


创    新:不断创新,做行业较好、较优的产品,服务于社会

超    越:超越梦想,超越自己,向更远更好的目标不断努力

品    牌:重视品牌、实施品牌战略,做行业佼佼者

责    任:为社会、为顾客、为用户提供较优服务




诚    信:诚实正直,言出必践,诚实正直,言行一致

激    情:乐观向上,永不言弃,不断自我激励,努力提升业绩

敬    业:专业执着,精益求精,持续学习,不断完善

  • 股典钟涨停王技术知识:持续稳定盈利五部曲Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Technical Knowledge: Five Steps to Continuous and Stable Earnings

    股典钟涨停王技术知识:持续稳定盈利五部曲Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Technical Knowledge: Five Steps to Continuous and Stable Earnings


    Do these five points, and your trading will continue to be profitable. The focus is on the last point, this video is a lot of dry goods, please be patient and watch it, I believe it will be helpful to your transaction.
    If you want to keep profitable trading, you need to build your own trading system and repeat profitable transactions, so as to realize the probability advantage of the system. But build a trading system and trade in accordance with the system.
    It is an interlocking process. Once a problem occurs, the system cannot be used to make money continuously. The first point is to recognize who you are. Long-term and short-term.
    You can make money. There is no difference between the trend and the shock. What you like may not be suitable, but the trading strategy you choose must first suit you.
    The second point is to choose a trading strategy that suits you according to your personality. The trading strategy is to solve the problem of how to make money. It is swing trading.
    It is still trend trading or short-term trading. What I want to explain here is that the shortcomings of human nature must be changed. There is no trading system that fully adapts to my personality, but I distorted myself to adapt to the trading system.
    It is also undesirable. With the enrichment of trading experience, my further understanding of trading, my own age, trading strategies are also changing, and many masters have changed from short-term to swing when they were young.
    Then only make strategic trends and leave a lot of time to enjoy life. The third point is to build your own trading system based on trading strategies.
    This system is to solve the problem of stop-loss and extra meals in the management of input and output funds. The trading system must conform to your own trading strategy. If it is a swing operation, looking at the five-minute chart is nonsense.
    The trading system can only operate if the trading strategy is a general analysis. The fourth point is to continue to determine the trading method in accordance with the system. This is the problem of heat.
    The signal sent by the system, many people just do not place an order, this is the problem of trading. Fifth point, you must control your own hands in the final, in line with the market situation of the trading system, and do it resolutely.
    If it is wrong, it does not conform to the market situation of the trading system, and resolutely not do it. What if it's wrong.
    These five points are intertwined and carried out one after the other. If any one of them goes wrong, it will not be profitable. Follow me and make transactions simple.

  • 股典钟涨停王行业投资资讯:数字经济Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Industry Investment Information: Digital Economy

    股典钟涨停王行业投资资讯:数字经济Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Industry Investment Information: Digital Economy


    推动生产力发展的经济形态,都可以说是数字公积金。二零一九年我们的数字经济增加值规模达到三十五点八万亿元,占g d p 比重达到百分之三十六点二。
    并且增速远高于同期g d p 增速,它对g d p 增长贡献率已经超过三产贡献率,成为我国经济发展重要的数字。经济崛起已经是必然趋势。
    所以这是一个足够大的主线,未来也会有很多机会。其中一家公司是e r p 的龙头,它的工业互联网平台是国内十大双跨平台之一。
    What opportunities can be tapped during the 14th Five-Year Plan? Today we will share a track that has just tapped potential. The digital economy emphasizes the construction of a digital China in the 14th Five-Year Plan. Recently.
    The work report of the two sessions reiterated the construction of a digital China, so what exactly is the digital economy and what opportunities will it bring? In the following content, we will discuss the connotation and impact of the digital economy from three aspects.
    The key industries of the digital economy and the opportunities brought by the construction of Digital China. The digital economy is a relatively broad concept, all directly or indirectly using data to guide resources.
    The economic form that promotes the development of productivity can be said to be a digital provident fund. In 2019, the value-added scale of our digital economy reached 35.8 trillion yuan, accounting for 36.2% of gdp.
    And the growth rate is much higher than the growth rate of g d p in the same period, and its contribution to the growth of g d p has exceeded the contribution rate of the tertiary industry, becoming an important figure for my country's economic development. The economic rise is already an inevitable trend.
    Catalyzed by the new digital infrastructure policy, companies that empower traditional industries to achieve digital transformation will usher in historic development opportunities. What are there? In fact, everyone is already familiar with it.
    It is cloud computing, big data, industrial Internet, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, any of these can be used to unearth many excellent companies.
    So this is a big enough thread, and there will be many opportunities in the future. One of these companies is the leader of e r p, and its industrial Internet platform is one of the top ten dual cross-platforms in China.
    And through acquisitions to expand the cloud service ecosystem, traditional industries cannot achieve digital transformation. Recently, the market has adjusted, and the company has also thrown out a large repurchase plan, which shows even more.

  • 股典钟涨停王行业投资资讯:旅游景点Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Industry Investment Information: Tourist Attractions

    股典钟涨停王行业投资资讯:旅游景点Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Industry Investment Information: Tourist Attractions


    A new movie box office record was born. As of yesterday, the national movie box office reached 7.8 billion yuan. This is another record of the national movie box office for the Spring Festival after 5.9 billion yuan in 2019. But today, the movie sector has risen and fallen.
    Where is the problem? Take Detective 3 in Chinatown as an example. It was the most anticipated movie by the audience before the Spring Festival. It lived up to expectations. Its box office exceeded one billion on the first day of its release, and the cumulative box office reached 2.5 billion yuan in three days. The box office is very high, but its reputation .
    After a sharp drop, Douban score has now dropped to 5.7, so that the box office dropped rapidly from the fourth day of the day, and it was another dark horse. Hello, Lee Huanying will overtake this film later.
    Objectively speaking, the box office of Detective 3 in Chinatown is still quite high, so his producer Wanda had a good performance before the film festival, but he just met market expectations.
    There was no performance beyond expectations, so the market had already finished before the holiday, and today it is inevitable that it will rise and fall. Wanda Films has Tang Tansan and the leader of the theater, and his performance is just like that.
    Others who follow suit don't even watch movies. The rise and fall of the plate is also related to his usual hype logic. Most of us don’t know if a movie is good or bad until it is released, but in fact it will be a little bit before it is released.
    People in the industry already knew the quality of the movie when they ordered it. After the official release, the market will end. Hello, Li Wanying is the dark horse at the box office of the Spring Festival this year, before the release.
    Relatively few, the market's attention is not high, but he counterattacked all the way by relying on word of mouth, starting from the fourth day of the fourth year, he overtook Tang Tansan and the pre-sale of Li Huanyin's box office has exceeded 3 billion.
    The gap with the knockout three is less than one, and its proportion of the box office is still increasing. Next, the total box office is likely to exceed the elimination three, this is what everyone did not expect.
    Obviously exceeded expectations. The producer, Beijing Culture, has become one of the few companies in the film sector that has reached the ceiling, but these are already famous brands, and there will be no more unexpected things to promote in the future. Wait until he opens the board.
    The market is over. In fact, in addition to movies, there is another sector that ushered in a significant recovery during the Spring Festival, and it is a tourist attraction. One of the companies is a leader in Shenzhen's tourism industry.
    During the Spring Festival, the company’s Happy Valley, Happy Coast and other tourists are full of tourists, the turning point of the industry has come, and the company’s growth space is expected.

  • 股典钟行业投资资讯:化工Stock Code Clock Industry Investment Information: Chemical Industry

    股典钟行业投资资讯:化工Stock Code Clock Industry Investment Information: Chemical Industry


    其中一家公司是m d i 的龙头,海外m d i 的巨头巴斯夫由于产能不足,已经上调了产品报价,这会是公司进一步扩大市场份额的机会。随着化工产能持续向国内转移。
    But there is one plate that continues to walk the wall, and it is chemical industry. Shaanxi Black Cat once again rushed to the ceiling today. After four years and months, Shaanxi Black Cat has already harvested eleven editions.
    What are the driving factors behind it? Are there any similar opportunities? Don't worry, then continue to listen. Shaanxi Black Cat’s strength is mainly driven by performance, and its performance in the fourth quarter of last year increased by about nine times.
    how did it get here? On the one hand, the shipment price of the coke business in the fourth quarter reached 1,780 yuan per ton, an increase of 18% year-on-year, and the shipment volume also increased by 17%. On the other hand is the chemical business.
    In 2019, the market price of products was low, so the base was low. In the fourth quarter of 2020, product prices have rebounded significantly, and therefore net profit has risen sharply year-on-year. And with the recovery of the global economy, a new round of price increase cycle.
    Has been turned on. According to past experience, the chemical industry will fluctuate periodically with the change of production capacity, and the general continuity will not be particularly strong. This year, however, the situation is different. Many overseas chemical companies have encountered trouble in their operations due to the epidemic.
    It is very difficult to restore production capacity, but the demand side is still very strong, so the transfer of these orders to the country is accelerated, and the process is irreversible. From the perspective of the development trend of the global chemical industry.
    It was originally a transfer to the country, but it is obvious that the epidemic has accelerated this process, which makes the chemical industry's market more sustainable than ever. Although Shaanxi black cats are strong, there are many factors of their own.
    But the most important thing is that Shun used the development trend of the industry. And in the development trend of the chemical industry, there is another one is to focus on the head. Shaanxi Black Cat's market may only be temporary, but the market of leading companies may last longer.
    One of the companies is the leader of m d i. The overseas m d i giant BASF has raised its product quotations due to insufficient production capacity. This will be an opportunity for the company to further expand its market share. With the continuous transfer of chemical production capacity to the country.
    The company's leading advantage will be further.

  • 股典钟涨停王行业投资资讯:泡沫硅胶垫片Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Industry Investment Information: Foam Silicone Gasket

    股典钟涨停王行业投资资讯:泡沫硅胶垫片Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Industry Investment Information: Foam Silicone Gasket


    说起来它的发展还跟乔布斯的初代iphone 有关。不知道大家还记不记得很早以前触屏手机要按下去才有反应。二零零七年,第一代iphone 手机推出它使用的电容式触控技术。
    彻底改变了触控行业的发展。只要用手摸一下就有反应它是怎么做到的呢?就是用了o c a 光学胶膜全贴合技术,从而填充了面板和触摸屏之间的空气层。
    从那以后,o c a 光学胶就成了消费电子的重要部分,一直保持增长。尽管消费电子近年来增速很高,但是很明显新能源汽车增长更快。
    其中一家公司是国内胶膜材料的龙头,在o c 光学胶的布局领先同行。并且公司近期与特斯拉签订了采购合同,进入特斯拉的供应链。
    There is a traditional track that is being activated by new energy vehicles. It is the film. Its main function is to ensure the safety of the battery pack. For example, the tape is used for the insulation protection and fixation of the middle finger of the cylindrical cell.
    The silicone foam gasket is used to seal the outer frame of the power battery. This thing looks inconspicuous, but there is a lot of room for growth. Film products were originally mainly used in consumer electronics.
    Speaking of its development, it has something to do with the original iPhone of Jobs. I don’t know if you still remember that touch screen phones had to be pressed long ago to respond. In 2007, the first-generation iPhone launched its capacitive touch technology.
    Completely changed the development of the touch industry. Just touch it with your hand and you can tell how it did it? It uses o c a optical adhesive film full bonding technology to fill the air layer between the panel and the touch screen.
    Since then, o c a optical glue has become an important part of consumer electronics and has continued to grow. Despite the high growth rate of consumer electronics in recent years, it is clear that new energy vehicles have grown faster.
    To reach a penetration rate of 20% for new energy vehicles in 2025, there is still nearly five times the room for growth. As the penetration rate of new energy vehicles continues to increase, the film industry will also usher in new opportunities.
    At present, the global market share of adhesive film is mainly monopolized by the United States, Japan, and South Korea. Domestic manufacturers have just made a breakthrough in this field, and then they will start domestic substitution. Therefore, the film market may have an outbreak.
    One of the companies is the leader in domestic film materials, leading its peers in the layout of o c optical adhesives. And the company recently signed a purchase contract with Tesla to enter Tesla's supply chain.
    The lithium battery materials business that can be recognized by the world's first-class new energy vehicle brand is expected to achieve fast.

  • 股典钟涨停王技术知识:试仓(炒股)的意义Stock code clock daily limit king technical knowledge: the significance of testing positions (stocks)

    股典钟涨停王技术知识:试仓(炒股)的意义Stock code clock daily limit king technical knowledge: the significance of testing positions (stocks)


    Ah, I don’t know if you have discovered a phenomenon, especially those traders who like to do intraday trading. They will pay more attention to this phenomenon, that is, when the sailing is calm and the waves will suddenly stretch or hit the market. Happening.
    After that, there will be two situations, one is the rapid return of the market, and the other is to take the opportunity to bring the market to another track. Ah, in fact, this kind of market is usually fake moves made by big funds.
    It is used to test the density of pending orders between long and short sides, and to discover potential long and short forces. Because using real guns and live ammunition to test the strength of the market is very effective and intuitive. Ordinary traders cannot do it.
    However, this type of big test order is not often the case where many unknown traders will go to the news and try to find some basis after encountering this kind of situation. Sometimes they will forcibly associate certain news with the current market situation, and then it is very.
    It's possible to get the bait, it's really unnecessary. However, even if large funds can rely on the advantages of funds, they can test the market regardless of small costs. But they still can't forget that what ultimately makes them profitable is the complete logic of their entire trading system.
    Rather than a momentary long-short strong-weak relationship. Although the strength of long and short positions can to a certain extent predict the future trend of the market, the strength of long and short positions can change at any time, and the structure of internal traders in the market will also change at any time, which is back. Quotes are not available.
    Forecasting is based on the concept, so the market order is not only a superficial win or loss, but also to verify the market laws that you can understand. This is why you can't judge whether you are right or wrong by winning or losing the first order, which means that we usually do the first position of the order.
    It should be very light, because it is just a scout you sent out to guide the follow-up army in the right direction. Only when the market proves you are right, you will have the qualification to continue to increase.
    Otherwise, you are gambling.

  • 股典钟涨停王技术知识:怎样捉妖抓龙头Stock code clock daily limit king technical knowledge: how to catch the demon catch the leader

    股典钟涨停王技术知识:怎样捉妖抓龙头Stock code clock daily limit king technical knowledge: how to catch the demon catch the leader


    那么大家都知道一九年的五g 风口啊,成就了东方通信的十倍神话。那么二零年的注册制二十厘米新规炒作。
    Let's talk about how to grab a doubled waist bone, how to make a dragon skull, and we must thoroughly explain this issue. Brother Zhao, who has doubled ten thousand times in eight years.
    It is also done according to this method. If you want to feel the stimulation of the waist and want to enjoy the surprise of ten centimeters, then please calm down and spend five minutes to finish watching.
    Can't wait for five minutes, don't be fussy, can you just tell me who can do it for ten centimeters? As long as friends with this kind of thinking, there is only one place for you to go, and that is to kill pigs.
    Everyone must remember that the method is always more important than the result. The whole process of a waist takeoff will definitely go through four stages. The first stage is the brewing stage, the second stage is the tuyere stage, and the third stage is the outbreak stage.
    The fourth stage is the ebb stage. Then the masters of monster catchers will choose to wait patiently during the gestation phase, keep their eyes open during the sealing phase, and attack decisively during the outbreak phase.
    Decisively exit during the low tide stage and complete the entire operation. We must explain these four stages clearly and clearly, so that you can fully understand the waist.
    From the life logic of growth to death, you will not be like a headless fly, chasing high blindly all day long, not only did you not chase the monster, but let the monster kill you.
    Among them, the four-stage tuyere stage is the most important. The big wind comes out of the big waist, the small wind comes out of the small waist. If there is no outlet, you must end up miserably when you go to catch the demon.
    Everyone knows that the five-g tuyere in 19 years has achieved the tenfold myth of Eastern Communications. So the 20-centimeter new regulation of the registration system in 2020 is hype.
    In order to make a speculation. The myth that Tianshan creatures have increased sevenfold in two months. Then, only with the recent carbon-neutral vent, can the near-term emergence of fullness.
    You must understand this situation of the gods and demons flurry, not the waist bone is powerful, but the big wind vent, let the waist become very powerful, and the big wind vent can be stimulated.
    The hype in the market, so what should I do if there is no wind? There is no wind, so rest and wait for the wind to come. Zhang Mengzhu said that being studious will not be empty, you will always learn and will not fight.
    So after the wind comes, how to choose stocks? So how do you know who is the big demon on the wind? The big demon has three necessary conditions, first.
    Small-cap stocks are all small-cap stocks, because the main players in the speculation of waist stocks are all private equity and hot money. Because their funds are very small.
    They can only choose small-cap stocks with a circulation of about one billion yuan. They will definitely not consider them like PetroChina. Second, prices will oversold for a long time.
    Pay attention to the long-term oversold. How long will it take? Everyone knows how long the horizontal is and how high the vertical is. You don't think about it if you don't have a drop of more than three years.
    So to what extent should it be oversold? You can get one to two discounts from the highest point in history. You can check out the previous Eastern Communications.
    Tianshan Biology, including the recent XX energy-saving, do they all meet the necessary conditions just mentioned? The most critical point is the third point.
    It is necessary to make breakthroughs in a large amount, and the waist bones who have not broken through the important pressure point are all hooligans. And in this volume breakthrough, there is no volume breakthrough.
    Many are false breakthroughs. So good, this has found the target that meets the above three points, then how should we intervene? So if the intervention fails, how to stop the loss?
    After the intervention is successful, how to stop profit after eating big meat? Pay attention to my later dry goods, and we will continue to launch them.

  • 股典钟涨停王技术知识:抓涨停七寸手法Stock code clock daily limit king technical knowledge: grasp the daily limit of seven inches

    股典钟涨停王技术知识:抓涨停七寸手法Stock code clock daily limit king technical knowledge: grasp the daily limit of seven inches


    There are certain fixed opportunities and risks in stocks every month of the year. Today, I will give you a popular science. In January, we should pay attention to the agricultural sector. Because the first document is released in January, most of them are good for agriculture.
    The Spring Festival is approaching in February. Good food, good clothes and good drinks. So we should pay attention to liquor consumption and food. March is an important meeting time.
    It is necessary to pay attention to the major policies issued by the conference and pay close attention to the layout. You must listen to the party and follow the party when you are trading in stocks, so that you can eat meat. April is the time when the first quarter and last year's annual reports were disclosed.
    In order to prevent thunderstorms, dealers and institutions often concentrate on entering the traditional white horse stocks at this time, so they must throw out the garbage in April.
    Embrace the blue chip. In May and June, since half of the year has passed, banks have to concentrate on recovering liquidity, which will cause blood loss in the stock market.
    Therefore, in May and June, we will wash and go to sleep together. Follow me. We will talk about turning over in the next issue.

  • 股典钟涨停王行业投资资讯:传统安防Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Industry Investment Information: Traditional Security

    股典钟涨停王行业投资资讯:传统安防Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Industry Investment Information: Traditional Security


    并且盈利能力迅速增强,净利润达到二点六亿元。截至二零二零年九月末,全球萤石物联云平台i o t 接入设备约九千五百万台。
    另外,公司的高端三d 检测设备刚刚实现量产,打破了国外垄断,接下来产品有望实现进口替代迅速放量。高领近期去调研估计也是看到了公司广阔的发展。
    What company is so attractive to be intensively investigated by institutions such as senior citizens? For institutions, research is a prerequisite for decision-making. Being able to be investigated frequently also illustrates the company's potential.
    At the beginning of this year, Hillhouse Capital investigated the first company that several companies surveyed at the beginning of the year. Do you know who it is? It is Hikvision, so what attracts senior citizens and other major institutions?
    Hikvision is familiar to everyone. It is the leader in domestic security, but you may not know that after so many years of development and accumulation, it is no longer just for security. Since 2015, the company has gradually expanded eight innovative businesses.
    Involving smart home, Internet of Things, robots, car intelligence, etc. Today, Hikvision’s software added value accounts for 32.31% of its revenue, and its revenue structure has changed from a single security to more and more diversified.
    Among them, the revenue network of smart home products and IoT platforms has the most significant effect. From its establishment in 2015 to 2019, revenue has reached 2.592 billion yuan.
    And profitability has rapidly increased, with net profit reaching 260 million yuan. As of the end of September 2020, there were approximately 95 million access devices on the global fluorite IoT cloud platform i o t.
    The platform has more than 67 million registered users and more than 26 million monthly active users. In addition, Yinshi has to go further and go public independently. This is a new starting point for Hikvision.
    The concentration of traditional security business continues to increase, and new businesses are blooming. This is where Hikvision attracts institutions. From the beginning of the month to the present, Haikang has risen by nearly 50%.
    In addition to Haicang, Gaoling Capital has just investigated several companies, one of which is a machine vision equipment company with high technical barriers. At present, the company has become an important supplier of brands such as Apple and Xiaomi.
    In addition, the company's high-end three-d testing equipment has just achieved mass production, breaking the foreign monopoly, and the following products are expected to achieve rapid import substitution. It is estimated that Gaoling recently went to survey and saw the company's broad development.
