do not consider the cold storage fee and the loss of garlic.
In 1516, during the garlic harvest season, I went to the producing area to harvest garlic, and then hoarded it in the cold storage for half a year. At the end of that year it was almost 200% profitable. In addition to the simple revenue Tuning Garlic.
There is a more advanced way to fry garlic, which is to go directly to the main garlic producing areas. When the garlic has not grown well, the sand will negotiate the price of garlic per acre with the garlic farmers according to the garlic seedlings.
It’s not difficult to invest in the supply of funds in advance and collect garlic, but the difficulty is to see through or guess the price accurately. Bet on the price trend of garlic, because the price always fluctuates.
So the risk of blockage is great. In this vegetable casino, there are as many people who get rich overnight and bankrupt their families.
After 2005, the onion, ginger, and garlic market has formed a volatility cycle of about four years. Because prices are always rising and falling, farmers grow vegetables like stocks, and they want to buy stocks when they plant seeds.
Then after a year of ups and downs, in the last year of hard work, it is impossible to guess whether to make a profit or lose. Even in the harvest season, the income from selling two days early and selling for two days is very different.
The purchase price changes almost every day. In China, more than 700 million people engage in agriculture and 600 million people consume it. There are too many people engaged in agriculture, which has led to insufficient scale of domestic agriculture, and the vegetables themselves cannot hold back.
The turnover margin is small, so there are few vegetable farmers who are scattered in front of vegetable wholesalers.
Vegetable prices have risen, and farmers are the group that has benefited the least. Vegetable prices are weak, and farmers are the most injured group. Although the price of green onions has risen very high this year, and farmers who sold it late have a good income, if you take into account the losses of Zhuangda Village in 2019.
Every two years, the average farmer has benefited, but in fact it is very limited.