激光女神——候静Laser Goddess-Hou Jing
来源:股典钟炒股机器人AI连板涨停王 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-03 | 966 次浏览 | 分享到:


The United States arrogantly claimed to block laser technology from all over the world, but he made China's laser technology 30 years behind the United States into the ranks of the international advanced countries. Even leading the United States for fifteen years. The Americans say he is more terrifying than nuclear missiles. In the eyes of the Chinese, he is a lovely laser goddess. Who is this woman who scares the United States?
How powerful is his research result? Let's take a look at the laser goddess Hou Jing. Hou Jing is an expert in the field of laser technology in China, when China was 30 years behind the laser technology of the United States. It was his unremitting efforts that allowed China's laser technology to catch up with the United States, or even surpass it, which shocked Western countries, and at the same time made arrogant Americans call him a woman more terrifying than a nuclear bomb.