美国很关心中国卫星变轨技术The United States is very concerned about China's satellite orbit change technology
来源:股典钟炒股机器人AI连板涨停王 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-03 | 990 次浏览 | 分享到:

美国有一个专门关注军事防务领域各种突发消息的网站叫breaking defence。十月二十八日呢这个网站报道一件事儿,事儿呢,其实是今年七月份出的,但是最近刚刚被爆料嘛。
说七月份的时候呢,美国一颗用于太空监控的卫星编号u s a 二七幺。在飞行中呢有意识的靠近了中国的实践。二零卫星。
从美国网站公布的飞行轨迹图看,u i c 二七幺是变轨之后贴近了时间二十,然后贴的很近,并且保持了平行飞行。两个卫星在一起绕地球飞行一圈儿。
这时候才采取了变轨行动,这样等美国再次观察到中国卫星的时候,想保持u s a 二七幺跟踪就来不及了。那么美国人认为中国这次行动展示了一个高精度的跟踪水平。

The United States is concerned about China’s space combat capabilities. So what does competition in satellite orbits and China’s demonstration of the 21st satellite’s capabilities mean for U.S. hegemony?
The United States has a website called breaking defence that focuses on various breaking news in the field of military defense. On October 28th, this website reported an incident. The incident actually came out in July this year, but it was recently revealed.
In July, a satellite used for space surveillance in the United States was numbered u s a 270. During the flight, I consciously approached the practice of China. 20 satellites.
Judging from the flight trajectory chart published on the US website, u i c 27yao was close to time 20 after changing orbit, and then posted very close, and maintained parallel flight. The two satellites orbit the earth together.
Then it was around twenty-four hours, and the track began to change at twenty-four hours, and it flashed.
China’s Practice Twenty Satellite is an eight-ton experimental communications satellite and is known as China’s most advanced and largest communications satellite. Then, the Americans were also surprised.
It is said that a satellite as large as China has dexterously changed its orbit, and it has cleverly chosen the time of its orbit change, so that the satellite can move to a position that cannot be observed by the US surveillance system.
At this time, the orbit change action was taken, so when the United States observes the Chinese satellite again, it will be too late to keep track of the u s a 270. Then the Americans believe that China's operation demonstrated a high-precision tracking level.
There is also the ability of satellites to change their orbits. On the other hand, the article also mentioned that the United States is also very concerned about another Chinese satellite. This satellite is the third communication technology experiment we launched in 2018.
Then they believe that this satellite is a part of China's reconnaissance satellite or early warning system, and it will release this purple satellite after launch. This satellite has changed its orbit four times in more than two years. but.
This is the orbit of a purple satellite, which has not been moved. Of course, some people think that it is not a purple satellite, or a rocket wreckage thrown away during the launch, which is regarded as a satellite and is in orbit outside the earth.
This kind of rocket wreckage has gone too much, it shouldn't be surprising.
Immediately afterwards, there are ten 21st satellites launched two days ago. According to the introduction of the Eighth Academy of Aeronautics and Astronautics of China, October 21 is mainly used for space debris mitigation technology verification. And we also announced a technology.
Called non-cooperative target convergence technology. What is a non-cooperative goal? The United States also understands this term, and it was played by the United States. To put it bluntly, I found a target. This target doesn't hit me hard.
You don't cooperate with me, so such a goal is neither the enemy's nor ours control. So how to approach this uncooperative goal, how to deal with it, how to go to the church, and what the church is. After the church, they used robotic arms to arrest them.
Speaking of robotic arms, we have a lot of public papers discussing how space robotic arms can capture non-cooperative objects in space.
To put it simply, according to our public statement, after this satellite is in the sky, it will clean up all kinds of space orbital junk. So American satellites must worry about one thing.
Who do you say is rubbish?
In fact, once we started talking about it, we returned to the Cold War era. The 1967 version of the 2007 movie imagined the scene of launching a rocket to capture the opponent’s satellite. And inside the Star Wars plan that the Americans later launched.
There are also these contents. But whether science fiction or plans are good, the United States has actually engaged in some industries, but it has never turned its vision into actual combat capability. I still expected to use the space shuttle to catch someone else's satellite.
Now there are no space shuttles, let alone flying into geosynchronous orbit to catch satellites.
So many Americans nowadays either give up or rebuild. Then suddenly discovered that China had already let the practice satellite run with cones in orbit, and also wielded large pliers.
In American TV series, the anxiety, anger, and helplessness reflected by the space forces can also be regarded as a reflection of the concerns about China's development in the field of space competition from another angle. this.
In reality, this worry is that if it loses its extra-atmospheric superiority, many US military technologies and tactics, as well as its military thinking, will lose its pillars, space and oceans.
Satellites and aircraft carriers rely on these two areas to support the global strategic layout of the United States. Even if these two fields are not surpassed by others, as long as they are chased to the same level.
The United States' global hegemony has no foundation. Okay, why do Americans care about Chinese satellites' orbit change technology and space clearance?