眷恋红尘的佛系人——曹德旺The Buddhist family who is nostalgic for the red dust-Cao Dewang
来源:股典钟AI连板涨停王 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-06 | 1159 次浏览 | 分享到:

World-renowned. In 1995, when Ren Zhengfei sold Huawei's switches in rural China, Cao Dewang had sold the glass for dressing to the world. America is the one who lives in the car.
The country actually owns 250 million cars, did you know? But three out of every ten cars have glass, bought from Cao Dewang. This number makes Americans particularly nervous. In 2020, the United States launched a counterattack against dressings.
Prior to the dumping investigation, none of the Chinese companies that were sued by the United States won the case. Because at that time, China had just joined WTO, and domestic companies were not familiar with the rules of the game. We encountered this kind of thing.
I can only recognize the American market and give up obediently. Cao Dewang, he doesn't believe in this evil. He said that if you are an American with a big fist, you can bully me.
This lawsuit lasted three years, and Cao Dewang spent more than one billion yuan. He hired the best lawyer and sued the U.S. Department of Commerce. This is the first anti-dumping lawsuit that China has won since its accession to the WTO. The arrogant American native boss in China.