股市战争Stock market war
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 发布时间: 2021-09-22 | 878 次浏览 | 分享到:
Zilu once asked Confucius, if you were the commander of the three armies, what kind of people would you choose to fight with? Confucius replied, with his bare hands, he must fight the tiger, and he must cross the river on foot without a boat.
I will not fight with such a person who never regrets his death. I would like to fight for cherishment and it must be those who are cautious and move after making decisions. To win in the game, there are two key factors.
One is one's own strength, and the other is the opportunity to shoot. Strength depends on oneself, and chance depends on the opponent. In the stock market, it is a matter of stock selection and timing. Whether the stock selection is good or not, the test is whether it has excellent ability.
Whether the timing is good or not will test whether you are patient and waiting for your opponent to make a mistake. Liddellhardt once said that in the course of the war, it was the serious mistakes of the enemy that gave us a chance to win.
If you regard the market as your opponent, then the irrational oversold after a wave of decline is the flaws exposed by the market, and it is also an opportunity for us to seize his mistakes and win.
On the contrary, after this wave of irrational skyrocketing, it is also a flaw in the market, which can provide us with a chance to get out. Seizing the opportunity of your opponent to make mistakes and making yourself win is a rare mastermind in stock trading.
The lowest point where retail investors often cut their meat is precisely the market taking advantage of the public's panic during the plunge to clear retail investors out. On the contrary, for masters, a big drop or even a big drop.
It's their favorite. Because the good masters were dropped out when the market was crazy, the goods masters in his hand could remain motionless while defending and hide their strength deep underground.
Make the opponent undetectable. Once a huge opportunity appears, it will shoot at lightning speed like a cheetah, falling from the sky, making the opponent by surprise. Experts understand that the process of combat is to wait for a fighter.
Creating fighters, capturing fighters and using fighters. The deadliest fighter must be hidden in the patient and cold waiting process. The great military strategist Zeng Guofan never fought unprepared battles.
In his words, it is a carefully watched, cold-eyed kiss. Kidney Deficiency plots the postwar in 1583. At the beginning of the formation of the Hunan Army under his leadership, Emperor Xianfeng several times ordered him to reinforce Anhui.
However, Zeng Guofan believed that the Xiangjun was not prepared enough to refuse to play. He believes that only when there are enough artillery, the navy team is strong enough, and the army team is sufficient.
Every battle must be won, he takes the risk of resisting the will and sticks to his own opinion. It wasn't until the beginning of the second year that Zeng Guofan really trained his team to become a good soldier, and then he went out to fight.
The Taiping army fought in this battle, and fled in a hurry, and was eventually driven out of Hunan by the Hunan army. For generals, everyone in the legal system of war will read the regulations and everyone will memorize them.
Everyone knows how to use tactics, and everyone knows the truth. But in the master showdown, these are only things at the tree level. Whether a person is a real master or not is not determined by the tree at all.
After the tree reaches a certain level, everyone's level is about the same. At this time, who can tell the difference is who is more calm in heart and who is more able to resist pressure and temptation.
The strategic thinking of intellectuals is still the magic weapon to win today's stock market. You really understand this, I think it's more effective than learning a lot of tactics, and tactics can only satisfy a partial victory.
There is no way to affect the overall situation, which also explains why many people can double in a month, but the general ledger is lost in a year. Because partial victory is short-lived.
To win the entire critical battle situation, you need to have the strategic thinking of a military strategist. So what is strategic thinking in trading? I think it does not care about short-term gains and losses.
Pay more attention to the long-term positive return of the account and even the long-term victory of the entire investment career. When you treat the stock market as a battlefield and yourself as a general, you will find that trading, a war without gunpowder, is right.
What a charm. When you have the strategic thinking of a military strategist, you will also become a new generation of ancients.
