  • 成立北京交易所的真正意义The true meaning of Beijing

    成立北京交易所的真正意义The true meaning of Beijing


    目前呢中国的企业成长是这样的,你稍微冒点头,马上就能够拿到投资人的钱。从天使轮到a b c d 轮,不断的有资本向优秀企业伸出橄榄枝。
    Recently, many people have interpreted the news about the establishment of the Beijing Stock Exchange, and everyone said it is very good. But I think it might be too professional. Today I hope to use a perspective that ordinary people can understand.
    Let's do some analysis. The video may be quite long, but you will definitely gain something after listening to it. Deeply understand the significance of the establishment of the Beijing Stock Exchange. Combined with the recent series of changes, you will suddenly realize that the chess player behind is making the first step.
    It has already planned an atmosphere.
    What is the background of the establishment of the Beijing Stock Exchange? In four words, you might say that we are prosperous together. We can have anything to do with common prosperity. Yes, this is the main theme of the current era.
    Think about it, there are many things to do to achieve common prosperity, one of which is to prevent the monopoly of giants. The monopoly of the giants has left almost no small and medium innovators in the market able to survive.
    The way giants gain access to the market is simple and rude. Let's take community group buying as an example. Various giants have changed their methods to subsidize them, using their wealth to support low-price dumping and squeeze the living space of their opponents.
    The final goal is to dominate one family, and then use monopoly to control market prices. It's not just community group buying, including food delivery, online car-hailing, and even reading music in various fields.
    The way of playing giant disease is exactly the same. You say this is a competition for a hammer. Whoever has the money is the boss. No one will think about innovation for a long time.
    It is obvious that the senior management has figured this out. In 2021, in view of the monopoly status of the giants, countless fines came one after another, so there is no need to go into details. Everyone has seen relevant news a few months ago.
    On the one hand, the giants must converge, and on the other side, of course, they must encourage innovative small and medium-sized enterprises to emerge. How to encourage them? The enterprise is nothing more than a direction.
    Someone has pointed out the direction for you to escape from the virtual to the real, and prepared Daxing vocational and technical education for you, so how can the money be given to you?
    Coming to the Beijing Stock Exchange, the giants should not think that you are a great company that truly relies on innovation to rise and is based on entities and technology, and can completely take over the market in your hands. so.
    If you look at these combos, you have to sigh that this game is really wonderful.
    The above is my summary of the first level of significance for the establishment of the Beijing Stock Exchange. This second level of meaning is even more profound. Ordinary people may not even think of it. From a certain perspective, the existence of the Beijing Stock Exchange is to prevent it.
    The way of capital.
    At present, the growth of Chinese enterprises is like this. If you nod your head, you will be able to get investors' money immediately. From the angel's turn to the a b c d round, there is constant capital to extend an olive branch to outstanding enterprises.
    This is a good thing for companies. After all, they have made money and shared losses. Some people have greatly improved the entrepreneurial enthusiasm of talents. But where is the problem?
    This capital circle gradually formed the Matthew effect, which is the so-called strong and strong. When you look back, China's top companies, no matter which field you are in, have only a few capital behind them.
    There is a problem with this. For example, a certain financial platform, a certain travel platform has to go public in the face of risk, who is driving it? The main thing is the capital behind it.
    If controlled by a few capitals, the vast majority of outstanding enterprises in China, this is definitely a potential risk.
    How to do it? The Beijing Stock Exchange has established small and medium-sized enterprises. In addition to taking money from investment institutions, they also have the opportunity to go to the Beijing Stock Exchange for financing. There are both institutions and certain retail investors here. Therefore, the investors behind the company are very scattered.
    Dispersed investors will naturally not know the fate of the enterprise. Therefore, the establishment of the Beijing Stock Exchange has not only provided small and medium-sized enterprises with financing channels, but also prevented a small number of capital from conducting business to growing companies.
    Investment monopoly.
    I don’t know the first two points. But the next third point of analysis, although I will be very implicit, but you must understand. The establishment of Beijing Stock Exchange, if you want to achieve the purpose of helping small and medium-sized enterprises financing.
    There is a prerequisite, that is, there must be real money in this market. Where does the real money come from? From the eldest brother Shanghai Stock Exchange, the second brother Shenzhen Stock Exchange?
    This is of little significance, so whether it can attract funds from other places is very important. Which place attracts me is not convenient to say that you can guess. Of course, I want real money to participate.
    The Beijing Stock Exchange must have benchmarking companies, and even a proper bubble. This means that the Beijing Stock Exchange will definitely find some outstanding small and medium-sized enterprises, so that those who participate in them will get a real cake.
    This is for sure, you pretend to be careful.
    Well, let's make a summary. Regardless of the anti-monopoly two-child and three-child policy, education reform, entertainment industry rectification, including changes in the financial sector. We can't separate these recent major events.
    In essence, their goals are unity.
    The people must be happy, the young people must be healthy, and the population must be prosperous.
    Same husband.

  • F10乃炒股盈利之源F10 is the source of stocks' profit

    F10乃炒股盈利之源F10 is the source of stocks' profit


    炒股不看一副十二,再炒十年也是往来。那今天我花两分钟时间手把手教大家如何看f 十分别一家公司是小妖精还是牛魔王啊,随便看f 十就能看到大概。
    第四步呢,看财务分析,看看它的净利润增长率和l e 是多少。如果l e 越高,代表赚钱能力越强,未来的股价就越值得期待。
    如果你根据这五个步骤去看f 十一定能让你避开许多大坑,不会让你出师未捷身先死。好了,赶紧。
    If you don’t look at a pair of twelve stocks, you will be in exchange for another ten years. Today, I will spend two minutes teaching you how to look at f ten. Whether a company is a goblin or a bull devil, you can see the general idea by just looking at f ten.
    Click a like, continue to look down, the first step is to look at business analysis. First look at what the company’s main business is doing. In other words, what do these companies rely on to make money, and then look at the gross profit margin.
    The higher the gross profit margin, the greater the gold content. Finally, let's look at the proportion of this company's main business. If the main business is not inclined, it means that these companies are not specific enough, and it will be difficult for them to become powerful. Then look at the industry analysis in the second step to see what the industry leaders are.
    What is the valuation of the boss? If the valuation of the leading boss is only 20, hey, the valuation of your vote is fifty times the valuation, so quickly throw it away to embrace a more cost-effective atmosphere.
    The third step is to look at the shareholder structure. For example, which of the top ten shareholders are well-known or not, and how many shares do they hold? If it is said that the major shareholders are well-known institutions and hot money, that is basically the right thing.
    The fourth step is to look at the financial analysis to see what its net profit growth rate and l e are. If l e is higher, it means that the ability to make money is stronger, and the future stock price is more worth looking forward to.
    The most important thing is that the fifth step is to look at the company's latest tips. For example, first look at whether major shareholders have reduced their holdings in the near future. If there are any, then I suggest you stay away immediately and don't run to carry someone else's sedan chair.
    Then let's see if the performance is growing. If it is a substantial increase, at least there will be no major pits in the short term. If there is a sharp decline in performance, then I suggest you show it and wait and see. Anyway.
    If you look at f ten according to these five steps, you will surely avoid many big pits and will not let you die before you leave the school. Okay, hurry up.

  • 短线高手抓妖股Short-term masters catch demon stocks

    短线高手抓妖股Short-term masters catch demon stocks


    Real short-term masters, they go to catch the waist drum, they only look at stocks. Thirty minutes after the opening of the market, the performance is to immediately determine whether the ticket can be bought today.
    In fact, this method is not difficult, you can catch cashew nuts after you learn it. We have to classify this trend 30 minutes after the opening of the market into two categories, one is available for purchase, and the other is not available for purchase.
    You can't buy it, don't buy it if you die. We only focus on those that can be bought, so which ones can be bought and which ones can't be bought? Let's talk about the three situations where you can't buy. You can't buy the first one.
    Thirty minutes after the opening of the market, it fell first, and then rebounded again, but the rebound did not break through the opening price again. This shows that this ticket is very weak today and cannot be bought.
    The second is that after 30 minutes of opening, the market will rise first and then fall, and if it falls below the opening price, then there will be a risk of a sharp fall again in the end, and it cannot be bought. The third situation.
    Thirty minutes after the opening of the market, there was a disorderly shock, and the stock price did not fluctuate. It means that the main player may have gone to play Mahjong today.
    Let's go play mahjong too. Ah, here comes the point, there are only two situations worthy of your participation. And the success rate in the second case is relatively high. The first is 30 minutes after the opening.
    It rose first and then fell, but did not fall below the opening price. Then, the stock price saw a see-saw back and forth, which shows that the main force was washing the market this morning.
    The possibility of a rise in the afternoon is too high, so we will intervene at a relatively low point in the morning. Then the second situation is the most noteworthy, that is, 30 minutes after the opening.
    There has been a slight pull up. Remember, it’s better not to pull up more than two points slightly, and then it forms a platform for tidying up, and moreover.
    The stock price moves smoothly above the time-sharing line. So today, the possibility of the main force making big moves is too great. You just get on the bus with the main force.
    have a meal together.

  • 投资盈利必须复盘与如何复盘Investment profit must be reviewed and how to review

    投资盈利必须复盘与如何复盘Investment profit must be reviewed and how to review


    目标呢要尽量的去量化,一定要符合smart 原则及明确的具体可衡量有挑战,但可实现相关可控,有实现这五步。否则呢在复盘的时候呢,容易出现公说公有理,婆说婆有理的情况。
    Replay is very, very important. It can make the success and failure of individuals and teams meaningful. For those who want to make breakthroughs in their work, please be patient to finish reading, it will definitely help your work. Finally, there is a dry suggestion why it is so important to save the review, because you do anything.
    In addition to looking at the results, it also depends on whether the person doing the work can learn from it. If the cause and improvement measures can be found from the failure, this failure is worthy of tolerance. On the contrary, if you succeed, but you don't know why it succeeded, this kind of success cannot be replicated.
    It is also meaningless. Ren Zhengfei believed that the general was not taught, but played. In Huawei's internal review, 100% coverage was achieved. The person who is best at replay is Zeng Guofan.
    Guofan’s has a habit. Every time he does something, whether it succeeds or fails, he will make a replay. His ambition is very ambitious, but he believes that his qualifications are not good enough, so he can only continuously improve and optimize through continuous review and reflection. So successful companies and successful people, they will do this thing.
    Today I will teach you the three steps of replay. The first step of replay starts with review, that is, what your original goal was. Starting from the original goal, compare the current results and list out where to do well and where to do it. Not enough.
    The goal should be quantified as much as possible. It must conform to the smart principle and be clear, specific, measurable and challenging, but relevant and controllable, and there are five steps to achieve. Otherwise, in the resumption of the market, it is easy for the public to say that the public is reasonable, and the mother-in-law says that the mother is reasonable.
    If each argument remains deadlocked, it will become a large-scale debate scene. Uh, replay is always the focus of the target, and the focus is to move forward together. The second step is the progress of the achievement of the goal, and disassemble and analyze the reasons.
    How is the goal achieved? Did you have clear goals and steps within the stipulated time? Finding the bright spots and shortcomings can analyze the key elements that lead to success or failure. Don't float on the surface when analyzing. At this time, you can use some tools commonly used in replays.
    To help us think structured. For example, Toyota’s commonly used five “whys” method and “five whys” refer to the problems found in the production process. It is necessary to continuously ask five or more questions to find the real reason behind it.
    Only in this way can we find the real reason behind it. One of the most famous examples is that the machine on the production line always stopped rotating. Although it had been repaired many times, it still did not improve. So I put on glasses and conducted the following question and answer with the workers.
    Why did the machine stop? The composite fuse was broken because it exceeded it. Why? Because the bearing is not lubricated enough?
    Because the lubrication pump can't suck the oil, why can't it get online? Because the oil pump shaft is worn and loose, why should I change it? Because there is no filter installed, impurities such as iron filings are mixed in. You see, only when the root of the problem is really approached, the logic will emerge clearly.
    This is also a manifestation of the attitude of excellence at work. The last thing is to summarize and refine the experience. Nowadays, many companies call it methodology. In fact, they have to conduct replays to win or lose. The purpose of this is to extract experience.
    Consolidate strengths, improve weaknesses, and believe that we can persist. The people who see here are all learning and thinking babies. Here is the review table tool that I often use for everyone to use. I hope everyone in the workplace can sum up and reflect every day.
    Improve by one point and one every day to make yourself better and better.

  • 换手率的五种实战技巧Five practical skills for turnover rate

    换手率的五种实战技巧Five practical skills for turnover rate


    Why do stocks need to look at the turnover rate, because the main force can be expressed through the turnover rate, whether it is acquisition or shipment. Today, I will share with you five practical uses of turnover rate, each of which is dry. First, the turnover rate is between 3% and 5%, indicating that the main force is attracting money. If the stock price is at a low level, it will be necessary.
    Pay special attention to the second. The turnover rate is greater than 8% but less than 15%, which means that the main capital is flowing into the stock price. Third, the turnover rate is greater than 25%, which means that the main force is shipping. If the stock price is at a high level and the big Yin line is closed at the same time, it is a ship signal. Fourth, the patient.
    More than 70% indicates that the main force is fleeing madly, and a big drop in the future is a high probability event. It is best to sell directly, and do not have a fluke. Fifth, it is very important. The new stocks have just launched, and the turnover rate is greater than 50%, and then maintained at about 20%. Say.
    It shows that the market outlook can continue to rise. Entering these five points will help you judge the strength of the stock based on the turnover rate and make buying and selling decisions. Follow me and teach you more to see.

  • 一分钟了解股价创新高的底层逻辑Understand the underlying logic of the stock price record high in one minute

    一分钟了解股价创新高的底层逻辑Understand the underlying logic of the stock price record high in one minute


    I follow the main line thinking. You will find that the stock market now has more than 4,000 stocks. It is impossible for it to have all the daily limit of more than 4,000 stocks, or all within a certain month, all of them are rising. It must be differentiated.
    So how should the main force make money? Very simple, he must be in a certain period of time, he will concentrate the main funds on a certain sector to be the main voice. Then you only need to grasp several degrees at this time. Which section do you go to observe.
    I see the most active, the largest flow of funds, why? This is called a liquidity premium. With liquidity, the stock price will rise only if you have trading. So the second one is what about emotional bargaining? that is.
    After these stock prices hit new highs, the market's attention began to increase, and a lot of funds were participating in this game. Hey, at this time, the stock price rose, and the capital came in. The stock price continued to rise. This is exactly Soros's.
    A principle of reflexivity, so why do you see that many stocks continue to set new highs after they have set new highs? It is caused by the liquidity premium superimposed on the sentiment premium. so what.
    If you master these two laws, if I believe you will find this kind of constant creation.

  • 投资交易纪律(请珍藏)Investment transaction discipline (please treasure)

    投资交易纪律(请珍藏)Investment transaction discipline (please treasure)


    Let's talk about trading discipline, which is worthy of your collection. Reading it before making the order will definitely help you a lot. Trading discipline is a macro regulation to control risk, which is a rule to avoid people's psychological weakness and mentality changes.
    It is a very important part of the trading system to help control the frequency of transactions after the mentality changes. I probably summarized nine points, I hope you will watch it carefully. After you keep it in your heart, it will definitely help you.
    First, if you lose three times in a row, you should force yourself to take a break, don't blindly trade, analyze the reasons for your losses, adjust your mentality, and then look for good opportunities to enter the market. Second, if the profit of continuous trading exceeds 20%, then force yourself to take a break.
    Third, don't trade too frequently every day. Fourth, do not open the reverse market within three hours after the stop loss. We don't enter the arena in silence. Sixth, when going long, only make strong varieties, not weak ones, and when short, only make weak ones, not strong ones.
    Seventh, the transaction must include at least four basic elements: entry price, stop loss price, target price, and operational control. Eighth, when the market volatility is small, do not trade in the volatile range.
    Ninth, the discipline of liquidation and not heavy trading is very important in the entire trading environment. When you figure it out, I believe you will not open it at will.

  • 热点题材股涨停板三个卖出方法Three ways to sell hot topic stocks daily limit

    热点题材股涨停板三个卖出方法Three ways to sell hot topic stocks daily limit


    The most tangled thing for novices doing hotspots is the beauty in their hands. The daily limit was set the day before, and the next day it opened higher or lower by three or four points. Should you sell or not? Today, I will share it with my friends.
    How do masters decide to sell or not to sell before 9:30, they often observe three signals, especially the third one, the simplest and most intuitive friends who don’t understand, must read it a few times after collecting it.
    The first depends on market sentiment. At around 9:24, if there are more than ten single stocks in the market, and a few even belong to the same hot sector, it shows that the overall sentiment of the market is good.
    And the ticket in hand is exactly the hot ticket yesterday, so let's observe it for a while and deal with it at ten o'clock. In the opposite case, you can choose to sell before 9:25. Secondly, it depends on the matching of transactions in the bidding chart.
    If the untraded part in the pricing chart is dominated by red bars, it means that many people want to buy but have not yet completed the transaction. After the market opens, the probability of an upward rush is relatively high. Don't sell it at this time.
    On the contrary, if the column is mainly used, the probability of rushing down after the opening is relatively high, and it can be sold before 9.25. The third look at the volume ratio. If the volume ratio of the votes in your hand is more than three times higher, the probability of opening the future upwards is relatively large. Just this time.
    Don't sell it. Conversely, if the volume ratio is below three to open, then the probability of going down will be greater, and you can choose to sell before 9.25. One thing to note is that, in order to ensure a timely transaction, the pending order is generally one to two points higher than the bid price.
    Follow me and show you more stories.

  • 第一操盘手坐庄手法The first trader sits on the bank

    第一操盘手坐庄手法The first trader sits on the bank


    China's first trader Zanzhong talked about how he did Zhuang Zhuang. Today I will give you a small example. This is a case recorded by the Zen Master himself in his blog.
    Let's experience how Changzhou people have a grasp of the psychology of market traders during the entire process of sitting in the dealership. Then I think it has reached the extreme. Then before we start.
    In fact, facing the four major problems has not yet begun.
    The mouse barn has entered. Then the second point is to buy enough chips, and the price cannot be too high. The third point is to wash out all these rat houses. What about the fourth point.
    The time cannot be too long.
    Putting these four points together, it is like an impossible triangle, which is difficult to complete. But sometimes you discover what a talent is, what is impossible to accomplish, you are the talent if you do it.
    How did he do it? First, I connected all the gyroscope discs under the huge pressure position. Generally, under the huge pressure position, no one wants to receive the discs in this position. The cost of receiving the heavy code in this position.
    The price is relatively the highest among all recent transactions. The second point is to repeatedly make false breakthroughs under great pressure, and each time the breakthrough falls, the breakthrough falls back.
    In this case, all technical parties will hand over their chips. In other words, in fact, this is also very critical in this process. Then cultivate the entire market to participate.
    One of the inertial thinking that is after each breakthrough, everyone thinks that it may fall back later, and no one is willing to do the aerial relay such a thinking habit formation is very critical, laying the groundwork for the subsequent operations.
    The third point is a false breakthrough after a period of time.
    Then one day continue to buy up all the money in the account. What was actually an overdraft at the time? Buying on the same day must sell on the same day.
    So he borrowed such an overdraft and continued to buy on the same day, and the stock price broke through. After the breakthrough, the inertia of false breakthroughs that everyone has developed before, then.
    I don't have the funds to be willing to relay in this position. So this is the reason why there have been repeated false breakthroughs before, which is paving the way for this one. Then there is no capital relay, and the stock price is natural.
    All of them rushed higher and lowered, and the cost of buying on the same day was also the highest.
    Since the market is about to close in the afternoon, the position must be closed, because if the highest price was bought on the same day, after the high price fell, in fact, I was covered by the quilt, and of course I didn’t want to put the position together. .
    The final result was not good. In the end, the position was reluctantly closed, and the stock price fell directly to the early stage platform.
    After that, the market news began to spread. Some people were chased by enemies. After a certain person finished speaking, the market news began to spread, what, some people were caught.
    The enemies are chasing after them, some are about to jump off the building, the funds are bursting, rumors are everywhere, and everyone is panicking. On the second day, everyone followed suit. The country continued to lower its limit. The same story continued on the third day.
    On the fourth day, the stock price opened sharply lower. All those who ran in front were very thankful, right? I finally sold it. The stock price fell again later.
    Then when the stock price continues to rush towards the limit, a massive amount of buying orders surges directly at this time, and all the chips are taken, and the stock price does not fall.
    Those who want to sell can continue to sell, but the stock price does not fall.
    Then on the fourth day, the stock price opened directly with a big sun line, and after all the selling, then the skeleton was pulled up with a big sun line. Then people who want to buy at this time have no chance to buy it, and the time is very fast.
    So the same thing is true, people who want to sell can continue to sell all such selling orders and all the funds are received.
    On the fifth day, the stock price continued to open higher. A big Yang line directly hit the pressure level of the previous platform. After hitting the pressure level, all the buying orders disappeared as if they had never appeared before.
    The market has returned to a calm state. Once the market has fallen into silence, many people begin to worry that this micro-reversal may be over. The shells above were too heavy, after a period of calm.
    Panic began to spread, selling resurfaced, and stock prices began to fall.
    But at this time, you find that no matter how much the selling order is, the stock price can no longer fall, and it has been around a narrow bottleneck for sideways fluctuations. You can sell anything you want.
    There is too little room to cover the price difference, and there is no price difference to cover.
    Suddenly, on an inadvertent day, a direct Yang line broke through the platform, the entire platform.
    The pressure level has been sideways for a long time, less than fifteen minutes when it broke. So I think this case is very classic, and it is worth our time to come and go. For example, at the time you were a participant in this stock.
    What is your psychological change at this time? So in the whole process of psychological change, how does the Zen master use the public's psychology to achieve his goal of the above four points?
    You think you need to know that you want to wash out the mouse barn. This is very difficult. It is impossible to do without any means. It is rewarding. Remember to like and comment.

  • 股典钟涨停王语音播报资讯:顶层思维做投资Stock code clock daily limit king voice broadcast information: top-level thinking to invest

    股典钟涨停王语音播报资讯:顶层思维做投资Stock code clock daily limit king voice broadcast information: top-level thinking to invest


    赶紧补补。好,明白了底线思维的危机意识,我们就会明白,对于顶层来说,g d p 都不是什么重要的东西,这些都是和平年代的粉丝制度。如果连g d p 都不是第一性。
    What is the top-level thinking? A fan friend keeps sending me this question in private. He said that recently he always heard me mention top-level thinking, but every time he didn't explain it thoroughly, he was very anxious. Oh, there are some things.
    Can reach the extreme. So let's talk briefly today, OK? If you understand the top-level thinking in one sentence, I think there are two key words, one is the bottom-line thinking.
    One is line thinking, bottom line thinking is a trap in Sino-US rest. This is very, very clear. We cannot have any luck, and there is only one way.
    Just go beyond this kind of umbrella, there is no other way to choose. So the essence of bottom-line thinking is to be prepared for the worst, and you must also be prepared for this. So what is the worst preparation?
    Two Hercules, which day will everyone really be able to survive like a very early time in the future, and also make each other feel bad. So where would he be ruthless? Such as energy.
    Such as chips, such as agriculture, so why do we have to engage in new energy? Why do semiconductors have to be done well? Why is food security so important? One is here, when the decisive battle arrives.
    There can be no life gate between the masters for the other party, otherwise it is yourself who will get on the ground. So the choking technique that we have been talking about every day in the past few years is to take our own camera before the decisive battle.
    Quickly make up. Well, if we understand the crisis awareness of bottom-line thinking, we will understand that for the top level, g d p is not an important thing. These are fan systems in the peaceful era. If even g d p is not primary.
    So what are those industries that don't help and cause chaos? It must be pitiful. Before the real war, what seemed important was not important. It doesn't seem important.
    It can be very important, and this is where the bottom line thinking matters to investors and entrepreneurs. Line thinking is the idea of ​​a great eastern country. No matter what kind of doctrine is in the essence of the world's eastern culture.
    Ah, the lives of all the people in the world will not be lost. Everyone think about whether this is the case, and there is no need to distinguish between individuals and collectives, efficiency or fairness. The nature of the unity of home and country will not change.
    You ask every Chinese, do you say that family weight is not important? Of course it is important, but the country is just as important. Therefore, efficiency is more important than fairness when we have not had enough food and clothing for the past 40 years. When everyone is now well off.
    Then there must be both efficiency and fairness. At this time, the pursuit of common prosperity is our biggest goal at the moment. Waiting for the day when the common prosperity also realizes the great harmony of the world.
    So fairness is more important than efficiency. This is a cycle of cycles and cycles. Ah, so at this stage of balancing efficiency and fairness, if you blindly pursue efficiency, don't consider fairness.
    Sooner or later, there will be reflections. In the past few years, from the education of Internet finance, to the entertainment industry, the housing problem is a big problem. Which one is not aimed at fairness? If at this time someone still only cares about the efficiency and freedom of the market economy.
    Don’t you run counter to our world of ideas? What is your purpose? Isn't it doomed? Top-level thinking requires top-level will. The stronger the will, the longer the action, the more direct the action must be.
    The more simply look at each time there is a little muddy from top to bottom. Therefore, our wealth logic in the future will be significantly different from the past when we only pursued efficiency.
    So what will our logic of making money look like in the future? How to use top-level thinking to guide us to invest in companies? Sorry, we only on the open platform.

  • 记录时代最重大的一次分岐The most significant divergence of the record era

    记录时代最重大的一次分岐The most significant divergence of the record era


    从k 十二双减以后,中概股a 股、港股全面大撤退,你也能抄底了,咣当黑还有人再砸盘跑路。我还说到有人说这是国家队在逼外资交筹码,让内资自己来支撑核心资产的盘。
    这两天,财经委员会第十次会议这么长篇幅的解读共同会议只是在全面落实接下来要做的工作。所以从今年四月的平台反垄断到k 色双减,再到住房不炒。
    行不行,自己判断吧。ok 今天就分享到这里啊,想听点深度的财富逻辑。
    从k 十二双减以后,中概股a 股、港股全面大撤退,你也能抄底了,咣当黑还有人再砸盘跑路。我还说到有人说这是国家队在逼外资交筹码,让内资自己来支撑核心资产的盘。
    这两天,财经委员会第十次会议这么长篇幅的解读共同会议只是在全面落实接下来要做的工作。所以从今年四月的平台反垄断到k 色双减,再到住房不炒。
    行不行,自己判断吧。ok 今天就分享到这里啊,想听点深度的财富逻辑。
    从k 十二双减以后,中概股a 股、港股全面大撤退,你也能抄底了,咣当黑还有人再砸盘跑路。我还说到有人说这是国家队在逼外资交筹码,让内资自己来支撑核心资产的盘。
    这两天,财经委员会第十次会议这么长篇幅的解读共同会议只是在全面落实接下来要做的工作。所以从今年四月的平台反垄断到k 色双减,再到住房不炒。
    行不行,自己判断吧。ok 今天就分享到这里啊,想听点深度的财富逻辑。
    Foreign capital has run away. Last Thursday and Friday, the northward capital sold for more than 20 billion yuan. This is something I have never seen in the past five or six years. The stock market during this period of time has been really miserable, and it's hard to tell.
    After the k-twelve double reduction, the A-shares and Hong Kong stocks retreat in an all-round way, and you can also buy bottoms. I also mentioned that some people say that this is a situation where the national team is forcing foreign investors to pay their bargaining chips and let domestic investors support their core assets.
    There is no logic at all in such a person's point of view. Is there any Datong family who doesn't want their fish ponds to be as big as possible, and dare to go. As long as the fish is in mine, it is very troublesome if mine is gone.
    So, what is the core problem that you don't understand this truth? It is the view that the Bridgewater Fund has not reached the flow. Many of our actions have been very frequent recently. Are they short-term fluctuations or long-term deterioration?
    The capital market began to have serious divergence. When the market is emotionally unstable, no matter how good a stock is, it will raise an idiom. So you have also seen that I have not been able to objectively dismantle some stocks in the past two weeks because of everyone's emotions.
    No longer on shopping. Pessimism towards the market is already spreading. To put it bluntly, many people start to panic, and the question is coming, why are they panicking? Why are they running? The answer is simple. What they panicked is to return to the big local tyrants that once happened.
    They are afraid of going back to a certain era in the past, but to be honest, such panic is quite naive. If all such funds are competing in the capital market, then I don't think these funds are what Mali is.
    They still don't understand all the answers in China. As early as 2020, we have all told us, and all the actions we are doing now are to understand this answer. It is written in black and white, and it is written upright in the 14th Five-Year Plan and the outline of the long-term goals for 2035.
    I'm always jumping up and down, I once again suggest that you read this outline word by word. It's clearly written even if the high-speed rail has been connected to Taipei for several years. Is there something that you still don't understand?
    Are you not confident enough? The centenary of the founding of the party this year is also very plain. We have built a well-off society in an all-round way in the first 100 years, and we will enter the second 100 years. What will the second hundred years do? The first small goal.
    It is socialist modernization, in addition to economic strength, scientific and technological strength, and cultural soft power, it is to move toward common prosperity. The proportion of middle-income groups has increased, and the gap between urban and rural levels has narrowed.
    In the past two days, the tenth meeting of the Finance and Economics Committee, a long-length interpretation joint meeting, is only fully implementing the work to be done next. Therefore, from the platform anti-monopoly in April this year, to the k-color double reduction, to the non-speculation of housing.
    In the past two days, I started to talk about the liquor industry again. Later, we can predict the supervision of the pharmaceutical industry, the supervision of the entertainment industry, and the re-regulation of the real estate and financial industries. Anything that affects social equity is not conducive to common prosperity.
    Everyone will adjust a sentence, from only focusing on efficiency to taking into account fairness, such adjustments are bound to be long-term. Some people say that we will follow the investment stock model, because you see that we are emphasizing acquaintance.
    Returning to manufacturing and so on, I don’t think we are following our own model. The bottom line has already told us that the East must be a system of its own. It can’t learn from anyone and can only follow its own path.
    So my judgment is that our route will be conservative in many places. This is determined by our nature and philosophy. As long as you are on this land, including any capital, you have to respect these and play here.
    You have to recognize this bottom line, or you'll get out of it. At the same time, we will be very open in open places, open to talents, open to technology, open to capital, and to everything that respects our rules and core concepts.
    We will still fully open up our tolerance, as long as it does not violate the bottom line, it is actually much larger than that of Western countries. There is a voice saying that the market is now in the darkest moment of the most confused valuation system. Wrong now is the darkest moment when the market is in the panic of the idea system. In the short term.
    I am not very optimistic either, because this sentiment may be fermented in the future. But in the long run, I am not worried about why capital is capital and it has no ethics. Real capital is only a tool, and its background is also.
    One is the market and the other is the trust. Did we say that we are going to market first? No, it is impossible for the economy to develop, and an efficient market is necessary. But he said that there must be supervision, restriction, and fairness.
    There is a certain emphasis, is this right? I think there is nothing wrong. Today's article may be the most serious one I have talked about recently. In a sense, I am also entering the biggest disagreement in the history of the capital market.
    But I firmly believe that these are just fluctuations, and these will only make our capital market better and healthier. Smart money is absolutely rational. Wherever there is water and grass, the fish will come back from eating the grass.
    Whether it works, judge for yourself. ok I will share it here today, I want to hear some in-depth wealth logic.
    Follow me.

  • 何为对交易的顿悟 What is the epiphany of trading

    何为对交易的顿悟 What is the epiphany of trading


    What is an epiphany for a trader? Many people imagine the word dullness as illusory. Today I talk about my understanding of animals. The contingency of short-term trends and human characteristics often make us unable to see the long-term direction of the market.
    The market always destroys the weak and leads them astray, unable to maintain logic and consistency in judgment and operation. As we all know, there are three realms of trading. Looking at mountains is a mountain, looking at a mountain is not a mountain, looking at a mountain is still a mountain.
    After you have traded for more than ten years, experienced, and countless market tribulations, in the end, you are nothing more than a few of the trading teams, positions, and learn to rest and maintain consistency. The mountain is the same mountain where you first entered the market.
    And people take.

  • 狼还是来了,你准备好了什么The wolf is still coming, what are you ready

    狼还是来了,你准备好了什么The wolf is still coming, what are you ready


    This is just the beginning. Financial capital from the United States is accelerating its entry into the Chinese market. Just this weekend, JP Morgan Chase officially announced that they successfully obtained the record and officially became the first overseas independent in Chinese history.
    Who is the state-owned securities firm JP Morgan Chase? Even if you don't understand finance, you must have heard the name in the movie. They are one of the largest financial institutions in the United States, and they have a full-time staff of 260,000. Look at their boss again. Top secret.
    It's exactly the image of the financial brain of China Street. From now on, JP Morgan Chase, a financial magnate from all over the world, will officially serve Chinese customers. Prior to this, our domestic reputation can only be in stocks.
    Local brokerage companies choose to open an account, and then they can enter the stock market only if they have an account. But in the future, there will be one more choice, which is to open an account with JPMorgan Chase and get the same service.
    After the news was announced, many people didn't understand, did they? The competition among our domestic financial institutions is already very fierce. Why do we have to give foreign investors a bite of meat? I just wanted to say that no flowers can grow in a greenhouse. In recent years, despite the investment boom of our people.
    There has indeed been a substantial increase, but the level of these domestic financial institutions has not improved significantly. For example, a few days ago, the analyst of a certain domestic institution even gave the valuation of the Ningde era.
    They all predicted that by 2020, it was a roar of laughter. Therefore, the most fundamental role of introducing foreign securities firms at this moment is to accelerate the competition and elimination of China's financial industry. Now.
    Modern Chase is here, Beilette is also here, and they are all accelerating their entry into the Chinese market. There are also complications that they also set up a fund company yesterday. Obviously, the lane is narrowing and the speed of the car is also getting faster. Next.
    It depends on who is the first to fall behind. As the saying goes, people are free from pressure, and foreign investment in closed competition circles is bound to be higher. Let's not see how to fight.

  • 如何卖出的四种方法Four ways to sell

    如何卖出的四种方法Four ways to sell


    How to sell is a problem that plagues many people. Why is it bothered? Because most people judge their selling position right?
    It depends on whether the market rises or falls after selling. If the market continues to rise after the sale, they will regret that they are in the wrong position.
    It needs to be revised. If the market drops after the sale, it is best to immediately come to a limit, then they will feel that they are selling at the right position.
    If you use this standard to judge your selling point, if you are right, you have actually fallen into a misunderstanding of trading. Whenever it is sold.
    They will be very entangled, because they always want to sell at a high point. After they don't want to sell, the market will continue to rise, and at the same time they are afraid of not selling.
    The market will fall. Under the interweaving of hesitation, contradictions, regrets, fears, etc., every transaction will be trembling, like walking on thin ice.
    To solve the problem of selling. First of all, we must solve two selling concepts. One, never want to sell at the highest point.
    Never judge your selling position based on the market ups and downs after you sell, right? There are no worries about the above two points.
    The method of selling is simple. Taking the trend as an example, we know that the unfolding of the trend is nothing but two forms, one is unfolding in the form of skyrocketing and falling.
    In this form of selling method, you only need to use a percentage trailing stop loss. Just drop eight to fifteen points from the highest point and pulse immediately.
    Whether it is eight points or fifteen points, or a certain value in the middle, varies from person to person. Another way the trend unfolds is.
    The rhythm rises along a certain channel with a clear rhythm. This kind of upward trend only needs to draw a trend line or find a supporting moving average.
    Do not break below the trend line or the moving average with support, just keep holding. Once it breaks below, sell it immediately. In addition to the above two selling methods.
    There are also two ways to use time stop loss and profit taking stop loss time as an auxiliary. Stop loss is to sell immediately if the account is still at a loss for a period of time after buying.
    The period of time here is different depending on the time period of each person. In the short-term, sell if it does not rise for a few days, and sell if it does not rise for a few weeks in the mid-line.
    Profit-taking stop loss means that after a sufficient amount of profit has been made, the profit has been retreated 30 to 50% and sold immediately. As for the profit taking 30%, still.
    It is up to you to decide whether to give up 50%. The above four commonly used selling methods are enough for you to use. Finally, I would like to emphasize again.
    Don't use the market ups and downs after selling to judge the selling position, right? Sometimes it is not your selling point that is wrong, but your idea.
    Wrong, it's the idea that you don't want the market to continue to rise after selling. wrong. If you continue to maintain this kind of thinking.
    Then your transaction will always be tangled, you will regret it, and of course you will always owe it.

  • 炒股人必须知道的科技知识Technological knowledge that stock traders must know

    炒股人必须知道的科技知识Technological knowledge that stock traders must know


    The era of industrialization is more expensive than carbon, and the era of electrification is more expensive. The main component of coal and oil, carbon, will soon be eliminated.
    The main component of diamonds is actually carbon, and the reserves are very large, which is not valuable at all. Photovoltaic mainly uses turtles, which will become the mainstream energy source in the future.
    More importantly, in the electrical age, integrated circuits and semiconductor chips used in communications, computing, and electrical equipment.
    The main ingredients are also turtles. The second element on the earth is the turtle. Its raw materials, sand and rocks, are everywhere at low cost.
    But it is very useful. It used to be called Xi, but now it seems to be called Xi in Hong Kong and Taiwan, and in some areas, Silicon Valley is called Xigu.
    In fact, they are all the same, the west is the same element. There is an occupational disease called silicosis.
    Now we know that it is actually a lung disease, but it is by no means said that it is toxic, but the laborious deposition of inhaled tiny silica floats in the lungs.
    The reason why it is called occupational disease is because it is only possible to inhale silica particles of a few microns in daily life that are not in the process of mining in the mine.
    So there is no problem.
    The purity of silicon in photovoltaic cells generally has to reach six nines, and both polycrystalline silicon and monocrystalline silicon can be used. In terms of power generation efficiency, monocrystalline silicon is still higher.
    Electronic grade polysilicon generally needs to reach nine nines.
    And now the chip mainly uses high-purity single crystal silicon, which is the highest purity crystal that human beings can achieve so far, which can reach twelve nines.
    In other words, in a trillion silicon atoms, it is possible to mix in one other atom. The first transistor used was not a tortoise, but something.
    Speaking of transistors, it is necessary to talk about this person, William Shockley, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics for the study of transistors in 1956.
    Later, a company was established in California and recruited a large number of talents, but due to poor management, eight of them left him.
    It is the famous Bapan Tu. After these eight people came out, they found a rich man Fairchild to invest. They founded a company that was later hailed as the greatest company in the world.
    First Pass Semiconductor.
    The translation of Philchard's name into Chinese means that they started to use silicon to replace the fragile ones to make transistors, and then gradually evolved to make integrated circuits.
    Made a lot of money for the company.
    But also because of the company's internal reasons, eight people left one after another and established different companies. Two of them, Noyce and Moore, are the Moore who proposed Moore's Law in the chip industry.
    The two of them established a company, which was very famous later, and it was Intel.
    And in this small place in California, a lot of companies about regulations slowly appeared, and this place has been called since then.
    The development of Silicon Valley regulations really originated from the United States and from Silicon Valley. But these decades have passed, who can think of the best development in the world now.
    That is, in the field of chips in China, we are still a bit constrained by others, but not because of return, but because of software and lithography technology.
    In the field of tortoises, China still has an advantage. Of the top ten silicon companies in the world, China accounts for seven of them.
    They are all amazing.

  • 如何识别黄金坑How to identify the golden pit

    如何识别黄金坑How to identify the golden pit


    How to identify the golden pit and how to deal with the golden pit? Today I will share the golden pit that I know. There are four major elements in the golden pit, and the golden pit can only be established if it meets the four major elements.
    Without any element, it cannot be called a golden pit, at most it can be counted as a pit. The first is the first to consolidate for a long time, and there is a main force in it, and the main force in this period is carrying out phased fund-raising.
    The specific performance is the phased increase in volume. Second, the reason for the break below a big bottom break during the entire consolidation phase may be that retail investors have absorbed the unwillingness to hand over their chips at a low price.
    The main force used the broken position to wash the plate, forcing the retail investors to hand over their chips. Third, be able to get out of the pit. After breaking the position in the early stage, you must be able to get out of the pit in the later stage, that is, to stand back on the previous consolidation period.
    If the support line that is roughly formed cannot get out of the pit, it is not a golden pit, it is a real pit. Fourth, either increase the amount in the pit, or increase the amount when you exit the pit.
    Moreover, it is also the performance of the main attraction that is double the amount of a large number of days. The heavy volume here corresponds to the performance of the main bargaining chip we mentioned earlier.
    And our pick-up point can only choose the exit. Don’t think you can come to a tunnel afterwards. If you get on the car too early, you may not get up when the main force abandons. Personal opinion.

  • 主升浪(建议珍藏)Master Shenglang (recommended collection)

    主升浪(建议珍藏)Master Shenglang (recommended collection)


    What is the main voice of the stock? Hey, doing stocks, if you don't know the main voice, it is basically difficult for you to really make a lot of money in the market. So what is the main voice of the stock?
    In the process of general stock operation, it will go through a wave of attracting and pulling up, suppressing and then pulling up and laundering chips, and then enters the main wave of such a process.
    The main sound wave is such a stage of a rapid rise in stock prices. So what are the characteristics of the main voice? First, the main voice often has to go through one before it starts.
    The long process of collecting chips, because only after collecting enough chips, will he have this kind of corresponding power point behind him. Second, after the chips have been collected, he must have more sorrow.
    The chip shuffling action will only enter the final acceleration stage if the floating chips are drastically cleared. So in the process of laundering chips, everyone can pass.
    For an important analysis method such as the distribution of chips, do the corresponding analysis. Third, in this process of the main sound wave, it is often accompanied by the continuous daily limit of the Dayang Line and the Changyang Line.
    Such a stage and process of rapid rise in some very fast stock prices are often counted from the starting point of the main sound of the stock price.
    Stock prices tend to rise by 50% or even more than double. Therefore, how to grasp the initiation point of the main voice will be the top priority of investment. So as.
    How to grasp the starting point? Let's have a good chat in the comment area.

  • 股典钟涨停王语音播报资讯:未来财富流向Stock code clock daily limit king voice broadcast information: future wealth flow

    股典钟涨停王语音播报资讯:未来财富流向Stock code clock daily limit king voice broadcast information: future wealth flow


    只有专业技术才会是我们月入三万以上的可靠。Our China's wealth distribution mechanism that has lasted for two decades is now undergoing tremendous changes. Where are the chances of ordinary people earning more than three hundred a month in the future? To answer this question, as long as one sentence, where the money will flow, where will the wealth flow.
    Where will the currency flow? The second quarter monetary policy implementation report just released by the Central Bank gave clear answers. Please be patient and see. In the end, you will surely get the answers you want.
    First of all, in the past two decades, we know that real estate is the most important driving force of economic growth, and it is also the largest money printing machine. Taking a loan to buy a house is equivalent to using all your wages for the next 30 years to the present.
    In every link of development, transaction, use, and mortgage of land and real estate, currency will be produced. Real estate creates currency, and at the same time it is also absorbing currency, currency from the future, thus creating our 21st century economic miracle.
    But he also caused a serious bubble and the problem of fragmentation of wealth. why? Real estate is just needed to get married and have children, right? But under the soaring housing prices, the wealthy eventually became family members, and the wealthy witnessed it with their own eyes.
    If this situation is not reversed, how can we talk about the future? So now let's chop with an axe. The three-plus-two red line of real estate is the most stringent control measure in history. He restricts the debt ratio of real estate companies.
    On the one hand, they are restricting the proportion of loans for purchases of houses, which will pinch the source of money creation. But objectively speaking, it only limits your room for further leverage. The leverage on those stocks has little effect.
    So don't expect house prices to fall sharply, but the real estate may slowly lose its investment properties and become an asset with low liquidity and low yield. The rate of increase in its appreciation may not even beat the mortgage interest rate.
    Therefore, buying a house with a loan will probably cease to be a profitable business in the future. Then you said that the real estate has been unloaded. Who will take up the important task of creating money in the future?
    In this monetary policy report, it is actually very clear that we must give full play to the leading role of the structural monetary policy, in the fields of technological innovation, small and micro enterprises, and green development of the manufacturing industry.
    Increase support. This kind of expression appeared in the report fourteen times, and it directly asked to ensure the financing needs of key technology public relations companies, and guide commercial banks to support green and low-carbon industries.
    Good guy, you see this is directly equivalent to pressing your head and opening your mouth to pour currency into the mouths of these companies. Don't underestimate these words, they are of great significance to investors. why? Let's review the key points.
    Wherever the money flows, the wealth flows. What does the statement of this report directly give investors a circle of scope? Technology industry and low-carbon industry. Then you said that some people don't make investments.
    What's the use of this? Of course it is useful. We need to further analyze the changes behind these few sentences. We need to know that economic growth is determined by two factors, one is how efficient production is, and the other is how much money is invested.
    In the past, our economic growth relied heavily on money, and relying on money to drive production efficiency did not make a qualitative leap. For example, if a factory produces one hundred products a year, then I can increase investment and expand the production capacity by one hundred times.
    Hasn't the economy increased a hundredfold? But the problem is that this kind of growth with money will have many side effects, such as overcapacity, pollution of the ecology, and long-term economic losses.
    So now we do not plan to expand production capacity, but to increase the intensity of technological innovation, and the value of each product from ten yuan to one hundred yuan. And technological innovation also requires money.
    It also needs currency support. So what we are doing now is to guide the currency towards technological innovation. You must know that this will be a very painful process. Spending money on expanding production capacity will definitely make money faster than spending on innovation.
    Coming soon. This process will definitely make our economic data look bad. But now our beliefs are very firm. We have already said that we no longer pursue high-speed growth. Data is not important, but development is qualitative.
    That’s the point, and this process will change everyone’s life. Some people's industries may disappear like newsstands on the roadside. If we are not careful, we will be left behind by the times.
    In the past few decades, money has flowed to those short-lived and fast-paced areas. Now it is suddenly turning, which will definitely make many people uncomfortable or even unwilling to believe. But this is an epoch-making turn, and it is an opportunity that everyone should value. So in the end I will give you all.
    Everyone's most direct suggestion is to study and take exams. It is best to take new agricultural information technology, new energy, and new material biotechnology in the subject you are interested in. If you are gifted, you can read basic physics.
    Or it is to study a technology to obtain a certificate, even if it is a lawyer's certificate or a psychologist's certificate. Because the advantages of future business models, as well as the advantages of capital and labor time, will gradually weaken.
    Only professional technology can be reliable for our monthly income of more than 30,000 yuan.

  • 股典钟涨停王语音播报资讯:炒股的三重境界 The stock code clock daily limit king voice broadcast information: the triple realm of stocks

    股典钟涨停王语音播报资讯:炒股的三重境界 The stock code clock daily limit king voice broadcast information: the triple realm of stocks


    The triple realm of trading. A bearish is down, and the market is bullish. At this time, only the appearance of the market can be seen. 2. A bearish is not a fall, and a bullish is not a rise. At this time, you can see the nature of the market. Third, bearish.
    It is still down, bullish, and still up. At this time, do not be confused by the naked eye, and enter into nothingness.
    Some fans asked, do you need talent to do education? Well, let me give you an example, which is equivalent to our college entrance examination. If you go to an ordinary college, this talent component is relatively low. You mainly rely on the level of effort.
    But if you want to test Harbin, MIT, and Tsinghua, you really need talent, and the same is true for trading. If you just want stable profitability, then talent is not that important.
    You mainly rely on hard work and technology. But if you want to be a character like Buffett, Soros, and Jessie, then the talent must be very important, so you have to rely on it.

  • 炒股复盘七步法则Seven-step rules for stock resumption

    炒股复盘七步法则Seven-step rules for stock resumption


    One trick teaches you how to do replays. Many friends who trade in stocks only look at their market during trading hours. After the market, I never make a summary, or formulate tomorrow's trading plan, and then deliberately hope to make a long-term profit in this market.
    Then I can tell you very clearly that you will be harvested by this market sooner or later. Today I will share with you the seven-step rule of my personal review. I believe that if you can persist for more than half a year, your trading ability will definitely have a qualitative leap.
    Remember to like, follow and add to favorites, don’t find it again when that time comes, and you won’t be able to review it again. First of all, the first step is to design your own viewing layout, so you can get the information you want at a glance during the viewing process tomorrow.
    The second step is to understand mainstream players and the mainstream environment. At present, is it an environment dominated by hot money or an environment dominated by institutions? We must be a good team. The third step is to review the entire disk.
    We need to find the preferences of the current market, or to find the current mainstream gameplay and bonus points. The fourth step is to use statistical data to determine the stage of the current emotional cycle. The main influence here is the relay flow players.
    The fifth step is to review the current plate strength of each plate to find the mainstream plate. Because we can only improve our overall winning rate if we team with the mainstream sector. The sixth step is to find the most popular in the current market.
    In other words, they are the most representative stocks because they are the vane of the money-making effect of the overall market sentiment. Regardless of whether you operate it or not, we have to understand their dynamics the first time. The seventh step is to develop a complete four-day trading plan.
    We must try our best to deduct all the situations that may arise tomorrow. Through the methodology of these seven-step replay rules, coupled with daily deliberate practice, I believe that everyone will have unexpected gains.

  • 筹码分布发现主力吸筹The distribution of chips found the main attraction

    筹码分布发现主力吸筹The distribution of chips found the main attraction


    How to find out that the main force is attracting money in time from the chip distribution chart? In fact, the main process of attracting chips is a process of chip conversion. In this process, the main force is the buyer, and the retail investor is the seller.
    Only the first fully completed salary main force will form a stretched bargaining chip distribution map. How to see it? Each horizontal bar in the bargaining chip chart represents a price, and the longer the bar, the more volume corresponding to this price.
    The shorter the column, the smaller the volume corresponding to this price. When the blue area is larger than the red area, it means that there are more hold-ups. If the main force wants to stretch, it will be very heavy. When the red area is larger than the blue area.
    Your sedan chair is already lighter, or there is a high probability that it will stretch. When the chip area is all red, the profit order should be stopped in time, and the profit order will be out of the game at any time. The most important point is that the chips must be concentrated, not scattered.
    Concentration means that the stock price may be about to start to change. When the market is concentrated in the first place, the market outlook will probably stretch upward. Concentrate at high positions, if you can't effectively break through in a short period of time.
    There is a high probability that it will fall back.
