眷恋红尘的佛系人——曹德旺The Buddhist family who is nostalgic for the red dust-Cao Dewang
来源:股典钟AI连板涨停王 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-06 | 1162 次浏览 | 分享到:

倾销调查在这之前呢,凡是被美国起诉的中国企业没有一家胜诉的。因为那个时候啊中国刚刚加入w t o,国内企业根本不熟悉人家国际的那些游戏规则。碰到这种事情我们。

Why does Lao Mei bully Ren Zhengfei but dare not move Cao Dewang. You know that these two companies are not in the same order of magnitude. Among the top 500 private enterprises in China in 2020, Huawei ranked first.
Taking medicine ranked 482nd, Huawei's turnover was 900 billion yuan, Fuyao Group was 211 billion yuan, a difference of 43 times, and Huawei has nearly 200,000 employees.
Taking medicine is less than 30,000, but Cao Dewang is an ancestor in the United States. Although Cao Dewang’s dressing and the appointed Huawei Huawei were both established in 1987 and 1989.
The profit of the dressing has already exceeded 20 million. Listed in 1993. Alas, Gu set off to enter overseas markets, joint ventures to build factories, so that China's manufacturing.
World-renowned. In 1995, when Ren Zhengfei sold Huawei's switches in rural China, Cao Dewang had sold the glass for dressing to the world. America is the one who lives in the car.
The country actually owns 250 million cars, did you know? But three out of every ten cars have glass, bought from Cao Dewang. This number makes Americans particularly nervous. In 2020, the United States launched a counterattack against dressings.
Prior to the dumping investigation, none of the Chinese companies that were sued by the United States won the case. Because at that time, China had just joined WTO, and domestic companies were not familiar with the rules of the game. We encountered this kind of thing.
I can only recognize the American market and give up obediently. Cao Dewang, he doesn't believe in this evil. He said that if you are an American with a big fist, you can bully me.
This lawsuit lasted three years, and Cao Dewang spent more than one billion yuan. He hired the best lawyer and sued the U.S. Department of Commerce. This is the first anti-dumping lawsuit that China has won since its accession to the WTO. The arrogant American native boss in China.
I actually touched my nose in front of me. They remember that China's Cao Dewang is not easy to mess with. In 2012, Cao Dewang became General Motors, the largest supplier of General Motors in the United States.
Very poor, he wants to go to the United States to set up a factory, four years later, he will invest 760 million U.S. dollars. This medicine glass factory opened its doors in Ohio, the United States to welcome guests on the day.
The laid-off old men in the United States went crazy overnight. They don't want that factory. Cao Dewang offered thirteen dollars to save the laid-off workers.
The fate of middle-aged and elderly people. From then on, Cao Dewang was in front of this group of old men in the United States, that is, food and clothing parents, whoever dares to move him, the workers will fight him desperately. In 2017, the United States began to impose sanctions on Huawei and raise tariffs.
The ban on chip sales is a cure, and Ren Yongfei is so tough that he can only endure it silently. Cao Dewang was furious at the performance conference. If you want to increase tariffs in the United States, you can increase it by 20%.
You can do whatever you like 40%. I won't sell if I don't make money. At this time, GM is not panicked. Cao Dewang, GM's production will be reduced by more than half, and GM will lose 400 million US dollars a year.
It will cause a strike of 50,000 workers. GM cannot afford to offend Cao Dewang. Americans have to support this ancestor. Even the former US President Barack Obama has to pay for it out of his own pocket.
At the American factory where he filmed the documentary, Twenty-five percent of the world's cars use Cao Dewang's glass. The Ernst & Young Global Entrepreneur Award established in the United States in 1986.
This is the Oscar award in July, which is selected once a year. In 2006, when Cao Dewang founded China, he was the first Chinese to win the light of this time. In recent years, Cao Dewang has invested more than 10 billion pieces.
After the completion of Fuyao University of Science and Technology, it was handed over to the country. In the future, it will cultivate some first-class senior scientific and technological talents who combine theory and practice for the country. By that time the chip problem.
It is no longer a problem, and we will no longer be pointed out by Lao Mei. We all know that Cao Dewang often does good deeds and donates almost half of his assets. For his charity work, everyone respectfully calls him China's No. 1 Charity.
He said, China’s first kindness is not me, but Yuan Longping. In his autobiography, Cao Dewang commented on himself like this. I am a layman. I love cups and scold my mother. Be patient and kind.
I am also willing to be greedy for the world. Whoever says I do it, but foreigners don't believe it. Because I represent the Chinese in foreign countries, this is Cao Dewang's nostalgic love for the world.
I am an old man, a native Chinese, an open-minded Chinese. We Chinese should have more of Cao Dewang's.