顾比倒数三线 Countdown to Gu Bi
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 发布时间: 2021-10-23 | 1253 次浏览 | 分享到:

After soaking for a period of time, two big sun lines have come to break through the small platform built in the early stage. Can it be inferred by common sense? After being able to enter, continue to get stuck.
After a wave of decline, there is another big Yang line, which breaks through the previous platform again, and it is quite big. Inferred in the factory, no, it is no longer possible to infer in the factory.
Why did the previous two failures leave a shadow? This one must hesitate. Fortunately, when you hesitate, the stock price starts to rise rapidly. Are you happy?
Unhappy, because you didn't get in the car, what's the root cause? In fact, the common sense you think is wrong, and the basis for your inference is also the trap set by the main force.
After all, a method is easy to use after it becomes known. So how do we find the real pressure in the market? This is the Guby reciprocal model we talked about today.
To help us do further research and judgment.
First look at an animated demonstration. If a stock is falling in front of it, when the first bar appears, and this bar does not make a new low.