交易之王 ——托马托King of Trading-Tomato
来源:股典钟AI连板涨停王 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-02 | 1693 次浏览 | 分享到:
一笔内幕消息,大赚三亿美元被f b i 追查,十年幕后老板却能全身而退,这是怎么做到的?大家好,今天我们来讲讲。

一笔内幕消息,大赚三亿美元被f b i 追查,十年幕后老板却能全身而退,这是怎么做到的?大家好,今天我们来讲讲。
都长久保持着逆天的收益。第二,因为卷入内幕交易,徐老板进去了,而科恩则被f b i 整整追查了十年。在后来赛克资本的起诉书中,有这么一段话。
举行了三期结果的现场发布会。当p p t 的最后一页投上屏幕时,所有人傻眼了。新药因副作用过大宣告失败,伊朗股价瞬间跳水。
f b i 把新药研发人员的通话记录翻了个底朝天,并很快救出了吉教授。在铁证面前,吉教授承认向赛克资本提供了多达五十九次的内幕消息。
f b i 敲开了马托马的豪宅大门,他们开门见山的说道,我们掌握了疑难疑案的所有细节。你要么坐牢,要么协助我们指控科恩。

A piece of inside information made a huge profit of US$300 million and was traced by f b i. After ten years, the boss was able to retreat completely. How did this happen? Hello everyone, let's talk about it today.
One of the most famous insider trading cases in the United States, the US stock market has an ever-victorious general. The hedge fund he manages has yielded more than 30% for 20 consecutive years. This person is not Buffett, his name is Steve Cohen.
Known as the best trader on the planet. On October 19, 1987, the Dow Jones Index plummeted 22.6% without warning, and the brow bones were implicated.
The stock markets in London, Frankfurt, Tokyo and other places have fallen by more than 10%. The stock market crash was more severe than last year's meltdown in the US stock market. The New York Stock Exchange was once preparing to close.
The Hong Kong Stock Exchange was closed for four days, October 20, the second day of the stock market crash. When everyone was in lingering fears, Steve Cohen threw 50 million dollars directly into the stock market.
Suppressing the rebound of US stocks that morning, US stocks pointed out the decline and rebounded rapidly in the following two days. The Dow Jones index rose by 300 points. Cohen became famous in the first battle.
But compared to his subsequent performance, this investment can only be regarded as an appetizer. After becoming famous, Cohen established his own hedge fund, Sec Capital in 1998 and 1999.
The rate of return of Sec Capital has been close to 70% for two consecutive years. In 2000, due to the successful prediction of the bursting of the technology stocks bubble, we shorted the US stocks ahead of schedule. When Soros waited for a lot of big losers.
SEC Capital made a profit of 73% against the trend. If a fund can earn more than 30% every year, then the fund is a money printing machine and it only took ten years.
Syk Capital has grown from a small fund of 25 million to the top hedge fund in the United States. We all know that even if Warren Buffett trades in stocks, he makes a profit and loses.
Why does Sec Capital have invincible in the US stock market? Cohen has a nickname in China called the American version of Xu Xiang. He and Xu Xiang have two things in common. First, the funds they manage.
They have maintained their profit against the sky for a long time. Second, Boss Xu went in because he was involved in insider trading, and Cohen was tracked down by f b i for ten years. In the subsequent indictment of Syk Capital, there was such a passage.
From 1999 to 2010, SEC Capital encouraged employees to conduct a large number of ubiquitous insider trading, thereby obtaining huge illegal profits. Although Cohen claims to be invincible.
Stocks are all based on talent, but in fact his secret to victory in all battles is insider trading. In order to encourage or even force employees to go out to inquire about inside information, Cohen can be said to be a carrot and a stick.
All employees with good performance are used, and Sec Capital can pay out the highest dividends in the industry. In 2007, a Chinese fund manager named Jiang Ping went long in Mexican stocks.
Earning one billion U.S. dollars for the company, Cohen generously wrote a check for 100 million U.S. dollars to Jiang Ping. This record is still the largest dividend paid by Chinese financial professionals on Wall Street.
For employees with poor performance, Cohen shows no mercy. If the fund's withdrawal exceeds 10%, the fund manager will be laid off in minutes. There is a joke circulating within Sec Capital.
The boss prepared a Ferrari for the trader with the highest performance and a meal replacement voucher for the second trader. If you are ranked third, sorry, you have been fired. In order to keep employees awake at all times.
The room temperature of Sec Capital’s office space is kept at 21 degrees all year round. In order to prevent employees from being overwhelmed and mentally bursting, Cohen also hired a psychiatrist to provide psychological counseling for Olympic athletes.
Specially solve the psychological problems of employees. In 2007, an Indian named Matoma joined Saike Capital, which shocked the nation's insider trading file and opened the curtain.
At that time, American pharmaceutical companies were still developing a new drug for the treatment of Alzheimer's. If this new drug is successfully developed, it will be the greatest medical miracle of the 21st century. Yilan shares in pharmaceutical companies.
Increased volatility, because the release of a new drug has to pass three phases of clinical trials, which means that every time a trial is passed, Iran’s stock price will rise once, and if the trial fails.
It will be worthless. Matoma knows Professor Ji, a dementia expert at the University of Michigan, and Professor Ji himself is the chair of the clinical trial safety committee for this new drug.
In other words, Matoma can know the test results of the new drug in advance through Professor Ji. On June 17, 2008, the results of the second phase trial of the new drug were announced. Before that.
Matoma already knew that the test had passed, and he revealed the news to his boss, Cohensek Capital, who bought a large amount of US$700 million in pharmaceutical stocks. This is the trend of Yilan's stock price. At this stage.
Sec Capital began to take a look at its heavy positions, and this position was the day when the test results were announced, and the stock price soared by 40%. Matoma has done something. But this is just the beginning.
For a new drug, the most important thing is the Phase III trial. The results of the third phase will be announced in 45 days. According to the position information disclosed by the US Securities Regulatory Commission, SEC Capital at this time.
Has been bought into Yilan's largest shareholder. Wall Street generally believes that as long as Cohen's brain is not broken, then he is so heavy, he must know that the results of the third phase test are positive, and Cohen is indeed confident.
But he couldn't think of it, Matoma's optimistic estimate is not reliable. On July 17, 2008, two weeks before the results of the third phase were announced, Professor Ji delivered 24 pages of experimental data.
The test results of the new drug issued to Matoma were not good. Professor Ji and Matoma communicated on the phone for two hours. Matoma was persuaded by his own efforts.
The boss turned out to be Yilan’s biggest takeover of hundreds of millions of dollars in losses that the Indians could not bear. He dared not tell Cohen the news, and the results of the experiment were held in Matoma's hands for three days.
He is suffering, but he has no choice. On Sunday, July 20th, Matoma sent Cohen a text message early in the morning, saying that he needed to communicate over the phone. Cohen has always been cautious.
Usually only willing to share information with people in the sweat room, but this time he used his home phone to chat with Matoma for 20 minutes until the experiment failed. Cohen also exploded. As the largest shareholder of Yilan.
At this time, SEC Capital is already riding a tiger, because all investors are staring at the holdings of SEC Capital. So if Cohen steps out of Yilan now, he doesn't have to wait for the results of the third phase to be announced.
Iran’s stock price will collapse immediately, but if the position is not liquidated, the $700 million investment will be lost in nine days. Nine days passed quickly during this period.
There is no news about the liquidation of SEC Capital in the market, and the stock market is calm, and Cohen seems to have chosen to sit and wait. On July 29th, Elan was at the Hyatt Regency Chicago.
On-site press conferences were held for the results of the three phases. When the last page of p p t was cast on the screen, everyone was dumbfounded. The new drug failed due to excessive side effects, and Iran's stock price plunged instantly.
The investors cried, but thinking about the fact that Sec Capital lost even worse, the mood is still a little better. On the second day of the conference, the employees of Sec Capital came to the company early.
They are all waiting for their boss to show up, and everyone knows that if they suffer such a huge loss, the company is likely to be liquidated. The guest showed up in the office at half past eight as usual.
Eating breakfast quietly, as if nothing happened, no one would have thought that Cohen would have cleared his position unconsciously. Depend on this time, under the eyelids of countless people.
You can't delete the entire Wall Street.
There is a form of trading in the U.S. stock market called on-time trading, which is a block stock transaction involving institutional investors outside of trading hours. This type of transaction will neither show the bid and ask price.
And the identities of the bidders will not disclose the details of executed transactions to the public. Although everyone was staring at Syk Capital, the secret dark pool transaction allowed Cohen to complete the shipment.
I feel that he also shorted 4.5 million shares with a backhand. In this gamble, SEC Capital pulled away perfectly and made a huge profit of 270 million US dollars. In general, Indian insider information is accurate.
It's a great achievement. That year, Cohen gave Matoma a bonus of 9.3 million U.S. dollars. The Indians who received the bonus hurriedly left their jobs, moved their family to Florida, and bought a mansion there.
For Cohen, this incident of Yilan was just one piece of insider trading, and he didn't take it seriously. Unfortunately, this insider transaction ran into a subprime mortgage crisis. In 2008, US stock prices and property prices plummeted.
The wealth of most American families has shrunk by more than 50%. The common people are full of grievances and feel that their money has been cheated by Wall Street. They want to kill a Wall Street tycoon to sacrifice to heaven. In 2008.
An Indian named Bahala was promoted to the attorney for the Southern District of New York, responsible for overseeing financial transactions on Wall Street. Bahara has great political ambitions, and he has always wanted to go up even if the votes are big.
There are many doubts in this case, and Sec Capital is ugly and has a big reputation. Bahara decided to use this deal as a breakthrough and moved to Cohen to find out the ghost who leaked the results of the clinical trial.
f b i Turned over the call records of the new drug research and development personnel, and quickly rescued Professor Ji. In the face of hard evidence, Professor Ji admitted that he had provided SEC Capital with as many as 59 inside information.
And also took Matoma's $1080,000 benefit fee. The Indians can also take 9.3 million yuan in dividends to Professor Ji, even less than a fraction. November 2011.
f b i knocked on the door of Matoma's mansion, they said straightforwardly, we have all the details of the difficult case. You will either go to jail or help us accuse Cohen.
Matoma, who learned of the Dongchuang incident, fainted at the door on the spot. Seeing that Matoma was so fragile, Bahara was ecstatic. He believes that as long as a little interrogation, the soft persimmon will burst out.
Bahara's judgment was correct, but he underestimated Cohen's energy. On the day of being summoned, Matoma received a mysterious call, and a hoarse voice on the other end said slowly.
We know that you have been investigated, but don’t worry that we will hire the best lawyer for you, don’t speak, we will take care of your family.
Matoma's wife is a physicist. They raise three children together. Although cowardly, Matoma is not stupid. He understands what the guests mean. Matoma immediately became tough after receiving the call.
Unwilling to reveal anything, Professor Jie has turned to be a taint witness, Matoma's guilt is nailed down, and biting out Cohen is Matoma's only typical opportunity. In the interrogation room.
Mahara removed all security personnel, and the two Indians had a chat. No one knows what they talked about, but Ma Tongma bit his mouth tightly, and one person carried the pot on his back.
Cartoon horse is just a small shrimp on Wall Street. After three years of hard investigation, if only one shrimp is caught, then Bahara is a white horse. This is a war that no one can afford to lose. If Bahala.
Distributed to Cohen, then his political life is over. And if Cohen is dragged into the water, then he will become the largest fund manager in jail on Wall Street. In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Cohen decided to give Bahala a step.
He took the initiative to propose an out-of-court settlement plan. On February 6, 2013, the jury found Matoma guilty of insider trading. On September 8, Matoma was sentenced to nine years in prison and fined 9.3 million U.S. dollars.
In November, SEC Capital confessed to the crime of securities fraud. At this time, SEC Capital has already had eight fund managers arrested for insider trading crimes. To get out of the lawsuit as soon as possible.
SEC Capital pleaded to fine US$1.8 billion and announced the closure of the fund. After paying a huge price, Cohen was spared from prison and retired. In 2018, ten years after the Yilan case occurred.
Spring came back out of the arena and established a new hedge fund. Only this time his super high-yield legend failed.