


创    新:不断创新,做行业较好、较优的产品,服务于社会

超    越:超越梦想,超越自己,向更远更好的目标不断努力

品    牌:重视品牌、实施品牌战略,做行业佼佼者

责    任:为社会、为顾客、为用户提供较优服务




诚    信:诚实正直,言出必践,诚实正直,言行一致

激    情:乐观向上,永不言弃,不断自我激励,努力提升业绩

敬    业:专业执着,精益求精,持续学习,不断完善

  • 股典钟涨停王行业投资资讯:军工直20产业链Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Industry Investment Information: Military Industry Straight 20 Industrial Chain

    股典钟涨停王行业投资资讯:军工直20产业链Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Industry Investment Information: Military Industry Straight 20 Industrial Chain


    The military industry market continued, and the fighters and drones shared earlier performed well. Friends who have been there then listened carefully to this military industry track, and there is more room for growth than fighter jets.
    Do you know what kind of plane is this? This is the Black Hawk helicopter. The U.S. military has produced more than 4,500 helicopters since it was developed in the 1970s, making it one of the most produced helicopters in the world.
    How important is it? Among the armed helicopters of the US military, this series accounts for 53%. Why should I say that Black Hawk is concerned about our country's weapons and equipment should all know.
    my country’s Z-20 helicopter has just been finalized in the last two years, and its target is Sombra. The US military’s 10-ton helicopters account for 66.9% of the total, while our 10-ton helicopters account for only 4.5%.
    And they are all dependent on the emergence of imported direct 20, which can just fill the gap of our army's ten-ton helicopter. The track we mentioned earlier that has more room for growth than fighter jets is the straight 20.
    And in terms of the total number, my country has 1,270 military helicopters, while the U.S. military has 8,282, which is nearly seven times more than ours. Therefore, helicopters, especially the direct 20 industry chain, have great opportunities.
    One of these companies is the leader of my country's military helicopters. With the continuous increase in volume in the year 2020, the company's room for growth is expected.

  • 股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁技术新闻:如何判断A股牛市大顶Stock Dianzhong stock trading robot system computer version leasing technology news: how to judge the A-share bull market

    股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁技术新闻:如何判断A股牛市大顶Stock Dianzhong stock trading robot system computer version leasing technology news: how to judge the A-share bull market


    你知道如何去精准判断a 股牛市的大顶吗?这个视频呢告诉你答案,而且全网独家。
    除以当年的总的g d p 的一个占比,做了一个数据模型,它推算出来的。咱们呢先看零五到零七年。
    牛市的这个数据啊,二零零五年的a 股点位是一千点,当时啊沪深两市总市值占比g d p 的这个比例是百分之二十。
    而到了零七年的十月份,这个a 股啊疯涨到了六千点的时候,占比高达百分之一百三十二。那后面的故事啊大家都知道惨烈的熊市啊,一直把股市干。
    当时的这个a 股啊在两千点,当时啊两市的总市值占比g d p 约为百分之四十左右。但是到了二零一五年的这个六月份。
    a 股是这个涨到了五千点,占比啊高达百分之一百一十一。随后呢股灾就发生了,咱们总结一下啊。
    当总市值占比一旦超过g d p 的百分之一百,就等于流通市场上所有的资金呢几乎全部都被吸入到了股市。
    Do you know how to accurately judge the big top of the a-share bull market? This video tells you the answer, and it is exclusive to the whole network.
    Now, calm down, take five minutes to finish listening, then the next time you will stand guard on the top of the mountain, you will definitely not be there.
    Hurry up and save it, maybe this video will be gone someday. Everyone knows that the top of the bull market in 2007 was 6 units and 24 points, and the top of the bull market in 20 units and 5 years was 5 units and 8 points.
    Here comes the problem. According to the conventional thinking, because the social economy is constantly developing and progressing, it stands to reason that the top of the second bull market should be higher than the first.
    It must be high. Well old stock investors all know that when the bull market just started in early 2015, almost all retail investors thought that the stock market rose this time.
    It must be more than seven years old at six and two or four o'clock. They thought that eight thousand and ten thousand points were not a dream. At that time, there was a man who was very amazing. He was already there.
    In September of 2004, when the stock market was still at 2200, he published a report. The core content of the report has two points, first.
    The stock market is about to start a big bull market. Second, the target point of this round of bull market is 5,000 points, which is the chief analyst of Guotai Junan at that time.
    Ren Zeping, then why was Ren Zeping able to accurately judge that the bull market could reach 5,000 points, instead of exceeding 6,000 points?
    How did he calculate the five thousand points? Did it happen to be right? In fact, it was very simple. He took the total market value of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges at that time.
    Divide it by a proportion of the total g d p of the year and make a data model, which is calculated. Let's look at the years from 2005 to 2007 first.
    According to the bull market data, the A-share point in 2005 was 1,000 points. At that time, the total market value of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets accounted for 20% of gdp.
    In October 2007, when this A-share skyrocketed to 6,000, the share was as high as 132%. The story behind that, everyone knows the tragic bear market, has been doing the stock market.
    When it was 6 or 4 o'clock, there were countless tragedies in this world. At the beginning of the bull market in one-five years, that is, the first half of 2014.
    At that time, the A-share market was at two thousand points. At that time, the total market value of the two cities accounted for about 40% of gdp. But in this June of 2015.
    A-shares have risen to 5,000 points, accounting for up to 111%. Then the stock market crash happened, let's summarize it.
    When the total market value exceeds 100% of g d p, it means that almost all of the funds in the circulating market have been sucked into the stock market.
    Then the liquidity is completely absorbed by the stock market, which means that there will be no follow-up incremental funds to continue to lift the stock market.
    Because the nature of price increases is driven by funds. At that time, Ren Zeping used this simple method to judge the goal of the five thousand-point bull market.
    Simple enough.

  • 股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁行业投资资讯:新能源汽车热管理系统Stock Dianzhong Stock Trading Robot System Computer Edition Leasing Industry Investment Information: New Energy Vehicle Thermal Management System

    股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁行业投资资讯:新能源汽车热管理系统Stock Dianzhong Stock Trading Robot System Computer Edition Leasing Industry Investment Information: New Energy Vehicle Thermal Management System


    Battery decay has spawned an incremental market of hundreds of billions. With the advent of a new round of cold wave, the country has entered a quick freezing mode. For owners of new energy vehicles, the environment is even colder, and the drop in temperature has led to a significant reduction in the cruising range of their electric vehicles.
    According to the owners of the three-masted Tesla motorcycle, it has shrunk by at least 30%. The problem of the reduction in the cruising range in winter is not new. It can be said that it is a common feature of electric vehicles. Under low temperature environment, the capacity of lithium battery will decrease sharply.
    And the lower the temperature, the harder the attenuation. This is why new energy vehicles are rarely seen in the north, especially in the northeast. What should we do? Use a heat pump, which is used in traditional fuel vehicles.
    Things that are not needed at all, because the engine itself generates heat, and even this heat can provide warm air in the car. The electric car is hot because it does not have an engine.
    All need to rely on the thermal management system, this is a pure incremental market. Based on the current growth rate of new energy vehicles, it is estimated that the sales volume is expected to reach 13 million by 2025.
    The resulting thermal management system market space is expected to replace fuel vehicles with new energy vehicles of 70 billion yuan, which is an inevitable trend. Under this trend, thermal management systems will continue to grow.
    One of these companies is the leader in the thermal management system for new energy vehicles in China, and has now entered the supply chain of Tesla, GM, Volkswagen and other well-known auto companies. As the sales of new energy vehicles continue to grow, the company has room for growth.
    Will be more expansive.

  • 股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁炒股知识:炒股赚钱的人都不合群,个性鲜明The computer version of the stock trading robot system of the stock code clock leasing stock trading knowledge: the people who make money in stocks are not gregarious and have distinctive personalities

    股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁炒股知识:炒股赚钱的人都不合群,个性鲜明The computer version of the stock trading robot system of the stock code clock leasing stock trading knowledge: the people who make money in stocks are not gregarious and have distinctive personalities


    Smart people are not in a group, let's listen together.
    What is the best socializing? The best social interaction must be evenly matched, and there is no need to greet you.
    With internal pressure, the best social interaction must be on each other, and there is no negative energy to bother you.
    The meaning of social networking is to be knowledgeable. The strengths of scholars are to recognize themselves and increase fun. Some social circles are mainly for entertainment.
    Game life has no sincerity, only comparison is left. Such a circle has weak arms and requires you to stay away.
    The circles are different, so there is no need to force them together.
    Some people think that drinking and playing cards is the meaning of life. Some people regard hard work as their future goal. Different people have different pursuits.
    You don't have to be in a circle with different ambitions for the sake of face. You plan your own life by yourself, and no one can be responsible for others.
    People have different hearts, so you don't have to travel together.
    Some people make friends with a sincere heart, and some people wear masks to show affection.
    Don't invite people from different paths into your life. If you don't know how to refuse, some people will only make trouble in your world.
    Bring you countless troubles, smart people will not invite too many people into your life. Friends with heron, strangers, do not ask.
    It is better to be alone than deliberately.
    People who drink alcohol will only urge you to toast. People who play cards will only pull you to have fun, and different people will always have different influences on you. Some people just talk about it.
    To be able to share joys but not to share sorrows, instead of participating in ineffective social interactions and wasting time and energy, it is better to cultivate yourself more deeply and make yourself more confident in being alone.
    Good people have their own light.
    Adults rely on their strength to speak in their social interactions. Smart people never go in circles, but spend time to expand themselves and become outstanding.
    Will meet more like-minded people.
    Take the initiative to please the circle, take pains, and be looked down upon by others. The circles attracted by oneself are evenly matched, no one dares to look down upon.
    When a person brings his own light, there will always be someone fluorescent.

  • 股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁技术知识:如何一秒识别高控盘的庄股The computer version of the leasing technical knowledge of the stock trading robot system of the stock code clock: how to identify the stock stock of the high control board in one second

    股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁技术知识:如何一秒识别高控盘的庄股The computer version of the leasing technical knowledge of the stock trading robot system of the stock code clock: how to identify the stock stock of the high control board in one second


    这就是人工控股对吧?之前也暴雷了,你看其实他的k 线图做的非常的别扭,为什么说一眼就能看出呢?打开k 线图啊,一看就毛毛刺刺的。
    对吧,k 线的话,上眼线下眼线都很长,而且非常多这样的k 线,这样的k 线组列成一排打一眼去,你不用多想,一定是高空盘了啊。
    没有光盘的话,一般做不出这样的k 线来。
    而且是这么多,对吧?一排接一排的组合,包括第二个大家可以看啊,第二这个股票是不是这个比第一个稍微好看一点,但是一样都是每根k 线的上影线下影线都特别长。
    那么包括第三个k 线是不是都是同样的感觉,打一眼一看的话,毛毛色色的,一看就是高空盘了。这种股票的话,其实我觉得从k 线图上一眼就能看出来。
    呼风唤雨都这么玩,现在都什么年代了?做k 线图还能做出这种k 线图,让人一眼能看出来。我觉得这里操盘手其实是值得。
    Today, I will tell you how to identify the stocks with high control at a glance.
    When it comes to Zhuang Hu, many people consecrate the dealer, right? I especially admire the dealer and want to make money with the dealer. I think this was very popular twenty years ago. Because at that time there were many dealers.
    In cases where there is no dealer, this stock cannot be sold.
    But with the change of the times, big data like now has become more and more developed, and supervision has become more and more stringent. If you want to do Zhuang stock, the risk will be very big. First of all, Zhuang stock will be very difficult to operate.
    Secondly, the liquidity of Zhuanggu is also particularly poor. So let me show you a few pictures of Zhuanggu, so you can see how Zhuanggu can be seen at a glance. First of all, let's see the first picture.
    This is artificial holding, right? There was a thunderstorm before. You can see that his candlestick chart is very awkward. Why can you tell it at a glance? Open the candlestick chart and you can see glitches at a glance.
    Right, in the case of candlesticks, the upper and lower lashes are very long, and there are a lot of these candlesticks, so you don’t need to think about it. You don’t need to think about it, it must be a high-altitude game.
    Without an optical disc, such a k-line is generally not possible.
    And there are so many, right? Row after row of combinations, including the second one, everyone can see. Second, is this stock a little better than the first one, but the same is that the upper and lower shadows of each bar are very long .
    So, including the third candlestick, is it the same feeling? If you take a look at it, the fur is colored, and it's a high-altitude disk at a glance. For this kind of stock, I think it can be seen at a glance on the candlestick chart.
    You see the number of shareholders is generally like you sometimes.
    Some time ago, this kind of people who thundered, when Dong was in a high position, there were 100 or nearly 20 billion plates, and the average number was just over 5,000. So you think, with such a high plate, who is in the hands of this bargaining chip?
    In fact, the final destiny is the same, right? In the end, it all came down with a T-shaped board, like the second picture we just saw, right? This Beixun bar dropped from the highest of twenty-eight to more than one block.
    It almost fell. So for now, I suggest you stay away from Zhuanggu. Ah, because you think this Zhuang stock must be a high-control board. If there is no capital willing to intervene in the high-control board. You think the funds must be deeply ingrained.
    Moreover, this company is inextricably linked. How can a foreign fund intervene? In the second case, you think these chips are in his hand, he thinks it out.
    He figured out whom he must sell to in the end? It must be sold to retail investors. If there are not many retail investors, how can he just go out? Can't get out. So in the end you look at a lot of bricks. I smashed all the one-character light boards. I smashed a row of light boards and started to weigh more, right? Because at this time there will be some speculation funds sometimes.
    I thought it would take a big bargain to remake it for a while, right? Rebound for a while, and then continue to fall. So the fate of the ending is almost similar.
    In other words, in fact, the current Zhuang Wu, I think hey, the technique of making the market is too bad. Now this trader's tactics are really terribly poor. This kind of black line chart was played 20 years ago. Look at the troika of the Deron series before, right? then.
    What age are you now playing like this? This kind of candlestick chart can also be made by making a candlestick chart, so that people can see it at a glance. I think the trader here is actually worth it.

  • 股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁技术分享:炒股为什么超短线赚不到钱Share Dianzhong Stock Trading Robot System Computer Version Leasing Technology

    股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁技术分享:炒股为什么超短线赚不到钱Share Dianzhong Stock Trading Robot System Computer Version Leasing Technology


    很多人喜欢通过技术分析来炒短线,比如说看k 线形态量价指标、波浪理论趋势线头、肩顶头肩顶等等。啊,但是呢你见过几个做短线发大财的人呢。
    那怎样才能赚钱呢?其实啊无论是欧美市场还是在我国的a 股,真正赚大钱的投资者,从来不炒短线,都是根据对未来几个季度甚至是几年的中长期机会的把握。
    Many people like to speculate short-term through technical analysis, such as looking at the K-line pattern volume and price indicator, wave theory trend line head, shoulder top, head and shoulder top, and so on. Ah, but you have seen a few people who make short-term fortunes.
    Almost none, and doing short-term in this market will only die faster. Why then? This is because, first of all, it is impossible to predict in the short term. If you have to predict, it is speculation and gambling.
    It is necessary to pass several quarters or even years of long-term inspections to better judge the general direction. Secondly, when you are short-term, your counterparty is not human at all.
    Because many institutions are now making quantitative investments, using computer programs to automatically capture short-term market opportunities, and automatically make short-term short-term profit margins. Just like Li Shishi can't play such an artificial intelligence at all.
    Do you think you can play artificial intelligence? And there will be more and more quantification programs in the future. Those investors who wish to make quick money by speculating in short-term have become the targets of these artificial intelligences.
    In the end, artificial intelligence is like Thanos. With a snap of your fingers, all the retail investors who rely on technical analysis to speculate on the short-term will be wiped out, leaving the machines to fight each other. That's not enough to rely on technology to speculate short-term.
    So how can we make money? In fact, whether it is in the European and American markets or in my country's A-shares, investors who really make a lot of money never speculate in the short-term, based on their grasp of the medium and long-term opportunities in the next few quarters or even years.
    Find a good company that continues to create value, buy it first, and then wait for the company to grow and develop to make money for company growth, not for market fluctuations, this is the real master.
    Therefore, only by studying the company's fundamentals to find low buying opportunities and holding them for a long time can we live long in this market.

  • 股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁炒股技术知识:高手炒股三四五六Stock Dianzhong stock trading robot system computer version lease stock trading technical knowledge: master stocks three, four, five, six

    股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁炒股技术知识:高手炒股三四五六Stock Dianzhong stock trading robot system computer version lease stock trading technical knowledge: master stocks three, four, five, six


    If you want to eat meat in stocks, you must learn what three, four, five, six, three, four, five, six are? Three, four, five is critical. But six is ​​the most critical.
    Third, the number of individual stocks held by retail investors should not exceed three. The most common mistake many people make is to see a lover and a nympho. Others say this is good, um, I’ll buy some to try, and I heard that it’s a leader.
    I also bought some for a try, and bought ten or even more by accident. When he opened his account, he couldn't even see the green stock market.
    How much energy do you have, three wives and four concubines are not enough, do you use it? Many tens of millions of large funds have no more than three to five positions. Remember not to be sentimental everywhere.
    At most, it can be half-hearted, and then most of the breakthroughs in key technical pressure points will occur in the fourth time.
    According to statistics, the probability of the third breakthrough is only 30%, and the probability of the fourth breakthrough is as high as 80%.
    As the saying goes, there are no more than three things. If the first three breakthroughs fail, then the fourth breakthrough is the one with the highest success rate. The same is true for breaking the support.
    If it is said that after the triple ceremony, there is a fourth bottoming, then this bottom is often unable to hold the fifth to fifty percent position. Don't listen to that Mr. XX told you that he crossed that line.
    You fill me up with the broken thread, and you will immediately clear it. In fact, many times you will find that the opportunities you think are often risks, what you think.
    Risks are often opportunities. In the end, your account shrinks faster than the Rockets, and the half position can be relatively attackable.
    Retreat can be defended. The most important thing is the 60-day moving average. Many people will tell you that you have to follow the trend when doing stocks. So this trend is actually a trend.
    So how to judge the trend? The 60-day moving average is the simplest trend watershed. When the price has been running above the 60-day moving average, and the moving average is constantly diverging upwards.
    Then it can be understood that this is an upward trend, and we must focus on it. On the contrary, stocks that have been running below the 60-day moving average, and the moving average diverges downward at the same time.
    This is called a downward trend, so don't pay attention to it, don't go to the bottom, this is the easiest way to follow the trend. Do a good job of three, four, five, six, let you continue.

  • 股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁炒股知识:会买的是徒弟会卖的是师傅,会空仓的才是高手The computer version of the stock trading robot system of the stock code clock leasing stock trading knowledge: it is the apprentice who buys it, the master who sells it, and the master who knows short positions

    股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁炒股知识:会买的是徒弟会卖的是师傅,会空仓的才是高手The computer version of the stock trading robot system of the stock code clock leasing stock trading knowledge: it is the apprentice who buys it, the master who sells it, and the master who knows short positions


    For stocks, the apprentices will buy the masters, and the short positions will be the masters. Many people know this, but there are actually very few people who can do it in the stock market. In the stock market, there are actually two relationships between investors and stocks and funds.
    One is that you have picked the right stock and it is in good time, so you will own it for a long time. It's like you have picked a suitable wife or husband.
    Yangtze River water. What about the other, you are still waiting, you have not found a suitable partner, then you may have to wait, right? That is the short position. It's like you might not find the right boyfriend or girlfriend yet.
    Then you can't always own it. If you always have a good one, it will be embarrassing, so short positions are necessary. So what do we do while we wait? I think it's just reading a book or doing something else.
    You personally.

  • 股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁行业投资资讯:国产光刻机产业链Stock Dianzhong Stock Trading Robot System Computer Edition Leasing Industry Investment Information

    股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁行业投资资讯:国产光刻机产业链Stock Dianzhong Stock Trading Robot System Computer Edition Leasing Industry Investment Information


    能获得高功率、高重频窄带宽的相干辐射波长可覆盖从泰克斯到机子外扩段大功率的e u v 光源是e u v 光刻机的核心技术。
    并且公司二十八纳米节点光刻机预计在今年就会造出来光刻机市场多大,一台e u v 光刻机售价就超过一亿美元。现在全球都在闹芯片荒。
    To solve the stuck neck problem, the independent research and development of Optical Technology is expected to achieve new breakthroughs. Yesterday, Tsinghua University's Department of Engineering Physics Professor Tang's research group released a major scientific research result. This is a new type of particle accelerator light source steady-state crisis technique.
    A high-power, high-repetition frequency and narrow-bandwidth coherent radiation wavelength that can cover the high-power e u v light source from the tex to the external extension of the machine is the core technology of the e u v lithography machine.
    This research result is expected to solve the stuck neck problem that has been restricting the technological breakthrough of domestic advertising machines.
    The light source has always been the key to the upgrade of lithography machine technology. One of the important reasons why the domestic optical machine is still at the level of ninety nanometers is that the light source technology has not resumed work for a long time.
    Therefore, this news is a huge boon for the chip industry, and companies that do lithography machines directly benefit. Who is the leader of the domestic lithography machine? Of course, Shanghai Microelectronics, its 90-nanometer node lithography machine represents the most advanced level of domestic lithography machine.
    And the company's 28-nanometer node lithography machine is expected to be built this year. How big is the lithography machine market? An e u v lithography machine sells for more than 100 million US dollars. Now there is a chip shortage all over the world.
    As long as the lithography machine can be built, it will be snatched wildly. If Shanghai Microelectronics goes public, it is estimated that he has already reached the daily limit, but what should he do if he is not listed? To dig out the shareholders behind him.
    This company holds more than 10% of the shares in upstream electronics, the most among all listed companies, and the company is mainly engaged in venture capital, and has abundant resources in high-tech industries such as chips.
    And the market layout, the recent market adjustment is just right.
