主力行为学Main behavior
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 发布时间: 2021-10-20 | 1132 次浏览 | 分享到:

As much as you want and how much he will give you, there must be an oversupply, so the trading volume must be enlarged.
So second, it depends on the relative high and low position of the current stock price. When the stock price rises by 30% from the bottom, the main wash is a high probability event.
Because the main force has its comprehensive cost, its cost is much greater than that of retail investors, and the stock price must be raised to more than 50% before it can make a profit.
Therefore, shrinking the volume at 30% is to prepare for the next step to continue to increase the stock price. Once the stock price has risen by more than 60%.
In the high position, there is a huge amount of release, the main force may be shipping at any time, because he has already made money, the main force will also choose to settle the bag at any time.
Of course, it has also increased several times, and only 60% of the shipment is just a relative figure.
Third, let's look at the time-sharing trend of the day. As long as the government is washing low, its purpose is to scare your chips away, so the main force will definitely create a time-sharing trend that jumps up and down that day.