眷恋红尘的佛系人——曹德旺The Buddhist family who is nostalgic for the red dust-Cao Dewang
来源:股典钟AI连板涨停王 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-06 | 1163 次浏览 | 分享到:

I actually touched my nose in front of me. They remember that China's Cao Dewang is not easy to mess with. In 2012, Cao Dewang became General Motors, the largest supplier of General Motors in the United States.
Very poor, he wants to go to the United States to set up a factory, four years later, he will invest 760 million U.S. dollars. This medicine glass factory opened its doors in Ohio, the United States to welcome guests on the day.
The laid-off old men in the United States went crazy overnight. They don't want that factory. Cao Dewang offered thirteen dollars to save the laid-off workers.
The fate of middle-aged and elderly people. From then on, Cao Dewang was in front of this group of old men in the United States, that is, food and clothing parents, whoever dares to move him, the workers will fight him desperately. In 2017, the United States began to impose sanctions on Huawei and raise tariffs.
The ban on chip sales is a cure, and Ren Yongfei is so tough that he can only endure it silently. Cao Dewang was furious at the performance conference. If you want to increase tariffs in the United States, you can increase it by 20%.