撸霸锏——空天飞机“神龙一号”A tyrant-the aerospace plane "Shenlong No. 1"
来源:股典钟炒股机器人AI连板涨停王 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-05 | 1110 次浏览 | 分享到:

It can be seen that the development of aerospace aircraft engines is also an important part, and the x37b fighter can also carry missiles. According to relevant information, the X 37b will carry missiles in low-Earth orbit in the future.
Cruise without time limit, and will observe the anti-missile system, the purpose is to find its flaws, so as to four-level sneak attack. Some experts said that when the x 37b fighter was locked on the target.
He can quickly fly over the target and attack him.
No matter where this goal is, x 37b can be quickly locked in the world. The United States has always claimed to be the number one in the world, and under the guise of upholding justice, it uses force to oppress other countries at will.
The theory of space threats in other countries is still being promoted. In fact, the advent of the x 37b fighter plane has increased the threat level of the United States. It can be seen that the x37b fighter is strong, and in the era when only the United States had exclusive access to this technology.