交易之王 ——托马托King of Trading-Tomato
来源:股典钟AI连板涨停王 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-02 | 1701 次浏览 | 分享到:
一笔内幕消息,大赚三亿美元被f b i 追查,十年幕后老板却能全身而退,这是怎么做到的?大家好,今天我们来讲讲。

Specially solve the psychological problems of employees. In 2007, an Indian named Matoma joined Saike Capital, which shocked the nation's insider trading file and opened the curtain.
At that time, American pharmaceutical companies were still developing a new drug for the treatment of Alzheimer's. If this new drug is successfully developed, it will be the greatest medical miracle of the 21st century. Yilan shares in pharmaceutical companies.
Increased volatility, because the release of a new drug has to pass three phases of clinical trials, which means that every time a trial is passed, Iran’s stock price will rise once, and if the trial fails.
It will be worthless. Matoma knows Professor Ji, a dementia expert at the University of Michigan, and Professor Ji himself is the chair of the clinical trial safety committee for this new drug.
In other words, Matoma can know the test results of the new drug in advance through Professor Ji. On June 17, 2008, the results of the second phase trial of the new drug were announced. Before that.