货币战争Currency war
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 发布时间: 2021-09-23 | 1126 次浏览 | 分享到:
其他公共债务占g d p 的比例已经高达百分之一百一十三,比马跃要求的百分之六十高了几乎一倍。希腊药丸美元指数在此时已经跌到了历史最低点。
他们不断的调低希腊的主权评级。我们都知道信用级别三b 以下就是垃圾级。一个发达国家再怎么差劲儿,也不至于混成垃圾。
在三大评级机构就是奔着搞死希腊来的。希腊的主权评级先是从a 降到了三b 然后接连降到二b b 三c。
惠誉曾一度将希腊主权评级调低至c 也就是垃圾级里的倒数第一。希腊政府的融资成本曾经一度达到了印度、巴西这些国家的两倍多。
高盛手里握着的希腊债务c d s 价值翻了三倍,而在欧元和欧债上的空头头寸更是获利无数。一场欧债危机直接让美元和华尔街原地复活。
Do you believe? The richest invisible family on the planet, their wealth is equivalent to 510 Bill Gates, a conservative estimate of 50 trillion U.S. dollars. He is the legendary 18th-century head of the Roskeld family, Nathan, who established his own strategic intelligence system.
When France, Napoleon was defeated in Waterloo, he learned the news a day earlier than the others. Nathan first dumped British bonds in the stock market with great fanfare and shouted that Britain was defeated. So everyone followed the frantic dumping of British bonds.
The British bonds instantly cooled down, and their value was only five thousandths left. At this time, Nathan privately arranged for traders to buy all the cheap British bonds. The news of Wellington's defeat of Napoleon didn't reach here until the next night.
It was Britain's victory that was a full day later than Nathan's news. Only then did people know that they were being fooled, and the British bonds in Nathan's hands instantly appreciated hundreds of times. He made more money in this day than Napoleon and Wellington.
The sum of wealth gained in decades of war. Today, the Rothschild Bank holds the most gold bars in the world. The De Beers company that controls all the diamond mines in the world is their India, and all the railways are invested and constructed by them.
The most important thing is that they also control the economic lifeline of the world. In order to hide themselves, the Fed never discloses their finances and controls media reports that they are not listed in hundreds of banks around the world. Two thousand.
On June 19, 2000, with the help of Goldman Sachs, Greece became the twelfth country to join the Eurozone. The United States has already figured out the status of Greece, as long as the time is right.
Wall Street could detonate Greece’s debt and then drag down the euro.
Wall Street was hit hard by the subprime mortgage crisis in 2008. Three of the five largest investment banks in the United States had three, and the remaining two were Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley.
It is also at stake, in order for the Fed to start quantitative easing and print a large number of US dollars to receive toxic assets. If the US dollar is printed too much, the value of the US dollar will continue to depreciate.
As of April 2008, the U.S. dollar has depreciated 37% against the euro. This depreciation rate is still very scary. In order to preserve the value of assets, huge amounts of funds fled from the United States to Europe.
The credit of the U.S. dollar shakes the hegemony of the U.S. dollar and is about to become the hegemony of the Euro. For the United States, there are only two ways to save the dollar. One is to turn off the money printing machine.
Improve the credit of the US dollar. The second is to make a major event happen in Europe. As long as the euro is worse than the dollar, the dollar can recover. Because of the mess of the subprime mortgage crisis, it won't be cleaned up for a while.
So it is impossible for the United States to turn off its money printing machine. There is actually only one way to save the dollar, and that is to destroy the euro. A Trojan horse planted by Goldman Sachs ten years ago.
Now it finally comes in handy. As long as it can trigger the European debt crisis, the credit of the euro must plummet. In order to push Greece a handful of Wall Street. Sword Spirit did three things.
One is that a bunch of research reports have been published, slandering the Greek economy. The second is not to buy Greek treasury bonds, but to turn around and sell short. The third is a large stock of Greek credit default swaps.
At this time, the Greek economy is in a mess. After joining the Eurozone, many industries in Greece were crushed by German and French companies. Coupled with the subprime mortgage crisis, the pillar industry of Greece.
The tourism and shipping industries were directly suspended, and Greece’s fiscal situation at this time had reached the point of exhaustion. Wall Street’s aggressive short selling caused the Greek government’s financing difficulties and the yield of national debt soared.
Seeing that the debt is about to default, in order to pull Greece, European financial institutions, and all the Greek national debt issued by the United States will be more than 80% of Greece's nearly 300 billion debts.
All are held by European countries. Greece changed its term in October 2009, and the new government was either frightened by the huge fiscal hole, or it was really unable to borrow money. In short, it was announced less than half a month after he took office.
The ratio of other public debt to gdp has reached 113%, almost double the 60% required by Ma Yue. The Greek pill dollar index has fallen to an all-time low at this time.
Greece's debt problem has become the last straw for the dollar. The United States must seize this opportunity to stand up. The three major rating agencies in the U.S. took action just after the press conference in Greece.
They continuously lowered the sovereign rating of Greece. We all know that the credit level below three b is junk level. No matter how bad a developed country is, it won't be mixed into rubbish.
The three major rating agencies are rushing to kill Greece. Greece's sovereign rating first dropped from a to three b and then to two b b three c.
Fitch once downgraded Greece's sovereign rating to c, which is the bottom of the junk class. The financing cost of the Greek government once reached more than twice that of countries such as India and Brazil.
A developed country has been integrated into an African country. As mentioned earlier, more than 80% of Greece’s debt is sold to European financial institutions. Now the Greek national debt has become a junk debt.
The European financial institutions tied to Greece are on fire, but it is not this that has caused Europe the most headache. Because Greece's equity rating has been downgraded repeatedly, it is not much better than Greece. Spain.
Portugal, Italy, and Ireland have also been implicated, and Wall Street has begun to hype up the debt risks of European countries. The name of the five European countries quickly spread, and the credit ratings of these countries.
It has also been lowered again and again, European financial markets are turbulent, and international capital has once again started a great escape, rushing back to the United States from the Eurozone. The U.S. dollar index quickly moved from the historical location of seventy-one.
It has risen to ninety attachments. Originally, American financial institutions were badly injured in the subprime mortgage crisis, but relying on shorting European assets, Wall Street once again made a lot of money.
The value of the Greek debt c d s held by Goldman Sachs has tripled, and short positions in the euro and European debt have been profitable. A European debt crisis directly brought the US dollar and Wall Street back to life.
The subprime mortgage crisis is gone, and the European debt crisis is coming. In 2000, Goldman Sachs planted Trojan horses in Greece. In 2010, the US dollar defeated the euro with a Trojan horse.
This currency war not only helped the United States win the battle for financial dominance with Europe, but it also added a lot of sand to the process of European integration. until today.
European countries are still arguing over debt repayment.

其他公共债务占g d p 的比例已经高达百分之一百一十三,比马跃要求的百分之六十高了几乎一倍。希腊药丸美元指数在此时已经跌到了历史最低点。
他们不断的调低希腊的主权评级。我们都知道信用级别三b 以下就是垃圾级。一个发达国家再怎么差劲儿,也不至于混成垃圾。
在三大评级机构就是奔着搞死希腊来的。希腊的主权评级先是从a 降到了三b 然后接连降到二b b 三c。
惠誉曾一度将希腊主权评级调低至c 也就是垃圾级里的倒数第一。希腊政府的融资成本曾经一度达到了印度、巴西这些国家的两倍多。
高盛手里握着的希腊债务c d s 价值翻了三倍,而在欧元和欧债上的空头头寸更是获利无数。一场欧债危机直接让美元和华尔街原地复活。

Do you believe? The richest invisible family on the planet, their wealth is equivalent to 510 Bill Gates, a conservative estimate of 50 trillion U.S. dollars. He is the legendary 18th-century head of the Roskeld family, Nathan, who established his own strategic intelligence system.
When France, Napoleon was defeated in Waterloo, he learned the news a day earlier than the others. Nathan first dumped British bonds in the stock market with great fanfare and shouted that Britain was defeated. So everyone followed the frantic dumping of British bonds.
The British bonds instantly cooled down, and their value was only five thousandths left. At this time, Nathan privately arranged for traders to buy all the cheap British bonds. The news of Wellington's defeat of Napoleon didn't reach here until the next night.
It was Britain's victory that was a full day later than Nathan's news. Only then did people know that they were being fooled, and the British bonds in Nathan's hands instantly appreciated hundreds of times. He made more money in this day than Napoleon and Wellington.
The sum of wealth gained in decades of war. Today, the Rothschild Bank holds the most gold bars in the world. The De Beers company that controls all the diamond mines in the world is their India, and all the railways are invested and constructed by them.
The most important thing is that they also control the economic lifeline of the world. In order to hide themselves, the Fed never discloses their finances and controls media reports that they are not listed in hundreds of banks around the world. Two thousand.
On June 19, 2000, with the help of Goldman Sachs, Greece became the twelfth country to join the Eurozone. The United States has already figured out the status of Greece, as long as the time is right.
Wall Street could detonate Greece’s debt and then drag down the euro.
Wall Street was hit hard by the subprime mortgage crisis in 2008. Three of the five largest investment banks in the United States had three, and the remaining two were Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley.
It is also at stake, in order for the Fed to start quantitative easing and print a large number of US dollars to receive toxic assets. If the US dollar is printed too much, the value of the US dollar will continue to depreciate.
As of April 2008, the U.S. dollar has depreciated 37% against the euro. This depreciation rate is still very scary. In order to preserve the value of assets, huge amounts of funds fled from the United States to Europe.
The credit of the U.S. dollar shakes the hegemony of the U.S. dollar and is about to become the hegemony of the Euro. For the United States, there are only two ways to save the dollar. One is to turn off the money printing machine.
Improve the credit of the US dollar. The second is to make a major event happen in Europe. As long as the euro is worse than the dollar, the dollar can recover. Because of the mess of the subprime mortgage crisis, it won't be cleaned up for a while.
So it is impossible for the United States to turn off its money printing machine. There is actually only one way to save the dollar, and that is to destroy the euro. A Trojan horse planted by Goldman Sachs ten years ago.
Now it finally comes in handy. As long as it can trigger the European debt crisis, the credit of the euro must plummet. In order to push Greece a handful of Wall Street. Sword Spirit did three things.
One is that a bunch of research reports have been published, slandering the Greek economy. The second is not to buy Greek treasury bonds, but to turn around and sell short. The third is a large stock of Greek credit default swaps.
At this time, the Greek economy is in a mess. After joining the Eurozone, many industries in Greece were crushed by German and French companies. Coupled with the subprime mortgage crisis, the pillar industry of Greece.
The tourism and shipping industries were directly suspended, and Greece’s fiscal situation at this time had reached the point of exhaustion. Wall Street’s aggressive short selling caused the Greek government’s financing difficulties and the yield of national debt soared.
Seeing that the debt is about to default, in order to pull Greece, European financial institutions, and all the Greek national debt issued by the United States will be more than 80% of Greece's nearly 300 billion debts.
All are held by European countries. Greece changed its term in October 2009, and the new government was either frightened by the huge fiscal hole, or it was really unable to borrow money. In short, it was announced less than half a month after he took office.
The ratio of other public debt to gdp has reached 113%, almost double the 60% required by Ma Yue. The Greek pill dollar index has fallen to an all-time low at this time.
Greece's debt problem has become the last straw for the dollar. The United States must seize this opportunity to stand up. The three major rating agencies in the U.S. took action just after the press conference in Greece.
They continuously lowered the sovereign rating of Greece. We all know that the credit level below three b is junk level. No matter how bad a developed country is, it won't be mixed into rubbish.
The three major rating agencies are rushing to kill Greece. Greece's sovereign rating first dropped from a to three b and then to two b b three c.
Fitch once downgraded Greece's sovereign rating to c, which is the bottom of the junk class. The financing cost of the Greek government once reached more than twice that of countries such as India and Brazil.
A developed country has been integrated into an African country. As mentioned earlier, more than 80% of Greece’s debt is sold to European financial institutions. Now the Greek national debt has become a junk debt.
The European financial institutions tied to Greece are on fire, but it is not this that has caused Europe the most headache. Because Greece's equity rating has been downgraded repeatedly, it is not much better than Greece. Spain.
Portugal, Italy, and Ireland have also been implicated, and Wall Street has begun to hype up the debt risks of European countries. The name of the five European countries quickly spread, and the credit ratings of these countries.
It has also been lowered again and again, European financial markets are turbulent, and international capital has once again started a great escape, rushing back to the United States from the Eurozone. The U.S. dollar index quickly moved from the historical location of seventy-one.
It has risen to ninety attachments. Originally, American financial institutions were badly injured in the subprime mortgage crisis, but relying on shorting European assets, Wall Street once again made a lot of money.
The value of the Greek debt c d s held by Goldman Sachs has tripled, and short positions in the euro and European debt have been profitable. A European debt crisis directly brought the US dollar and Wall Street back to life.
The subprime mortgage crisis is gone, and the European debt crisis is coming. In 2000, Goldman Sachs planted Trojan horses in Greece. In 2010, the US dollar defeated the euro with a Trojan horse.
This currency war not only helped the United States win the battle for financial dominance with Europe, but it also added a lot of sand to the process of European integration. until today.
European countries are still arguing over debt repayment.