炒股作盘灵感Stock market inspiration
来源:股典钟AI连板涨停 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-08 | 1340 次浏览 | 分享到:


In the memoirs of Livermore's stock maker, the issue of inspiration was mentioned, which is also a problem that many investors are more concerned about. Do stocks rely on logical analysis, or rely on the so-called intuition.
Are all senses of discernment born or nurtured? Let's talk about the feeling of the plate today.
When learning English before, the teacher often told us to read more and listen more, which can cultivate a good sense of language, which is very helpful for learning English well.
Cultivating the sense of discernment is the same as cultivating the sense of language. Discernment is to establish some regularity in the brain.
What kind of correct judgment should be made for a certain handicap so that the correct action can be taken.
Therefore, if you want to have a good sense of the game, you must watch it more. The necessary time to watch the game is the first step in cultivating the sense of the game.
Burned in your mind.
Thus, a kind of conditioned reflex is formed, and the effect of rapid response is achieved as soon as it encounters a specific form. The so-called familiar reading of the 300 poems of the Tang Dynasty will not be able to compose poems, but will also move.