


创    新:不断创新,做行业较好、较优的产品,服务于社会

超    越:超越梦想,超越自己,向更远更好的目标不断努力

品    牌:重视品牌、实施品牌战略,做行业佼佼者

责    任:为社会、为顾客、为用户提供较优服务




诚    信:诚实正直,言出必践,诚实正直,言行一致

激    情:乐观向上,永不言弃,不断自我激励,努力提升业绩

敬    业:专业执着,精益求精,持续学习,不断完善

  • 股典钟涨停王资讯:如何逆天改命Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Information: How to change your fate against the sky

    股典钟涨停王资讯:如何逆天改命Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Information: How to change your fate against the sky


    Why is it so difficult to escape poverty? Because poverty is a trap, a trap that conforms to the genetic setting, which allows you to unknowingly go to the trap, and then never get out of it. It is too comfortable and conforms to human nature. Many people are not aware of themselves. Just in the pit.
    You want to save money when you are poor, but the more you save money, the less you can find a breakthrough. When you are poor, you want to be stable. The more stable you are, the more you can't seize new opportunities. You can't get out of the endless loop. You said I must get rid of, and what should I do if I want to go out?
    The three words are anti-human, as long as they are comfortable, accustomed, and enjoyable, you don't want to do it. Because it can make you comfortable at this stage, what can make you accustomed must be that your comfort zone must be problematic.
    But it is precisely because he conforms to your habits that you do not realize that he has a problem. Get out of poverty. Be sure to remember the following six points, especially the last one. Throw aside your face first. The poorer you are, the better you are. The more face you are afraid of being looked down upon by others, the more expensive things you will buy.
    The result of this is that you will have less and less money, and face is not given by others, but given by yourself. The so-called he looks down on you, in fact you look down on yourself, and quickly throw your face aside, don't care about face, don't pay for face, look down on you when you look down on it. Only you know your goals.
    What is it? How much price you can pay, what you can give up in order to realize it, it is these that really make a person fearful. Second, reduce consumption to the lowest level. Investment and consumption are contradictory. There is only one sum of money, and the more money left for consumption, the more investment is left.
    The less you invest, the more you eat, drink, and the less money you have. If you invest in yourself, the less you can escape this pit of eating, drinking, and having fun. The poorer you are, the more you have to restrain your desires and reduce your daily consumption to a minimum. In order to save more money. Use it for investment and use it in the future.
    Third, be willing to pay for investment in knowledge. It is not for you to buy financial management, but to invest in yourself. It is useless for you to buy any financial management. The best investment is yourself, and the best return is knowledge.
    Buy books, study, and find good teachers with the money saved by eating, drinking, and having fun. You must be willing to spend money on learning. If you don’t have money to borrow, you can use your credit card if you can’t borrow. It’s a waste to buy a luxury product. If you buy a learning product, you must use your credit card.
    Remember that the best knowledge must be very expensive, and you must know the reason why it is expensive, so that you can save opportunity costs and make you avoid detours. Ah, if you want to learn, find the most expensive and the most expensive you can afford.
    It is precisely because you don't know anything that you need to take the least detours and find the best teacher. You can earn more money, but time is not enough. Fourth, step on the pit when you step on it. Don't be afraid of going wrong, don't be afraid of being cut with leeks.
    There is one pit that one should step on in life. Don't step on the pit when you are poor, you must step on it when you are rich, and it will be bigger. Children fall a few somersaults and get up immediately. No matter what happens, the elderly may break their bones when they fall somersaults. You must suffer as early as possible. The earlier you try and make mistakes, the lower the cost. See the world clearly.
    The lower the price, the poorer you are, what else can others cheat you on? Only in small places can suffer as much as possible and step on as many pits as possible, so as to quickly understand the rules and accumulate experience, so as to advance by leaps and bounds at the most important node in life. One day you will find out that year.
    Can’t get past the hurdles, not even a small puddle today. Fifth, the poorer you look for uncertainty, the more you are at ease with the status quo, and the more you fear uncertain events. But what can really bring you excess returns in this world must be uncertainty. But there is a premise.
    That is, you have to have sufficient judgment, and judgment needs to be learned, you need to step on the pit, you need to work hard to accumulate, you need to find the best teacher, others can't bear it, you can bear it, others don't bear it, and you don’t want others to dare. If you bet, you dare to place a bet. Only in this way will you have a chance to break through. The poorer.
    The less you need to pursue stability, but the future, the poorer you are, the less time you need to exchange rewards, but the results you need to exchange for rewards. Sixth, switch the ecosystem. Human is the effort of the environment, you think it is your own preference, it is your own judgment that is wrong.
    That was just imposed on you by your environment since childhood, but you didn't realize that your every move, your behavior, and your happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy will be constantly affected by the environment. So that you think this is you. You think you are a land duck, just because you were born in the mainland, you think.
    You can't add leeks in it, just because you were born in the south, you think it's a glorious lintel to drive back, that's because people around you think that the most difficult thing for a fish to realize is the existence of water.
    So you must have superego consciousness, stand in the perspective of God, re-examine yourself, and re-see yourself as you are. Since the environment can shape people, why can't it be shaped like what I want to shape, why can't I take the initiative to choose an environment to shape myself?
    So all you have to do is switch the ecosystem and leave your initial environment as far as possible. Go to the biggest cities, to the most competitive places, to the places with the most top talents. You wanted to go before, but never dared to go.
    See, imitate, and learn. You may not know what is right, but you must know that the general direction is definitely right. You may not know what was wrong in the past, but you must know that there is a high probability that many things were wrong.
    This kind of consciousness is called superego consciousness, don't you shape me? Come.

  • 股典钟涨停王资讯:如何预知股票爆雷风险Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Information: How to predict the risk of stock explosions

    股典钟涨停王资讯:如何预知股票爆雷风险Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Information: How to predict the risk of stock explosions


    Why did the listed company finally die? He was not because the stocks fell, but because his bonds exploded and caused his stocks to have dozens of consecutive falling limits and dozens of falling limits. Do you technically analyze your technology?
    The technology can't come out, understand? So everyone understands, to invest in stocks, you have to look at his debt first, and then evaluate other analyses.

  • 股典钟涨停王资讯:金融危机先看债券而不是股票Stock code clock daily limit king information: financial crisis first look at bonds rather than stocks

    股典钟涨停王资讯:金融危机先看债券而不是股票Stock code clock daily limit king information: financial crisis first look at bonds rather than stocks


    Every time there is a financial crisis or an economic crisis, when a major event occurs, the capital market does not look at stocks first, you must look at bonds first, because bonds are the key. As soon as a bond defaults on a stock, it will die.
    Understand? Many people think that a stock crash will kill people. No, it's the bond market.

  • 股典钟涨停王资讯:正确认识股市,操纵股价后果灰常严重Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Information: Correctly understand the stock market, and the consequences of manipulating stock prices are often serious

    股典钟涨停王资讯:正确认识股市,操纵股价后果灰常严重Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Information: Correctly understand the stock market, and the consequences of manipulating stock prices are often serious


    a 股市场主力最真实的一面到底是什么样子?本期视频告诉你答案,一定要认真看完。以下是某会对于某个专家因操控股价做出的市场处决书。
    操控a 股份,b 股份c 股份的价格。那从以上信息我们可以得到如下结论,庄家是使用大量账户。
    二、操控过程,涉案账户买入a 股份四千五百万股,卖出一千七百万股,持有a 股份三千万股。
    占非限售流通股的百分之五十八,那期间a 股份收盘价由二十点六涨到了三十六点九。
    三、操纵手段资金优势,涉案账户买入a 股份金额超过两千万的,有二十七个交易日。
    涉案账户持有a 股份占流通股的百分之十,有二十六个,交易额超过百分之二十,有二十四个交易额超过百分之三十,有二十二个交易额。
    三、操纵结果a 股份收盘价从一六年的二十四上涨至一七年的三十五,涨幅为百分之四十五,期间最高涨幅是。
    那这个庄家操控a 股份,这个股价最后的获利是三点四亿元。那从以上信息我们可以得到如下结论,主力历时一年。
    What is the truest aspect of the main force in the a-share market? This video tells you the answer, you must watch it carefully. The following is a market execution by a certain expert for manipulating stock prices.
    1. The market maker controls the use of securities accounts, and 344 securities accounts use their own funds and allocated funds. In Shanghai and other places.
    Manipulate the price of a shares, b shares and c shares. From the above information, we can get the following conclusion, the dealer uses a large number of accounts.
    Come to reverse, so as to control the stock price, instead of what you understand is the stretching of grease, it is the institution's ranking. In most cases, one expert controls multiple stocks.
    Rather than having multiple dealers in a stock, the main force is to control the market, and all funds are distributed to 344 accounts. Instead of what you think, he holds a lot of chips and he will enter.
    Go inside the top ten tradable shareholders.
    2. The manipulation process. The account involved bought 45 million shares of a, sold 17 million shares, and held 30 million shares of a.
    It accounted for 58% of the non-restricted tradable shares. During that period, the closing price of a shares rose from 20.6 to 36.9.
    The increase is 80%. From the above information, we can draw the following conclusions, whether it is a decline or an increase, there is resistance to buying and selling, rather than unilateral operations.
    So what you see is the order pressure, which is the main buy order and the resistance of the resistance. The shareholding accounted for 58% of the outstanding shares, and the increase was 80%. That means.
    Resistance wants to stretch the skeleton about twice, and he has to absorb at least half of the circulating chips.
    3. The capital advantage of manipulation means. There are 27 trading days for the account involved to buy a shares in excess of 20 million.
    Nineteen transactions with a turnover of more than 50 million and nine transactions with a turnover of more than 100 million, with the highest transaction amount reaching 200 million yuan. From the above information, we can get the following conclusions.
    As the stock price continues to rise, the main force of reversed funds will continue to be enlarged. The real impact on the stock price is the buying and selling behavior of the dealer, not the grease of the market.
    And so-called market synergy sentiment and so on.
    2. Advantages of holding shares.
    The account involved in the case holds 10% of the shares of a stock, 26 of which have a trading volume of more than 20%, 24 of which have a trading volume of more than 30%, and 22 of them. amount.
    Over 40%, 20 transactions exceeded 50%, and 14 transactions accounted for up to 60%. From the above information, we can get the following conclusions.
    Different strategies and main positions in different periods are different and have different changes. Most of the rise in stock prices comes from the main force of doing things and increasing positions, rather than the so-called market synergy.
    3. Continuous trading, from January 3 to March 14, for a total of 46 trading days, the transaction volume of the accounts involved in the case accounted for more than 10%.
    Twenty-seven transactions exceeded 20%, 18 transactions exceeded 30%, and three transactions exceeded 40%. There was one transaction. The number of transactions accounted for the market volume.
    The highest proportion reached 40%. From the above information, we can get the following conclusions, the main force is stretching and shipping, and its cycle is long, from January to March.
    Then the whole operation time lasted for two months, instead of a yin line as everyone understands, the resistance went away, and the resistance of a yang line came back. The highest turnover accounted for 40%.
    It shows that in the process of rising stock prices, the control strength of resistance is also greatly increasing. During the high-income period, when the market turnover is one billion yuan, there are four billion yuan as resistance. One's own reciprocity.
    When we are operating small-cap stocks, if you say that your capital is relatively large, it will be targeted as the main train.
    3. Manipulation results a. The closing price of the shares rose from 24 in 2016 to 35 in 2017, an increase of 45%, and the highest increase during the period was.
    The highest increase of 133% is 200%. The purchase amount of the account involved was 2.3 billion, and the amount of more than 2.7 billion shares sold was zero. According to deduct some handling fees and so on.
    Then the dealer controls a shares, and the final profit of this stock price is 340 million yuan. From the above information, we can get the following conclusions, the main force lasted for one year.
    Using nearly three billion of funds to control the market, the stock price doubled at the highest, and finally it made a profit of three to four billion. That means the stock price has doubled.
    In the end, its final profit is only less than 12%. Therefore, large funds have the difficulty of large funds. What you believe in is ten thousand times in eight years, doubling several times in one year.
    You have to understand what it is. When you are at different heights and stages, your perception and vision will be different. Finally, to summarize, the financial market itself does not generate any revenue.
    The stock market is just a transit point, and its role is to transfer wealth. Transfer the money in your pocket to other people, or transfer the money in other people's pockets to you. There is only life and death between the two.
    So let go of the illusion, and the correct understanding of this market is more effective than any technology.

  • 股典钟涨停王资讯:上市公司对你讲大实话Stock code clock daily limit king information: listed companies tell you the truth

    股典钟涨停王资讯:上市公司对你讲大实话Stock code clock daily limit king information: listed companies tell you the truth


    If the major shareholder of a listed company tells you the truth.
    Dear retail friends, the company is now going to do a private placement. The investment opportunities for this private placement are very, very good. You can rest assured and boldly raise the stock price to me. Then I will take the opportunity to be in a high position.
    Reducing the shareholding and cashing out then smashed the stock price down. So I have the cash to buy stocks with fixed increments at a low price. After I buy through the fixed increase, I am still your major shareholder. I want to earn a sum of money from retail investors through the fixed increase.
    I will continue to support my listed company in the future.

  • 涨停王资讯:主力的雕虫小技The main vulture skills

    涨停王资讯:主力的雕虫小技The main vulture skills


    After the main players have opened the market, there are two customary trial methods. After you understand them, you can easily identify those small carvings performed by the main players.
    The main players usually use this method of chipping down ten minutes after the opening of the market to slightly lower the stock price to test the intraday.
    How many floating chips are there? If after the suppression, a large number of sell-offs were immediately triggered, it means that most people's holding mentality is very unstable, which is not conducive to the main force being able to continue to raise the stock price in the later period.
    Therefore, the main force will continue to suppress the stock price, let the short-term customers leave the market one after another, and thoroughly clean the market. But if we say that the main force's suppression did not trigger a bigger sell-off.
    Then the stock price fell only slightly, and the trading volume shrank significantly. Then it shows that the market shareholding mentality is stable at this time.
    If after a period of time, the stock price has stabilized and flattened, then a sharp rise in the stock price is about to appear.
    If the main force wants to test the market after the opening, then the main force will first test the willingness of retail investors to chase high. He will take it first.
    Go slightly higher to see if anyone will follow suit to buy. If we say that with the continuous heavy volume, the stock price has continued to rise.
    That is to say, the willingness of retail investors to chase high is very strong, so the stock price will further rise under the double buying of main force and retail investors. on the contrary.
    If it is said that after the opening of the market, the market opened higher, but the market showed that the price increase and the volume were weak, then the retail investors chasing the high hospital shows that it is not strong.
    Then the main force is likely to go short backhand at this time, smashing the stock price downward. So let's briefly summarize, if we say that the main force will play first after the market opens.
    On the upper and lower firm, we observe whether there will be a decline in volume shrinkage, and whether there will be a complete stabilization. If it is an upward firm offer, we will look at it.
    Is there an increase in price and volume? If we say that we are weak, we must resolutely avoid it. Did you lose school? Pay attention to my later dry goods, we will continue.

  • 股典钟涨停王资讯:掲密股神真相Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Information: The truth about the secret stock god

    股典钟涨停王资讯:掲密股神真相Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Information: The truth about the secret stock god


    o k 了,这就是股神的真相,股什么神呢?所以中国人就厉害了。所以你发现中国最牛的这些公司找到秘诀了。
    n fact, the rise or fall of stocks has nothing to do with whether or not stocks are. Yes, it's useless. The rise and fall of the stock are only related to the factors behind the stock.
    There are relationships. So this is the reason why a lot of our companies, what sort of flushes you see now, and the great wisdom are all trying to make a fuss. What do you mean?
    Buffett may not know any stocks, and may be the world's best stock speculator. why? Tomorrow he said six zero five three seven. I think there will be a daily limit. Will there be a daily limit? meeting.
    That’s right, because 1.3 billion Chinese people say that the daily limit will be set, so if you buy one, you can get 1.3 billion for one dollar, right? Ten thousand yuan per person is 13 trillion yuan, and the entire stock market can't hold it.
    So no matter who does this stock, he must limit the daily limit. Because the buying limit is high, there are too many people buying. To say zero zero two five four daily limit, he must also daily limit.
    Ah, what do you mean while talking about it? It turns out that when Buffett first entered the stock market, he discovered that his father was the chairman of the largest of the six Jewish foundations in the United States.
    Buffett was on Wall Street when he was four or five years old, not because he was great, but because when Buffett did everything, his entire foundation would do it.
    So many stocks have been bought by the foundation because of Buffett's work, did they buy the daily limit?
    So Buffett is good at whatever he does, and good at whatever he does. In the end, Buffett is a god. In fact, Buffett is not because the more and more people who follow him, the more and more he is more accurate, he will sell everything and he will buy it.
    Buy all.
    ok, this is the truth of the stock god, what kind of god is it? So the Chinese are great. So you have discovered that the best companies in China have found their secrets.
    The secret of the original stock, what do complicated people think? The so-called simple problems of foreigners have found patterns, appeared, and summarized them. So you will find that these companies recommend dark horse stocks to you every morning.
    Yes, there are software, and all dark horse stocks are characterized by small-cap stocks, such as small-cap stocks of one or two hundred million, and the Growth Enterprise Market. Why does he only recommend one such small-cap stock for a period of time?
    Like a Straight Flush, there are more than 200,000 registered users for a Straight Flush. There are 20,000 users for recommending a stock. Everyone spends 10,000 yuan or 10,000. It's a small amount of 100 shares in one lot, right? Others spent 10,000 yuan to buy this stock.
    He recommends whether this dark horse stock will have a daily limit. But if you think about it, if the flush is recommended for a month, the stock will be accurate. He says which limit is the limit, and whichever is not, and whichever is not.
    Then do you think he will follow more and more people? Yes, so this becomes an automatic cheating software.
    Just let everyone follow this trend, because of what? Because fools are powerful.
    The Chinese have poured out, so will the stocks be worse. Can anyone take stocks to run away, hey, just start to summarize this kind of law, and that kind of law later derives crops, and derives this derivative.
    So the characteristics of China have led to this. So in China, there are many so-called bureaucracies done by the West. For example, in the stock market, don't worry. It is Chinese and English is not good. It is because it is not easy for Chinese to cross the border easily.
    If the Chinese are good at English, they can trade in all the stock markets in the world. The transportation is convenient. The high-speed rail and the two can go to the United States in one day, and they can trade stocks at will. I'm not joking with everyone, look at China now.
    We retail investors toss, let me tell you it will not take a few years, this environment will not take a few years for everyone, the world's stock markets are controlled by the Chinese.
    Really, some Chinese are recruiting Westerners how to speculate in stocks, so you understand why there was no loss-making fund in the financial crisis of 2008, and almost all of them were Chinese.
    Operate funds in the United States because the Chinese are old.

  • 涨停王资讯没有稳定的盈利模式别炒股养家Daily limit king information does not have a stable profit model, don't speculate in stocks

    涨停王资讯没有稳定的盈利模式别炒股养家Daily limit king information does not have a stable profit model, don't speculate in stocks


    Can full-time stock trading support a family? Ordinary people cannot support their families full-time stock trading. If you have 50 million, then you can. Full-time stock trading for ten years, 300,000 yuan from the stock market is used to support the family every year.
    In the end, you probably have more than 10 million left to support your family. If you have a small amount of money, don't think about making money from the stock market to support your family.
    Because you really can't do the stock market, you will deal with all kinds of objections. If you must speculate in stocks to support your family, the final conclusion is cool. In the stock market crash in 2015, there is a friend who has tripled his income throughout the year.
    In 2016, more than half of the circuit breakers were broken. Stock trading is not something that ordinary people can stick to. Therefore, it is not recommended to trade stocks full-time until a reliable trading method is found.
    After all, most people in the stock market can't make any money. If you just use enthusiasm to trade stocks full-time, it is easy to fall into it.

  • 股典钟涨停王资讯:主力坐庄原理Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Information: The principle of the main force

    股典钟涨停王资讯:主力坐庄原理Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Information: The principle of the main force


    第七个,如果你热衷夫妻于k 线,其实你分析的是坐庄主力的操盘习惯,因为操盘的人一般不会变长期精准。一只个股可以让你了解主力的习惯。
    The super hero will not tell you the secrets about sitting in the house. The first main force does not have more than double the space and is basically unprofitable. So you will see that the main rise of many stocks has doubled.
    The strength of the second main force to start a round of the market has nothing to do with the news, but it has a high degree of attention to the cycle chips, and the longer you like to consolidate at the bottom, the more chips you can get.
    In the future, the space for the main vehicle will be greater. The third point is that the main players seldom care about the profit and loss in the bottom area, they are more concerned about how much chips they take in the bottom area, so don't always think about how much money the main force will make in the bottom area.
    This is not in their interest. The fourth point, why does the main force like to build products in the bottom area, so that many retail investors can understand it? Because this product is not for finance, but for other main players. In order to avoid.
    They often come to do things, just like tigers like to leave a smell near their own territory, just to tell strangers that they have an owner. Fifth point, almost every stock will have a banker, but the length of the banker is different.
    Most of the main players in the house have also signed remarks agreements with listed companies, which is equivalent to the hired salary, but these people take the initiative in the bull market and choose to rest in the city. The sixth point is to let you have the main force to choose to run.
    That is, the gas outfit we often talk about may have been ran away by other powerful main forces, or it may be a conflict with a listed company. So once Du Zhuang's main player stops playing, there will be a crash. Inventory continued to fall and broke the position of no one to protect the situation.
    Seventh, if you are passionate about couples in k-line, you are actually analyzing the main trader habits of the dealer, because the trader generally does not become accurate for a long time. A stock can let you understand the habits of the main force.
    After all, a person’s characteristics and habits are hard to change. Eighth point, the main force is not as powerful as the generation of retail investors. Because they have discipline and funds to commit suicide, the old fried dough sticks, in fact, the main force also has something they are afraid of. For example.
    The stronger main force has an umbrella, but they are not afraid of retail investors, because the small amount of retail investors can not threaten them. The stronger main force has an umbrella to see what my current main force is doing, and it is easy to appear at the bottom.
    This will lengthen the time they like and even disrupt them.
    The retail investors are quite the opposite, chasing the rise and falling at the bottom, it is easy to lose their own castle, and then buy at a high position in the main lane to contribute to the main shipment. Then he carried himself in the falling waves to help the main force lock the city horse.
    Finally, the police stopped the loss and returned the animation to the main force. So you know how you were taken.
