湖畔大学遭国家“霸气”铲除的原因The reason why Lakeside University was eradicated by the country's "dominant"
来源:股典钟AI连板涨停王 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-02 | 1023 次浏览 | 分享到:

So why would Jack Ma want to master the right to speak in society? The answer to this question can be referred to the chaebol group in South Korea.
And from the blueprint Ma Yun had planned for Lakeside University, they wanted to make Lakeside University a gathering place and birthplace of China's top enterprises. This means that if everything at Lakeside University can proceed as usual.
That will be Jack Ma's monopoly on the whole society. This monopoly is no longer a technical monopoly, but has risen to a higher class. The most important of these is the control of talents. By then Jack Ma controls capital.
He also controls talents, and his social status is self-evident. The main reason why Ma Yun would say that Lakeside University will continue for generations to come is that he wants to pass on his social status from generation to generation.
From individual to family, this is an extremely terrifying path for capitalists. Therefore, Lakeside University is really an extremely dangerous signal, and it is also the biggest chess game played by Jack Ma. If you let the chess continue to grow.