主力行为学Main behavior
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 发布时间: 2021-10-20 | 1135 次浏览 | 分享到:

No main force wants to surface themselves in this way. And our retail investors have advantages and disadvantages when doing transactions. It depends on whether you can make good use of it.
Then here is a little trick for everyone, that is, in addition to new stocks and loss-making stocks, if you find that a stock has been trading sideways in the first position for a long time.
As long as its volume shrinks to the extreme, you can rebound or reverse the position.
The specific transaction situation is determined according to the transaction logic, and basically there is no problem in making money.
Finally, I will make a summary. As far as I said about these things, I mainly hope that you will change your original view of the main force, the ghosts and the monsters, and see your opponents clearly.
Respect the market, make money.