顾比倒数三线 Countdown to Gu Bi
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 发布时间: 2021-10-23 | 1247 次浏览 | 分享到:

那其实通过这种简单的k 线图,我们是很难去做出进一步的判断的。事实上啊这个个股的后期呢是进行了短期的这种暴利。
首先我们来看一下动画的演示。如果一个个股它前面是在上涨,当出现了第一根不创新高的k 线。
当然它不一定是一个阴线,也可以是一个阳线。只要它不创前坊的新高就可以了。我们可以把这根k 线呢标记为零把。
大家点个赞,继续看这三根k 线必须满足一号k 线最低价大于二号k 线的最低价,二号k 线的最低价呢大于三号k 线的最低价。
做一个获利的了结。那我们可以看到后期的这个个股的走势呢,它并没有跌破三号k 线这个最低价格。所以呢这个位置我们就可以把它定义为是一个回调。股票下跌过。
首先来看一个动画演示。如果一个个股它前面是在下跌,当出现了第一根k 线,而这根k 线它不创新低。
当然它也不一定是阳线,也可以是阴线,只要它不创前方的新低了,我们就可以把这根k 线标记为零。
大家点赞,继续看这三根k 线必须满足一号的最高价,小于二号的最高价,二号的最高价小于三号的最高价。他们。

Today I will share with you a reciprocal model of Guby. It was created by the famous trading master Mr. Dai Ruo Guby, and it is also widely popular in the market.
What problems can he help us to solve? Let's take a look together. We often encounter stocks like this. After the previous continuous rise, it suddenly built a platform in this place.
That is, when he chooses the direction, there are only two situations at this time. The first is just a simple callback, and individual stocks will continue to rise in the later period.
Either the second situation has changed the trend. At this time, the platform is the construction of the head structure. In the later period, individual stocks will decline accordingly when the trend is exhausted.
So what is the situation? After you see this graph, you might as well think in your mind whether this position is going up or down?
In fact, it is difficult for us to make further judgments through this simple candlestick chart. In fact, this stock has made short-term profits in the later period.
How to identify this situation in advance and capture it well? That is, today we use the solid ratio reciprocal model to help us make further judgments.
First, let's take a look at the animation demonstration. If a stock is rising in front of it, when there is the first bar that does not make a new high.
Of course, it is not necessarily a yin line, it can also be a yang line. As long as it doesn't hit the new high of Qianfang, it's fine. We can mark this bar as zero.
It can also be called a change point of the trend. Counting back three through the change point is one, two, three. What conditions should it meet?
Everyone like it, and continue to see that these three candlesticks must satisfy that the lowest price of the first candlestick is greater than the lowest price of the second candlestick, and the lowest price of the second candlestick is greater than the lowest price of the third candlestick.
They can be continuous or discontinuous. In other words, one, two, three is actually a process of constantly rising upwards.
Suddenly there was a point of change that did not make a new high. When this condition is met, if the stock price starts from the abnormal point of zero, follow its trend.
Continuing to adjust downwards, is it the exhaustion of the trend or a simple callback? Here we need to judge the third point here.
We can use the lowest price of three as the critical point of the trend and draw a line, which is the support line of Gu Bi. If the stock price is in the process of adjustment in the later period, as long as it does not fall below the lowest price of the three.
It's a rebound. If it breaks below, then this is the end of the trend. As long as it does not fall below, the stock price will have a short-term rapid rise in the later period. This is Gu Bi's reciprocal model.
As for the confirmation of the trend's correction and the trend's exhaustion, how do we look at it in detail? Let's take a look at the trend of a case. For example, after this stock has risen continuously in the previous period, we will find out the abnormal point of the first trend.
Marked as zero. Starting from this day, it does not set new highs, and counts back one, two, three later. The third one found that its lowest prices are constantly innovating low.
The explanation is that after meeting the second condition, the lowest price of three is used as a critical point of the trend. As long as the later closing price does not fall below the lowest price of three.
Then it shows that this place is just a simple callback, and once it breaks below, it means that the trend is exhausted. At this time, you can no longer wait, and you must first take profit.
Make a profitable settlement. Then we can see the trend of this stock in the later period, it did not fall below the lowest price of the third candlestick. So at this position we can define it as a callback. The stock has fallen.
In the process, there has been a rise. Is it a rebound or a reversal? In the process of the decline, a large Yinxian with a gap and a lower opening appeared, forming a gap.
Next, the stock price will rise and break through the gap in the previous period. Can it be inferred by common sense? After being able to enter, it fell sharply. After the start.
After soaking for a period of time, two big sun lines have come to break through the small platform built in the early stage. Can it be inferred by common sense? After being able to enter, continue to get stuck.
After a wave of decline, there is another big Yang line, which breaks through the previous platform again, and it is quite big. Inferred in the factory, no, it is no longer possible to infer in the factory.
Why did the previous two failures leave a shadow? This one must hesitate. Fortunately, when you hesitate, the stock price starts to rise rapidly. Are you happy?
Unhappy, because you didn't get in the car, what's the root cause? In fact, the common sense you think is wrong, and the basis for your inference is also the trap set by the main force.
After all, a method is easy to use after it becomes known. So how do we find the real pressure in the market? This is the Guby reciprocal model we talked about today.
To help us do further research and judgment.
First look at an animated demonstration. If a stock is falling in front of it, when the first bar appears, and this bar does not make a new low.
Of course, it is not necessarily a yang line, it can also be a yin line, as long as it does not make a new low ahead, we can mark this bar as zero.
It is also called a moving point of the trend. Counting the last three by moving the point back, one, two and three appear. What conditions must they meet for these two and three?
Like everyone, continue to see that these three bars must meet the highest price of No. 1, which is less than the highest price of No. 2, and the highest price of No. 2 is less than the highest price of No. 3. them.
They can be continuous or discontinuous. In other words, one, two and three actually appeared suddenly in a process of continuously decreasing downwards.
A change point that does not make a new low. After this condition is met, if the stock price starts from the abnormal point of zero, the abnormal movement following its trend will continue to rise. Here is the continuation of the trend, or is it simply the opposite.
For the rebound, we need to judge the third point here. We can use the highest price of the three as the critical point of the trend. In other words, you can draw a line for the highest price of three.
This line is the solid ratio pressure line we talked about. If the stock price is adjusted in the later stage, as long as it does not exceed the highest price of three, then this wave of market will rebound.
But if it breaks through, it is the continuation of the trend, and there will be a short-term rapid rise in the later period. This is the Guby reciprocal model. Let's turn to look at the true pressure of the ticket just now at this position.
The last one, two and three is that there is no breakthrough here. If you don’t buy the quilt, the real pressure is the one, two and three in this position.
There is no breakthrough, no buying will not be covered, and it will fall again.
Countdown one, two, three, the real pressure breaks through here, after the break, can you intervene in happiness? It's that simple to be happy in stocks. This is the Guby reciprocal model that we brought to you today.
Combine the last period's Gu Bi countdown line to test the support and pressure of your stocks.