激光女神——候静Laser Goddess-Hou Jing
来源:股典钟炒股机器人AI连板涨停王 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-03 | 968 次浏览 | 分享到:

侯静研究的新一代高性能激光武器死光a 重型陆基战略激光系统更是打破了美国在激光领域的垄断地位。使中国的激光技术成为国际上的一流水平。死光a 是专门用来打击敌方的军事卫星和未来敌方空间站,摧毁敌方弹道导弹以及水下核潜艇的。
目前没有哪个国家的武器可以扛过死光a 的一次攻击。死光a 一次攻击可以摧毁十艘核潜艇,二十枚高速飞行的弹道导弹。更为恐怖的是,被死光a 碰到的武器都会连渣都剩不下。而且现在手套用于安防激光拦截系统,低空卫士也已经完成系统调试及演示实验。

The United States arrogantly claimed to block laser technology from all over the world, but he made China's laser technology 30 years behind the United States into the ranks of the international advanced countries. Even leading the United States for fifteen years. The Americans say he is more terrifying than nuclear missiles. In the eyes of the Chinese, he is a lovely laser goddess. Who is this woman who scares the United States?
How powerful is his research result? Let's take a look at the laser goddess Hou Jing. Hou Jing is an expert in the field of laser technology in China, when China was 30 years behind the laser technology of the United States. It was his unremitting efforts that allowed China's laser technology to catch up with the United States, or even surpass it, which shocked Western countries, and at the same time made arrogant Americans call him a woman more terrifying than a nuclear bomb.
The new generation of high-performance laser weapon deadlight developed by Monkey Research, a heavy-duty land-based strategic laser system, broke the US monopoly in the laser field. Make China's laser technology become the world's first-class level. Dead Light a is specifically used to strike enemy military satellites and future enemy space stations, destroy enemy ballistic missiles and underwater nuclear submarines.
Three-dimensional strikes on sea, land, and air have been truly realized. It is no exaggeration to say that if anyone dares to engage with China in the future, we can beat them back to the Stone Age without using nuclear weapons.
At present, no country’s weapons can survive a deadly attack. Death light a One attack can destroy ten nuclear submarines and twenty high-speed ballistic missiles. Even more frightening is that the weapons hit by Death Light a will not even be scum. And now that gloves are used in security laser interception systems, low-altitude guards have also completed system debugging and demonstration experiments.
This indicates that our country already has low-altitude security equipment for slow and small targets, which is suitable for aerial security in dense urban venues for major events. In addition to low-cost, high-power laser technology. There is also ultra-high accuracy, with a shot down rate of 100%. In the 1990s, the United States announced a technical blockade of the laser field, which is a difficult problem for countries in the world, including China.
Because at that time, China and other countries in the world were at the same level in this respect. The United States has been ahead of everyone's technological level for thirty years, which also gave Hou Jing the determination to study. He is determined to let China break through the laser weapon problem first, and after filling the gap in this technology in my country, he proposed a new research field and controlled the research and development technology of independent intellectual property rights.
When the main attack technology they studied succeeded, they also successfully broke the four-year record in the United States. Now the use of laser can be said to be around each of us. It ranges from the military field to the civilian field, such as laser cutting, perforation, laser treatment, laser beauty equipment, etc. It can be said that Hou Jing's research is not only for the benefit of ordinary people.
It has also brought increasing strength to the motherland, standing proudly in the world of science and technology with a unique posture. Hou Jing has also become the most beautiful laser goddess in the hearts of the people.
In 1971, Hu Jing was born in a family of workers in Liaoning Province. His parents were employees of state-owned enterprises. He cultivated his family and country feelings since he was a child. What is different from other girls is. He doesn't like musical instruments or dancing, but he has an immense admiration for soldiers. The dream of the military camp seems to be integrated into his ancient studies, from the ignorant and ignorant child to the slim girl.
He yearns for the realization of his dreams all the time. After entering the school, he studied diligently and won first place every year with his excellent results. 1993. Hou Jing finally got her wish. Twenty-two-year-old Hou Jing was admitted to the National University of Defense Technology with excellent results. In that era, college students were the pride of heaven.
As a girl, Hou Jing did not like to pursue the field of literature, but chose the obscure physics major. The dream is realized step by step. But Hou Jing knew. This is just the beginning. In the future, there are still many unknown things waiting for him to explore, and there are many problems waiting for him to overcome. So he dare not relax at all.
Although she was one of the few girls in the class, Hou Jing showed amazing perseverance in the piles of reasoning and formulas. Boring knowledge in the eyes of others. He watched it with gusto, and directly polished Hou Jing more mature, his professional ability has become more prominent, and all his efforts will eventually reap rewards. Hou Xin after graduating from undergraduate.
As a postgraduate of master and doctor degree, he entered the Chinese Academy of Sciences to continue his studies. He followed his mentor and academician Jiang Wenhan, a well-known optical expert, to carry out adaptive optics research.
In five years, he has performed countless simulation calculations, and he has also won many firsts.