


创    新:不断创新,做行业较好、较优的产品,服务于社会

超    越:超越梦想,超越自己,向更远更好的目标不断努力

品    牌:重视品牌、实施品牌战略,做行业佼佼者

责    任:为社会、为顾客、为用户提供较优服务




诚    信:诚实正直,言出必践,诚实正直,言行一致

激    情:乐观向上,永不言弃,不断自我激励,努力提升业绩

敬    业:专业执着,精益求精,持续学习,不断完善

  • 股典钟涨停王技术新闻:深度思考者Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Technology News: Deep Thinker

    股典钟涨停王技术新闻:深度思考者Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Technology News: Deep Thinker


    Do you want to be a deep thinker? Seeing those who are always able to deal with chaos without surprises, hit the nail on the head, hit the essence, and blockbuster people, do you occasionally envy them? If you have tried to imitate them.
    You will find that you are just pretending to think in Dong Shi Xiaoping, and can never replace real thinking. The fundamental reason is that what you see is just a manifestation of the results.
    The key question is how they think. For example, if your wife earns one million a year, do you want to be a full-time dad? When most people see this problem, their instinctive reaction will be what are the benefits.
    What is the disadvantage? In fact, this is all very basic linear thinking. How would a real master think about this type of problem? In fact, it looks like a deep thinking about hanging pots.
    It is organically followable, and it includes the process from individual to whole, from single element to systematic thinking, and from phenomenon to essence.
    Of course, these methods still seem very abstract, but the essence of thinking is the reduction process from concrete to abstract. My wife earns a million a year, do you want to be a full-time dad?
    The real master thinking problem often has three characteristics, first, from the individual to the whole, and second, from the single element to the system thinking. Third, from the phenomenon to the essence. First.
    From individual to whole, it means that the object of your discussion should not only include any individual among the husband, wife or children, but also the entire family system as a whole.
    To consider their interests, the gains of any one party may bring concessions to the other party, which needs to be balanced. Second, single factor to system thinking.
    It means not only to consider the influence of one aspect of these objects, but also to dynamically consider the changes in the relationship between these objects. For example, after the husband became a full-time father.
    Will the close relationship between mother and child change? Is this change good or bad? Are there any countermeasures to balance? Third, it refers to from the phenomenon to the essence.
    When we discuss the problem, we should not only stop at the details of the problem itself, but also see the problems covered behind the problem. Even if the wife does not earn one million a year, does the philosophy reflected in this question have any enlightenment for one's own life?
    So when we are discussing whether to be a full-time dad, is there a reasonable implicit assumption behind whether there is a full-time mom. Are we essentially discussing.
    Regarding the division of family roles and the ranking of inner values, of course everyone will come to different conclusions, depending on your own experience and values.
    The important thing is that as soon as you start thinking about problems in this way, you have gradually moved away from the dilemma of simple linear thinking and become a person who can think deeply.
    The premise is to get rid of the instinctive linear and fragmented way of thinking, like a maze. And when you are used to thinking like this, it's the same.
    Master the map of the maze.

  • 股典钟涨停王技术新闻:细说北上资金Stock code clock daily limit king technology news: details about the northward capital

    股典钟涨停王技术新闻:细说北上资金Stock code clock daily limit king technology news: details about the northward capital


    来购买我们大陆内地a 股的渠道,可能有人就不明白了啊,这些跟我们小股民赚钱他有什么关系吗?这外来的和尚他就一定好念经吗?其实我们a 股的投资机会还是有很多的。
    新年啊外资进入a 股的渠道就两个。但是他们非常麻烦的。到了二零一四年十一月十七号,陆谷通正式开通之后,外资就开启了疯狂买买买的模式。但是。
    Where does this respectable smart money go? You have to understand that you have all followed the wrong smart money. In fact, there is no need to watch its inflow and outflow every day. Speak thoroughly today.
    The correct way to open smart funds, what is smart funds? Smart money is just a nickname, in fact, this thing is called by its big name.
    He also has a package called Southbound Trading, and he also has a nickname called Southbound Capital. Southbound Stock Connect is a channel for people from the mainland to buy stocks in Wan Chai. On the other hand, Land Stock Connect means that foreigners pass through Wan Chai.
    Some people may not understand the channels to buy A-shares in mainland China. Do these have anything to do with our small investors making money? Does this foreign monk really chant the scriptures? In fact, there are still many investment opportunities for our A-shares.
    Do you think they only like technology stocks? China's population base is so large, and its spending power is so strong. Like a stable white horse like Maotai and soy sauce, it is fragrant from thousands of miles away.
    Capital is always profit-seeking, and those capitals are far away from the Pacific Ocean. It's almost too greedy to stop dripping. As those of us with Chinese nationality, it's very simple. You can go to the counter with your ID card and open an account to trade, but do you know? There are still high thresholds for foreign investors who want to come in and invest.
    In the New Year, there are only two channels for foreign capital to enter A-shares. But they are very troublesome. On November 17, 2014, after Lugutong was officially opened, foreign investors started a frantic buying and buying mode. but.
    Cross-border investment. That's all very difficult. Even financial veterans like Wall Street who have played for several generations can easily suffer inconsistency in a new market. At this time, risk control has become the primary goal. So foreign capital uses the channel of smart funds.
    After entering, we will not do anything else, just one goal to target those core assets to buy, buy, and buy. Of course, it was not so obvious at the beginning, but after the 2015 wave, the outstanding performance of smart funds let the market.
    In 2018, the term “smart money” became popular. At that time, Land Rover Tongshigu had 25 companies with a market value of about 5 billion, and if you use these 25 companies to make a combination, the top will outperform all major indexes.
    Smart funds have become the vane of value investment. Then why do I still say that most of the investors followed the smart money and followed the mistakes?

  • 股典钟涨停王技术新闻:交易逻辑推导Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Technology News: Derivation of Trading Logic

    股典钟涨停王技术新闻:交易逻辑推导Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Technology News: Derivation of Trading Logic


    Today this article should be something you can't see anywhere. Because all the statements in the next four minutes will be derived from trading logic.
    I counted it, there should be ten times, and after ten logical derivations, you will find that every conclusion derived from each logical derivation may be a logic you haven't thought of before.
    If once you realize that you are doing trading, brother, your current perception is very poor, maybe one day you will think of leaving the market for a moment.
    And I just planted a seed in your heart today.
    such as.
    You bought a subject with great leverage, and the amount increased so much that the consequences of any change in the stock price in the opposite direction are very serious.
    Make sure that you do your best to keep a close eye on changes in stock prices, which are random in nature. Once the liquidation point is about to be promoted, you will choose to keep the principal from being forcibly liquidated.
    Let yourself go at the critical point of the impending liquidation.
    And the selling in English will be at the stop loss point to other people in the market, so they will continue to fall, and once they fall, it is easy to fall into the stock price dense area.
    Because this market is a money-making game for a small number of people, no one wants to be a good person and let the stock price-intensive areas get rid of their hands. So I continue to click and.
    So we first deduce the normal state of this market decline.
    Because falling is the norm, it is deduced that 100% of the underlying objects in this market are not worth seeing during 99% of the trading hours, and they are random movements.
    So no need to participate.
    And because of this, it is deduced that long is a small probability event.
    This is why the Lord only has so many days, so it is deduced what is a transaction.
    Many of you have misunderstandings about trading. The essence of trading is to achieve 1% of the time worth seeing and buying is the main god. And this deduced that when we usually do transaction screening, it should be.
    Very purposeful. In other words, the expression form within 99% of the time will be easily filtered out.
    Then deduce a very interesting topic, which is whether we prefer the bull market or should we prefer the bear market.
    The answer is to prefer bear markets.
    Will this answer subvert your thinking? The reason is that in the bear market we can choose very limited subjects, and the existing more than 4,000 subjects can choose only dozens of them.
    It is easier to determine the scope of the subject matter than in a bull market with thousands of choices.
    It is deduced from this that there is no distinction between a bull market and a bear market in trading. And from this, it can be deduced that there is no need to consider the market when doing transactions.
    It can be deduced from this that one percent of the rise and fall of the subject matter does not take into account the market, that is to say, the transaction does not consider the market, that is to say, it can be deduced that the other 99% of the subject matter is almost equal.
    The big market is on the same screen.
    Therefore, if the market plummets, 99% of the underlying objects will plummet, so this explains why many people’s thinking logic always considers the market’s rise and fall.
    And trading is just a big market, it doesn't matter. Therefore, the deviation of the research direction will lead to the deviation of the cognition, which explains why this market.
    It will always be ninety-nine percent of people. armor.

  • 股典钟涨停王技术新闻:打通你的炒股任督二脉Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Technology News: Open up your second pulse of stock trading

    股典钟涨停王技术新闻:打通你的炒股任督二脉Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Technology News: Open up your second pulse of stock trading


    If you want to grow in bone quickly, remember the following seven formulas to help you understand and read the second channel. First, the decline slows down and rebounds, and the slow decline accelerates the rebound.
    Second, we will not buy last year's big bull stocks this year, and the first half of the year will not buy big bull stocks this year. Third, it is necessary to lighten up the heavy volume and reduce the volume to a new low.
    Upgrading to the incremental increase is the key. Go back and confirm that you want to enter. Fourth, high sideways and then high, seize the opportunity to quickly throw low sideways and new lows.
    Good time to buy whole position. Fifth, low-end hovering hides the murderous intent, paralyzed, sits on the slide, the evening star comes to the end, don't take the head.
    Sixth, seeing a drop of three points is definitely a big drop. See the ship star and see the drop of three stars, don't worry, be careful to become lighter. The seventh shipment must have a good popularity.
    After the good news, the expectation of cold and hot sales is the premise. Do you understand how heavy and stagflation market coins are? It is recommended to like and collect.
    Watch the comment area repeatedly, and you can also chat about your views. Okay, pay attention to Lin Ge's investment industry.

  • 股典钟涨停王技术新闻:赚钱的秘密Stock code clock daily limit king technology news: the secret to making money

    股典钟涨停王技术新闻:赚钱的秘密Stock code clock daily limit king technology news: the secret to making money


  • 股典钟涨停王资讯:炒股卖出三部曲Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Information: A Trilogy of Stocks Selling

    股典钟涨停王资讯:炒股卖出三部曲Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Information: A Trilogy of Stocks Selling


    Many people won’t sell a trilogy, because selling it requires deduction of an obstacle in your heart. It’s not like buying it when you may sell it on impulse, you may be reluctant to give it up. Let’s share one of the three ways to sell below.
    After you have eaten the meat, you do not leave the market. When the price drops to the point where you entered the market, you must leave the market. 2. Set an exit interval that you can bear in your heart. It is best not to be greater than thirteen. When the target breaks down an important support level, you must leave the market. At this time we can go out and observe.
    Avoid falling into the abyss. Mastering the selling points of the above three points is enough for you.

  • 股典钟涨停王技术新闻:一个鲜为人知的财富密码Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Technology News: A Little Known Wealth Code

    股典钟涨停王技术新闻:一个鲜为人知的财富密码Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Technology News: A Little Known Wealth Code


    也就是我们在图表上所看到的k 线。所以在变化和图表中间是隔着事件预期以及博弈这三个环节的。而这所有的五个环节就是市场的运作模式。
    并且后一个环节永远是前一个环节的倒影。只有当你有了这个认识之后,你才会理解我们每天所看的图表到底是什么意义。因为相较于图表上的k 线来说,在他之前的博弈预期事件以及现实世界中的变化。
    If there are any wealth codes in this world, he is definitely one of them. First of all, we all know that all events are driven by changes. For example, the recent new crown epidemic and the blocking of the Suez Canal.
    And these events will start to drive people's psychological expectations. Immediately afterwards, psychological expectations will drive funds to start gambling with each other. Then the final result of the capital game is the price fluctuation.
    This is the candlestick we see on the chart. Therefore, between the change and the graph, there are three links: event expectations and gaming. And all these five links are the operating mode of the market.
    The relationship between each link is different for different participants, and change is the cornerstone of the next few links. From the perspectives of these small pieces of ours, the relationship of each link is the first before the last.
    And the latter link is always the reflection of the previous link. Only when you have this understanding, you will understand the meaning of the graphs we look at every day. Because compared to the bar on the chart, the expected events in his previous game and the changes in the real world.
    Are its entities. So every time you look at the chart and you have the idea of ​​improving the accuracy of your judgment, then this is the analysis link in the transaction. But only if you have a global perspective.
    You can really improve the accuracy of your judgment. You have to understand the entity through reflection. Please note that my wording is through rather than through because of financial transaction operations, this is the reflection of the last layer.
    The reflection will react according to the entity. So as long as you understand the entity that causes the reflection to change, your accuracy will naturally become higher. However, for many traders, the overall perspective also has certain disadvantages.
    Because the more you contact the previous link, the more information you get, the more complicated it becomes. Then your thinking is more likely to fall into chaos. One of the reasons is that the information you have obtained is not complete.
    This will cause your analysis results to be subjective. Another reason is that you confuse the order of these links. The result is that the results of the analysis will lead to the wrong lips. So this is also when many traders come to the market at the beginning, they will pay attention to the news.
    But after a period of time, I basically gave up the research and judgment on the fundamentals, so that only the reasons for technical analysis were made. If you analyze the charts alone, two different views will emerge. One is technical analysis. Useless theory.
    One is the top road of technical analysis. I have also said before that traders who have these two attitudes are easy to fall into narrowness and have a superior sense of superiority to the other. The former regards those who use technical analysis as professional retail investors.
    I think technical analysis is a special tool for leeks, and the latter is proud of all kinds of tactics, and studies all kinds of graphics every day like crazy. But in fact, both groups of people can make money, and both have tasted the sweetness from the market, but it is precisely because of these sweetness that they are talented.
    Let them have paranoia, and from the perspective of the cause of paranoia, the market and trading are actually very interesting. Because what you want to see, he will show you what you see. So you think that if you eat the sweetness, you get its essence.
    But in fact, he just gave you some sweetness to coax you, make you complacent, and stop going deep, which will cause your ceiling to continue to grow in the future become very low. There are two stages in our trading.
    One is analysis and the other is operation. But no matter which of the above five links you analyze and whether the analysis is accurate, it does not actually determine the final result of the transaction. Because the analysis is accurate, you may not make money, and the analysis is not accurate, and you may not lose money.
    But the final result of this transaction is actually directly linked to the operation, and it directly determines how far your trading career will go. However, the public has always believed that the role of analysis is huge, and the accuracy of the analysis determines the success or failure of the transaction.
    Then I will work hard to study and analyze, and the level of operation has always been very good. This is why these traders have been losing money. So whether you are doing trading or doing other things.
    As long as you want to make money, then you have to pay attention to these two points. The first is to observe what the masses are seeking. The second is to find things that the public ignores. The former is because if you are separated from the masses, there is no chance at all.
    The latter is because if you follow the public, then the opportunity is basically irrelevant to you.

  • 股典钟涨停王技术新闻:炒股高手只是在重复着简单的交易而已Stock code clock daily limit king technology news: stock experts are just repeating simple transactions

    股典钟涨停王技术新闻:炒股高手只是在重复着简单的交易而已Stock code clock daily limit king technology news: stock experts are just repeating simple transactions


    这找谁去说你因为高手都在做最简单的交易,而你却把交易复杂化了。关注我,让交易不再迷茫。Have you noticed a problem? Why do you work so hard every day to do transactions, waiting to see four monitors to use eight indicators, to make yourself very busy.
    To predict the future market. By the way, it was wrong to be happy, very upset, and the final result was still a loss. Because of your hard work in the wrong place.
    You naturally think that all indicators tell you to do more, all trends tell you to do more, and then the price will rise. But the actual situation is.
    The market has fallen, and you cannot understand why this is so, so you will lose money. Because the market is not a mathematical problem, the result can be obtained through calculation.
    You think the more things you look at, the higher the accuracy will be. On the contrary, traders who are truly profitable for a long time only review the previous market and then find the pattern.
    After finding the pattern, repeat the simplest transaction. Play like a scumbag every day, but his grades are better than those of a scumbag. you said.
    Who is going to tell you that you are making the simplest transaction because the masters are doing the simplest transaction, but you have complicated the transaction. Follow me and let the transaction no longer be lost.

  • 股典钟涨停王技术新闻Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Technology News

    股典钟涨停王技术新闻Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Technology News


    The philosophy in trading is deep. If you are making a transaction, please read it carefully and collect it, please accept my soul torture here at the end.
    I believe it will point the way to your transaction.
    Before we start, I want to ask you a question first.
    Xiaoming and Xiaohuan each made a deal at the same time, the same price, the same direction, and the same operation.
    Finally, Xiaoming made a profit and produced a small ring, and stopped the production. May I ask.
    Who did it right and who did it wrong?
    The result is obvious, three-year-olds know that making a profit is right, and losing is wrong.
    Most people think so too.
    So let's dig deeper into the entire trading process. Xiao Ming's profitable trade has also experienced losses during the trading process, and even hit a stop loss.
    In order to prevent the transaction from stopping the loss, Xiao Ming later revoked the stop loss.
    In the end, the price moved in the direction he hoped, making a fortune.
    Xiao Huang didn't cook anything. Let the price reach the stop loss price.
    Then I ask again, who did it right and who did it wrong, some people say that Xiaoming is right, and everything is result-oriented. Correct.
    It's right, and wrong is wrong.
    Yes, you are right, and then.
    The important thing is this, and then.
    Are you very much like Xiao Ming in trading?
    Xiao Ming withdrew the stop loss in the first trade and made a lot of money.
    This event will remind him in every subsequent trade, as if a devil was telling him to revoke the stop loss.
    The loss is temporary. As long as we have patience, we will succeed.
    One month later, Xiao Ming's account loss reached more than 70%.
    And Xiao Huang has been making losses and gains.
    A month later, he even made 10%.
    I want to ask you one more last time.
    Who got it right?
