  • 股市高手怎么做短线?How do stock market masters do short-term?

    股市高手怎么做短线?How do stock market masters do short-term?


    持续性才会变高。现在a 股有些板块已经开始起稳反弹。值得一提的是,有百分之八十都是主力在拉高出货,如果你还是不会判断手里的板块能不能拿。

  • 怎样选股才合适?How to choose the right stocks?

    怎样选股才合适?How to choose the right stocks?


    对于a 股四千多家上市公司,你是否有选择困难症?这个视频给大家分享几个简单实用的选股方法,一,选择龙头股龙头股。
    波动也很小。三、选择政策扶持的股,有政策支持的股票是受国家保护的,发展也会比较稳定。四、避免问题,股票避免s t 部。

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  • 主力行为学Main behavior

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  • 利弗莫尔炒股操盘术Livermore stock trader

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    他的方法是非常值得我们学习的话不多说,我们直接上干货来看这张图。一号k 线是一个涨停,有主力进来了。
    二号k 线是带有长长的上影线,上影线的长度大于实体的长度,也就是当天的盘中冲高回落,说明卖出的人比买的人多。
    又是一个涨停,这个涨停的收盘价比二号k 线的最高价还要高,一般符合此形态的股票都会有很高的概率快速拉升。这个模型就是两百接力。
    你学会了吗?我们来看货,这只股票图中的底部出现一个涨停板,作为一号k 线,第二天高开高走,收出了一个阳线。
    但是长上影线比实体还要长,符合二号k 线的条件。第三天又是一个涨停,涨停的最高价比二号k 线的最高价还要高。这个涨停符合三号k 线的条件。
    此时三根k 线就符合了两板接力模型,就是我们最佳的介入时机。随后我们可以抓到连续六个涨停。今天你就先分享。

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  • 这十种交易可以做These ten types of transactions can be done

    这十种交易可以做These ten types of transactions can be done


    Today, I will tell you that the following ten types of transactions can be conducted, and the more important they are in the future. The first type has clear and favorable transactions that can engage the target in our eyes.
    If there is a change, you must understand what benefits are behind it, whether it is performance promotion or good support, in short, there must be clear benefits, so.
    They will not step on thunder for no reason, and will not buy unreliable tickets. This way you can sleep after getting in the car. Therefore, there are clearly positive deals that can be made.
    The second type has clear technical signals. You can make a check. If you want to get in the car, you must have a good buying point, whether it is a sideways breakthrough or a swing correction.
    There must be a familiar, clear technical signal with a relatively high success rate for numerous verifications in the past. I'm most afraid of doing transactions halfway up the band.
    Dilemma and suffering. Therefore, transactions with clear technical signals can be used for the third type of main high-control trading.
    What does the main high-control panel look like? Let's put it this way. You can definitely see the signal when the main force enters a check. It is like a python, swallowing a small tripe, in the middle of the belly.
    Surely bulge a bag, this is to walk inside and get stuck outside. Specifically, all votes for the main high-control board generally fluctuate very little. From the perspective of the elongation cycle, it is slowly upturned.
    It's like a model, willow leaf curving eyebrows and cherry mouth. Anyone who sees it will happily look at Huang Lao Er next door and tremble with a glance. Don't laugh. In fact, it doesn't matter.
    The key must be secondary. Therefore, the main high-control plate trading can be done.
    The fourth is that the transaction of institutional control can be done slowly. Institutions are usually long-term tickets, and some are slow to go for more than ten years, one band after another.
    Institutional votes generally rise slowly.
    For example, if the big market rises by a hundred centimeters, the ranking will be able to enter the top three. Therefore, the participating institutions must lower their expectations, and patience is the most important.
    So institutional votes can be made, but you have to grasp the rhythm and make it slowly. Fifth, hot money-led transactions should be carried out in a cautious manner.
    I don't know where they come and go without a trace, don't look at the situation when they are tossing, but they are not polite when they run away. Therefore, hot money-led tickets must be planned in advance.
    Always pay close attention to when you participate, you must not be sloppy, and when you withdraw, you must act decisively. Therefore, hot money-led transactions should pay close attention to changes in the news.
    The heyday of high.
    The sixth type is to follow the general trend of trading and engage in peace of mind. Because the index is like a leader, everyone is staring at it. If the index starts up, the lambs will clamber to keep up.
    Therefore, following the general trend of trading, you can safely engage in the seventh type of resonance-launched trading. Efforts to engage in resonance-launching refers to the stocks not only following the index, but also the sectors it carries.
    If the stock sector and the index resonate together, it is a very rare good time. It's like you got into a good unit.
    The unit’s business is doing well, so your department is generally not much different. Your income is also rising steadily. Buying a house and a car is happy. How big do you think you are?
    In fact, it's just a chance for you. Therefore, the transaction initiated by resonance must be carried out vigorously, or the opportunity will be missed.
    After the eighth index is smashed, there will be a rebound if it is actively smashed. This is like a basketball falling from a height, and any pitfall is a good opportunity.
    In a nutshell, the bigger the index, the higher the rebound. Therefore, after the index is smashed, such transactions must be actively engaged. The ninth type of liquidity loose transaction.
    It is best to engage in trading, and to do well, it essentially depends on liquidity. A ticket is like a fish, and liquidity is water, and running water can raise fish. so.
    The most important thing is this one. Therefore, it is best to engage in loose liquidity trading, in case you encounter it, don't miss it.
    When the tenth kind of low position, when the long-term high-high position, the short-term high market evolution is always wavy upwards, high and low staggered. Therefore, you can put a long line in the low position.
    In the high position, only the ten words on the high, high, and small bands must be integrated, grasp the laws of the market, and we will do it if we have the opportunity.
    Okay, let's get here first this issue.

  • 得金融者得天下Those who win finance win the world

    得金融者得天下Those who win finance win the world


    There is a saying in the market that the financial winners have the world. There are people who have taken away social wealth crazy, and you are working underneath.
    This is why the poor in industrial civilization are always poor and getting poorer and poorer. This is the source.
    For example, in the world of capital, you mention that the biggest thing in the capital market is the stock market. Have you heard that, what does the stock market do?
    Its core role is only clear, the wealth of the poor in society.
    The simple truth is that if you find a company listed on the market, think about it from the perspective of your most basic people, let's not understand it first. Do you think the establishment of such a market, after listing.
    The one who gets the most money the most benefit is whether it should be the listed company or the shareholders of the listed company.
    Listed company.
    Because the establishment of such a market encourages these companies to develop better. But in reality, you find that all the stock markets in the world are actually tricking whose wallets.
    Shareholders All shareholders of listed companies except for the founders are financial investors.
    Do you understand?
    So why is the company just playing a hot pot of going public and 22,000 companies have been listed on Nasdaq, and now there are still 7,000 left alive. Someone asked.
    Where did those 15,000 homes go and closed down.
    Why did it go bankrupt? Because the investor has invested in this company, he is in shit, should he be fooled into listing it? After listing, the stock price will be sold to the public at a high price.
    If they leave with money, can this company get out? If you think about it from the simplest labor mindset, isn't the stock market a place to cleanse your name and wealth?

  • 请做对你的人生选择这道题Please do the question of choosing your life

    请做对你的人生选择这道题Please do the question of choosing your life



  • 主力行为学Main behavior

    主力行为学Main behavior


    第四点呢是看k 线形态和筹码的分布。在主力洗盘的时候,它的筹码在底部一定是不通的,而在出货的时候呢。
    他的筹码在高位一定是不断的抬高洗盘,多数都是横向震荡整理的k 线形态。而出货呢多数都是在高位不断的冲高回落。
    Today I will tell you about the main behavioral science, because the content will violate the interests of some bigwigs and will be deleted at any time, please hurry up and download it.
    In the market, retail investors are most afraid of two things. First, the main focus of Pai is that they will be washed out, and the price will rise as soon as they are sold. Second, they are afraid of the main shipment.
    Afraid of being abandoned by the main force, you will fall as soon as you buy it. The four-point resonance recognition method we shared today can easily identify the true intention of the main force at the moment.
    When the main force is washing dishes, we get in the car, and when the main force is shipping, we get off the car and harvest the money for leeks together with the main force. The main points of the four-point resonance are summarized.
    Which of your last four points will be notarized? The first depends on the trading volume. As long as the main force is washing the market, the trading volume must be shrinking. Why? Because the ultimate goal of the main dishwashing.
    I want to buy a pound of retail bargaining chips at a low price. At this time, the bargaining chips must be in short supply. And the ones that are washed out are all the bargaining chips in the hands of small retail investors.
    It is the exchange of a small amount of chips that are in short supply, which reflects that the transaction volume must be shrinking, while the shipment is different. The main selling chips must be massive.
    As much as you want and how much he will give you, there must be an oversupply, so the trading volume must be enlarged.
    So second, it depends on the relative high and low position of the current stock price. When the stock price rises by 30% from the bottom, the main wash is a high probability event.
    Because the main force has its comprehensive cost, its cost is much greater than that of retail investors, and the stock price must be raised to more than 50% before it can make a profit.
    Therefore, shrinking the volume at 30% is to prepare for the next step to continue to increase the stock price. Once the stock price has risen by more than 60%.
    In the high position, there is a huge amount of release, the main force may be shipping at any time, because he has already made money, the main force will also choose to settle the bag at any time.
    Of course, it has also increased several times, and only 60% of the shipment is just a relative figure.
    Third, let's look at the time-sharing trend of the day. As long as the government is washing low, its purpose is to scare your chips away, so the main force will definitely create a time-sharing trend that jumps up and down that day.
    To scare those retail investors with poor psychological quality, while high-end shipments are different. The time-sharing trend of the day must be relatively flat, with a small shock amplitude, because the main force needs a stable price range.
    After completing its steady selling or opening sharply higher, it slowly goes down all the way. It gradually completed its shipment process in the process of slowly falling.
    The fourth point is to look at the candlestick pattern and the distribution of chips. When the main force is washing the plate, its chips must be unreasonable at the bottom, and when it is shipped.
    His chips must be constantly raising and washing at high positions, and most of them are in the candle-line pattern of horizontal shocks. And most of the shipments are constantly rising and falling at high positions.
    Then the volume is stagnating, and everyone repeats it, I believe it will bring you a lot of help. The question that everyone has always been puzzled about is.
    If a stock has fallen so deeply for a long time, how do the main players make money? To know the answer, you must understand the main trading logic and the retail trading logic. It is fundamentally different.
    Retail investors look at the short-term price of stocks, while the main focus is on the long-term liquidity of stocks. Remember long-term liquidity, what does this mean?
    Retail investors only need to care about the stock price, and they can sell it when it rises, and the main force is more concerned about my stock.
    How much money can be involved instead of the current profit and loss situation of the workplace. This is like a casino owner, who is not afraid of your guests winning money, but afraid that the guests will not come to play.
    Therefore, raising the stock price for the main force is the same as the casino's money, it is too simple. You may think that the main pit retail investor is a bad guy who never loses.
    You have to know that the main force is not only for the purpose of cutting off retail investors, it is only the result of the work of the main force, and the main responsibility of the main force is to maintain the liquidity of the stock market.
    You are upset one day, and you won’t be able to sell it anymore, but the main force is not enough. The second is that it’s just like signing an agreement with an artist, it’s not something you can leave if you want.
    So in return, the main force can use pricing power to manipulate the market or profit.
    This is the consensus reached by the main force and the supervisory authorities, letting you work without paying wages, are you willing? Here again involves some financial expertise.
    Let us also talk about what liquidity will look like once the market is not maintained by anyone. You can refer to the New Third Board market and the Hong Kong stock market. The stocks on the New OTC Market are two hundred yuan.
    It can be doubled. And some Hong Kong stocks trade hundreds of dollars a day.
    Stocks cannot be sold at all, so whether they are retail investors, main players, or other institutions, they play different roles. And these roles.
    His existence is reasonable.
    Let’s also talk about this topic. There are also many cases where the main players failed to sell the goods. In the end, there was no way to let the black mouth release the news, and the retail investors first accepted the order.
    Or, like manual holding, you can build more than a dozen elevator boards at a time, which is a last resort.
    No main force wants to surface themselves in this way. And our retail investors have advantages and disadvantages when doing transactions. It depends on whether you can make good use of it.
    Then here is a little trick for everyone, that is, in addition to new stocks and loss-making stocks, if you find that a stock has been trading sideways in the first position for a long time.
    As long as its volume shrinks to the extreme, you can rebound or reverse the position.
    The specific transaction situation is determined according to the transaction logic, and there is basically no problem in making money.
    Finally, I will make a summary. As far as I talked about these things, I mainly hope that you will change your original view of the main force, the ghosts and the snakes, and see your opponents clearly.
    Respect the market, make money.

  • 均线三星报喜Samsung Announcement

    均线三星报喜Samsung Announcement


    If you have one hundred thousand main funds in your stock market, you are most afraid of buying like this. Learn this method, the Samsung Announcement Moving Average strategy, so that your account can be doubled easily.
    Steady profit, I believe everyone is no stranger to moving averages, but which one is the best. Today I will use the main point of view to allow you to buy stocks with moving averages.
    It’s the first time to listen to my content. Today I share a method of using moving averages to buy before stocks rise. This is the mysterious Samsung Annunciation Moving Average strategy.
    A simple to extreme trading method. Alright, have we all prepared a small book and pen? Our course has officially started. Let's take a look at the chart. In order to make your learning more intuitive, we will use three moving averages for this method.
    For the time being, I will name the line No. 1 moving average, No. 2 moving average and No. 3 moving average to represent them. For details, I will tell you the specific parameters at the end of the video. Fortunately, I am in the picture.
    We can see that the stock price fluctuates up and down within this box area. After nearly two months of sideways consolidation, it finally ushered in a wave of rapid rise.
    In the picture, we can see the best buying point, which is the position pointed by the arrow. So how to choose the best buying point? Let's look at the first three specific conditions.
    The three moving averages form a long arrangement, which must move upwards in sequence. Attention, what is mentioned here is a must. The second one is that there is an opening price.
    The closing price below the second line is the yang line above the first line, which means that one yang crosses two lines. Third, the rising of the Yangxian must be more than 5%. What we emphasize here is.
    Surely, as long as we get out of this form, it is in line with the Samsung Annunciation Moving Average strategy we taught you today, and we can boldly buy at this position.
    Let's look at another case. In the same figure, we can see that the stock price fluctuates up and down within the box, and there is no rule to speak of. But we can see that the three moving averages are all arranged in a long position and run upwards in turn.
    At this time, we discovered that a Yang line had appeared. Then the opening price was below the second line and the closing price went above the first line, and one sun crossed two lines.
    Then Ziyang County can be said to have increased by more than 5%. Then you can see that the stock has started a wave of continuous trading, and there have been four consecutive daily limits.
    Is this method very simple? You will learn it as soon as you learn it. Finally, let’s summarize today’s content. The first three moving averages are the 10-day line and the 20-day line.
    It is second with the sixty moving average, forming a long arrangement, which must diverge upwards in turn. Third, there is a Yang line with an opening price below the second line and a closing price above the first line.
    In other words, one yang crosses two lines, and fourthly, the upward yang line rises by more than 5%. Today our video is here. Thank you for your attention.

  • 日内短线高手盈利方法Daily short-term master profit method

    日内短线高手盈利方法Daily short-term master profit method


    短线就可能涨到头了,上涨过程和下跌过程中量的要求是不同的,上涨过程需要持续均匀放量三分钟k 线图中均匀的放量。
    The profit method of short-term masters in the day. In the first article, when any novice enters the market, the short-term is a stage that must go through in the day. For the general novice, it is only after repeatedly experiencing the baptism of the short-term in the day.
    It will also become a stable profit earner in the medium and long term. Intraday short-term trading has a short holding time, lower risk of market fluctuations, and rapid profitability, so it is quite popular with novices who have just entered the market.
    Although the intraday short-term advantage is obvious, many traders are not sure about the short-term trend, so they have been unable to get started. If you want to find a way, you can’t do it behind closed doors. Today I will share with you a short-term expert in the day.
    How is it profitable? 1. The determination of trading varieties and cycles, not all varieties are short-term and want to quickly profit from the market. First of all, you must choose a good trading product.
    Only varieties with strong volatility and high liquidity are suitable for intraday trading and allow traders to make quick profits. Therefore, it is better to give up those varieties that are tepid and unhurried.
    For the one-minute trading cycle, the trading cycle is fast forward and fast out of the three-minute trading cycle, small swing trading, 15-minute trading cycle intraday trend trading.
    Supplementary intraday short-term trading does not mean frequent trading. 2. When will you enter the market, and under what circumstances will you enter the market. It's a cliché, that is, what are your entry conditions?
    My entry conditions are like this. The opening price is higher than yesterday’s closing price, and if it doesn’t break within 15 minutes, I will enter the market to go long. On the contrary, the short entry period is one minute, and the price stands above all moving averages to do long.
    On the contrary, short, this is the simplest trading system for entry, entry and exit stop loss and position management rules, that is, the trading system enters as long as the conditions are met, and does not do if the conditions are not met.
    This is the rule of entry, and this rule is very important. 3. Under what circumstances, the important pressure position or resistance position or profit target in the market, to achieve a profit-loss ratio of not less than two to one.
    Of course, with the accumulation of trading experience, sometimes you can leave the market if you feel that the market is not smooth or have potential risks. The profit model of intraday trading is to use multiple small profits to achieve the purpose of accumulating wealth.
    So now that you have chosen intraday, you must always remind yourself not to be greedy, you must know how to leave if you make money, and the profit must reach twice the stop loss. This is one reason.
    Secondly, in trend one, when there is a sign of a pause, they will close their positions. Many traders are blocked by greed. They clearly make money after entering the market, but they always want to make enough money. For example, after entering the market for a long time, it does indeed pull the sun.
    But he just didn't go, he had to wait until the Yin Xian came out, but the Yin Xian came out, and he felt that the elevated highway just did not go, maybe the Yang Xian came next, so wait. Wait and wait until you lose money.
    You must remember one thing in the day, and leave if there is a profit. Pay attention to the seventy steward, the second part tomorrow will share how to set a stop loss and how to make a trading plan. The profit method of short-term masters in the day. The second article.
    1. How to set stop loss? Daily losses are not allowed to exceed 1.5% of the total funds. If I trade three times a day, I will lose 0.5% each time. For short-term traders in the day.
    Such discipline must be cultivated, and every order must be immediately stopped to keep up. If you don't think about it, don't trade the strict requirements of the stop loss point. It is also a good training for you to find the best entry point.
    After a long time, your sense of disk will come out. 2. How to manage the loss of a position? Divide the allowable loss by the number of points, which is the operation of opening a position.
    For example, this time I opened a position, I allowed a loss of 500 yuan, the loss of points is 20 points, and each point is 10 yuan, then the opening operation is equal to 500 divided by two hundred equals 2.5 lots of three.
    Preparatory work for intraday trading is to determine whether today's market is unilateral or volatile, so as to formulate a trading plan. The first is that the market research judges that the price fluctuates up and down in the area between the highest price and the lowest price of the 30-minute line as a shock breakthrough, and a trend may appear.
    The third is the trading strategy. The volatile market is high and low, and the trend market follows the trend. Then it is to develop a trading plan and specific buying and selling points. only.
    Stop loss point, surgical profit point, pay attention to trends. Tomorrow, the housekeeper will share the third part of intraday trading skills and attention points. Intraday trading skills and attention points. 1. Market popularity.
    Emotions From the changes in trading volume and open interest, we can analyze the strength of long and short popularity. If the price of a large volume does not fall, it may stop falling. When the volume is increased, the price cannot rise.
    The short-term increase may end, and the volume requirements for the rising process and the falling process are different. The rising process needs to continue to increase the volume evenly in the three-minute bar chart.
    It shows that the rising trend will continue. If there is a substantial reduction in volume, or a very large volume increase, it may come to an end. In the process of falling, only need to increase the volume when some key positions are frightened.
    The downward trend will continue. The price will not rise when it reaches a certain price, but the position will continue to increase. The price of buying and selling pending orders is lower than one, indicating that the price may fall.
    Masukura's stagflation is a very good time to sell short, or that Masukura's stagflation is easy to rebound. 2. Draw the pressure support trend line in the chart at key points.
    When prices reach or break through these key points, act quickly. I myself use the golden ratio to predict pressure and support. 3. Trading rules, within a period of time.
    The operated variety can only be a continuous tracking of the operated variety, until the variety does not have speculative value before giving up. Fourth, look at the market quotation window.
    The one-minute window is prepared for the timing of entry and exit. The three-minute window is used to monitor the band situation after entering the field. Thirty-minute or sixty-minute windows are used for monitoring at any time.
    Changes in intraday trends. Finally, I would like to remind everyone that there are opportunities for operation every day. If the loss is stopped, don't worry, you will come back late and stop the loss immediately, and this list will be completed.
    The next order is for the new order to earn as much as you want. Don't use the previous operation to customize the target of the next operation, otherwise you will lose every time. Only each time is treated as a new order.
    In order to have a good attitude and go into battle.

  • 涨停王道Daily limit king

    涨停王道Daily limit king


    For novices, there is no shortcut, only experience can be understood. At least a complete experience of a round of bulls and bears is best for two or more rounds, and then summarize it by yourself.
    2. For individual stocks, you should not be constrained by the types of food in your hands, but should observe the trend of each sector to the maximum extent. Focus on the leading up and down varieties in each cycle.
    3. For operations, don't blindly pursue individual technical indicators or short-term so-called capital flows in and out of the main market maker. Who can accurately predict the trend of individual stocks and indexes?
    No one in the market can accurately predict the trend of individual stocks and indexes. If they can make a clear judgment, the trend is very good. People who want to accurately predict the market or individual stocks every day.
    Either it is boring, joking, or the stock has not really started. The short-term goal is not to pursue short-term profit maximization. Stable profit is the highest goal pursued by traders.
    What I pursue is a state where the market value of the account has risen sharply, and it has continuously hit new highs. Every time the market is crazy, heavy stocks that focus on mental retardation suddenly start, which is often the phenomenon of market changes.
    Hello, you can accurately grasp the turning point of the market, at least let you lose less money, you can get back the money you lose, and you can hold it when you make money. This is the minimum requirement for professional players. Choosing the choice of graphic speculation stocks must be.
    Considering the current hype hotspots, such as the recent low-price pre-increasing shares, the appearance of this kind of graph should be the first relatively low-level first high-volume large Yangxian, or the re-launch after the second bottoming must be a high-volume large Yangxian.
    Regarding the leader and the leading leader, it is not the size of the plate, but at the timing of the start, as long as the market continues to rise before the market, and can drive the rise of related stocks. It's the leader.
    The force of the trend leads the market to join forces. Therefore, in future transactions, the understanding of the situation is more than anything, and there is no way to fix it. The first ten times the profit to complete the technology accumulation.
    After owning funds or operating scale of 500 to 1,000, you can learn all kinds of methods to learn from the workplace and become a leading stock. It is easy to say but difficult to do.
    See it with your eyes, your hands, your heart, and your eyes. As soon as the leading variety starts, it usually rises to the daily limit soon. Most people can't buy it when they see it. First, Xinli is sensitive to the leading varieties and has a strong feeling.
    It was instantly discovered that staged leaders or staged popular stocks are often randomly generated, instead of some books.
    Leading or popular stocks depend on whether individual stocks have themes that are currently easily recognized by the market, which is more important than fundamentals. The strength of the daily limit is analyzed. The daily limit is sorted according to the time of the daily limit and the turnover rate.
    Identify the strength of the daily limit, the sooner, the better the turnover rate of the daily limit, which is the subject of focus later. The daily limit with the highest number of historical hikes has the highest time limit.
    It is the more valuable variety. Regarding trading experience, there are only these four words, simple and pure, simple can avoid traps, and pure can reduce errors.
    Simple and pure operation is good, but there will still be more obvious shortcomings when the amount of funds increases. Stocks are not just a board. About understanding.
    Rhythm is very important. Buying mainstream hotspots and giving up other small profits is resonance. Stock selection must be more stringent. When it is time to make a move, do the mainstream. About control.
    Discipline is the first thing. If you don't do it, you won't lose. Rest is the best. The speculative atmosphere is not good, do less liquidation, take a break after losing two consecutive transactions, and consider the next after a transaction is over.
    The benchmark of the daily limit includes which core stocks with larger plates are generally referred to as the Chinese Army. There are also active small-cap stocks, which are generally sentiment or high-level stocks in the sector.
    Try to be only the leading stocks, and there is no chance to participate in the second day of the dragon or the next day to play the dragon one, but it is necessary to recognize whether it is the most powerful mainstream, and how to prevent Mai Fei.
    For stocks that start to rise after the main position building is washed, and the stocks that leave the building area, do not easily be washed and sold. At this time, the morning market is empty again, which is to wash the market and shake up the warehouse, increase the average cost of the market or attract new main players to join.
    Only in this way can we go higher and farther. The operating system that short-term traders should have, buying and not selling are by no means empty words, but an operating system that short-term traders should have.
    There is no right or wrong to sell. Don't doubt your system because of the wrong selling of individual stocks. If you are not short-term operations, then this sentence does not make much sense to you. Why is it easy to ignore objective judgment?
    A person who is thinking about pursuing ambitions naturally can't stand the sudden change of time-sharing to pull up the plate, and ignore the basic objective judgment. It's like a kitten fishing and seeing beautiful butterflies.
    The dragonfly chased it, and when you came back, the old cat had already caught a lot of fish. We started this story from elementary school, but we still make these mistakes inadvertently. Is it correct to buy the leading sector at any time?
    Sometimes buying a leader is not because of courage, but because of the overall momentum of the sector, the leader has a corresponding bargaining price, and the stock price has not yet reflected the intervention in the bargaining. Sometimes wheat follows the trend not because of courage, but because the leader is full of money-making effect.
    However, some of the following varieties are at low positions, and they are always stimulated by the leader and have upward potential. How to cover up and stop loss, if you still have the idea of ​​covering up or stopping loss, it shows that you are still in your heart.
    There is also the obstacle of cost. Good operations should be the easiest. Only buy or sell high-quality replays, and see what high-quality replays are the basis for good operations.
    Especially for short-term, you must watch more if you have time. If the time is limited, important sectors should be selected and important stocks should be reviewed. For short-term players, the judgment of hot spots and emotions is the most important.
    The key is to see whether there is a money-making effect, and why every time you make money, you will suffer a big loss. When a person succeeds once, he will increase his self-confidence, and if he succeeds continuously, his self-confidence will burst.
    One hundred percent approval of one's own judgment.
    Never let yourself lose any opportunity to make money. If you are optimistic about a cobalt, you will buy it immediately.
    Just reduce it as much, and only when there is a big loss, will the confidence drop significantly.
    What is the most essential analysis of market transactions? It is an analysis of human behavior and behavior defects. Because behind the market transactions, poets are the values ​​and interests of traders.
    Principal Zhang said, no matter how beautiful or not what others say about love, I will never forget to remind you to find out the benefits of it. This may not be wrong, but for the vote.
    Analysis is a well-known governance saying. The first principle that short-term speculators must follow is that the weak do not do it, and the weak does not operate is the best operation. Understandable in the weak market may not be done right.
    The principle of risky markets is easy to know and difficult to do. It would be good to be able to do this well. Without the cooperation of the general environment, the success rate will be greatly reduced. Regarding stock picking and market watching.
    Watching is to train your emotional control, control over greed and fear, this is the superstructure, and replay is to test your accumulation of diligence and familiarity with the market.
    A perception of the market as a whole is the foundation.

  • 主力交易逻辑及十八个交易建议Main trading logic and 18 trading suggestions

    主力交易逻辑及十八个交易建议Main trading logic and 18 trading suggestions


    a 股的上市公司就那么多,还有一些国企和白马股,所以这个圈子很小,混圈子的核心是啥?懂规矩。
    时间确实是成本,但是a 股嘛又不会关门,对吧?热点嘛月月都有牛股吗?年年都出,只要你还活着。
    至少还有十八层,说不定最后就退市了。简单一句话,凡是k 线持续运行于二五零线之下的,一定要坚决回避。
    第九种是k 线上下引线太多的,不要搞这种票。从远处看啊,就像牦牛一样,它根本原因呢就是因为主力资金参与的少。
    Today I will talk about the question that everyone has always been puzzled by. I want to know the answer to a stock that has fallen so deeply for a long time. How does the main force make money?
    It is necessary to understand that the main trading logic and the retail trading logic are essentially different.
    Retail investors look at the short-term price of stocks, while the main focus is on the long-term liquidity of stocks. Remember long-term liquidity, what does this mean? Retail investors only need to care about the stock price rise before they can sell it.
    And the main force is more concerned about my stock.
    How much money can be involved instead of the current profit and loss situation of the workplace. This is like a casino owner, who is not afraid of your guests winning money, but afraid that the guests will not come to play.
    Therefore, raising the stock price for the main force is the same as the casino's money, it is too simple. You may think that the main pit retail investor is a bad guy who never loses.
    You have to know that the main force is not only for the purpose of cutting off retail investors, it is only the result of the work of the main force, and the main responsibility of the main force is to maintain the liquidity of the stock market.
    You are upset one day, and you won’t be able to sell it anymore, but the main force is not enough. The second is that it’s just like signing an agreement with an artist, it’s not something you can leave if you want.
    So in return, the main force can use pricing power to manipulate the market or profit.
    This is the consensus reached by the main force and the supervisory authorities, letting you work without paying wages, are you willing? Here again involves some financial expertise.
    Let us also talk about what liquidity will look like once the market is not maintained by anyone. You can refer to the New Third Board market and the Hong Kong stock market. The stocks on the New OTC Market are two hundred yuan.
    It can be doubled. And some Hong Kong stocks trade hundreds of dollars a day.
    Stocks cannot be sold at all, so whether they are retail investors, main players, or other institutions, they play different roles. And these roles.
    His existence is reasonable.
    Let's also talk about this topic. There are also many cases where the main players failed to sell the goods. In the end, there was no way to let the black mouth release the news, and the retail investors first accepted the order.
    Or, like manual holding, you can build more than a dozen elevator boards at a time, which is a last resort.
    No main force wants to surface themselves in this way. And our retail investors have advantages and disadvantages when doing transactions. It depends on whether you can make good use of it.
    Then here is a little trick for everyone, that is, in addition to new stocks and loss-making stocks, if you find that a stock has been trading sideways in the first position for a long time.
    As long as its volume shrinks to the extreme, you can rebound or reverse the position.
    The specific transaction situation is determined according to the transaction logic, and there is basically no problem in making money.
    Finally, I will make a summary. As far as I talked about these things, I mainly hope that you will change your original view of the main force, the ghosts and the snakes, and see your opponents clearly.
    Positioning the market to make money is very simple. Ask the main force if they will frequently exchange shares to answer this question. You need to know what the ecology behind the main industry is like.
    There are only so many listed companies with a-shares, as well as some state-owned enterprises and white horse stocks, so this circle is very small. What is the core of the mixed circle? Understand the rules.
    You just finished a wave of stretching, eating oily mouth, and wanting to go to someone else's place to do things, then you are breaking the rules.
    Most of the main forces have connections with each other and like to group together. This is the so-called plate. Respond together when there is a situation to form a hot spot and attract capital attention.
    But even so.
    There are also stocks that grow well and some are so-so. Therefore, in the specific operation of individual stocks, if the main force is independent after a wave of market rises.
    The stock will enter the long finisher.
    Everyone may wonder, why doesn't the main force operate another stock.
    First of all, sitting in the house is not as simple as you think. I have also said before that the core of Zuozhuang is the network resources of listed companies. You jump to another stock, do you have the resources?
    Without the background, do you have such a large sum of money to give away people? You may say that it’s okay, just find a relationship. This is not what you think. Just get some Maotai and make some Huazi friends.
    The interest relationship behind it is so complicated that we ordinary people simply can't imagine it. Furthermore, if someone has a long-term partner, why should you play a new role with you?
    Because you are handsome? Everyone must understand that the emergence of a wave of market will inevitably be driven by the main force of funds, which is not a small amount of money.
    The main funds also have usage costs, and the funds also need to be returned during the sideways period, instead of being held in hand all the time. As for the start of the second wave of quotations.
    This is divided into active and passive.
    If the bottom collection of chips goes well, the listed company will cooperate with the main force to actively release the benefits, and the main force will take advantage of the trend to raise the stock price. Passiveness means that the company has a sudden major benefit.
    The main force will also use this to raise the stock price to speculate again, and then history repeats itself.
    Then take this topic and talk about the basic condition of the white horse stock, which is to judge whether a stock can continue to go out of the long flow.
    Fund holdings are particularly critical. If the organization only depends on the main force's own money, it means that the main force is using a large amount of game loans for a long time.
    Remember, some of the money borrowed from borrowing becomes a bargaining chip, and the stocks lack liquidity because there is not enough acceptance. at this time.
    The main force is in a dilemma.
    As soon as the stock price falls, the funds run away, and continued to provide interest is a headache for the main players. So we look at a lot of fundamentals.
    But the stock price has gone out of the long bull form of stocks, and in the end, without exception, they all ended in a crash. Then we make a summary.
    Time is indeed a cost, but a-shares won’t close, right? Hotspots Are there any bull stocks every month? Come out every year, as long as you are still alive.
    Sooner or later it will turn over. But if you are too anxious and lose your principal, then no matter how good the market is, it has nothing to do with you.
    Let me tell you today, the sooner you know the better 18 trading suggestions, don't talk to others before the end of the transaction.
    2. The capital market is not kind, please put away your innocence.
    3. Don't listen to what the media is saying and think about their purpose.
    4. Don't do transactions that don't make sense if you know it, and learn real self-control.
    5. Always remind you not to be moved by your own blind efforts.
    Perseverance and self-control are very scary things. Ninety-nine percent of people do not possess such qualities. If you master it, you are better than most people.
    7. Except for birth, old age, sickness and death, everything else is trivial. Only you are the most important in this world, as long as people are there, everything will turn for the better.
    Learn by doing and manage risks well.
    9. Health always comes first, go to bed early and get up early, and exercise more.
    Ten don’t forget to learn when you have a transaction. Learning will give you more psychological advantages. 11. Major decisions are made the next day. Real awakening requires real experience.
    Not listening to a certain David's words, there is no empathy in the thirteen world, and the things that happen to you every day are not worth mentioning for others.
    14. People generally know a lot of trading knowledge, but few people with perseverance can do it. Don't have the idea of ​​changing the people around you.
    You are not the savior, you can't change anyone, the only thing you can do is to change yourself. 16. The moment when you suddenly grow up, a wrong trading strategy.
    If you repeat it twice, seventeen hours will only be lost and will not allow you to grow. It is not age but xinxing to judge whether you are mature.
    18. Persist in reading and learn to think independently. In the end, you must throw it away. Don’t have illusions about the capital market, don’t.
    Don't feel that this time is really different, don't copy stocks that have fallen continuously, and don't be confused by the media. And chase high to learn the four essentials.
    The stop loss must be executed as planned.
    To buy stocks that you are familiar with, you must have self-discipline that melts into your blood.
    We must have persistence engraved in our lives, and we have skills in stock picking and lightning protection. The following four must not be done. The first kind of stocks that slide downwards must never be done.
    We are not doing poverty alleviation first, we must collect our compassion. You thought it was the floor price that rushed in and found that there was a basement below. Do you think there is only one floor in the basement?
    There are at least 18 floors, and they may be delisted in the end. In a nutshell, any k-line that continues to run below the 25th zero line must be resolutely avoided.
    There must be many such bloody lessons in history, and we must keep them in mind.
    The second type of sideways shock is not prominent, so don't engage in it.
    The stock price has been trading sideways for a long time. It is like a person who falls asleep and no one knows when he will wake up. If we go for three to five years, our time cost will be extremely high.
    When we wake up and when we count, we must not guess this kind of ticket, and we must not engage in it.
    The third is that there is no clear advantage, no concept, and no performance, and this kind of continuous rise should not be done. This year we have many examples that have been proven repeatedly.
    For example, after a lot of Zhuang stocks are pulled to a high position, if there is a problem, and then a dozen or so limits are set, you can't run. Therefore, such stocks must not be dealt with.
    The fourth type is follower stocks. Don't follow the trend. The stocks started late, but they fell earlier, just like a fish, they have a lot of spines, but.
    But there is very little meat, and it gets stuck in the throat as soon as I eat it. For example, the lithium battery that we have recently speculated has finally spread to raw materials, and these raw materials are following the trend.
    It's best not to do this. The fifth type is a major bad news and continuous plummeting. Don't engage in this kind of ticket. It's like a terminally ill patient.
    His body is very weak and needs a long period of concussion to repair, maybe it will go down in three to five years. If you blow it in, you won't be able to catch it. Okay, so to speak.
    Don't do anything like this.
    The sixth type is the 90-degree launch high and the volume is stagnating on that tip. Don't do it. This is generally the last madness of the main shipping.
    At this time, you will get caught in every possible case when you chase in. The seventh is the big Yinxian at high position, the rebound after putting a huge amount of smash, don't do this.
    It's like a couple quarreling, throwing a bowl and smashing a bowl after turning their faces. Such a rebound is generally very small, and it is difficult for you to grasp it well. So it’s good if you look at it.
    The eighth is the number of votes that have just skyrocketed within two years, so don't do it.
    This is because many people stand guard and get stuck on the tip of the front. This is like saying that after a couple divorced, many children were left behind.
    If you need to nurture you, buying in at this time is to be a stepfather and stepmother, which is generally difficult to do well.
    The ninth type is that there are too many leads on the k line, don't engage in this kind of ticket. From a distance, it looks like a yak. ​​The root cause is that the main capital is less involved.
    Just like a human being, without wings and no strength to work. Therefore, it is difficult to get out of the market with such tickets, so it is best not to do it. Tenth, when the index continues to dive downward, don't get any votes.
    The value of our transactions is important, but emotions are more important than this. Our market index is like the leader. When the leader dives, these lambs are all.
    There are not many good ones, and it is best to wait and see short positions at this time.
    These ten items have been subtracted from the above. If you can grasp it well, you will definitely guarantee that you will always withdraw money without being stuck.

  • 炒股机器人喊你回家吃饭别炒股The stock market robot calls you not to stock market

    炒股机器人喊你回家吃饭别炒股The stock market robot calls you not to stock market


    还不如不募集,专心致志的哥量化,今年收益率这么高,赚的谁的钱,你觉得会是机构的,全是散户的钱,以前散户和庄家都起码还是人。现在是机器人用大数据跟你斗量化私募现在有一点一万亿,每天成交量三千亿,占a 股百分之。
    a 五到现在也刚好三十年,量化也刚好进场了。巧不巧,意不意外,散户既然打不过就加入呗。要不和机器人一伙,要不然和大机构战队自己就别玩了。大机构为啥不怕电话?
    量化的收益率完全取决于不同的策略,好比股票市场的板块轮动,你必须要踏准节奏,但不管是什么策略,在一个投资周期中量化都会出现低潮期。这个问题就衍生出了合体机器人量化fourth 专门研究在特定时间内,机构为什么能。
    你又为什么亏?然后搭建fox 组合,扬长避短,无漏洞的收割韭菜。要怪就怪公募量化机器人是公布发明的。二零一零年将股票市场的所有数据采用市值加权法进行了数据化编程。
    做出了一个指数产品,叫沪深三百e t f e 外部。到了一三年,海外的量化理念和人才来到国内,形成了本土派和海外派。以世坤团队为代表的海外派,国内的则是换方。
    还不休息,只学习一般人做t 加零靠的是盘杆,机器则靠速度快。先把口令写好,不知道交易所给到了毫秒级信号后,自动下指令成交。别说买了你都看不到。
    再加个对冲,就是量化对冲和中性,什么都不加,就是量化选股还有c t a 策略,可以让计算机对全市场实时监控。比如很多市场上红价格不一样,就可以做价差,这叫跨市场套利。
    大豆和黄豆两个品种虽然不一样,但是相近有替代关系,这叫相似品种的套利。一些行业的a 产品和b 产品组合一起卖。当a 产品价格上涨,那么未来b 产品也要上涨。
    然后以当下的市场做对比,再做出抉择,就是把所有k 线图量能图作为图片来识别判断。帅不帅,还有个叫量化择时,是通过波动学以及量子力学的方法,用航天的馄饨理论进行动态的仓位控制。
    什么意思啊?就是把k 线看作一条从左向右的横向波,通过成交量和价格来判断横向波的速度快慢。当速度衰竭到一定程度,就是一个买货卖的价位,从而触发则。
    简单说就是可以抄底和头顶了,怎么样。还有人弟子说,量化不行吗?别说小散这个玩法,把量化常用的指数增强c t 策略都甩了几条街。小散根要抓紧改变。
    Quantitative trading is the sickle quantitative fund of artificial intelligence. Now you are not allowed to invest. It is not like they said, because the strategy is saturated and the internal volume is too serious. All quantitative trading is used. The leeks are not enough, who will leave it?
    It's better not to raise money and quantify with a dedicated brother. The rate of return this year is so high. Whose money you make will belong to institutions, all of which are retail money. In the past, retail investors and market makers were at least people. Now it is robots who use big data to fight you to quantify private equity. There are now 1.1 trillion, and the daily trading volume is 300 billion, accounting for% of a-shares.
    This twenty trading volume means forty, and for every two stocks you trade, one robot will sell it to you. There is a private equity in Shanghai. Two months ago, I talked to me about the scale of 1 billion. Now it is 2.5 billion. The money is all found by the four branches of the trust. You want to increase the turnover rate by a hundred times.
    Earning ten times more money than retail investors, the brokerage is so happy, Four Banks Trust is also willing to sell this product that makes no loss, and customers like it all. The Quantitative Foundation has a steady stream of large funds. Retail investors have been drinking badly, and the quantification itself is the money to make trading arbitrage.
    The more retail investors, the more profitable the quantification, and the machine formula algorithm is used to continuously harvest. After 527 years of retail accounts in the United States, after quantifying progress in 1995, now only 5% remains. The U.S. stock market has been in operation for 30 years and has begun to de-retail.
    a It has been exactly 30 years from five to now, and quantification has just entered the market. Coincidentally, not unexpectedly, since retail investors can't get through, join in. If you don't be with the robots, or you won't play with the big organization team yourself. Why are big institutions not afraid of the phone?
    Public offering funds are all held together with large votes, and a large number of small-scale funds do not have short positions and only have more than 1,000 checks. There is no capital advantage for large votes. For small tickets and retail investors, don't toss casually, there will be two tracks in the future. Public funds and quantitative private funds.
    Quantification is not done by studying the development of the company, but by backtesting various strategies to determine the transaction. One is financial statements, and the other is mathematical and physical models. What these two tracks have in common is that they value trend investment.
    To put it simply, don't buy bottoms, only trade on the right trend, and then constantly circle the plates to rotate the forwarding screen, so that more retail investors can see that they are no longer cut. Quantification not only reaps each other, but also cuts itself.
    The bright red patient on the head was limited by the capacity of the strategy this year, which caused Huadian to cut himself off. The scale was too large and became the target of hunting by other heirs. All the quantitative opponents came to make a cut. How did the quantitative cut?
    Well, every quantification of the machine brain is a model. Some prefer large market capitalization and small market capitalization, and some prefer volume-price factors, hobbies, and active trading volumes. When choosing among various industries and styles, they are more optimistic. Algorithmic trading arbitrage.
    The quantified rate of return depends entirely on different strategies. Just like the stock market’s rotation, you must follow the rhythm, but no matter what the strategy is, there will be a low ebb in quantification in an investment cycle. This question has led to the quantification of the fourth integrated robot, which specializes in the study of why the organization can be within a certain period of time.
    Why are you losing? Then build a fox combination to maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses, harvesting leeks without loopholes. To blame, the public fundraising quantitative robot was published and invented. In 2010, all data of the stock market was programmed using the market value weighting method.
    Made an index product called CSI 300 e t f e external. In one to three years, overseas quantitative concepts and talents came to China, forming local and overseas groups. The overseas dispatch represented by Shikun's team, the domestic dispatch is exchanged.
    The trading volume in the market in the first to three years is very large, and there are also many retail investors. It is also very conducive to the quantitative editing of the model. Just writing a linear model can make forty. arrive. In 2017, the four great diamonds of Ruitian Nine Palaces were developed and the official production was outstanding.
    Magic Fang Minghong began to exert its strength in 19, rushing from 5 billion to 10 billion, and achieved the head. In December 2020, the quantitative scale was only 500 billion, and in June of the following year, the scale reached trillions, and the growth in half a year exceeded the accumulation of the previous ten years. Scary?
    Non-standard industrial funds, coupled with the reverse setback of the general performance of public offering funds, have caused a lot of funds to flow into this industry. Now it is still expanding, the scale is skyrocketing, the technological means are iterated rapidly, and the quantification is fast, and the leadership has been upgraded to the computer age. But Xiaosan still stays at the stage of looking at the fundamentals, and the technology has stopped and the stocks are flat.
    What hasn't changed for decades, the only thing that has changed is the growth of age and the birth of a new batch of fearless leeks. Forward it, let more small umbrellas seize changes and meet new challenges. The scary thing about quantitative funds is that traders are better than you and the tools are more advanced than you.
    I don't have a rest yet, I just learn that ordinary people do t and zero by reeling, while the machine relies on high speed. Write the password first. After the exchange has given a millisecond signal, it will automatically place an order to trade. Don't say you can't see it if you buy it.
    Is it okay to have more than a thousand tickets under the vertical? Even if you can stare at 250 trading days a year, you can try to see the speed, we can't, strategy, we can definitely rank the quantified models on the overall performance of the whole market through net profit and other comprehensive performance.
    The essence of the selection is indeed broken, unlike public offerings that only conduct research on a certain company. What he pursues is accuracy and hit rate. As long as he calculates a winning rate of more than 5%, he will do it. He only seeks to beat the index. This is the index enhancement.
    Add another hedge, that is, quantitative hedging and neutrality, nothing is added, that is, quantitative stock selection and c t a strategy, which allows the computer to monitor the entire market in real time. For example, if the red price in many markets is different, the spread can be made. This is called cross-market arbitrage.
    Although the two varieties of soybeans and soybeans are not the same, they are similar and have a substitution relationship. This is called arbitrage of similar varieties. In some industries, product a and product b are sold together. When the price of product a rises, product b will also rise in the future.
    Complementary goods arbitrage is a combination of analysis and strategy, how can ordinary people compare? Since all quantitative funds use these four routines, why are the returns different? Because the strategy is inseparable from the subjective judgment of people.
    All the output of the mining factor algorithm combination comes from the brain. After all, there is a difference between people and people. You know why quantitative funds are all PhDs in mathematics and physics. The quantification that the third phase of the video made everyone understand is actually not invincible.
    Robots were also invented by humans. In this case, how can we fight back? Forward it to let more retail investors look at and choose fund stocks. If you learn this method, you will avoid a lot of detours, and you will not look at the fundamentals or technical aspects of stocks, but just look at the photos.
    Stocks stocks in a way of looking, do you think it’s cool or not? Just finished talking with a PhD in physics, he said that the technology of convolutional neural network has been used in quantitative stock selection. What is this? If you look at this picture, look closely at an old man and a young girl.
    Now this technology can also recognize two people at the same time, and image recognition is already stronger than people. In stock selection, for example, if we want to make a profit of 60 this year and can bear a loss of 20, then the machine will intercept all the pictures of individual stocks that can meet this requirement in history, about 10 million photos.
    Then compare with the current market, and then make a decision, which is to use all k-line graphs as pictures to identify and judge. Whether handsome or not, there is another called quantitative timing, which uses the method of wave theory and quantum mechanics to carry out dynamic position control using the aerospace wonton theory.
    what does it mean? That is, the k-line is regarded as a horizontal wave from left to right, and the speed of the horizontal wave is judged by the volume and price. When the speed is exhausted to a certain extent, it is a price of buying and selling, which triggers the rule.
    Simply put, you can buy bottoms and tops, how about it. Another disciple said, can't quantification work? Don't talk about Xiaosan's gameplay, and quantify the commonly used index-enhanced c t strategy. Xiao Sangen must change quickly.
    Don't make leeks after forwarding, see you next time.

  • 量价关系十大规律Ten laws of the relationship between volume and price

    量价关系十大规律Ten laws of the relationship between volume and price


    用钱它不能改变,这就是我之前讲的出不了货,就是出不了货。再牛的操盘手都不可能通过技术k 线来改变这个结果。
    Why stocks must be based on trading volume, because the relationship between volume and price is the most straightforward and most useful language in the stock market. I have summarized the ten rules of trading volume, which add up to less than a hundred words, basically covering all the relationship between volume and price. Suggestions, likes, collections. many.
    Look at it a few more times. First, the shrinking volume will increase as well. Second, the shrinking volume will fall. Third, a huge increase at a high level is bound to fall. Fourth, a huge increase in the low position.
    Will call back. The fifth and first place is bound to rebound after a huge decline. Sixth, the top signal of heavy stagflation. Seventh, shrink the bottom line of the cloth. Eighth, the amount is large and the amount is small.
    Ninth, the top is down immeasurably, and the market outlook will set new highs. Tenth, the top volume fell heavily, and it is difficult for the market outlook to set new highs. Mastering these ten laws can solve most problems. Many fans have never understood the relationship between volume and price.
    Let’s talk about it systematically today, and be sure to read it carefully. First, separate the word volume and price. Volume refers to trading volume. This is a professional term or an indicator term.
    In game theory, the so-called quantity refers to whether there are more or less people participating in the game. Here I would like to emphasize again that the heavy volume within a certain range can be achieved through guidance.
    The shrinkage is the real data. Besides the price value price or the stock price, the price within a certain range is only valid for retail investors, not for the main force.
    What does this sentence mean? That is, the price is not the key to the main trader, because the price can be changed with money, but the real trading volume must have the participation of over-the-counter funds.
    It can’t be changed with money. This is what I said before. No matter how good a trader is, it is impossible for a technical bar to change this result.
    When we are trading in stocks, we should look at the market more from the perspective of the main force, rather than from the perspective of retail investors. In the daily operation of market value management, the main force pays more attention to quantity rather than price.
    Many people are talking about volume and price. Let me tell you that we are not looking at volume and price to predict stock prices, but to find the basis for opening positions, or to analyze the intention of the main force. The first basis for retail investors to look at the volume.
    Just know the capital situation in the game pool. A stock trades 10 million a day. Can you take a few million to participate in a short-term game? Remember not because of this amount.
    He cannot accept the profit of opponents like you. Also, when playing the board, your capital cannot exceed 5% of the trading volume, that is, 100 million transactions, and your purchase cannot exceed 5 million.
    Otherwise, you will be targeted. This is what I often say that large funds cannot be repositioned to make up for short-term operations. Because the meat in the plate has such a little resistance, it can't be easily done.
    Let you make money out. The second basis is the authenticity of the stock price rise. This is more complicated, because we mentioned before that at the main rise or important pressure level, the volume is more critical.
    Whether the price can stand firm or not depends on whether the transaction volume can be accepted, so we regard the price as effective as the increase in volume. But the price here is just as complicated.
    We say that the high volume of most stocks often means the formation of the top. Then don't listen to the surface consciousness of this sentence. The essential logic is that the stock price is at a high level, which means that it is in the high range.
    There is still a lot of money to participate in the game, which gives the conditions and basis for the main force to ship. Therefore, we say that volume has two sides, and it is at an important pressure level.
    The stock price broke through with heavy volume. We regard it as the main force and sincerely resolve the lock-up, while the stock price is at a high level. The trading volume is enlarged, we regard it as the main force, and conditionally ship.
    Therefore, when we look at the trading volume, we must also apply the concept of game theory, that is, the main force is shipped here. Whether the trading volume supports the main force to break through here, and whether the trading volume keeps up.
    Simplify a little bit, the previous pressure position, the set of almost 200 million chips. Breaking through the important pressure level today, the trading volume is only 150 million. Is this breakthrough effective? we say.
    Although the price has gone up, there is no quantitative support, so we consider the price of the breakthrough as invalid or unable to stand firm.
    The trading volume has shrunk year-on-year. Then we talk about this condition, it cannot support the main force's mass shipments, and it does not have mass shipments. Then in the follow-up market, it will appear at the top.
    Can you understand the repeated fluctuations in the market and the re-creation of shipping conditions? Let's look back at the Three Gorges case I mentioned earlier, or the recent salt lake case. We know that the so-called trading volume is not directly related to the rise in stock prices.
    Both the Three Gorges and Salt Lake have increased in volume, so do we think the stock price has stabilized? Will it be pulled up later? It's definitely not the concept I just talked about here. First, high-level and heavy-volume are the prerequisites, or the basis, for the main shipment.
    Both of them are high-end and heavy-volume, which shows that the main force can complete the shipment on this basis. 2. High and heavy volume means that a large number of opponents participate, so who will make these opponents profitable?
    Don't tell me about market relay. The market is a sickle, not a fashionista. Finally, to summarize, we look at technology, look at indicators, look at trading volume, and never look at superficial data.
    It is the underlying logic behind the data, which must be considered from the standpoint of the main force. So if you were the main force, what would you think, and what would retail investors think?
    This is called the main force behavior of reverse thinking, and all the indicators can be drawn for you as long as you have money. In the investment market, only the relationship between volume and price is the most real, and only real money can drive stock prices to rise. So when we analyze customers, we must consider the volume and price.
    If you look at it carefully, you will really understand what the stock market is. These enjoy profit growth, the ten signals of the true relationship between volume and price. It is recommended to like and favorite. The first is the increase in the low volume, the flat is bullish, and the stock price fluctuates sideways when it is low.
    At the same time, the trading volume has gradually increased. If you don't look at the trading volume, the red pillars have increased significantly. The excess water filter looks uneven. The most likely reason is that the main force is buying, and the follow-up is bullish. The second type of volume increase is also bullish, and the volume of transactions continues to increase.
    The stock price has also begun to move upwards, which is a clear short-weekly bullish signal. The third type is the first volume, whether it is flat, deepening or bullish. After a period of shrinking, the stock price has not been mentioned recently, and there has been no quantitative change in two or three weeks, but the stock price has risen.
    It is very likely that this is the main price system, and the follow-up is bullish. Fourth, the high-position bright-screen driver strengthens the police. This situation shows that the buyer has not increased, because there is no new capital relay, and the subsequent promotion of price increases may be relatively weak.
    At this time, we must be vigilant, high-ranking may be the main force will ask questions, of course, you will think it is possible, depending on resistance, greedy or not, right? Lose an understanding to deepen. Look at this is what the Jiekou Principle says, saying that the volume can rise, and if there is no volume increase, it means that the empty oil buyer has no seller.
    Someone buys but does not sell, it means that the supply exceeds the demand, and the supply exceeds the demand. Why? Continue to rise. Sixth, this is also the case for volume reduction and price leveling, which is an adjustment for volume reduction. The first place may be a few high places, and the seventh volume reduction may be required.
    The bearish shrinkage is still falling, which shows that the market sentiment is low. No one in this vote wants this kind of infinite decline to be the most terrible. The bottom decline and the bottom is far away. Is the eighth bright screen down or bearish?
    On average, the stock will only open one lower, indicating that the main force is slowly emerging. The ninth low-level volume will increase and decrease in the follow-up. It is recommended to stay on the sidelines at this time. At the low level, the increase in trading volume indicates that new funds are entering the market. .
    If the fourth row can stop falling afterwards, it may rise. But if the test is not good, then prepare for the tenth high volume increase and price, fall steadily, bearish, heavy volume decline, and the absolute main shipment will be accurate. At this time, you can see it and run quickly. I have always explained the relationship between quantity and price clearly. I still don’t understand me.
