钱包保卫战 Wallet defense war
来源:股典钟AI连板涨停王 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-02 | 1835 次浏览 | 分享到:

而金融市场就是投资股票、债券、地产和黄金的市场。如果货币的洪水流向了商品市场,体现物价的c p i 和p p i 就会大涨。
如果货币的洪水流向了金融市场,那金融资产的价格就会大涨。全球央行大放水之后,各国的c p i 都没怎么涨,但金融资产的价格却涨了不少。
依靠央行降息刺激经济增长的这条路已经走到头了。i m f 在临终发布的全球经济展望中预测,今年全球经济增速为负的百分之四点九。

How to preserve the value of family wealth? There are three most common financial management channels for Chinese households: the stock market, the property market and bank deposits. Although bank financial management has broken the rigid payment.
But we can still classify it as a deposit with a slightly higher interest rate. Let's take a look at the performance of these three types of assets in the past eighteen years. From the figure we can see the average annual rate of return on real estate.
Over 11%, while the average annual rate of return on bank deposits is only 2%. If two families put their money in the bank and the other buys a house in full, those two families will be eighteen years later.
There will be a five-fold gap in wealth, and if the family buying a house buys a house through a mortgage, that is, with leverage, the financial gap between the two families will reach more than ten times.
Only because one generation of people invested money in different assets, they eventually became a two-class family. It can be seen from the figure that bank deposits have been lower than the inflation rate for a long time.
In other words, by depositing time deposits, family wealth has been shrinking. Although historical data tells us, the average annual income of buying houses and stocks is much higher than deposits.
But most families still deposit their money in the bank because deposits are safer. Even if the real interest rate is negative, the nominal amount of money with interest and principal still seems to be too much.
There are risks in both stocks and house purchases, and there are many examples of losing money. Safety-first bank deposits are always the first choice for most families. The world we live in has undergone many profound changes in 2020.
The formal statement is a major change unseen in a century, the world is undergoing drastic changes, and the consensus between the temples and the rivers and lakes. Under the great changes, family wealth accumulated through hard work is the foundation of our survival.
Should we keep the money in the bank to maintain the liquidity for use at any time, or should we invest in the property market and the stock market to pursue the appreciation of family wealth? US stocks fuse four times in March.
Then the prices of mass goods plunged. The start of 2020 can be said to be a turmoil, and it seems safer to deposit money in a bank to earn a wallet. This is the choice of most Chinese families in the first quarter.
In the first quarter, the deposits of domestic residents increased by 6.5 trillion. The responses of small families to the crisis have converged into a sharp increase in bank deposits. But the unexpected reversal occurred in the second and third quarters.
In the second and third quarters, the stock and property markets of China and the United States both reversed headwinds, and the property and stock markets ushered in rare double bulls. In the stock market, the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 have returned to more than 4,700 years after a lapse of five years.
And the Nasdaq index in the United States is a record high. In terms of the property market, China's new house prices and the US house price index both set new records.
In 2020, when the global economic downturn and risk events frequently occur, why did the stock and property markets still perform so well?
If we look back at the long-term bull market in China's real estate industry, we can find the answer to the increase in asset prices in 2020. There is a widely circulated explanation for the long-term strong domestic housing prices.
The property market is a reservoir of currency. From the foreign exchange funds before 2014 to the spicy and sour noodles in recent years, the People's Bank of China has continuously issued more currency to the property market.
Therefore, housing prices have risen again and again, and the property market has long served as a reservoir of currency. Therefore, the property market has been in a long-term bull market. Therefore, the property market and the stock market are both bullish.
In 2020, too many currency issuances have brought about an increase in asset prices. In theory, the speed of currency issuance should be consistent with the growth rate of social wealth.
In other words, the whole society will print as much money as there is more, so as to ensure price stability without inflation or deflation. But countries in reality.
Especially this year, the United States and Western countries opened up money printing in response to the crisis. As a result, the currency growth rate far exceeded the currency that the economy grew faster.
Just like a flood with nowhere to vent, an exit must be found. There are two exports of currency, one is the commodity market and the other is the financial market. The commodity market is the market where we consume food, clothing, housing and transportation.
The financial market is the market for investing in stocks, bonds, real estate and gold. If the flood of money flows to the commodity market, c p i and p p i, which reflect prices, will rise sharply.
If the flood of money flows to the financial market, the price of financial assets will rise sharply. After the global central banks released the water, the c p i of various countries has not risen much, but the prices of financial assets have risen a lot.
This shows that a priori money has flowed into the financial market.
Then why did the super-issued currency not flow to the commodity market to raise prices, but to the financial market, raising stock prices and housing prices? If the over-issued currency flows to low-income groups.
After the low-income group has money, in order to improve their lives, they will increase their consumption and buy more goods. At this time, more money flows to the commodity market, and prices will rise.
Conversely, if more money flows to the rich, since the rich’s demand for ordinary consumer goods has reached the upper limit, more money will only be used to invest and buy luxury goods.
Therefore, it will not raise prices, but will only push up asset prices or the prices of luxury goods. At present, the global polarization between the rich and the poor has reached a historical high, which means that the polarization between the rich and the poor has intensified.
That is, the wealth held by the rich is increasing, and money has been flowing to the rich. Because the rich took more money, commodity prices rose less, and asset prices rose more.
This is the reason why rents in first-tier cities have fallen, and house prices have risen. Normally, if the rent falls, the return on investing in a house will be lower, and house prices should fall.
But now it's the opposite. Although rents have fallen, house prices have risen. The decline in rents is due to the shrinking income of low-income groups this year, and more and more people are leaving first-tier cities.
The rise in house prices indicates that the wealthy have ample funds and strong investment demand. Having said that, the logic of asset price increases this year is very clear. Simply put, it is to solve the problem of the global economic downturn.
Central banks of various countries release water together, and the released water flows into the financial market through the rich, and asset prices begin to rise.
Understand, we will understand why the stock market and the property market reversed the trend this year. After 2020, the method of family wealth preservation. If after 2020, the money will be used more and more.
Even if the global economy falls into recession, more money can continue to push up financial asset prices. At this time, we should buy financial assets and try not to save money. on the contrary.
If central banks of various countries do not release water after 2020, and while the economy is in a downturn, there is less money, then the prices of financial assets will definitely fall. Saving money is the best option at this time.
Therefore, in order to preserve the value of household wealth, the most important thing is to figure out whether the global monetary environment is loose or tight after 2020, and whether the central bank's water is larger or smaller.
The conclusion of the Bridgewater Fund is that in 2020, we are at the end of an ultra-long currency cycle that lasts about 80 years. The continued global monetary easing in the future is a foregone conclusion.
We extended our horizons to 1944, 76 years ago. 1944 is the starting point of our current currency cycle. This year, the Bretton Woods system was established.
The establishment of dollar hegemony has undergone two major changes in the currency cycle from 1944 to the present. The first is that commodity currency became legal tender in 1971, and the second is after 2008.
Central banks of various countries have begun frequent quantitative easing. These two changes are destined to print more and more money after 2020. Let's look at the first change.
Commodity currency becomes legal tender, and commodity currency uses real gold and silver as money. Legal tender means that the law stipulates that paper currency is money, so everyone uses paper as money.
Commodity currency and legal tender are two forms of currency, and these two forms have been reincarnated in history. The beginning of every currency cycle is gold and silver as currency.
At the end, it is the credit collapse of fiat currency spam. The Bretton Woods system of 1944 established the U.S. dollar's status as the world currency. The U.S. dollar was linked to gold, and the currencies of other countries were linked to the U.S. dollar.
Because under the Bretton Woods system, currencies of all countries have a clear gold content, so the currencies at this time are all commodity currencies. In the era of commodity currencies, central banks of various countries.
They don’t have the ability to print a lot of money, and print as much money as they dig up. There is a fixed ratio between the amount of money and the reserves of gold. Because the speed of gold mining is very slow.
Therefore, the rate of currency issuance is very slow. In the era of commodity currency, not only will money not become gross, but it will also be deflationary. At this time, the money is deposited in the bank for a fixed interest.
It is the best investment. Later, because the US dollar was issued indiscriminately, the number of US dollars was no longer linked to the gold reserves. The Bretton Woods system disintegrated in 1971, the currency cycle we are in.
Ushered in the first change, the end of commodity currency and the advent of legal tender. When all currencies are decoupled from gold and silver, the second change in the currency cycle is the era when central banks are issuing a large amount of money.
Coming soon, because you can print as much legal tender as you want. In order to stimulate economic growth, central banks of various countries have begun frequent quantitative easing, that is, printing a large amount of money. want.
There are two ways to stimulate the economy, one is to cut interest rates, and the other is to issue currency. Interest rate cuts are the healthiest and most effective policy tool. Lower interest rates can stimulate consumption and stimulate investment.
It can also reduce the debtor's repayment burden, so cutting interest rates can promote economic growth. This is a bit like stepping on the accelerator while driving. Every government hopes that the economy will develop faster and faster.
So the accelerator will be stepped harder and harder, and the interest rate will drop lower and lower. The current benchmark interest rate in the United States has reached zero, and Japan and Europe are implementing negative interest rates, which means that the throttle of major countries has been stepped on to the bottom.
The path of relying on the central bank to cut interest rates to stimulate economic growth has come to an end. i m f predicted in the global economic outlook released at the end that the global economic growth rate this year will be negative 4.9%.
Among them, the U.S. economy will shrink by percent this year, the Eurozone will shrink by 10.2 percent, and Japan will shrink by 5.8 percent. This year's global economic recession is inevitable.
The European and American interest rates are inexorably low, so in order to solve the problem of recession, printing money has become the best choice. This is the Fed's balance sheet, which is the release this year.
This is the balance sheet of the central banks of Europe, America, China and Japan. This is the water released this year. Normally, if too much water is released, prices will skyrocket, then social turmoil will result, and government credit will go bankrupt.
Just like Zimbabwe, when central banks print money, they are concerned about the inflation rate report, so they will keep an eye on the inflation rate. The Fed’s inflation target is 2%.
If too much currency is issued and the inflation rate exceeds 2%, then less is issued. As we said before, the current currency floods in many countries are due to the intensification of the global polarization between the rich and the poor.
All flowed into the financial market through the rich. Therefore, although money has been traded a lot, the inflation rate, which represents commodity prices, has not risen much, and the price of financial assets has risen mainly.
The Fed launched unlimited quantitative easing after the meltdown of US stocks, the number of US base currencies doubled, and US stocks quickly hit a record high, but the US inflation rate was calm.
Because once the Fed opens the gates and releases water, other countries must also follow up. This is the best way to avoid being cut by the United States. Therefore, in the context of simultaneous release of water by foreign central banks.
Our country will also passively issue additional currencies. The difference between us and the United States is only the amount of additional currency issuance.
At the end of the 80-year monetary cycle, in order to solve the economic recession caused by the epidemic, central banks of various countries should continue to release water in the future. A generally loose monetary environment around the world.
It is difficult to reverse financial assets as a currency reservoir in the short term, and it should continue to rise in the future, but the stock market is risky and the property market has also ushered in intensive control.
Investment still needs to be cautious. All of the above are based on a relatively stable international environment. If extreme events happen, then we still have to get into the situation.