炒股作盘灵感Stock market inspiration
来源:股典钟AI连板涨停 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-08 | 1338 次浏览 | 分享到:

This is the truth.
What we say look more, not only includes the four-hour opening time a day, but also includes the pre-market and post-market research time.
Rehearsal is the most important job after the market.
The resumption is to use the static state to look at the market again to make a summary of the market conditions that have not been observed within four hours of the opening.
The review generally includes four aspects. The first is to review the market.
Understand the specific trend of the market that day, the comparison of market strengths and weaknesses, and then analyze the current mainstream market hotspots, performance, and how.
The second is to review and record the industry sectors, showing the top ten gainers and the top ten losers.
And take the sectors that have been in the top ten gainers for three consecutive days as the focus of research, and look for strong stocks in this sector.
As the research subject, put it into the self-selected stock pool.
The third is to re-examine the stocks that have risen by more than five points and those that have fallen by more than eight points. This is a relatively large amount of work, if there is not enough time.