美国很关心中国卫星变轨技术The United States is very concerned about China's satellite orbit change technology
来源:股典钟炒股机器人AI连板涨停王 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-03 | 991 次浏览 | 分享到:

You don't cooperate with me, so such a goal is neither the enemy's nor ours control. So how to approach this uncooperative goal, how to deal with it, how to go to the church, and what the church is. After the church, they used robotic arms to arrest them.
Speaking of robotic arms, we have a lot of public papers discussing how space robotic arms can capture non-cooperative objects in space.
To put it simply, according to our public statement, after this satellite is in the sky, it will clean up all kinds of space orbital junk. So American satellites must worry about one thing.
Who do you say is rubbish?
In fact, once we started talking about it, we returned to the Cold War era. The 1967 version of the 2007 movie imagined the scene of launching a rocket to capture the opponent’s satellite. And inside the Star Wars plan that the Americans later launched.
There are also these contents. But whether science fiction or plans are good, the United States has actually engaged in some industries, but it has never turned its vision into actual combat capability. I still expected to use the space shuttle to catch someone else's satellite.