


创    新:不断创新,做行业较好、较优的产品,服务于社会

超    越:超越梦想,超越自己,向更远更好的目标不断努力

品    牌:重视品牌、实施品牌战略,做行业佼佼者

责    任:为社会、为顾客、为用户提供较优服务




诚    信:诚实正直,言出必践,诚实正直,言行一致

激    情:乐观向上,永不言弃,不断自我激励,努力提升业绩

敬    业:专业执着,精益求精,持续学习,不断完善

  • 股典钟涨停王资讯:职业交易高手们不愿说的密秘Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Information: The secret that professional traders don’t want to say

    股典钟涨停王资讯:职业交易高手们不愿说的密秘Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Information: The secret that professional traders don’t want to say


    他们啊正是拥有了自己的交易体系过后,才取得了巨大的成功。而a 股里面很多成功的大神大多也是参考这几大体系而建立起来的。
    This secret is something that many people will not tell you, and it is also a secret recognized by all professional stock traders. Well, to determine stable profitability, an average value must be taken every year.
    That is hedging. I have three accounts hedging against three accounts in three different trading systems. Because of the trading system, he has one.
    Uh, the advantages and disadvantages, or that there is an inverse early every trading system may er or not conform to the current market situation. Then I will use three different trading systems.
    The account is used to hedge and diagnose the market. If you encounter a good market, you will earn a little more with this account, and that account will lose a little less, right?
    So just get an average value of an account for the whole year, and an average value of the total account. Only in this way, take one of your own um.
    Take one of your own risks to the minimum.
    Of course, one account for individual stocks can also be used for hedging. When choosing stocks, try to choose sectors that are not related to each other, so that you can ensure one.
    A better hedging effect.
    Today I will share a secret trading system that investment experts are most reluctant to disclose. As the most daring blogger in the trading world, I will open this hole today and talk about the mysterious trading system.
    Any expert who can make long-term profits has a set of his own trading system. The alias of the trading system is also called the trading system. These two are the same thing. People who can win money in the stock market are divided into two categories.
    One type is art investment. Random fists and flying legs, there is no control, but it can also win money, but it is not stable. The other is that scientific investment has its own fixed model.
    Only rely on one's own model to make money, long-term and stable. But when the profit model is the trading system, I think it is not rigorous enough. The term system contains more things in my eyes. Such as your knowledge system, your cognition.
    Structure your investment philosophy and finally add a profit model to be worthy of the term trading system. A good trading system must deal with all aspects of investment decision-making.
    Make clear regulations, and these regulations are reproducible. For example, the rules of stop-profit and stop-loss when selecting stocks. Many people don't have regulations alone, let alone reproducibility.
    Well, what problems does the trading system solve in our investment? There are the following points. The first one is how do you determine the investment direction? Second, what is your specific trading method?
    Third, what is the logic of your participation in the market? Fourth, what is your basis for long-term profitability? Fifth, how do you manage risk well?
    Being able to solve the above five problems is equivalent to having a systematic thinking, and the rest is only to solve the technical details within the framework. A good trading system is able to take into account history.
    It can also take into account the present and predict the future weapons well. You can imagine that one day you have a very clear understanding of the individual stocks you want to buy, you know the timing of entering the market, and you have a clear plan for profit expectations.
    There are also strict precautions for risk management. So have you surpassed 80% of retail investors? Every day, I can steadily trade in stocks, make money clearly, and use the trading system to wrap myself into a diamond body.
    Let the stock market be turbulent, and you will not move. Buffett sticks to its value investment system, and Soros sticks to its price speculation system. Livermore discovered a trading system that follows the trend of stock prices.
    It was after they had their own trading system that they achieved great success. Most of the successful great gods in A-shares are also established by referring to these major systems.
    Take my huge trading system as an example. What I refer to is Mr. Livermore's trend following system, plus a little bit of my own investment philosophy, and it becomes my own.
    King Kong is not bad. In my opinion, the trading system must be a modern scientific investment method, a long-term winning system that adjusts those tactics.

  • 股典钟涨停王资讯:哪些股票不能买Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Information: Which stocks cannot be bought

    股典钟涨停王资讯:哪些股票不能买Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Information: Which stocks cannot be bought


    A stock whose trading volume has soared to a modest level cannot be bought. 2. The stock price continued to rise, leaving several gaps, and it was impossible to buy. 3. The stock has undergone a major ex-right.
    You can’t buy it. Fourth, you can’t buy stocks that have fundamental problems, ugly financial statements and thunderous performance. 5. Stocks that have been trading sideways for a long time without even slight fluctuations.
    Do not buy six stocks that have announced good news except for sudden and exceptionally good news.

  • 股典钟涨停王资讯:炒股遵守五大纪律避免80%套路Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Information: Stocks follow five disciplines and avoid 80% routines

    股典钟涨停王资讯:炒股遵守五大纪律避免80%套路Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Information: Stocks follow five disciplines and avoid 80% routines


    乌云盖顶啊指的是一种k 线组合的形态,那往往呢出现在上升的趋势中。那一旦出现一根放量的大阴线的,甚至呢完全喷墨掉前一根k 线。
    There are many stock market routines, so I will teach you five methods today. Basically, 80% of the stock market routines can be avoided. It is a precious experience accumulated a little bit and can be collected first.
    It is convenient to repeatedly refuse in the future. In one sentence, it is a three-step bargaining and a two-step pick-up. Let me talk about these three not buying bottoms. The first one is not buying bottoms, but the bottom limit of shrinking volume.
    If you think about it, if every stock has its limit down, then there is still no money to enter the market to buy the bottom, indicating that the market does not recognize it enough. In other words, the bad news of this stock has not been fully digested.
    At this time, it is often just the beginning of a decline. Don't rush to buy bottoms. Secondly, the short-positioned votes never buy bottoms. The moving average trend represents the average cost of individual stocks. When the moving average is short-positioned, it means that the center of gravity of individual stocks is downward.
    Since you can't see to the end, why do you want to copy his information? Third, the number of consecutive record lows will never be bargaining. Well, if a stock has been showing a downward trend for a long time, then the stock price will continue to hit new lows.
    It shows that the fundamentals of this stock may have a big problem. For example, the performance has been losing money for several consecutive quarters, and it is on the verge of delisting risk, or maybe the industry outlook is in the whole.
    The cycle of a weak economy. Obviously, such a company does not have the value of investment. So ah, absolutely can't just because the stock price hits a new low. Let's talk about it again.
    Two-step pick-up. The first is the heavy volume of stagflation tickets, and never accept the stock. Its high trading volume is showing a trend of gradual enlargement, but its stock price does not rise. That shows.
    The main funds are very different, and this situation is often a signal of short-term peaking. Then there is a high probability that there will be adjustments in the follow-up. The second is that there is a ticket with a dark cloud cover, and it will never be accepted.
    The dark cloud cover refers to a k-line combination pattern, which often appears in an upward trend. Once a large negative line appears, the previous k line may even be completely ejected.
    This shows that the forces of airdrops and the beginning of suppressing long positions are a signal of trend reversal, and that stock adjustment has begun. If you can observe the above five mechanisms, you can avoid them.
    Eighty percent.

  • 股典钟涨停王资讯:散户炒股的误区Stock code clock daily limit king information: the misunderstanding of retail stocks

    股典钟涨停王资讯:散户炒股的误区Stock code clock daily limit king information: the misunderstanding of retail stocks


    飞速的发展。然而我们的a 股却在三千点来来回回的徘徊。今年由于疫情的原因,各个国家的经济都很困难。然而,无论是美股还是a 股,在疫情之后都开启了一轮新的暴涨。
    从而自己的成本就变得更高。比如说我们可以做一个小测试,站在中短期的角度来看,现在的a 股到底是高点还是低点。因此在股票交易市场中有一条定律。
    他们都觉得自己就是那百分之零点零一的旷世奇才一顿高抛低吸骚操作,最后让自己的成本越来越高。第四k 线只能反映股票过去的走势。
    绝对无法预测未来很多人喜欢对着k 线炒股,喜欢去研究什么是m a c d,什么是k d j 指标。甚至有些人买来好几块屏幕去研究k 线。
    通常这些人会在屡屡受挫之后反问,这些指标明明在过去的k 线里都很准,为什么?就是一旦实际操作起来就是赚不到钱呢?其实答案在神经科学和心理学里。
    并不是这些指标在过去的k 线里很准,而是人类拥有无法克服的自立偏差和后视偏差。自立偏差的意思是,人类一定会朝着对自己有利的方向产生偏差。
    比如说一个指标,你认为它是有用的,那就会不自觉的强化它的优势,而忽略它的缺陷,这就会导致在过去的k 线走势里,你只看到了这个指标有用的时候,而会忽略它失效的时候。
    就会让人们总感觉k 线技术是在过去的走势里有用的。想要验证这件事儿其实非常的简单。只要你会编程,你就可以用一台冷冰冰的机器,不带任何偏差的对历史数据进行一次复盘。
    无论是m a c d 还是k d g 还是r s i 指标都是没有用的。这些指标占历史数据的回测准确率上永远都是无限接近于百分之五十。
    Do you know that those who make a lot of money through stock trading know which secrets that retail investors will never know? Do you know what are the biggest misconceptions of retail investors losing money in the stock market?
    This video brings you the answer. The first misunderstanding is that when many retail investors step into the stock market for the first time, they will be warned not to chase the rise or fall. As everyone knows, this warning has become an important reason for many retail investors to lose money.
    Chasing ups and downs is actually called right-hand trading in the terminology of professional traders. Its essence is to follow the trend, and there is nothing wrong with it. A trader who strictly implements the strategy of chasing the rise and killing the fall usually does not suffer huge losses in the stock market.
    The reason that retail investors really lose money is that they are losing money, but they are unwilling to cut the meat and stop the loss. Every retail investor with a huge loss in the stock market must be unwilling to cut the meat and carry orders from the beginning of a small loss.
    It slowly turned into a big loss, and finally turned into a huge loss in a bear market. If you want to avoid huge losses, you just need to cut the meat to kill you and wait for the next opportunity. However, don't chase the rise or fall in one sentence.
    Like a golden rule, it is deeply buried in the cognition of every retail investor, which has become the biggest lie in this stock market. Second, you may have heard the saying that the stock market is a barometer of a country in many places.
    This sentence can be ranked first, do not chase the rise and kill the fall and become the second biggest lie in the stock market. In fact, since the collapse of the Bretton Woods system in 1973, the ups and downs of the financial market have long had little to do with the economy of a country. China's economy in the past two decades.
    Rapid development. However, our A-shares were hovering back and forth at three thousand points. Due to the epidemic this year, the economies of all countries are very difficult. However, both US stocks and A-shares have started a new round of skyrocketing after the epidemic.
    The essential reason here is because the current stock market has long since become a market controlled by major market makers and various interest groups. In this market, what the major market makers want to do is to harvest retail investors.
    The harvesting of retail investors has nothing to do with the country’s economy. Third, many so-called stock gods will tell you that they can lower their costs by selling high and buying low. In fact, if they can say this, then this god is not a fool, that is a liar.
    Selling high and buying low are simple to say. Anyone who looks back at a period of stock trends will know where the highs and lows are. However, as long as you are in an ongoing market.
    It is difficult for you to know if the current point is a high point. Many retail investors think that the current is a pastry and sell their chips, but the dealer has pulled it to a higher high. And out of human greed, these people will definitely go to a higher place to take over.
    As a result, their own costs have become higher. For example, we can do a small test to see whether the current A-shares are high or low from a short- to medium-term perspective. Therefore, there is a law in the stock exchange market.
    When a point is considered by most retail investors to be a high point and sold, then this point must not be a high point. In the same way, when everyone considers a position to be a bottom for bargaining, then this point must not be the bottom.
    The reason is simple, because in the financial market, 99.9% of retail investors are unlikely to make money. However, it is such a simple truth that most retail investors do not understand and are unwilling to understand.
    They all felt that they were the one-hundred-one-hundred and one-hundred-one-percent geniuses who sold high and low, and finally made their costs higher and higher. The fourth candlestick can only reflect the past trend of stocks.
    It is absolutely impossible to predict the future. Many people like to trade stocks against the k-line, and like to study what is ma c d and what is k d j index. Some people even buy several screens to study the candlesticks.
    Usually these people will ask after repeated setbacks, these indicators are clearly accurate in the past candlesticks, why? Is it that once you actually operate it, you can’t make money? In fact, the answer lies in neuroscience and psychology.
    It is not that these indicators are accurate in the past bar, but that human beings have insurmountable self-reliance bias and backsight bias. Self-reliance deviation means that human beings will deviate in a direction that is beneficial to themselves.
    For example, if you think an indicator is useful, you will unconsciously strengthen its advantages and ignore its shortcomings. This will lead to in the past bar trend, you only see when the indicator is useful , And will ignore when it fails.
    The deviation of the later generations means that human beings will often bring their own future experience into their previous judgments, which seems to give us the perspective of God. The self-supporting deviation and the rear view deviation are combined.
    It will make people always feel that candlestick technology is useful in past trends. It is actually very simple to verify this. As long as you can program, you can use a cold machine to perform a review of historical data without any deviation.
    You can get the answer. In fact, I wrote about one of the few financial and stock trading software on the market ten years ago. It is through the preparation of this software that I know deeply.
    Neither ma c d nor k d g or r s i indicators are useful. These indicators account for the backtest accuracy of historical data and are always infinitely close to 50%.
    In other words, there is no difference between using these indicators to trade stocks and toss a coin. Looking back, I am glad I understood this ten years ago. I was nineteen years old that year, and in the end I still advise those retail investors who have not received professional training to enter.
    But this is actually the same as the most brilliant magic in the world. The moment you step into the magic theater, the magic has already begun, and you are already.

  • 股典钟涨停王资讯:辨别牛股的四个方法Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Information: Four Ways to Identify Bull Stocks

    股典钟涨停王资讯:辨别牛股的四个方法Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Information: Four Ways to Identify Bull Stocks


    How do you distinguish which layer of stocks are bull stocks? Teach you the four easiest methods, of which the third method is the most important and must be kept in mind.
    First, the rising wine market is a bull stock, and the falling wine market is a bear stock. Second, it is bull stocks that are profitable when chasing uphill gains, and bears when chasing uphill gains.
    Third, stepping back to buy, big profits are bull stocks. The big loss for buying back is a bear stock. Fourth, the rise continues to fall, and it is a bull stock that does not continue.
    It is a bear stock if the decline continues and the rise does not continue.
    From the road to the simple, you only need to learn to make half bottom and half rolls in the bones, use half of the bottom bin to lock the effective coating, and use half of the roll bin as the ladder to reduce costs.
    You can enjoy the fortune of stability.

  • 股典钟涨停王资讯:鲜为人知的股市遛狗理论,股市高手不传法宝Stock code clock daily limit king information: the little-known theory of dog walking in the stock market, stock market masters do not pass the magic weapon

    股典钟涨停王资讯:鲜为人知的股市遛狗理论,股市高手不传法宝Stock code clock daily limit king information: the little-known theory of dog walking in the stock market, stock market masters do not pass the magic weapon


    Have you heard that it’s not your dog walking theory? This theory is the investment master Buffett proposed by the godfather of European securities Andre Kostolani, and the famous domestic investment tycoons Zhang Lei and Qiu Guolu have all mentioned the theory of dog walking on various occasions and highly praised them.
    If you can understand this theory, then you must know why the Big White Horse Company must fall at a certain time. You can also understand why these high-quality companies that have fallen will surely rise back. And you will understand why Moutai is possible.
    You can't go back one thousand yuan anymore, and if you understand this theory, you can easily understand that all of the above are inevitable. The wonderful story of liking and collecting has begun.
    The story of the sixth brother’s theory goes like this. There was a man who took a dog for a walk in the street. The dog ran to the front, looked back at the owner, then ran a little further, and then ran back to the owner. Ran to the back again.
    Seeing that I ran far, and ran back again. In the whole process, the dog repeated this way, and in the end, both the man and the man reached the end at the same time. The man walked leisurely for a kilometer while the dog was gone.
    Four kilometers.
    In the field of dog walking theory, men represent the economy, the fundamentals, and the value of the company, while dogs represent the central market, which is what we often call stock prices.
    This field vividly describes the basic relationship between price and fluctuations around value. A well-known person drew a picture based on the dog walking theory. This smart person assumed that the value of the company is constant, so the price is centered on the value.
    The people of the next wave of animation think that every time it falls back to the previous low, can I just buy it? But he was wrong. Isn't the bottom layer here that the value of the company is constant?
    It is not that only companies that do not grow can maintain value. Companies that are in a parallel position and do not grow will not be recognized by the market, and their stock prices tend to plummet. It doesn't conform to the dog walking theory at all.
    You will definitely get hurt if you buy such a company. So what is the six-nation theoretical picture of a truly high-quality company? It can be like this: the intrinsic value of high-quality companies is gradually rising, and the company's prices are constantly hitting new highs amidst twists and turns.
    It can also be like this. The value of high-quality cyclical companies fluctuates cyclically. Under the resonant blessing of the company's price around the value fluctuations, it can increase profitably, or it can plummet. Our daily operation is the closest to true value investment.
    The picture is like this, the value fluctuates upward, and the price fluctuates upward. This picture is the essence of the dog walking theory, and it is also one of the basic cognitions that need to be reserved to become a value investment expert.

  • 股典钟涨停王资讯:如何确定交易周期Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Information: How to Determine the Trading Cycle

    股典钟涨停王资讯:如何确定交易周期Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Information: How to Determine the Trading Cycle


    How to determine the trading cycle?
    The choice of cycle is particularly important. The same variety will show different trends in different cycles.
    Choosing a cycle that suits you can help you clarify your trading ideas and clarify the direction of the trend.
    Choosing different cycles means to bear the fluctuations and retracements brought about by different cycles.
    You can choose according to your own personality characteristics, capital scale and loss tolerance.
    Short-term retracements and stop losses are small, but they mean high frequency and require time and effort to watch the market.
    Large cycles need to accommodate more funds, stop losses and retracements are larger, and large cycles have better stability.
    In the transaction, choose according to your own characteristics, and only the best meal is the best meal for you.

  • 股典钟涨停王资讯:如何建立交易系统(建议珍藏)Stock code clock daily limit king information: how to build a trading system (recommended collection)

    股典钟涨停王资讯:如何建立交易系统(建议珍藏)Stock code clock daily limit king information: how to build a trading system (recommended collection)


    尤其是最后一点最为关键。第一点,k 线理论,k 线呢包含基础k 线和特殊k 线。特殊k 线又分为单根的、双杆的和多根的一个组合。
    o k 线呢尤为重要,它是辨别趋势持续和反转一个非常重要的信号。第二点,市场的趋势大家都知道市场的趋势分为三种上升。
    趋势线和管道线是辨别趋势非常好的一个技术方法。第四点,k 线形态形态呢可以分为持续形态和反转形态,持续形态是趋势运行过程中比较常见的一种k 线组合形态。
    最常见的有三角形、奇形、巨形、楔形反转形态呢是辨别趋势反转非常重要的信号,里面包含头肩型顶底、w 型顶底、v 型顶底。
    第四点,技术指标由于指标在实战过程中的成功率比较低,而且比较之后呢,我们只了解一个指标,m a 就够了。m a 呢是一个趋势指标,在借助的k 线经典形态。
    Today I will share with you how to build your own trading system. Dry goods must watch this video. If you want a stable profit in the stock market, you must have your own set of trading systems.
    How to set up this trading system specifically? Today, Brother Nan will tell you that many people will have such a situation. They are afraid of running out of the sky when the market is soaring. They want to chase everything in, right?
    Then the quilt is eager to get back to the cost, and then it is a mess of chasing and losing. The reason is the lack of self-confidence and the lack of a mature and powerful trading system.
    So big bosses like well-known private equity and investment banks, as well as hot money big brothers stocking and raising family Fang Xinxia, ​​have their own trading systems and will strictly enforce them.
    Here are three main points for everyone. The first point is to be minimalist. When screening your own stocks with a magnifying glass, choose only the ones that you feel are the best, even if you do.
    Don't just have a flaw. For example, the company's goodwill is too high, and its net profit is lower than its peers. The second point is to calculate the profit-loss ratio. When you are ready to buy, you must make a trading plan. The most important point is to calculate the profit-loss ratio.
    You have to make a prediction for him when you buy. Your defensive position is the stop loss and the upside you predict. You must have more room for predicting the rise than what you call it, and use the smallest defensive position.
    Strive for the greatest profit margin. For example, set the profit-loss ratio to be more than one to ten, that is to say, only five points are allowed, and the pre-judgment space must exceed fifty points or more, otherwise it will not start rashly.
    The third point, how to sell, here is a judgment method that is in line with the public, that is, you have to have reverse thinking. If you are an empty fork, and you see the target now, would you buy it?
    If you still want to buy, you can continue to hold it. If you don’t want to buy it anymore, you think the price is too high, and you don’t understand it, then you should sell it. If you do the above three points, then congratulations.
    You have initially established your own trading system, how to build a complete trading system? Today we are going to sort out the content from the perspective of technical analysis. It is a bit long, but it is very dry and we must see it. Finally, first everyone remember one very important sentence.
    The real technical analysis is not to predict the market, but to respond to the current market trends and strategies. Remember that a mature trader is never a forecast.
    It's a strategy. But you have to understand the basic things in technical analysis, and you have to be flexible. So what should we learn to build our own complete trading system? Here I have summarized seven points.
    Especially the last point is the most critical. The first point is the k-line theory. The k-line includes the basic k-line and the special k-line. The special k-line is divided into a combination of single, double and multiple.
    The o k line is particularly important, as it is a very important signal to distinguish between trend continuation and reversal. The second point is that the market trend everyone knows that the market trend can be divided into three types of rising.
    There are downsides and sideways. As a qualified trader, you need to know what trend you are in now. Different trends have different coping strategies. What you have to do is to follow the trend, not to follow the trend.
    Face it. Third, support and block the trend line and pipeline line support and block are the key points of the market that will inevitably appear in the process of trend operation. If you can identify these key points in the first time, then you will find that the original transaction is so simple and smooth.
    Trend lines and pipelines are a very good technical method to identify trends. Fourth, the candlestick patterns can be divided into continuous patterns and reversal patterns. Sustained patterns are a relatively common combination of candlestick patterns during trend operation.
    The most common triangle, odd, giant, and wedge reversal patterns are very important signals for identifying trend reversals, including head and shoulders top and bottom, w top and bottom, and v top and bottom.
    There are different shapes such as arc-shaped top and bottom, flared top and bottom, and diamond top and bottom. It is a very important content in technical analysis to predict that this trend will develop from these different directions.
    The fourth point is that the success rate of technical indicators in actual combat is relatively low, and after comparison, we only understand one indicator, ma is enough. Ma is a trend indicator, which is used in the classic k-line pattern.
    It is possible to build a very good trading system. The fifth point, the golden section line, the golden section line is a very good technical tool for predicting callbacks. The sixth point is the key theory in technical analysis. Including.
    Taoist theory, wave theory, Jiang theory, customs transaction method Jesse Livermore's key market points, etc., learning and understanding the classic trading rules of the past trading gods in the market is very helpful to build our trading system.
    The seventh point is a complete trading plan. The trading plan is a very critical part of the execution and verification of the trading system. The completion of each trading plan is the process of accumulating your trading experience.
    A successful trader is trained in this way over and over again. The above is to build a trading system through technical analysis. The key content we need to master. The building was not built in a day, and the construction of the trading system also requires us.
    In the actual trading process, it is the only way for everyone to become a professional trader through continuous summary and improvement. Finally, I would like to give you a word, if you don’t want to be harvested.
    You must be better than others and more professional than others. There is nothing else.

  • 股典钟涨停王资讯:主力建仓、洗盘底层逻辑、拉升原理(建议珍藏)Stock code clock daily limit king information: the main force to build positions, wash the underlying logic, pull up principle (recommended collection)

    股典钟涨停王资讯:主力建仓、洗盘底层逻辑、拉升原理(建议珍藏)Stock code clock daily limit king information: the main force to build positions, wash the underlying logic, pull up principle (recommended collection)


    庄稼一样也会做t 主力建仓的问题是复杂的,除了在二级市场拿货,庄家还可以通过参与一级半市场的大宗并增等方式吸纳筹码。
    In the near future, let's talk about the new products that will be the main market maker. First of all, the first issue of the main force opening a position, in the firm operation, many fans often ask me how can I know whether the main force has opened a position.
    In other words, when will the main force begin to build positions? So if you are a new investor, you can be forgiven for asking this question. If you are an old stockholder after playing stocks for a few years, you are still asking this question.
    It means that you don't know the dealer at all. Strictly speaking, all the behaviors of buying chips can be called opening positions, right? But what we are talking about refers to the behavior of bookmakers to absorb a large number of low-cost chips for future speculation.
    Since the dealer needs a lot of chips to sit on the bank, it is a process and a period of time for the dealer to open a position. He does not have a definite start and end time, and absorbing chips is a process.
    In this process, the crops didn't just get in the chips, nor did it mean that they got in the chips. I didn't throw any of them. Instead, I kept adding and reducing positions.
    Alternate cycle between concentration and dispersion. With the market's hot and cold changes, they continue to sell high and buy low to reduce their own holding costs. So here is also a problem.
    The crops will also be the main force to build positions. The problem is complicated. In addition to acquiring goods in the secondary market, the dealer can also absorb chips by participating in the bulk of the primary and semi-market and increasing.
    On the disk, when the stock price is at a historical low and a platform is formed, the longer this position is in, the more chips that the dealer will absorb here.
    This means that some of its chip cost is probably the price near the platform. Then we can use the price of this platform when we follow the installation.
    As the basis for you to open a position, and finally make a summary, the trading logic of retail investors and resistance is also different. Retail investors can buy goods with one click, but if resistance wants to take goods, they must be sold by opponents.
    No one is a fool, right? No one can easily cut the meat at the bottom, so the second step of cropping, washing dishes, is the main logic of washing dishes.
    The main purpose of the main shuffle is very simple. It is to expel the opponent's funds from the market and attract the funds from outside the market to exchange the floating chips.
    Increase the average holding cost of the entire market. Many people have a misunderstanding, that is, the main force and the dealer are a one-shot deal, and it is not difficult to run after the draw.
    The purpose of the bookmaker is to sell high and buy low to make a difference, not an ideal hammer. So on the question of dishwashing, there is no standard answer to the root cause of dishwashing.
    That is, the rise in stock prices has been under selling pressure from retail investors, and there has been a divergence of long and short opinions. Because this market has just left the bottom not long ago, bear market thinking still plagues the confidence of the majority of retail investors.
    In other words, if the bull market atmosphere has not formed, no one has such a strong desire to hold stocks. If it is said to be directly stretched in this way, a large number of retail investors are bound to flee.
    At this time, it is impossible for the dealer to use money to prevent the stock price from falling, right? Because what your retail investors make is what the dealer loses, so when the chips are not highly concentrated, the dealer can only follow the trend.
    For example, if the stock price rose from seven yuan to ten yuan, then the market's follow-up trend was reduced, and the selling pressure was greater. At this time, the dealer will lighten up a part of the bargaining chip at around ten yuan.
    When the stock price drops to eight yuan, hey, I will buy it again, right? At this time, pull up the stock price and earn the difference in cycles. This shows when to wash the dishes and at what price.
    It depends on the changes in the board and on the situation of the opponent's selling pressure, rather than simply on the will of the dealer. Then the dealer will also meet the wind.
    Unless the dealer gets some good insider information and can work stubbornly against the trend. So ah, some stocks have pulled very high before there is a washout trend, and some stocks have not risen much before there is a washout phenomenon.
    This is the reason. Generally speaking, when retail investors are following the trend, the dealer has to suck the cup, because it is impossible for the dealer to lift the sedan chair for the opponent, right? At the same time, retail investors are very active.
    The crops will not be eager to wash the dishes, but will be shipped homeopathy. In this case, the bookmaker's price difference will be even greater. From this perspective, crops are also a follower of the market.
    Of course, the dealer has the ability to create and exaggerate or reduce the trend, and use this trend to mislead retail investors, so as to achieve the purpose of the dealer. This is also the intention and means of the dealer. Finally, make a summary.
    Washing is the reaction of the market's objective factors, and it is also the embodiment of the bookmaker's subjective will. Washing the plate is not only cleaning revenge, but more importantly, the dealers are also frequent outlets.
    Sell ​​high and buy low to make the difference. Therefore, when we analyze the washing, we must combine factors such as market factors, stock price positions, cycle cycles, and expert intentions.
    To make a comprehensive judgment. Of course, the profit from the price difference generated by the dishwashing is just an appetizer for the dealer, and the following stretching is the main stretching of the dinner. Let me correct a misunderstanding of everyone.
    Many people think that the main force of stretching is to sweep the goods unilaterally, and then eat all the sales orders. Then the stock price rose is actually wrong. Stretching is right, inverted stretching means.
    It is understandable that the sell order is placed by yourself, and then you eat the sell order to increase the stock price. At the same time, let me tell you that the rise in stock prices is not entirely a resistance behavior. I.
    When we look at the execution of Wang Fatong, there is such a detail. When the stock price was the highest, Wang's transactions accounted for 60% of the market, which means that half of the real transactions came from the market.
    So it means that when the resistance is stretching, it only plays the leading role, rather than purely using the capital advantage to fully control the market. Let us give an example.
    The current stock price is ten dollars.
    If the main force wants this stock price to rise, it can place a 1,000-lot sell order at ten yuan and then use a 1,000-lot buy order for him to eat. At this time, the stock price reached ten yuan and a dime.
    Shows an upward trend, so the off-market funds see the stock price rise and change, right? Will follow suit and enter. At this time, the main force will continue to sell a thousand lots at ten yuan and two cents.
    Own. First use seven hundred songs, I will buy him, right? Well, er, if the order is ten yuan and two cents, it will be changed from the original 1,000 to 300, and then the funds will follow the trend off the market.
    Give him these three hundred songs again, and the stock price will smoothly reach ten yuan and two cents, and so on, the stock price is the continuous creation action in the main force and capital follow-up.
    Finally, I will summarize the principle of the stock price rise. In fact, it is very simple, and it is not particularly difficult to sit in the bank. As long as you have sufficient funds and a professional team, you can also go to Zhuangzhuang to increase the stock price.
    But whether you can make money is two different things. Uh, I will talk about it today.
