  • 次日低开的涨停板是机会还是风险Is the daily limit opened lower the next day an opportunity or a risk

    次日低开的涨停板是机会还是风险Is the daily limit opened lower the next day an opportunity or a risk


    Yesterday’s daily limit ticket opened lower the next day. Is it an opportunity or a risk to chase it or not to chase it? What kind of routine is hidden in the low drive the next day?
    These contents are very important. For those who like to do strong votes, you must finish watching the main players and use these three trading methods to operate. Yesterday's daily limit, the next day's low ticket.
    Two of these situations are traps, and only one is an opportunity. Then the first situation is the daily limit of tickets that were stimulated by sudden positives.
    So the reason for the low opening the next day is very simple. The good news is that the good news is bad for a day. In this case, opening low means that the strength of the main force is not strong.
    Or the main force simply does not have the desire for continuous promotion. So if you open it low like this, you can't chase it to death. The second case is the technical form of a check.
    After the peak signal appears, the main force will often create a daily limit to attract popularity, and the stock price of this daily limit will often not hit a new high.
    Then the next day, opening low may attract some chips to buy and take orders, so that the dealer can quickly ship the goods. Since the dealers are all shipping, we also want to.
    Resolutely avoid. Then the third situation that deserves attention is if a check has been sideways for a long period of time or it is due to a fall, because of people who have been locked up in the early stage.
    There are too many, and there are too many people who are numb, and everyone is unwilling to hand over their chips. At this time, the main force is to quickly collect chips and get chips.
    Do not hesitate to pull a daily limit to take the initiative to liberate some of these stuck chips, so as to achieve the purpose of accumulating chips. So this technique belongs to it.
    In the stage of collecting chips, there is often a low opening after the daily limit. Then we must follow the main force to build positions and dance with Zhuang at this time. Eat meat together.
    Let's summarize the whole point with a picture. Did you lose school? Pay attention to my late dry goods.

  • 读懂五大盘口语言避开主力挖的坑Read the five major handicap languages to avoid the pits dug by the main force

    读懂五大盘口语言避开主力挖的坑Read the five major handicap languages to avoid the pits dug by the main force


    Ninety percent of retail investors may not know the internal and external stocks of the stock, and they don’t know much about his handicap language. You must know that a stock went up or down that day.
    If you don’t understand the result of the long-short game, it’s easy to get the main force, so why not be deceived by the main force? Master the language of these five handicap, you can easily resolve them.
    earned money. First of all, the so-called inner market is an active selling order, which is the accumulated transaction volume of selling stocks at the current price or selling directly at a low price, and selling orders.
    Active buying is the cumulative number of transactions when the stock is bought at a limit price, or when it is bought directly at a high price. what does it mean? To put it simply, it is usually on the viewing software.
    The number displayed on the outer disk is red. The number displayed in the inner disk is green, red represents active buying, which means the buyer has an advantage, and green represents active selling, which means the seller has an advantage.
    The internal and external orders reflect the strength of the buyers and sellers. The external order is greater than the internal order, indicating that the buyer has stronger power and is willing to buy in time at a higher price. The inner disk is larger than the outer disk.
    The selling force is stronger and tends to sell in time at a lower price. So after mastering the basics, how to use it? Remember these six mantras, the outer disc is greater than the inner disc.
    Both volume and price rise, see the high-tier internal market larger than the external market, the stock price rises instead of falling, the main force is low. Third, there is a large number of orders.
    Please buy orders, the stock price does not fall, and the market maker placed a fourth order with a sell order and a large number of invisible selling orders appeared. If the stock price does not rise, there is little difference between the outside and the inside of the dealer's shipment.
    Losing the game between the two sides, the stock price is about to reverse, the internal and external markets are small, the stock price rose slightly, and the dealer has locked up the bargaining chip. The above are the six formulas of the internal and external discs.
    Have you learned it yet?

  • 短线打涨停快速交易技巧Short-term daily limit fast trading skills

    短线打涨停快速交易技巧Short-term daily limit fast trading skills


    Let me share with you the specific methods of text messages, daily limit and fast trading. Earlier, we shared the internal logic of hot money as a daily limit.
    And basic essentials. However, in actual combat, many people often have a slower hand speed, which will affect the effect of short-term trading.
    How to trade quickly? We have several methods. First, we use the above sell order as the main buying price.
    For example, there are many pending orders in the positions we see, and we directly buy at this price.
    The shortcut key is to click the plus sign, and then click three to buy directly at the price of three.
    If we feel that buying in the market is very active, and we will buy at the price of five, we click the plus sign and click five.
    Just sell the goods directly to make the transaction.
    If we think that this product is about to have a daily limit, we scan the version, and we click on the two plus signs to buy directly at the daily limit.
    The same goes for the selling process. Selling If we want to sell quickly, we will place the following buy orders.
    To enter the pending order shortcut key, click the minus sign minus three to directly sell the transaction at this position, and so on.
    I hope this method of SMS can be helpful to everyone, and everyone is welcome to like and leave a message in the comment area.
    More stock speculation tips for the audience.

  • 分时线对套牢盘重要性The importance of time-sharing line to holding plate

    分时线对套牢盘重要性The importance of time-sharing line to holding plate


    Today’s video mainly shares the usage of time-sharing with you. This method is suitable for short-term investors or investors who want to amortize the cost of holding positions. The time-sharing line is the real-time monitoring line of the price, the slope of the rise and fall of the stock price.
    The real-time status of the quantity and the real-time performance of the price are all represented in it. This is all years of experience. You can watch it a few more times. First, the stock price is moderately heavy along the average price line, and you can buy without breaking the average price line. The second point is the stock price.
    Significantly low open volume has increased, and you can buy with narrow fluctuations above the average price line. The third point is that the opening stock price quickly rises and falls, breaking the average price line to sell. Fourth, the stock price stabilizes without breaking the average price line and breaking through the resistance with heavy volume.
    Chase buy. Fifth, the stock price opened low and then quickly rushed upwards, the rebound was weak, and the breakthrough was blocked and could be sold. Sixth, the stock price opened lower, the average price line was under pressure, and the rebound was unable to sell. Seventh, the stock price opened lower and traded at the average price line again.
    A breakthrough in sales volume enlargement can be bought. Eighth, divergence of volume and price, heavy volume stagnation, cautiously chasing the rise. Ninth, there are no more than three things, three ups can not be broken, resistance can be weakened, can be considered.

  • 高手用成交量抓牛股Experts use trading volume to catch bull stocks

    高手用成交量抓牛股Experts use trading volume to catch bull stocks


    Trading volume is an excellent stock selection indicator. We should pay attention to the sudden increase in volume after volume shrinks. Only volume increase reflects the change in the supply and demand relationship of the stock. Only when the trading volume increases can the stock have a rising bottom momentum. .
    Volume is the forerunner of price, and the rise in stock prices must be coordinated with volume. The increase in trading volume means that the turnover rate will increase, the average cost will increase, and the upward selling pressure will be reduced, and the stock price will continue to rise.
    Therefore, short-term operation must choose the stock operation method with volume. When we found that individual stocks are trending well at the relative bottom, we suddenly released a huge amount of radio to join our optional observation. The massive production must be produced by both the long and the short.
    There must be a buy, there must be a sell, there must be a buy, this is a two-way transaction volume, and the heavy volume here basically shows that there is a dispute between long and short. So when is it appropriate to participate? When we found that the stock price of an individual stock did not fall below the 5-day line or fell to the 10-day line the next day, it quickly pulled back.
    It shows that the strength of the bulls has defeated the strength of the bears. At this time, you can quickly catch up with the selling method, and cooperate with the five-day line to sell.
    When the bottom stocks appear heavy volume, it is best not to break below the five-day line the next day. 2. It is best not to break a new low or close the positive line the next day, for such stocks are stronger. The three pullbacks to the ten-day line are regarded as being pulled back.

  • 股盟主的交易心得(建议珍藏)Stock leader’s trading experience (recommended collection)

    股盟主的交易心得(建议珍藏)Stock leader’s trading experience (recommended collection)


    Five-point trading experience and experience of China's best retail investor Zhang Mengzhu, who has achieved 50,000 funds to 10 billion. The fifth point is the essence of the essence, the first.
    If you can't learn nothing, you will never be a good fighter. If you can't learn to stop losses, you will inevitably become a disadvantage. Second, frequent transactions and random impulses.
    It is the main reason for your loss. If we want to make long-term profits, we must not be arrogant, arrogant, and proud. Third, we insist on only stocks with rising channels.
    Making money is inevitable, and losing money is accidental. Fourth, following the mainstream sectors of the market for a long time is the biggest secret to keep you stable and profitable. Fifth, the point is here.
    Leading stocks must start their daily limit in the first place. Note that it is the first one. If the first one starts, you must follow it immediately. And when he fell below the five-day moving average.
    The next day, it can't be recovered, that is, the leading stock market is over.

  • 股票卖出时机衡量指标Stock sell timing indicator

    股票卖出时机衡量指标Stock sell timing indicator


    叫做容量上限,就是说公众对某一类方向的认同人数是有上限的。a 股里的票其实也一样是有容量上限的。股民认同某上市公司的业务逻辑,进而购入其公司的股票。那么它的实时股东人数就加一。
    原理很重要哈,我尽量说的简单一点,a 股市场其实是一个百分之一百符合大众心理学里一个叫做羊群效应的地方。说简单点哈就是去哪里吃草的羊变多了,去哪里吃草的羊就会更多,这个叫做羊群效应。
    First tell you the measurement indicators you must know in the stock market to determine the timing of selling. Anyone who knows this indicator will not tell you. I will share it. I don’t know if I can change the conclusion by another word. Let me start by saying that the total number of shareholders of a listed company is how many people in the market hold the check.
    When this value reaches a certain number, it means to consider selling the video. Take Longi BYD Lixun Precision as an example to share specific values ​​and judgment methods. As the video content is too dry and may disappear at any time, it is recommended to download and save it first.
    Let me ask a question first, you often get 2 million likes videos on Douyin. Is it unusual for 20 million likes videos? Douyin has 700 million users, and this is rarely a video likes. The phenomenon of 20 million.
    It is called the upper limit of capacity, which means that there is an upper limit on the number of people who agree with a certain direction. In fact, the votes in a stock also have a capacity limit. Shareholders agree with the business logic of a listed company and then buy the company's stock. Then its real-time number of shareholders is increased by one.
    Just like Douyin, which has 700 million users, the upper limit of the like capacity of a video is 20 million 180 million. In the market of the number of shareholders, what is the upper limit of the number of holders of a long-limit ticket? No blogger on the entire network will tell you that if you do this, the upper limit is 400,000.
    The principle is very important. I try to be simple. The a-share market is actually a place that is 100% in line with the herding effect in popular psychology. To put it simply, there are more sheep where you go to eat grass, and more sheep where you go to eat grass. This is called the herd effect.
    It is a fact that grass will not be enough if there are too many sheep to a certain extent. Then some smart sheep will realize in advance that the grass will be insufficient, and they will set off in advance to find new grassland. One person becomes a tiger, and when the three of them evacuate in groups, there will be a flock of evacuated sheep. once.
    The stock price collapsed. BYD’s number of shareholders went from 130,000 to 440,000 last year. The number of shareholders of BYD has been reduced by a few catties recently. The number of shareholders of Longi has gone from 210,000 to 39,000, a flash crash of 30%. , And the fruit chain that first reached the threshold of 400,000 shareholders. Lixun Precision.
    The first collapse, the stock price is even more terrible. Four hundred thousand is the watershed for the differentiation of the herd effect. Therefore, it is enough to find a long-term selling point and attach importance to the number of shareholders of 400,000. This number is enough. So here comes the problem. How to check the number of real-time shareholders of a listed company?
    The answer is that the real-time number of shareholders of a listed company cannot be found, which is the biggest bargaining chip for the dealer. He knows that you don't know what he makes is the money with poor information, and you know what he is playing. But although ordinary people cannot find it in real time, this does not prevent us from establishing such a system.
    Cognitive system. If you can't find it, and everyone can't find out that you have this cognitive system, if others don't, then our head on will be even greater. And if you plan to hold a vote with good fundamentals for a long time, the number of shareholders in the previous quarter must be disclosed in the quarterly report.
    For such an important indicator, it is enough to take a long-term view once every three months. So about the selling points of long-term tickets, you should be looking for them at this time.

  • 股市高手十大看盘口诀Top ten tips for stock market masters

    股市高手十大看盘口诀Top ten tips for stock market masters


    Do you know what the first step is to become a master of the stock market? That is to familiarize yourself with the Kanban mantras left by the masters of the stock market. The following ten kanban mantras have been confirmed by the market many times, and the accuracy rate is extremely high. Not much to say, I will give it to everyone right away.
    The short answer formula one, don’t rush, don’t sell, don’t dive, don’t buy, don’t trade sideways. Mantra two, buy yin but not yang, sell yang but not yin, go against the trend.
    Fang Wei's heroic formula three, at the bottom, Changyang resolutely held shares until the market closed for the first time. The fourth formula is to be nervous when the volume falls, and the volume shrinks to a new low.
    Incremental rebound is the key. When you look back to confirm that you want to enter the market, you can realize that the high position is sideways and then rush higher, and you can seize the opportunity to quickly throw the low position and new low.
    Good timing for whole-warehouse buying. Six formulas for shipments must have good popularity, good news, and expectations behind it, and cold washing and hot selling are the prerequisites.
    The heavy-duty stagflation market is more than formula seven, the decline slows down and rebounds, while the slow decline accelerates the rebound. Mantra eight, hot stocks can't be ignored.
    The pubic bone should be turned into a Huancong stone, and it should be fried to the end.
    For chewing, we will not buy last year's big bull stocks this year, and the first half of the year will not buy big bull stocks in the second half of the year. There should be bad news when shorting the formula, and the general trend is sluggish. So happy.
    One after another, new lows have been made, and the immeasurable reason is the urgent reason. The above are the top ten opening tips for stock market masters. Remember to like and collect repeatedly.

  • 股典钟涨停王语音播报资讯:股市黑话Stock code clock daily limit king voice broadcast information: stock market black talk

    股典钟涨停王语音播报资讯:股市黑话Stock code clock daily limit king voice broadcast information: stock market black talk


    股市黑化背后的典故,直到三个以上都是老股民,a 股股民有多难?看看这几个典故就知道了。一。
    随后,广大证券发布公告,承认,他们在e d f 套利交易时,因为程序员错误,以二百三十四亿元的资金。
    五核按钮,核按钮指的是股票。刚好好的突然就崩了,几乎每天a 股就会有几个股票突然山崩。
    核按钮本质是一种情绪化的产物,a 股股民比较暴躁,一言不合就出现羊群效应。一红二上的杂牌。
    See if there is any blackening of the stock market that you know?
    The allusions behind the blackening of the stock market, until more than three are old stockholders, how difficult is it for a-share stockholders? Just look at these allusions. one.
    Turning off the lights to eat noodles Turning off the lights to eat noodles refers to a huge loss in stocks, heartbroken. On December 7, 2011, Chongqing Beer, a listed company, issued an announcement.
    It is said that the company has developed a hepatitis B vaccine for 13 years, and it has almost no effect.
    Immediately after that, the company's stock dropped its limit for six consecutive words.
    On December 15th, a netizen posted a post with only one sentence. Today, I returned home and cooked some noodles and ate them.
    While crying, tears fell into the bowl without turning on the light, so turning off the light and eating noodles became synonymous with the heartbreak of the ancients. two.
    The midnight chicken is called the midnight chicken, which means that a preliminary computer room policy has caused massive damage to the stock market.
    In May 2007, there was a rumour in the Weigu market that the stamp duty would be raised, and the official came forward to clarify that there was no such thing.
    However, in the early hours of May 3rd, the official announced a sudden increase in the stamp duty rate for securities transactions from one thousandth to three thousandths.
    When the market opened the next day, almost all stocks kept their limit down.
    In just one week, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index fell by a thousand points, and the number of stockholders who lost more than 30% of the time was countless, and they had no chance to escape.
    Especially in the middle of the night, Cock Crows. It was originally a text, but the textbook was later removed. Friends who are interested in his content can check it out. 3. Oolong means.
    Oolong refers to the fact that stock traders make the wrong order when they travel, which causes the stock market to fluctuate abnormally. At 11:05 on August 16, 2013.
    The Shanghai Composite Index instantly rose 5.969% of the heavyweight stocks instantly closed the daily limit, and soon fell again.
    Afterwards, the majority of securities issued an announcement, acknowledging that they used 23.4 billion yuan in funds during e d f arbitrage trading because of programmer errors.
    The purchase of a bunch of all-China events caused a heavy inspection by Everbright Securities, lost a lot of money, and paid a fine of 500 million yuan. Shareholders also saw 20 billion yuan in this matter.
    Can instantly move the market. The fourth is to take the stock for the country, which refers to the behavior of stockholders who bravely buy the bottom regardless of their own safety.
    On April 19, 2015, Yangtze River Securities Tao Zijie released a research report with the title of "The Great Hero, Takes the Market for the Country".
    It is advisable that everyone should not be afraid, and if they fall temporarily, they should hold the hero Xintai, who is for the country and the people, to go hunting down. Two months later, the most violent ancient house in history happened.
    Shareholders are no longer talking about turning off the lights and eating noodles. The second is to be replaced by the great man, to take over for the country. This tragic slogan.
    Five-core button, the nuclear button refers to the stock. It just happened to collapse suddenly. Almost every day, a few stocks in A-shares suddenly landslide.
    For example, in Litong on Thursday and Friday, this kind of trend is like a nuclear bomb while walking, and it instantly cools down. So it is called the nuclear button.
    The nuclear button is essentially an emotional product. A-share stockholders are more irritable, and a herd effect will appear if they disagree. A miscellaneous brand with one red and two on top.
    Coupled with the fact that there have been more financial mines in recent years, nuclear buttons have become commonplace. Although our investors have a bad temper, they have a good attitude.
    Repeated defeats and indomitable fights, so it is also known as leeks, cut one crop after another in the spring breeze.

  • 级别周期蕴藏的财富密码The wealth code hidden in the level cycle

    级别周期蕴藏的财富密码The wealth code hidden in the level cycle


    After listening to the following content, you don't need to do research after listening to the transaction. Today, I will tell you what information the cycle represents. The quarterly line and the monthly line generally reflect the monthly line of the red tube face, the weekly line reflects the fundamentals, and the daily line reflects trading sentiment and enthusiasm.
    The more the market spreads, the more clearly you can see that any wave of market development will have a gestation period, an outbreak period, and a fall period. During the gestation period, you have to be patient enough to allow it to fully accumulate strength.
    During the outbreak period, you have to give enough trust to let the profits run as far as possible. During the fall-back period, you have to appear in time and wait patiently for the next opportunity. In fact, opening a position is only the beginning of a transaction, and holding a position is the stage to test traders.
    In fact, it usually doesn't mean leaving, but waiting for the start of the next transaction. The above content hopes to be useful to you.

  • 几个要素决定涨停股次日能否继续Several factors determine whether the daily limit of stocks can continue the next day

    几个要素决定涨停股次日能否继续Several factors determine whether the daily limit of stocks can continue the next day


    Whether the daily limit individual stocks can catch up the next day depends on five key points. Especially the last one must be kept in mind, because that is the little secret that the main force least wants to be known by others.
    Ah, the first point is the trading volume. At the moment when the daily limit is closed, the larger the trading volume, the better. The large turnover of the closed board shows that the main force has a firm intention to close the board, but it is after the board is closed.
    The smaller the trading volume, the better, and the smaller it means the lower the selling pressure above it. It means that everyone is optimistic about the performance of the market outlook and is unwilling to sell, so the imagination of the market outlook is bigger. What about the second point.
    See the performance after sealing the board. If the board is not reopened after the board is sealed, and the amount of seals is huge, the small-cap stocks share more than 20,000 lots, and the large-cap stocks share more than 50,000 lots.
    It's not a prelude to even the stocks, on the contrary, if it hits the daily limit, it keeps being opened. At the same time, the output is constantly increasing during the opening process, so don't look at this again.
    If it can't be sealed, it means that the strength of the main force can't work. The third point is the daily limit time period. The sooner the board is closed, the better. The board before ten o'clock is better than the board at half past eleven.
    It must be better. Sealing at one o'clock in the afternoon is better than sealing at the end. As the saying goes, attitude determines the early and late time of all closings, and it directly reflects the long-term intention of the main force.
    The fourth point is to see whether individual stocks are currently hot stocks or non-hot independent markets. If the customer is the linkage of the hot sector, then the future link or the possibility of continued strong performance.
    The bigger it is, but if it is the independent market of non-hot sectors, then the probability will be short-lived. The fifth point is the turnover rate. The more the turnover rate, the better.
    Small-cap stocks must achieve a turnover rate of more than 10%, and large-cap stocks must achieve a turnover rate of at least 5%. A large number of sufficient turnover is like injecting more fresh blood into this stock. Behind.
    He can go further. Then look at the above five-point daily limit stocks, if you can catch up the next day, you must have one in your heart.

  • 交易的战略战术,健康的交易系统必然包含取舍之道Trading strategies and tactics, a healthy trading system inevitably includes choices

    交易的战略战术,健康的交易系统必然包含取舍之道Trading strategies and tactics, a healthy trading system inevitably includes choices


    Trading is like fighting a war with a fellow army. The wise commander on the battlefield will first send a small team to go deep behind the enemy to test the military situation, instead of directly suppressing the whole army.
    To win this battle, position management is particularly important. Every step you take must leave yourself some room and space for making mistakes, so that you can advance and retreat.
    In order to survive in the market.
    A good trading system inevitably includes trade-offs, which are very important. If you only make a decision, the market will not give you a chance to survive, but you will not marry.
    You yourself will cut off your own way of life. A healthy trading system with positive expected returns must include it.

  • 金融的本质The essence of finance

    金融的本质The essence of finance


    What is called finance? Finance is called intermediary. This rich person puts the money in your hands and puts it on valuable projects, and you will have money in your hands.
    Money is called finance, so if you have no money, you have to come in. If you have no money, you have to understand what finance is playing, so that you can get from the rich.
    To create value, allocate a little bit of money. When many rich people believe in you, you will make a lot of money. This is financial.
    My trading system can be summed up in only four words, take advantage of the trend and resonance, try to simplify your trading system, so that you can solve the problem more efficiently.

  • 经典股市日历效应Classic stock market calendar effect

    经典股市日历效应Classic stock market calendar effect


    炒股也要看日历,今天和大家分享股市中经典的日历效应,a 股中比较著名的日历效应有春季躁动,二月效应,春节后五穷六绝,七翻身,七上八下。
    调仓换股。因此通常在五月和六月,a 股市场一般表现相对较为弱势,同时六月份也是银行期中考核时点,流动性趋紧会导致股市进一步下跌。
    半年末,三者叠加,资金面趋紧,会给股市带来压力。第四,黑色周四效应法定砸盘日以近十年的上证指数为例,a 股黑色星期四并未凭空捏造。
    周四跌幅无论均值中位数都呈现为负值。黑周四的原因可能是t 加一交易规则造成在t 加一规则下,短线投资者周末想钱消费。
    朋友圈等营造的舆论氛围,很容导致周一开盘红第六月末季末效应,a 股月末效应是指每个月的月底几天都会下跌。
    其中,对流动性影响最大的是流动性风险指标和m p a 的宏观审慎资本充足率。前者按月报送时点考核,后者按季报送。
    Stocks should also look at the calendar. Today, I will share with you the classic calendar effect in the stock market. The more famous calendar effects in a-shares include spring restlessness and February effect.
    Gold, nine silver and ten red, Monday, black and Thursday, the investment strategy conference curse, the World Cup curse and so on. Behind the calendar effect is the concentrated response and reincarnation of economic activities and human psychological activities.
    These unwritten proverbs or laws, although not necessarily 100% accurate, can be more or less corroborated in real stock market fluctuations. First, the spring restlessness is a special calendar effect.
    Refers to the stock market generally has a higher probability of phased rises from January to March. Wanda statistics show that the spring disturbance can start as early as December.
    After the Spring Festival, the rising market is expected to strengthen. In the past ten years, the Shanghai Composite Index, the Small and Medium-Sized Index and the ChiNext Index have won 80% of the 20 trading days after the Spring Festival.
    The average increase of 70% and 80% was 7.18%, 8.69% and 9.18% respectively. There are three major drivers behind the spring turmoil.
    1. In China, there is both the December Central Economic Work Conference and the substantive policy reforms of the National Two Sessions in March that are good for overseas. It coincides with an important holiday at the end of the year, and geopolitical relations are relatively relaxed.
    The annual report performance forecast was released at the end of February, and the market can form expectations of economic growth, triggering a capital game. 3. Sufficient liquidity, the central bank responds to the capital demand during the holiday season and maintains stability.
    Larger liquidity investments will be made in the open market. Liquidity is the core factor that determines the rhythm and performance of the spring restlessness. The second, five, poor, six, and seven stand-up talks originated from the Hong Kong stock market.
    It is similar to the famous ancient inkstone three sisters on Wall Street and May Clearance. The stock market will start to fall every May, and it will fall sharply in June, but in July.
    The stock market will stabilize and rebound, and the inherent logic of turning over the poor is related to the performance report. During the performance vacuum period in May and June, brokerage agencies are busy investigating.
    Relocation and share swap. Therefore, usually in May and June, the a-share market generally performs relatively weakly. At the same time, June is also the time for bank mid-term assessments. Tight liquidity will cause the stock market to fall further.
    After the outlook period in the middle of the year, the stock market will gradually pick up in July. Third, the Dragon Boat Festival has become a diving festival in the stock market, and the Dragon Boat Festival is generally from the end of May to mid-June.
    This time point coincides with the five poor and six unique, seven turn over. Statistics show that in the twelve years from 2008 to the present, the probability of an increase in the two days before the Dragon Boat Festival is only 16%.
    The probability of an increase in the five days after the holiday is less than 20%. The logic behind the Dragon Boat Festival mantra is related to the seasonal fluctuation of funds, generally in late June, the end of the month, and the end of the second quarter.
    At the end of the half year, the three are superimposed and the capital is tight, which will put pressure on the stock market. Fourth, the black Thursday effect statutory hitting day. Taking the Shanghai Stock Exchange index in the past ten years as an example, the a-share Black Thursday was not fabricated out of thin air.
    Regardless of the median of the mean value of the decline on Thursday, the value was negative. The reason for the black Thursday may be that the t plus one trading rule causes short-term investors to want to spend money on weekends under the t plus one rule.
    You must sell on Thursday and withdraw cash on Friday the next day, which leads to the market's cashing pressure on Thursday. The fifth red, Monday, Red Monday and Black Thursday are just the opposite.
    The causes of the two are different. Black Thursday is caused by the system, but Red Monday is mainly caused by financial sentiment. Because many major domestic macro and micro policies are released over the weekend.
    Superimposed on the external market, the European and American stock markets are up and down factors, and funds will be held over the weekend due to risk aversion considerations. As the saying goes, there is no position in the hands, and I don't panic in my heart. Wait until the market opens on Monday.
    All good news and bad news will be released in the morning. If the news is warmer, funds will take the initiative to cover up positions and push up the index. If the news is empty, after the weekend time run-in.
    It's almost digested. The Red Monday phenomenon occurs more frequently in the bull market, because people in the bull market are afraid of running out of the sky and want the stock market to open every day, plus various media organizations on weekends.
    The atmosphere of public opinion created by the circle of friends and others can easily lead to the end of the quarter effect at the end of the sixth month at the opening red on Monday. The month end effect of a-shares refers to the decline at the end of each month.
    If the end of the quarter is superimposed, such as June, not only at the end of the second quarter but also at the end of the half year, the probability of a fall will be even greater. The main reason is liquidity issues. There are currently two major regulatory systems for banks.
    Among them, the biggest impact on liquidity is the liquidity risk index and the macro-prudential capital adequacy ratio of m pa. The former is submitted for assessment on a monthly basis, and the latter is submitted on a quarterly basis.
    Time assessment, so the impact on liquidity is mainly concentrated at the end of the month and the end of the quarter. Of course, the negative feedback under the psychological effect will also strengthen this effect. Whether it is the Dragon Boat Festival.
    Still lonely at the end of the month. When these curses cast a shadow in people's hearts, as soon as the media reports that liquidity is tight, the market will spontaneously sell stocks and increase market volatility.
    This also shows that no matter how the ancient poetry rises or falls, it is ultimately the result of human activities. If you thoroughly study human nature, ancient poetry will not be difficult.

  • 九种典型的盘口语言 Nine typical handicap languages

    九种典型的盘口语言 Nine typical handicap languages


    把价格杂志很低的价位,目的第一个呢是使日k 线形成光脚的大阴线或者十字星等难看的图形,使持股者恐慌而达到战仓的目的。
    What are friends? Language, in short, is the trace left by the main trader. So what are the main forms of these main traders? Here are nine typical trading forms that will be pulled up immediately before the market closes.
    One or two minutes before the market closed, a large buy order suddenly appeared on a certain target market, which pulled the price to a high level. Due to the limited financial strength of the main force, the price closed at a higher position in order to save money.
    In other words, through a sudden attack from the tail, the key price of strong resistance can be broken by pulling up in an instant. Then take the late-stage sneak attack, because most people have not yet reacted to it.
    It is also the main force that cannot be sold, so it achieves its own goals. 2. The closing was issued instantly, and a big sell order suddenly appeared one or two minutes before the closing, and the price dropped a lot.
    The first purpose of keeping the price of the price magazine at a very low price is to make the daily k-line form an unsightly pattern such as a bare-footed big shadow or a cross star, so that stockholders can panic and achieve the purpose of war.
    The second is to prepare for the next day to open higher and rise sharply to be on the top of the list of gains, attracting investors' attention. The third is that the trader sells tickets to himself or his associates at a low price. three.
    Opens sharply higher in an instant, the opening is the daily limit, or opens higher with a large increase and then falls back in an instant. The first purpose is to break through the key price, the main force does not want to cause others to follow suit because of the red market, so.
    Made a Yinxian, to achieve the purpose of occupying positions. A way of the second requirement. The third is to test the action to see if the sell-off at the top is heavy. Fourth, open substantially lower.
    When the quotation opens, it lowers the limit or opens lower by a large margin. The first purpose is to close the big Yang line, make the graphics look better, and make it easier to ship. The second is that the trader sells his chips to himself at a low price.
    He is an associated person. In five instants, the intraday daily limit was increased sharply, or it rose by a large amount, and then fell back in an instant. The purpose is to test the market and see if there is a sell-off at the top.
    The heavy pressure was severely suppressed in the 6th session, and the intraday limit dropped or beat down with a large drop and rebounded in an instant. The first purpose is to test the plate and see the support of the lower plate.
    And the attention of the market. The second trader sells his chips at a low price to himself or his associates. The third is to make a long lower shadow to make the graphics look good and attract investors. the fourth.
    The main funds are insufficient, and after throwing out some of the chips, the funds obtained are used to pull up. 7. The fishing line mark in the plate. Even if the trend starts on that day, it basically maintains a certain slope.
    Suddenly, he dived sharply in a straight line, forming a fishing rod and fishing line pattern. This is for the main force to reverse the high position and attract the trend to follow the trend, and then suddenly reduce the price, throwing a huge selling order trivial matter.
    At this time, if there are not many orders and the main force cannot deliver much, the main force may still be pulled back, otherwise it will suffer a huge decline. 8. There is no transaction in the market for a long time, and the main authority controls the market, or most of the chips.
    A big buy order was placed at the top of the buying position, but there was no transaction for a long time. This move is often a manifestation of insufficient funds as the main force, in an attempt to attract retail investors to buy and lower the price.
    Eight high and nine opened for half an hour, and the direction of stock price changes was in an upward trend. Within half an hour of the opening of the market, the index line showed a trend of higher wave after wave, indicating that the buying order was very strong.
    It is more likely that the market will fluctuate higher on the day, but if the volume of the opening half an hour is too high, that is, the volume of the half hour has exceeded the number of the entire day or several days of the previous trading days.
    The possibility of the main force pulling up shipments is very high, and investors should respond cautiously. In a downtrend, within half an hour of the opening of the market, the index line showed a trend of lower wave after wave.
    It shows that the strength of the selling order is relatively strong, and the market is more likely to fluctuate and decline on the day. If the trading volume is relatively large within half an hour of opening, it means that the market basically recognizes the downward trend of prices.
    The market outlook is more likely to fall.

  • 股典钟涨停王语音播报资讯:掘金集合竞价Stock code clock daily limit king voice broadcast information: Nuggets call auction

    股典钟涨停王语音播报资讯:掘金集合竞价Stock code clock daily limit king voice broadcast information: Nuggets call auction


    即使盘中s o 分时线偶尔跌破黄色均价线,也应当迅速再次站上黄色均价线,并向上攻击。
    Can investors catch the intraday daily limit by observing the time-sharing market? Of course you can, but you need to remember the four classic daily limit formulas of the time-sharing market.
    The call auction is pushed up, and there are a lot of time-sharing openings.
    The white line does not break the name of the phoenix, the main force intervenes, and the retail investors retreat.
    A call auction starts at 9:15 in the morning.
    It doesn't matter if the first call auction is opened high and opened low.
    But the bidding can be over as of 9:25.
    Observe individual stocks within ten minutes of call auction.
    The trend graph of call auctions should gradually rise upward.
    It means that the bulls' energy starts to increase during the call auction, so that the probability of the intraday stock price limit will increase after the market opens.
    This is the call-up and cease-fire method for individual stocks.
    Then second.
    It leaves after 9:30.
    The yellow trading volume in the time-sharing chart should be continuously intensively increased, and there are signs of bunching up.
    The yellow time-sharing volume in the time-sharing chart indicates that the market is strong.
    In the time-sharing chart, bright columns with yellow transactions appear piled up.
    It means that large funds have intervened in the market and the willingness to push up the stock price is very firm.
    This is the time-sharing volume increase and cease-fire method in the time-sharing chart.
    Then thirdly, by observing the relationship between the white time-sharing line and the yellow average price line in the time-sharing chart.
    The yellow average price line should run to the upper right, and in most cases of the white time-sharing line, he should stand above the yellow average price line.
    Even if the intraday so time-sharing line occasionally falls below the yellow average price line, it should quickly stand on the yellow average price line again and attack upwards.
    When the white time-sharing line attacks in the direction of the yellow average price line, the volume should appear dense with yellow volume, and heavy volume will follow.
    When the white time-sharing line falls above the yellow average price line, trading volume should shrink quickly.
    Quantum Bookstore is in order, this kind of graph is in the time-sharing diagram.
    Time-sharing two-line daily truce method.
    Then fourth, through the analysis and observation of the flow of funds in the handicap, the main capital inflow should be greater than the main capital outflow.
    Hankou showed that the net inflow of the main capital is red, and it is in the state of being inflow.
    The retail small orders in the market should be displayed as a green outflow status, indicating that the chips thrown in the retail market are being used by the main force of large funds.
    If you get involved, the daily limit probability will also increase.
    This is the armistice method for the flow of funds in the handicap.
    Today’s time-sharing handicap raises the armistice method, have you learned it? More dry goods for financial management are welcome.

  • 开盘三十分钟抓牛股Catch bull stocks in 30 minutes after opening

    开盘三十分钟抓牛股Catch bull stocks in 30 minutes after opening


    第四种情况,开盘三十分钟,股价是先跌后涨再跌,形成了v 字形。这个说明啊主力有出货的意愿。
    金线收盘的概率比较大,五种情况,开盘三十分钟,个股是先涨后跌再涨,呈现v 字型的走势,说明当天。
    Those who make money through short-term trading will pay special attention to the stock price movement within 30 minutes of the opening of the stock market. You must understand the five situations. If you learn, you can help you catch the bull stock.
    First of all, the stock price fluctuates within one percent of the first 30 minutes after opening, which shows that the main players are not willing to participate. It is very likely that this stock will not perform much that day.
    You don't need to participate. Second, the stocks rise first and then fall after the opening 30 minutes. If they fall, they are higher than the opening price, indicating that the market is bullish.
    Then, if the price is lower than the opening price after falling, and there may be a sharp drop in the late trading, you should pay special attention to the risk of this stock at this time.
    In the third situation, the stock price fell first and then rose after 30 minutes. At this time, it can be divided into two situations. If it rises, it is higher than the opening price.
    It shows that this stock is relatively strong and you can participate in it. So if it has risen and then fallen back, and the price is still lower than the opening price, what does it mean? Relatively weak.
    Don't touch it.
    In the fourth scenario, the stock price fell first and then rose and then fell after the opening 30 minutes, forming a V-shape. This shows that the main force has the willingness to ship.
    The probability of the gold line closing is relatively high. In five cases, within 30 minutes of the opening, individual stocks rose first, then fell and then rose, showing a v-shaped trend, indicating that day.
    The differences between buyers and sellers are relatively large, but basically, if the dividend is received, you can enter the market at a relatively low point in the day. Want to know more about investment dry goods.

  • 量比对短线客的重要性The importance of volume comparison to short-term customers

    量比对短线客的重要性The importance of volume comparison to short-term customers


    If you want to make short-term profit, if you want to know the real trend of the main capital, then you must understand the quantitative ratio indicator, it will let you.
    Ruhu Tianyi Volume Ratio refers to the proportional relationship between the average trading volume per minute and the trading volume of the previous five trading days after the stock opens today.
    The larger the value of the volume ratio, the higher the current trading activity compared to the previous few days, and the higher the focus on the main funds. So how do you use it?
    We use four pictures to let you easily grasp the last picture. The most important equivalence ratio is between one and 1.5, which is normal, so you can ignore it.
    When the value reaches between 1.5 and 2.5, it is considered moderate and heavy, and it should arouse your attention. If this stock was in an uptrend before, it must be a signal of continued upswing.
    When the value of the equivalence ratio reaches between 2.5 and 5, it is an obvious heavy volume, that is, to break through the important pressure level above, or a strong signal to break the important support level in the previous period.
    At this time, chase the ones that should be chased, and cut the ones that should be cut. When the equivalence ratio reaches between five and ten, it belongs to the dawn. If it is said to be in the low position at this time, it must be followed immediately.
    On the contrary, it is very likely that the main force is in the high position, and the possibility of short-term peaking is very high. The most important point is the amount ratio, if it appears.
    The extreme reduction reached below 0.5. So whether it is high or low, it is likely to be a good thing. Why do you guys say.
    The comment area tells me your answers, pay attention to my later dry goods, we will continue to withdraw.

  • 买在分岐卖在一致 Buy at the branch and sell at the same

    买在分岐卖在一致 Buy at the branch and sell at the same


    一起看涨或者一起看跌。最典型的特征是k 线的实体中到大阳线或者中到大阳线。
    Buy in disagreement, sell in agreement. I think this should be the most classic operating concept that short-term enthusiasts have heard. Of course this is also the most difficult to understand. How to buy in disagreement.
    How do you move forward in unison? Today I want to share with you through three parts. You can like, like and collect, and listen to it a few more times.
    First, I think the core of disagreement and unanimity is the critical point. Disagreement is that some people are optimistic, some people are not optimistic, and everyone’s opinions are inconsistent, and people who are not optimistic will sell.
    Those who are optimistic will buy it. So the most typical feature is that the trading volume will be significantly enlarged, or the turnover rate will be enlarged.
    Bullish together or bearish together. The most typical feature is that the k-line entity is medium-to-dayang line or medium-to-dayang line.
    The two observation angles are different.
    It should be noted here that the core of disagreement and agreement is the tipping point. What is the tipping point? For example, between zero and one hundred degrees, it is a liquid that turns into water vapor over one hundred degrees.
    The bag is gone.
    Below zero is ice, the zero one hundred is the critical point of water, and the critical point is the key point where things turn.
    To be precise, it should be that buying becomes stronger when differences are weak, and selling becomes stronger when they are unanimous.
    Do not simply look at the graphics from the weak to the strong as the leader, because from the graphics point of view, there are two main modes, the first is the burst of weak to strong.
    The second type is the big one.
    If your core is to look at graphics, there are too many stocks that fit this pattern every day.
    But if you are the leader.
    Then your probability of success will be much higher, because the leader is in the minority.
    It is unique for a certain period of time.
    The success of value investing is precisely because the object of his research is unique and scarce.
    Ah, technical analysis is relatively difficult to grasp because its research objects are broad and there is no danger.
    How to do it specifically?
    We continue to take the Xinneng car sector as an example.
    On the first day of the start of the sector, there were twelve daily limits.
    All consecutive shifts the next day.
    Put a two-linked plate to ferment, and the mood goes directly to the climax.
    There was a small disagreement on the third day.
    Seven three-link boards.
    But two were eliminated. The German controversy, Changan broke the news.
    On the fourth day, there was a big difference, and the two were two hundred.
    There were multiple limits on the plate, and on the fifth day, the leaders diverged. The remaining five consecutive plates also exploded in the late trading, and the mood reached freezing point.
    How about the sixth day?
    Leading stocks fell to make money in the early trading, the core targets have opened lower.
    Then the transfer of the well-off transfer of the money.
    This is the weaker to stronger leader, and the probability of success is obviously higher. Because this is from the perspective of the sector, how many evolutionary patterns will there be after weak to strong?
    We will have a special topic to communicate with him next time.
    Well, what should be noted here is that we judge the high and low points of emotions. Here I use a data called the number of connected boards.
    When the number of consecutive codes is the highest, it is generally a consistent climax. For example, the second day of psychological principles.
    When the number of connecting boards is the lowest, it is the climax of the differences in connecting boards. At this time we see the news, this is the fifth day.
    So is it interesting to observe the number of connected boards?
    Third, from the perspective of the sector, status is very important. Most people think that trading points are difficult to master, not just short-term, but in fact, I think it's not everyone's fault.
    It is that the thinking we observe is problematic, because stocks are the rule of the minority, not the rule of the majority. The buying and selling points of most stocks are not regular at all.
    But we are on the contrary, using graphics to arbitrage stocks.
    Here is to buy some, there is to buy some.
    It is not required to be effective on all stocks, but it is required to be more precise on effective stocks. This is the philosophy of the leader.
    Therefore, in the course of a subject speculation, in the knockout stage, the weak stocks are sold early, because the law of trading is not obvious, and the retracement is particularly difficult to control.
    The law of the leader is more obvious, and the technical analysis becomes more effective.
    at last.
    Those who can buy are apprentices, and those who can sell are masters. But for the short term, the opposite is true.
    I think it’s accidents that will buy.
    I hope that through the sharing of this series, everyone can feel, feel the cycle, and feel the fluctuations. Welcome everyone in the comment area to interact with me and follow me.
    Then yours is closer to the faucet.

  • 牛股启动特征迹象 Signs of the characteristics of the bull stock start

    牛股启动特征迹象 Signs of the characteristics of the bull stock start


    二、碎步k 线股票均线联合,而k 线并没有出现徜徉或常阴的大波动,而是小阴、小阳或十字星持续攀升,也可能是盘整。
    Many people can't catch bull stocks, and they only know that they are bull stocks when they reach halfway up the mountain or at the top. So how do we buy before the detonation of bull stocks? Today in this lesson we will talk about the characteristics of bull stocks before the detonation.
    1. Moving average bonding, the moving averages of each period are basically glued together, such as five-day moving average, ten-day moving average, 20-day moving average and 30-day moving average, these short-period moving averages are basically glued together.
    The large-period moving average of 61, twentieth day moving average can not be glued. This kind of moving average glue indicates that the opinions of investors have been unified, and the stock has begun to accumulate strong long-term momentum.
    2. Fragmented k-line stock moving averages are united, and the k-line does not have large fluctuations in wandering or ever-yin. Instead, Xiaoyin, Xiaoyang or Doji continues to rise, or it may be a consolidation.
    This shows that after the stock's main force is building a position, once a heavy-duty long Yang line appears, it will accelerate the upside and enter the main up market. 3. Continuously measure.
    If a stock has undergone a wave of adjustments, and there are continuous platform consolidation actions for several days, then you need to start paying attention and then increase the volume, which means that the stock will start soon.
    It is an excellent short-term and mid-line market strength that is a sign of the end of the adjustment. The strength means that investors have less disagreement on the stock, and the stock price is likely to rise due to new buying.
    Fourth, the rising sun wanders the strength of the stock to maintain continuity. After the low-level volatility and consolidation, suddenly one day a wandering volume breaks through the box, which means that the main force has completed the position.
    After that, the stock will enter the main rise stage, and the 52nd stage will accelerate. When a stock has a heavy volume Changyang breakthrough, there will often be adjustments or washing actions, and its performance can be described as up and down shocks or sideways shocks.
    After that, the stock will enter the second stage of acceleration. At this time, the stock is in the midst of a major upswing. After that, every time it is recovered, the force will be a buying point or a point of increase.
    Liked partners like and pay attention, and bring more later.

  • 盘口掘金Handicap Nuggets

    盘口掘金Handicap Nuggets


    More than how to look at the only buy and maintenance orders in the handicap handicap, it actually contains a certain behavior of the main force, and is this behavior real or fake? We need to explore the true intention of the main force, which is a logical existence.
    Hi everyone, this is Chen Ting. I am just an ordinary knowledge porter. Today, I will teach you a trick to reflect the true logic of the main force through a grouped big order. We focus on a logical derivation to reflect a true intention of the main force. Let's see it together.
    can I see? Today I will share with you the language of the handicap, how to look at the handicap. I believe this stockist friend of the nail plate likes to watch some changes in the handicap. Then let's look at a specific handicap. Today, we are talking about the component is a big order.
    Let’s take a look at it in detail. Like this stock, we can see that this is its time-sharing chart, here is its time-sharing chart for buying and selling, buying and selling, and timing trading. , Are the three most important conditions when we look at the handicap.
    In this, what we are mainly talking about today is about some actions for buying and selling. We all know that it is very common for a large order to appear in the intraday, and it is exactly what we want.
    Because only the emergence of large orders can explain the active market. We can see that the lists here are very large. Therefore, we just have to spend more energy on big research, especially some very characteristic big orders.
    For example, I am sharing this grouped big order with you today, which is a very characteristic big order. We can see what constitutes a big order. If a stock is sold for buying or selling, it will all be a big sell-off.
    The fifth gear is a big sell, and only the first gear is a big buy, and the others are small buys. It is equivalent to seeing that this place only has the first gear. The tray is relatively large, and the bottom is not enough to support any of the above.
    In this form of disk, it is necessary to form a large order. We can see that if in ordinary operations, we all found a big sell-off of the black pressure above it. It stands to reason that the stock price should have been suppressed that day.
    And in his analysis, he didn't actually suppress the big one, so we need to distinguish it. Since we are all discerning people can see that this place puts such a big sell-off, and if there is no take-over, it stands to reason. If a stock price continues to be suppressed, everyone is afraid to buy it.
    Is this really a real intention that the stock price needs to show on that day? Since this kind of big sell-off is mostly an intention of the main force, whether it is true or not, we need to make a further distinction. So today we will clear it up for you in this way.
    Let's sort out the logic step by step. First of all, let's take a look at the combination of the big sell orders and the big buy orders that we listed just now. The top five gears are all big sell orders.
    In this form, let's sort out one by one and make a logical distinction. After this sorting out, it can reflect a true intention of the subject. First, let's analyze the big selling above.
    We can see in the large package plate, except for the large one in the first gear below, the other plates are all small ones. Therefore, any one that is ready to sell a big sell order will never give up selling because of a big buy order.
    On the contrary, it is possible to go because of the big selling order of the first one, and immediately go and take out this order. Because Da Cannon likes to pay big bills to greet him.
    If we found that the big order was not hit in the plate, we would not have seen the big order hit. Even though the operation in the middle is changing, it still maintains such a sequence. Only the first order is a large order, and the following are all.
    If you take a small order, it means that his organization has not changed, and if this situation continues for a period of time, we observe for a period of time, hey, if there is no change in him, then we can get Come to a conclusion.
    This conclusion means that in terms of selling orders in the market, there are not many small-selling markets in the market. A large number of orders have been sealed by the main force, and the main position is relatively heavy. What's the meaning? Because I saw him constantly changing, but he still didn't change. This component is a big order.
    It is equivalent to that it actually doesn't really want to sell the big order that it wants to sell. So the big list of the market itself is actually running out. Let's analyze the buying order again.
    Since the first order is relatively large, if there is no change in a short period of time, then it means that if the buy order in the market wants to be placed below, it is more difficult to complete the transaction, and it will naturally pass the first one.
    This is the case when the first sell order is reached. The transaction should be the fastest, right? Because the first selling order itself can also meet the requirements of these buying orders in the market, we can make one for the buying order here.
    A simple conclusion, this is a conclusion on the famous saying. Finally, a specific analysis will be made. For buying, in fact, if he really wants to buy an order, he will play against the first cannon order above, and it will be a pair directly.
    At a price of This is a simple analysis that we can see through some simple data. Then we have to do a further one for this simple analysis.
    Refinement In this refinement, we have analyzed the pay and offer just now, we answer here, let’s see what conditions he really wants to achieve in the end. Since the market wants to sell large orders, there are not many.
    Under normal circumstances, no matter where the stock price is, even if it is the floor price for many years, there will always be some big orders come up in the market. But now we find that there is really no big list. If it comes out, it can only show that the conditions have changed, to be precise.
