炒股作盘灵感Stock market inspiration
来源:股典钟AI连板涨停 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-08 | 1348 次浏览 | 分享到:

Three five-minute bars produce a 15-minute bar, two 15-minute bars produce a 30-minute bar, and eight 30-minute bars can produce a daily bar. .
Paying attention to the trend of small-level candlesticks can train and improve your judgment to the greatest extent in a limited trading time, especially the 30-minute candlestick.
Because thirty minutes divides the trend of the day into eight parts, it happens to be a magic number. It is the number of the Eight Diagrams of the Zhouyi in China, and it is also the wave number of the complete wave cycle of Elliott.
The 30-minute bar chart is both sensitive and stable. In the future, we will also share a video about the 30-minute trading point with you. Through the above two methods.
We can quickly improve our sense of disk. Many people say that stock trading is not a science, but an art. Since it is called art, there must be inspiration and inspiration.
It comes from the sense of disk. Only with the sense of disk can the complexity be simplified and straightforward, even if there are not too many logical reasons to buy and sell, it is equally reasonable. Disk sense is the repair in the stock market.