湖畔大学遭国家“霸气”铲除的原因The reason why Lakeside University was eradicated by the country's "dominant"
来源:股典钟AI连板涨停王 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-02 | 1018 次浏览 | 分享到:


If there is a school in the world that is more difficult to enter than the world's top universities, Harvard and Cambridge, do you believe it? This school is a social enterprise university co-founded by many business leaders such as Jack Ma and Liu Chuanzhi.
When Lakeside University was founded six years ago, Jack Ma, as the initiator and president of the university, made bold ambitions, saying that Lakeside University will last for half to three hundred years. In the future, at least half of the top 500 in China will come from Lakeside University.
But who would have thought that just recently, Lakeside University suffered from the state's domineering output, and the National Supervision Bureau banned further enrollment. It took only six years from the establishment to the court school, and the current situation of Lakeside University is unavoidable.
It made Jack Ma once again feel the embarrassment of being slapped in the face by reality. So what is the reason for the country to choose to rectify it? What was the purpose of this university, which is said to be the most difficult to get into?
In today's video, we are here to uncover all the mysteries behind Lakeside University. Friends who come in may wish to press and hold like for three seconds. Your support is the motivation for my creation. Let's first talk about this lakeside university, which is harder to get into than Harvard.
How difficult is it to get in? Different from the common written test in society, you must meet the following three requirements if you want to enter the school. First of all, the annual enrollment tuition fee of Lakeside University is 360,000, which is equivalent to more than 90% of the population in Chinese society.
Annual income for a year. Secondly, if you want to study at this university, you must have more than three years of self-employment experience and a stable annual income of 30 million. Finally, on the basis of satisfying the above two points, I want to go in and study.
There must also be a strong enough relationship referral. Then Jack Ma passed the interview before he had the opportunity to study. To put it simply, the entry threshold of this school is that the gifting ability and benevolence are indispensable.
Because of this, under such heavy screening, those who can finally enter this university must be the powerful people in society. Of course, these factors only represent the high entrance threshold of Lakeside University, and the reason is that the state really makes it stop and rectify it.
The real purpose behind Ma Yun's founding of Lakeside University. First of all, although Lakeside University was apparently co-founded by Jack Ma, nine entrepreneurs and many famous scholars, according to the real situation of Lakeside University, the dean is Ali’s name increase.
The principal is Ali’s boss, and Jack Ma’s school is not far from Alibaba in the center of the city. From the actual control of the management to the deliberate site selection of the school, Alibaba is all around. It is not difficult to see from this.
Lakeside University is not a university, but a core organization founded by Jack Ma around Alibaba. Secondly, we all know that the meaning of a university is to enable people from all walks of life in society to work hard through education.
Achieve a change in life. However, Lakeside University set up such a high threshold as soon as it came up, which is obviously purposeful. Let's ignore the first two admission thresholds of this school. From the third point of view alone.
You can feel the obvious class stratification. Therefore, it is more appropriate to say that this is not so much a university as it is a circle of wealthy elites. Therefore, combining the above two points, we can see that Lakeside University is nothing but Ma Yun's guise for the teachers and students of the school.
It's nothing more than a relationship platform built for capitalists. Of course, this is just the purpose of the founding of Lakeside University. The conspiracy that Ma Yun wants to achieve through this university is far from being as simple as the word profit. Well known.
With the vigorous development of China's Internet industry, e-commerce companies headed by Alibaba can be said to have made a lot of money, and Jack Ma has reached the top of China's rich list with a net worth of 100 billion. Therefore, as Jack Ma himself said, he has no interest in money now.
Because Jack Ma wants to gain some practical social discourse power more than money. But if Jack Ma’s personal strength is used, this is obviously not enough. Therefore, he needed the help of other external forces, so he founded the Lakeside University, where all the elites in all fields of China gathered here.
In this way, Lakeside University can quietly become an organization in the social class that has a huge right to use words. As the leader of this organization, Jack Ma naturally achieved his goals.
So why would Jack Ma want to master the right to speak in society? The answer to this question can be referred to the chaebol group in South Korea.
And from the blueprint Ma Yun had planned for Lakeside University, they wanted to make Lakeside University a gathering place and birthplace of China's top enterprises. This means that if everything at Lakeside University can proceed as usual.
That will be Jack Ma's monopoly on the whole society. This monopoly is no longer a technical monopoly, but has risen to a higher class. The most important of these is the control of talents. By then Jack Ma controls capital.
He also controls talents, and his social status is self-evident. The main reason why Ma Yun would say that Lakeside University will continue for generations to come is that he wants to pass on his social status from generation to generation.
From individual to family, this is an extremely terrifying path for capitalists. Therefore, Lakeside University is really an extremely dangerous signal, and it is also the biggest chess game played by Jack Ma. If you let the chess continue to grow.
I don't know what kind of impact it will have on society, so the country must stop it urgently. For capitalists like Jack Ma, it is inevitable that they want benefits. No one would say that the country and society also need people with unique perspectives like them.
To lead social and economic progress. But this doesn't mean that they can start trying to manipulate something. Only when there is a country can there be a family, and when there is a people, there are groups.
No matter how strong the capital is, it is impossible to reach into the pockets of the people in China for profit.