交易之王 ——托马托King of Trading-Tomato
来源:股典钟AI连板涨停王 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-02 | 1702 次浏览 | 分享到:
一笔内幕消息,大赚三亿美元被f b i 追查,十年幕后老板却能全身而退,这是怎么做到的?大家好,今天我们来讲讲。

The test results of the new drug issued to Matoma were not good. Professor Ji and Matoma communicated on the phone for two hours. Matoma was persuaded by his own efforts.
The boss turned out to be Yilan’s biggest takeover of hundreds of millions of dollars in losses that the Indians could not bear. He dared not tell Cohen the news, and the results of the experiment were held in Matoma's hands for three days.
He is suffering, but he has no choice. On Sunday, July 20th, Matoma sent Cohen a text message early in the morning, saying that he needed to communicate over the phone. Cohen has always been cautious.
Usually only willing to share information with people in the sweat room, but this time he used his home phone to chat with Matoma for 20 minutes until the experiment failed. Cohen also exploded. As the largest shareholder of Yilan.
At this time, SEC Capital is already riding a tiger, because all investors are staring at the holdings of SEC Capital. So if Cohen steps out of Yilan now, he doesn't have to wait for the results of the third phase to be announced.