钱包保卫战 Wallet defense war
来源:股典钟AI连板涨停王 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-02 | 1847 次浏览 | 分享到:

Central banks of various countries release water together, and the released water flows into the financial market through the rich, and asset prices begin to rise.
Understand, we will understand why the stock market and the property market reversed the trend this year. After 2020, the method of family wealth preservation. If after 2020, the money will be used more and more.
Even if the global economy falls into recession, more money can continue to push up financial asset prices. At this time, we should buy financial assets and try not to save money. on the contrary.
If central banks of various countries do not release water after 2020, and while the economy is in a downturn, there is less money, then the prices of financial assets will definitely fall. Saving money is the best option at this time.
Therefore, in order to preserve the value of household wealth, the most important thing is to figure out whether the global monetary environment is loose or tight after 2020, and whether the central bank's water is larger or smaller.