


创    新:不断创新,做行业较好、较优的产品,服务于社会

超    越:超越梦想,超越自己,向更远更好的目标不断努力

品    牌:重视品牌、实施品牌战略,做行业佼佼者

责    任:为社会、为顾客、为用户提供较优服务




诚    信:诚实正直,言出必践,诚实正直,言行一致

激    情:乐观向上,永不言弃,不断自我激励,努力提升业绩

敬    业:专业执着,精益求精,持续学习,不断完善

  • 股典钟涨停王技术知识:炒股:这些话必须要Stock code clock daily limit king technical knowledge: stocks: these words must be heard 听

    股典钟涨停王技术知识:炒股:这些话必须要Stock code clock daily limit king technical knowledge: stocks: these words must be heard 听


    潜力啊依然很大。第二点呢,推进资本市场对外开放。同时啊也要防范外资大进大出,这点啊非常重要。实际上a 股股旺茅台一直就是外资的重仓股,咱们国家呢也欢迎他们来投资,中国可以买也可以。
    这说明啊监管层是非常认可,而且支持基金规模增长。第四点呢,市场波动非常正常,只要没有过度杠杆就不会出大事。而目前啊a 股市场杠杆风险。
    最高要做十五年,虽然近期a 股震荡比较大,但是中国资本市场确实越来越强大,长期的a 股发展方向只有一个,一路向北。
    You can ignore whoever makes an investment, but the SFC speaks, you have to listen to the weekend. The chairman council of the China Securities Regulatory Commission has issued five thousand speeches. This content is quite long. I have digested five key points for everyone. They are all dry stuff, so I must listen to them.
    One point is that China's capital market has a strong ability to attract capital. Don't pay too much attention to external factors. This is mainly about the ten-year US Treasury yield debate. We must have the confidence of a big country that foreign investment has actually obtained good returns in the Chinese market, and it has grown.
    The potential is still great. The second point is to promote the opening of the capital market. At the same time, it is very important to prevent foreign capital from entering and exiting. In fact, the A-share Wang Moutai has always been a strong position of foreign investors. Our country also welcomes them to invest. China can buy it or not.
    Understand, but if you buy and sell a huge amount in a short period of time, it will definitely cause severe market volatility. Cut our breakfast for Chinese investors. The third point is that the proportion of Christians is rapidly increasing, which is a very good trend change.
    This shows that the regulators are very recognized and support the growth of the fund's scale. The fourth point is that market volatility is very normal, as long as there is no excessive leverage, there will be no major events. And the current leverage risk in the a-share market.
    Overall controllable. The fifth and most important point is that people who do bad things pay a heavy price. Now the information disclosure of listed companies, if the upper limit of illegal fines is raised from 600,000 to 10 million, if the issuance of stocks is suspected of fraud.
    It will take up to fifteen years. Although the recent A-share volatility has been relatively large, China's capital market is indeed getting stronger and stronger. There is only one long-term A-share development direction, all the way to the north.

  • 股典钟涨停王技术知识:正确认识涨停板Stock code clock daily limit king technical knowledge: correct understanding of daily limit

    股典钟涨停王技术知识:正确认识涨停板Stock code clock daily limit king technical knowledge: correct understanding of daily limit


    注册制之前,每天涨停十个点,注册之后每天涨停二十个点,怎么样照样有人打板。如果a 股没有涨跌幅限制呢,你信不信凭咱们游资的尿性能让他一天翻十倍,所以。
    堪称四两拨千斤的典范。涨停板在a 股存在了快三十年,肯定有它的道理。每次在光芒万丈时,还能吸引众多短线资金追随的背后。
    What you know about the daily limit is wrong, because your understanding of the daily limit was wrong from the beginning. Today, I will disassemble it. Some people have sacrificed their lives to think about the underlying logic of the daily limit.
    If a stock has risen by 10%, it has risen by 20%, it is the daily limit, right? Do you know why a stock has a daily limit? Let's first analyze who made the daily limit.
    First of all, it is definitely not a retail investor, because retail investors do not have a collective consensus and cannot call on the crowd to take over. If they take over, they have no ability to change the trend of stock prices. How is this time?
    You need a big brother to take the lead to give the masses confidence. Who is he? It can be a fund, an institution, or hot money. We know that the most direct factor affecting stock prices is capital.
    Right, the stock price can be pulled up if you have money, but it can't be pulled up. It means that the money is not enough. The capital has taken the lead to pull a beautiful upward curve. At this time, short-term retail investors flocked to it.
    When the daily limit goes out, the critical moment comes for you. The huge selling at the top requires the buying at the bottom to eat it all, and a lot of money is needed.
    Often at the moment when the board is closed, the big funds are gritted their teeth and go into the pond. Only when he eats the last price of the daily limit and seals the bullets, other funds will swarm up and become comrades with him.
    Otherwise, hum, that would be no trace of Shu Island. All the previous preparations made by the tournament funds will fall short. Cases of big capital failures happen every day, look at those stocks that have surpassed their daily limit and exploded.
    That was the decline of the big funds. Of course, I also took the retail investors to Huangquan along the way. The question is, why are big funds so obsessed with the daily limit? This brings me back to the question I said at the beginning.
    Why does the stock have a daily limit? First of all, because the system's daily limit system is for easy volatility, to put it bluntly it is to limit the maximum single-day rise of individual stocks.
    Before the registration system, the daily limit was 10 points, and after registration, the daily limit was 20 points. How about someone hitting the board? If there is no limit on the ups and downs of a-shares, believe it or not that the urine performance of our hot money makes him tenfold in a day, so.
    A stock rose by the sky and rose by 20% in one day, right? But don't forget, it is the system that blocked its sky before reaching the daily limit.
    Stopping can stop, does not mean that the rise is over, it is just over today. Secondly, if a stock has a daily limit, it means that it has three advantages in the short-term before the daily limit.
    Either the market is good, or the subject matter is good, or it is good. After Big Capital approved a stock, it began to sweep the board and called on Genggeng and Fan to help the flames.
    The purpose is to bargain the next day, either to make a higher opening, or to continue the daily limit. So for really good big funds, he will not be afraid that retail investors will follow the trend and overtake him.
    He will know where the point of collective consensus among retail investors is, and then set a fire on that point. Xu Xiang once ignited a full rebound in the stock market with his own strength.
    Can be called a model of four or two. The daily limit has existed in A-shares for almost 30 years, and there must be some truth to it. Every time in the glory, it can attract many short-term funds to follow behind.
    In the final analysis, it is because of the word scarcity, and the big funds give up their lives to grab the daily limit, to create a kind of scarcity, from which one can earn a large amount of funds, and every time they sacrifice their lives to close the board, there is no chance for retail investors to rub their cars.
    And there is no retail investor to contribute to the big funds, let alone let the big funds get out of their bodies. Therefore, in a fair market, there is no one who is isolated, everyone is dependent on each other, but when the fruits of victory are faltering.
    Whoever is faster than the knife, whoever can reap first.

  • 股典钟涨停王技术知识:炒股,须摆脱杂音,建立自己独立思路Stock code clock daily limit king technical knowledge: stocks, you must get rid of noise and establish your own independent thinking

    股典钟涨停王技术知识:炒股,须摆脱杂音,建立自己独立思路Stock code clock daily limit king technical knowledge: stocks, you must get rid of noise and establish your own independent thinking


    大部分人都是难以摆脱的。当我用均线的时候啊,别人说均线特别垃圾啊,劝我应该用筹码,但是当我用筹码的时候,别人说应该用m a c d 说什么虫码没有十年八年用不好。
    劝我用m a c d 用m c d 可以分分钟的做涨停。当我用m c d 的时候,也就是说指标都是垃圾啊,用k 线才可以轻松的做涨停,而且整天说轻松能够做涨停的人。
    为什么在我这里千难万难,到你嘴里就那么轻松呢?想不明白,等我用了k 线啊,就就有一些文章视频啊,说k 线什么的主力都可以做图啊。
    Today I share my stock market team, the opportunity, I hope to be your opportunity. I think in the past, stock trading is really a headache. In addition to dealing with various stock changes, we must also deal with the brainwashing of teaching various stock trading skills.
    With other people's advice, in retrospect, these noises are the biggest harm to stocks. But we retail investors are inevitable. Everyone always has to go through this step. Those with high savvy may quickly get rid of these noises.
    Most people are difficult to get rid of. When I use the moving average, others say that the moving average is particularly rubbish, and they persuade me to use a bargaining chip, but when I use a bargaining chip, others say that I should use ma c d.
    Advise me to use ma c d and m c d to make daily limit every minute. When I use m c d, that is to say, the indicators are all rubbish. Only by using the k-line can the daily limit easily be set, and people who say that they can easily do the daily limit all day long.
    Why is it so difficult for me, so easy for you? I don’t understand. When I use the candlestick, there will be some articles and videos. Anyone who talks about the candlestick can make pictures.
    The fundamentals of a company’s business should be studied. Well, it’s impossible for him to not rise in three to five years. Buffett did just that. The fundamentals of becoming the world’s richest man are such a rationale. In the short-term, see what fundamentals.
    The money from full-time retail investors is all savings. These three to five years have nothing to do. Fortunately, if there is something in the house or oneself, this money will definitely not be long-term. If full-time people do long-term.
    I’ve been starving to death a long time ago. Most retail investors don’t have that life. They take one more day. If their stocks fall, others will feel that they have lost 8 million and take a month. It’s definitely my previous holdings. The limit of shares.
    Of course, there are also stocks in the past few years, that is, stocks that are trapped.
    The above state, I continued until the end of 2018. That's right, there are seven or eight years in the ten-year stock market, and I have stayed in place. I think I used to be a fool.
    Later, I accidentally saw a penalty announcement issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, which disclosed the process of insider trading and the penalty. I found the corresponding stock to conduct a careful study, and found that the stock I was operating had also increased by more than 20%. I remember it was about 24%.
    If someone else shipped it, I suddenly understood that this is also the main force, which is different from what I thought. Then I went to find a lot of securities-related cases.
    Reading the research found that for a large number of such cases, their profit targets are not as high as we thought. I suddenly realized that the main force is also hierarchical, one type is committing crimes.
    One is to make orders, and the other is to make investments. Only those who make investments can make the band. Both the resistance of order making and case making are fast, and there is no profit target. We imagine big.
    Then, I counted dozens of cases, and found that their stretching space would most likely be concentrated between 30% and 50%. My enlightenment in the stock market is mainly research.
    It is precisely because of these studies that other people’s crime cases have established my own three core transaction logics. The first to clarify the main category, let me say goodbye to the past confusion of understanding of the main experts.
    It was as if suddenly understood the enemy's moving route and understood the enemy's combat strategy. The second is space. I have my own laws of space and use space thinking to guide me.
    Analyze and trade stocks. We will share this point later. You can follow us Yi Zhenyin. The third one is to dominate the market. The market will be deliberately guided at some times or the market or individual stocks.
    That is to be led and dominated by a force. What I want to do is to discover the dominant force through technical means. So my own communication number is also called the dominant market technology.
    Of course, after a lot of research, I also summarized many features and details. Then I won’t talk about it here, we have a chance later, we will share the video separately. Changes in thinking about stocks.
    It becomes clearer and brighter. Finally, I have my own trading routines and logic, because I have reached a threshold, and now I read a lot of teaching content from the media, I can't stand it at all.
    I closed the door to the past, and the noise could not come in since then. Although I also talk about the application of technology, I just can't get into other people's things. I also want to learn, but I learn.

  • 股典钟涨停王技术知识:怎样快速买入涨停板Stock code clock daily limit king technical knowledge: how to quickly buy the daily limit

    股典钟涨停王技术知识:怎样快速买入涨停板Stock code clock daily limit king technical knowledge: how to quickly buy the daily limit


    那这个时候你需要做的就是及时的选择买入的动作。hello, 朋友说呀,来不及买呀,该怎么办?其实啊软件里边还有一个功能叫做闪电下单,闪电下单呢也是有对应的快捷键的,而且呢一旦敲出闪电下单,它会自。
    What should I do if I can't buy the daily limit? Many friends said that Mr. Yu, I really think the daily limit method is good, but after I waited for his daily limit, I quickly hung up my buy order.
    I have been unable to complete the transaction, and there are too many orders on the top. I have been in line behind for a day and can’t be queued. What should I do? In fact, you will find that these investors who really hit the daily limit are not waiting for the daily limit to place orders here.
    He often hits the list in time at the price before the daily limit, so he will line up in a relatively high position. So many people have said, how do I know which stock is about to raise the half daily limit?
    In fact, the stock software has a function called bullish speed. If you use Tongdaxin software to knock on Baqi Power Generation, it will directly list the fastest stocks in the five-minute growth rate.
    At the top of the list are the fastest-growing stocks. At this time, you knock out and stare at him, are you running to the daily limit? If the extent and speed of his pull up are very fast, at the same time, the amount of orders on the right is constantly refreshing.
    Then all you need to do at this time is to choose the action of buying in time. Hello, my friend said, it’s too late to buy, what should I do? In fact, there is another function in the software called Lightning Order. There is also a shortcut key for Lightning Order, and once the Lightning Order is hit, it will automatically.
    The code of the stock you want to buy and the corresponding price are automatically output to you automatically. You can set the number of stocks I want to buy for each stock in advance, so I can’t buy many of them at the daily limit, maybe it’s still.
    The method is wrong. If you have learned this method, you can try to buy it tomorrow.

  • 股典钟涨停王技术知识:抓涨停板诀窍Stock code clock daily limit king technical knowledge: know how to grasp the daily limit

    股典钟涨停王技术知识:抓涨停板诀窍Stock code clock daily limit king technical knowledge: know how to grasp the daily limit


    Some people rely on this method to harvest five to ten centimeters every month. In fact, this method is not difficult, you can do it after you learn it.
    You can also see that after the first daily limit of some tickets, there will be continuous daily limit, or a big increase all the way. However, some votes did not change after the first daily limit.
    Malaise and flame out. So how to tell which is the strongest on the daily limit? Follow the leader of those strong Hengqiang to eat meat?
    You have learned the following five points, the dealer and the main force are afraid of you. The last point is the little secret that the main force is least willing to be known by others.
    The first point is that we need to look at the trading volume. At the moment when the daily limit is closed, the larger the trading volume, the better. The large volume of trading on the closing plate shows that the main force has a firm intention to close the plate.
    But after the board is closed, the smaller the trading volume, the better. The smaller the selling pressure, the smaller the upper selling pressure, which means that everyone is optimistic about the performance of the market outlook.
    They are not willing to sell. Then there is a lot of room for imagination in the later period. The second point is that we have to look at the performance after the board is sealed, if the board is not opened again after the board is sealed.
    Moreover, the share is huge, so the share of small-cap stocks is more than 20,000 hands, and the share of large-cap stocks is more than 50,000 hands. These are the prelude to a big waist. on the contrary.
    If it is said that after hitting the daily limit, it is continuously opened, and the trading volume is also enlarged during the opening process, don't look at these again.
    If it can't be sealed, it means that the strength of the main force is not good, or that there is a stronger main force in the high position, and it is constantly smashing the plate.
    If you kill someone, you won't be able to make a big waist drum. Third, we have to look at the time period of the daily limit. The sooner the board is closed, the better. The board is closed at ten o'clock, which is better than the one at half past eleven.
    Sealing the board at one o'clock in the afternoon is better than closing the board at the end. As the saying goes, attitude determines the early and late time of all closures, which directly reflects the main intentions.
    Long-term. Fourth, we need to see whether this ticket is a current hot spot or a non-hot spot independent market.
    If this stock is taking the linkage of hot sectors, then the possibility of linking or continuing strong performance in the future is very high. For example.
    The carbon neutralization some time ago was simply a dance of demons. But if it is said that this stock is taking the independent market of non-hot sectors, then.
    A flash in the pan is a high probability event. The last point depends on the turnover rate. The turnover rate should be as full as possible. The small ticket turnover rate should reach about 30%. Big ticket.
    At least five percent. Why a large number of full hand changes is like giving this ticket more fresh blood, and then he can go further. If the turnover rate is not sufficient.
    Then at any time in the future, it will encounter the double pressure of the profit-making and reconciliation of the morning. So have you paid for the above five points?
    Pay attention to my late dry goods, we continue to withdraw.

  • 股典钟涨停王行业投资资讯:贫穷的本质Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Industry Investment Information: The Essence of Poverty

    股典钟涨停王行业投资资讯:贫穷的本质Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Industry Investment Information: The Essence of Poverty


    产生一生的影响。这种影响让贫穷像d n a 一代传一代书中提出,如果你看书会觉得枯燥犯困,玩游戏或刷抖音,却相反的原因是。
    In 1983, the class of American economist Abigite discovered that poor people who only ate one meal a day spent money on television instead of hoarding food. why?
    The Abigit class spent fifteen years. In order to figure out what causes poverty, it went deep into various poverty-stricken areas of the world to investigate the essence of poverty.
    In the same year, he won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2019 because of this book. people. Why is it poor? The book states that being poor is because your parents are poor. Your parents' basic living environment and personal experience will affect your personality, motivation and way of thinking.
    Have a lifetime impact. This kind of influence makes poverty like d n a passed on from generation to generation. If you read a book, you will feel boring and sleepy, playing games or playing vibrato, but the opposite reason is.
    The poor only make short-term planning, not long-term planning. They are very pessimistic about the future, and often cannot withstand the temptation to chase drama and play games, this kind of timely satisfaction.
    It's much cooler than reading books and learning new skills that require long-term investment to generate benefits. Poverty is an endless cycle. Failure to study leads to poverty, leads to low cognitive ability, and then leads to lack of learning awareness.
    The truth of this world to the poor is so cruel. May you read this book thoroughly, gain insight into the nature of poverty, take control of your life, and then rebirth from Nirvana.

  • 股典钟涨停王行业投资资讯:物联网智能控制器Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Industry Investment Information: Internet of Things Intelligent Controller

    股典钟涨停王行业投资资讯:物联网智能控制器Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Industry Investment Information: Internet of Things Intelligent Controller


    消费类公司全面回落,但是有个方向却在悄悄走墙,它就是五g 哈尔泰高开高走风度天花板,而它主要做的就是五g 在物联网应用场景下的智能控制器。
    前面分享过我们的第四大运营商中国广电今年计划实现五g 网络全国覆盖,并且分析了它的意义,主要就在于为发展物联网、车联网、工业互联网等五g 应用打好地基。
    在此基础上,五g 应用的想象空间非常大,比如物联网研究出来的智能家居、智慧城市、工业互联网、车联网等等,这些都是全新的市场。
    当然除了他以外,五g 应用的细分领域,还有几个行业龙头同样具备这样的潜力。其中一家公司是车联网通信终端的龙头公司,具备芯片自主设计研发能力。
    The hot spot has fallen, who is quietly walking the wall? There is a big news this weekend. How big is the impact of restrictions on consumer funds? Today, the second and third lines of liquor represented by Yilitjin Seeds went straight to the floor.
    Consumer companies have fallen in an all-round way, but there is a direction that is quietly walking the wall. It is the five-g Haltai high-open and high-profile ceiling, and it mainly does the five-g smart controller in the Internet of Things application scenario.
    We shared earlier that our fourth largest operator, China Radio and Television, plans to achieve national coverage of the 5G network this year, and analyzed its significance. It mainly lies in laying a good foundation for the development of 5G applications such as the Internet of Things, the Internet of Vehicles, and the Industrial Internet.
    On this basis, the imagination of 5G applications is very large, such as smart homes, smart cities, industrial Internet, car networking, etc., which are researched by the Internet of Things. These are all new markets.
    In the future, it will bring more than one trillion yuan of incremental space. It is estimated that the domestic Internet of Things market will exceed three trillion yuan by 2023. It is impossible for such a large market institution to fail to see it.
    In fact, from the timing of Hartai's strength, we can find that its strength is not accidental. After the consumer sector was put on a slam, their valuation far exceeded the valuation of the past ten years, how can they be maintained?
    Who can take over? Institutions that have realized the seriousness of the problem have begun to turn their attention to industry leaders with reasonable valuations. For example, Hertai, he is the industry leader in intelligent controllers.
    Of course, in addition to him, there are several industry leaders in the five-g application segment that also have such potential. One of the companies is a leading company in the Internet of Vehicles communication terminal, with independent chip design and development capabilities.
    Avoiding the risk of getting stuck, the product enjoys a good reputation among customers. With the development of the Internet of Vehicles and the switching of market conditions, the company's room for growth is expected.

  • 股典钟涨停王行业投资资讯:数字经济Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Industry Investment Information: Digital Economy

    股典钟涨停王行业投资资讯:数字经济Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Industry Investment Information: Digital Economy


    二零一九年,我们的数字经济增加值规模达到三十五点八万亿元,占g d p 比重达到百分之三十六点二,并且增速远高于同期g d p 增幅。
    他对g d p 增长贡献率已经超过三产贡献率,成为我国经济发展重要动力。数字经济崛起已经是必然趋势。在数字新基建政策催化下。
    所以这是一个足够大的主线,未来也会有很多机会。如果你还不知道具体有哪些优秀的公司可以点头像进去,在关注列表里找小助理领取我们整理好的资料。其中一家公司是e r p 的龙头。
    What opportunities can be tapped during the 14th Five-Year Plan? Today we will share a track that has just tapped potential. The digital economy emphasizes the construction of a digital China in the 14th Five-Year Plan. Recently.
    The work report of the two sessions reiterated the construction of a digital China, so what exactly is the digital economy and what opportunities will it bring? In the following content, we will discuss the connotation and impact of the digital economy from three aspects.
    The key industries of the digital economy and the opportunities brought by the construction of Digital China. The digital economy is a relatively broad concept, all directly or indirectly using data to guide resources.
    The economic forms that promote the development of productive forces can be said to be numbers.
    In 2019, the value-added scale of our digital economy reached 35.8 trillion yuan, accounting for 36.2% of gdp, and the growth rate was much higher than the growth rate of gdp over the same period.
    His contribution to g d p growth has surpassed that of the tertiary industry and has become an important driving force for my country's economic development. The rise of the digital economy is an inevitable trend. Catalyzed by the new digital infrastructure policy.
    Those companies that empower traditional industries to achieve digital transformation will usher in historic development opportunities. What are there? In fact, everyone is already familiar with cloud computing, big data, industrial internet, internet of things, artificial intelligence.
    In terms of any one of these developments, many excellent companies can be unearthed.
    So this is a big enough thread, and there will be many opportunities in the future. If you don’t know the specific excellent companies, you can click the avatar to enter, and find the assistant in the follow list to receive the information we have compiled. One of these companies is the leader of e r p.
    Its industrial Internet platform is one of the top ten domestic Frost Flower platforms, and through acquisitions to expand the cloud service ecosystem, traditional industries cannot achieve digital transformation. In the recent market adjustments, the company has also thrown out a large repurchase plan.
    It also shows the future development.

  • 股典钟涨停王行业投资资讯:军工隐形赛道炭纤维Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Industry Investment Information: Military Industry Stealth Track Carbon Fiber

    股典钟涨停王行业投资资讯:军工隐形赛道炭纤维Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Industry Investment Information: Military Industry Stealth Track Carbon Fiber


    这是提高战斗机性能的关键,而要实现轻量化,就要在材料上面下功夫。这就是接下来要说的军工隐形赛道,碳纤维以美f 系列战斗机为例。
    从f 十二a 到f 二十二碳纤维复合材料的比重从百分之一增加到百分之二十四,四代战机f 三十五碳纤维复合材料的使用比例更是高达百分之三十六。
    The military industry also has an invisible track. Earlier, we said that the current development of fighter jets focuses on advanced new fighters. For example, the J-20 advanced new fighters have a feature of lightweight.
    This is the key to improving the performance of fighter jets, and to achieve lightweight, it is necessary to work hard on materials. This is the military stealth track we will talk about next. The carbon fiber takes the US f-series fighter as an example.
    From f12a to f22, the proportion of carbon fiber composite materials has increased from 1% to 24%, and the proportion of carbon fiber composite materials used in the fourth-generation fighter f 35 is as high as 30%. six.
    It can be seen that how important are carbon fiber composite materials for the development of new fighter jets? A large amount of carbon fiber is used in the fuselage and wing tail suppression of our F-20 fighter, and its carbon fiber composite material accounts for 27%.
    From 1% of the J-8 to 27% of the J-20, this has brought a huge space for the development of military carbon fiber composite materials. And at present, more than 30% of our fighters are second-generation fighters that are no longer suitable for modern warfare.
    These fighters will gradually be replaced by new fighters, and the resulting carbon fiber growth space is expected to be eight to ten times. But not everyone can make carbon fiber.
    His technical threshold is very high, and the technology in the high-end carbon fiber field is mainly in the hands of a few developed countries such as the United States. So in the past few years, although our carbon fiber demand accounted for more than one-third of the world.
    But the self-sufficiency rate is seriously insufficient. In 2019, 71% of carbon fiber composite materials came from imports. Now this situation is about to change. We have achieved technological breakthroughs in the field of high-end carbon fiber.
    Especially in the military field, domestic materials must be used, which has prompted the development of our military carbon fiber. Carbon fiber is expected to become the golden track of military industry. One of these companies is the first domestic company to achieve technological breakthroughs in high-end carbon fiber products.
    At present, the company's products have been widely used in the aerospace field. With the acceleration of the modernization of military equipment and the advancement of the localization of high-end carbon fiber materials, the company's growth space is expected.
