撸霸锏——空天飞机“神龙一号”A tyrant-the aerospace plane "Shenlong No. 1"
来源:股典钟炒股机器人AI连板涨停王 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-05 | 1108 次浏览 | 分享到:

神龙一号在指定轨道飞行两天后成功返航并降落在指定地点。见此,美国集体陷入了沉默。要知道,美国可是航空业的领头羊。然而,神龙一号的出现,着实打破了美国在航天领域上的优势。看来x 三七b 空天战斗机是遇到对手了。对此网友不禁感慨,或许百年变局。
美国的空天飞机x 三七b 战机就实力不俗。现今中国有了神龙一号,也让美国颇为紧张,更是引起了关于太空争霸的讨论。不过,中国从未想过要争做霸主。
很多人都认为,我国的神龙一号对标了美国的x 三七b 战机。x 三七b 战机实力确实不容小觑,它的外形与航天飞机很像,但是。
成本下降了百分之九十,毕竟是新兴的空天飞机技术,它的动力装置也与其他飞机不同。x 三七b 拥有三种发动机及涡轮冲压和火箭发动机。
由此可见,想要研制出空天飞机发动机也是重要一环,而且x 三七b 战机还能够携带导弹。根据相关信息所称,未来x 三七b 将携带导弹在近地轨道。
进行没有期限限制的巡航,并且会观察反导系统,目的就是找出其破绽,从而四级偷袭。有专家表示,当x 三七b 战机锁定目标时。
无论这个目标在哪个地方,x 三七b 都可以在全球快速锁定。美国一直自称是世界第一,并且打着维护正义的幌子,随意用武力欺压他国。
还在宣传他国太空威胁论。实际上x 三七b 战机的问世是增加了美国的威胁程度。可以看出,x 三七b 战机实力强劲,在原本只有美国独享这一技术的时代。
在这项工程中,我国用的是长征二号f 型运载火箭,它实现了飞机发动机和火箭发动机之间的转换。先是像普通飞机一样水平起飞。

After two days of flying in the designated orbit, the Shenlong-1 successfully returned and landed at the designated location. Seeing this, the United States fell into silence collectively. You know, the United States is the leader of the aviation industry. However, the appearance of Shenlong-1 has really broken the US advantage in the aerospace field. It seems that the x 37b aerospace fighter has encountered an opponent. Netizens can't help but sigh with emotion, perhaps the situation has changed in a century.
Same, so how terrible is the aeroplane? The full name of aerospace aircraft is aerospace shuttle, which is a kind of aircraft that combines aerospace technology and is completely different from ordinary space shuttles.
The space shuttle is a spacecraft that travels between space and the earth. It can be reused and is unmanned. It does not fly into space, but relies on rocket power to boost it into space.
He can travel between the sky and the earth, and he can do everything the space shuttle can do. He is still very fast, flying in the atmosphere at hypersonic speeds of 16,000 to 30,000 kilometers per hour.
If it is flying at an altitude of 30 to 100 kilometers, the speed can reach Mach 25. Such a speed cannot be intercepted by the existing air defense system, and it can directly enter the earth's orbit and become a space vehicle.
It can also land in the same way as an airplane. It can fly in the atmosphere or directly accelerate to the earth's orbit in the atmosphere. At this time, he became a space shuttle and could fly back into the atmosphere again.
It was transformed into an ordinary aviation plane. This shows that the aerospace plane has the ability to move freely between the earth and space, and it can also perform various military tasks such as interception, reconnaissance, and bombing.
Therefore, it has become a key weapon for countries to fight for air supremacy. Because the space plane plays an important role in space exploration, it has also become one of the technologies that many countries are vying to study.
The American aerospace plane x 37b fighter is very powerful. Now that China has the Shenlong One, it has also made the United States quite nervous, and it has also aroused discussions about space hegemony. However, China has never thought of fighting for supremacy.
But if the United States keeps pressing on, China will never back down.
Originally, the technology of aerospace aircraft was unique to the United States and was almost monopolized by the United States. Now, China has successfully developed the Shenlong-1, which also means that the US air supremacy is about to end.
Many people believe that my country's Shenlong No. 1 has been benchmarked against the US X37b fighter. The strength of the x 37b fighter plane is indeed not to be underestimated. Its appearance is very similar to that of the space shuttle, but.
The size is only a quarter of the space shuttle, the length of the aircraft is 8.9 meters, the height is 2.9 meters, the launch weight is five tons, and it has the functions of aircraft carrier and spacecraft.
The maximum speed can reach 25 factors. Because of its petite stature, it is convenient to carry the rocket, and the launch cost is low. Except for fuel, everything else can be reused. Compared with the space shuttle.
The cost has dropped by 90%. After all, it is the emerging aerospace aircraft technology, and its power unit is also different from other aircraft. x Sanqib has three types of engines and turbo ram and rocket engines.
The reason why there are so many engines is because the aerospace aircraft needs different power devices to propel in different environments. For example, when it reaches the atmosphere and wants to rush into space, it needs to be accelerated by a rocket engine.
It can be seen that the development of aerospace aircraft engines is also an important part, and the x37b fighter can also carry missiles. According to relevant information, the X 37b will carry missiles in low-Earth orbit in the future.
Cruise without time limit, and will observe the anti-missile system, the purpose is to find its flaws, so as to four-level sneak attack. Some experts said that when the x 37b fighter was locked on the target.
He can quickly fly over the target and attack him.
No matter where this goal is, x 37b can be quickly locked in the world. The United States has always claimed to be the number one in the world, and under the guise of upholding justice, it uses force to oppress other countries at will.
The theory of space threats in other countries is still being promoted. In fact, the advent of the x 37b fighter plane has increased the threat level of the United States. It can be seen that the x37b fighter is strong, and in the era when only the United States had exclusive access to this technology.
Indeed, it has consolidated America’s hegemony in the air. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, China has been confronted by the United States for tit-for-tat. Under this circumstance, China will naturally not wait to die. In response to the US air and space fighters.
Our country started the research of Tengyun project many years ago, the purpose is to master the core technology, especially the engine conversion technology on the aircraft. Once this engineering research is successful, our country can break the technological monopoly of the United States.
In this project, my country uses the Long March 2 F-type carrier rocket, which realizes the conversion between aircraft engine and rocket engine. First, take off horizontally like an ordinary airplane.
Then it will fly at supersonic speeds of between 16,000 and 30,000 per hour, flying at an altitude of between 30 and 100 kilometers, until it enters the atmosphere and then switches the rocket engine into space. all in all.
With the intensification of the space arms race, countries are wary of each other, and there is very little exchange in technology, which has seriously hindered the process of mankind's exploration of the universe. But Shenlong No. 1 just shows the development of science and technology.
You cannot blindly close the door and build cars, and only cooperation between countries is the best way to achieve a win-win situation.