世界首富马斯克被逼捐助4200万人 The world's richest man Musk was forced to donate 42 million people
来源:股典钟炒股机器人AI连板涨停王 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-03 | 615 次浏览 | 分享到:

and this is why it, this is win that the billion years need to step up now on a one time basis, six billion dollars to help forty two million people that are literally going to death. we don't. recent.
i'm not asking them to do this every day, every week, every year we have a one time crisis, a perfect storm of conflict, climate change and cover that my god.
people were dying out there every four cycle. someone is dying out there from hunger related causes. we've got solution. we have. we got a vaccine for this is money.
food season, do you need to step?
The appeal of senior UN officials has aroused a lot of attention on social media. Some netizens expressed support for this, but some netizens also raised questions. On October 30th, a netizen released a fact to verify that 2% of Musk’s wealth was 6 billion U.S. dollars. In 2020, the United Nations World Food Program raised US$8.4 billion.
Why didn't the agency address the world's hunger? Seeing someone support him, Musk responded to the above-mentioned netizens on October 31st local time. This tweet said. If the World Food Program can accurately describe on Twitter how six billion dollars will solve the global famine problem, I will immediately sell Tesla's stock and do something to solve the famine.