钱包保卫战 Wallet defense war
来源:股典钟AI连板涨停王 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-02 | 1843 次浏览 | 分享到:

There are risks in both stocks and house purchases, and there are many examples of losing money. Safety-first bank deposits are always the first choice for most families. The world we live in has undergone many profound changes in 2020.
The formal statement is a major change unseen in a century, the world is undergoing drastic changes, and the consensus between the temples and the rivers and lakes. Under the great changes, family wealth accumulated through hard work is the foundation of our survival.
Should we keep the money in the bank to maintain the liquidity for use at any time, or should we invest in the property market and the stock market to pursue the appreciation of family wealth? US stocks fuse four times in March.
Then the prices of mass goods plunged. The start of 2020 can be said to be a turmoil, and it seems safer to deposit money in a bank to earn a wallet. This is the choice of most Chinese families in the first quarter.
In the first quarter, the deposits of domestic residents increased by 6.5 trillion. The responses of small families to the crisis have converged into a sharp increase in bank deposits. But the unexpected reversal occurred in the second and third quarters.