世界首富马斯克被逼捐助4200万人 The world's richest man Musk was forced to donate 42 million people
来源:股典钟炒股机器人AI连板涨停王 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-03 | 614 次浏览 | 分享到:


As the saying goes, people are afraid of being famous and afraid of being strong. Tesla founder Elon Musk, who just became the world's richest man, was named by the United Nations and asked him to donate money to alleviate the world food crisis.
On October 19th, David Beasley, the Administrator of the United Nations World Food Program, shouted to Musk on Twitter. On the one hand, he congratulated him on winning the world's richest man, and on the other hand, he called on him to donate. The tweet stated that in order to celebrate your victory, we will first provide you with a lifetime opportunity. Save 42 million people with 6.6 billion U.S. dollars. This invitation will expire soon.
After all, life is at stake.
On October 26th, Beasley participated in the CNN talk show and talked about it again. He said that if they were not rescued, these 42 million people would die.