股典钟涨停王资讯:避开集合竞价致命误区抓涨停Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Information: Avoiding the Fatal Misunderstanding of Call Auction and Grasping the Daily Limit
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-05-12 | 742 次浏览 | 分享到:
就已经形成了开盘价,也就是成交价。第二,你挂单早并不是说明就是你成交早。我们a 股遵循的规则是价格第一优先。
You can't grab the stock market with the daily limit. The most painful thing for you is not that you lose money, but that you have a super positive one night. You know that this stock will have a daily limit.
But you can't buy it, because you don't even know two fatal misunderstandings that you won the call auction. I will only talk about the end of this time, and I will also share my own skills.
Want to buy your favorite stocks one step earlier than others. Then call auction. First of all, you have to clarify these two points. First, the call auction unit price does not equal the transaction price.
From 9:15 to 9:25 on each trading day, the call auction time is from 9:15 to 9:20, and pending orders can be cancelled during these five minutes. Generally, you will see a lot of stocks daily limit within these five minutes.
Many large orders were commissioned, but they disappeared immediately after 9:20. Because the main force will use these five minutes to place large orders, many novices do not understand.
Seeing that the stock is about to limit, then rushed in to buy, but the main force was withdrawn, you did not withdraw, and finally became the receiver. The five-minute pending orders from 9:30 to 9:25 cannot be cancelled.
Therefore, the pending orders in these five minutes are real and effective, and all pending orders will be executed uniformly at 9.25. At the moment of nine twenty-five.
The opening price has been formed, that is, the transaction price. Second, if you place an order early, it does not mean that your transaction is early. Our a-shares follow the rule of price first.
Time is the second priority and quantity is the third priority. For example, if you buy at a price of 20 yuan, and other people pay 19 yuan and 50 cents, if the opening price is 19 yuan, then you and everyone else are the same.
The transaction price is all 19 yuan, but the price you list is high, so you make a deal first, even if they list it earlier than you, you can't buy it. Take Benben's personal experience as a reference, if you encounter a very.
Important stock, and the price is very attractive, you want to buy very, very much. Remember to place a pending order at the daily limit price before 9:25.
In this way, it is in line with price priority, but it is not for everyone to catch the daily limit, which is a very radical operation strategy. If you don't have a sufficient knowledge, and you don't have a sufficient operating experience, you will definitely lose.
Fast, so we must do what we can.
就已经形成了开盘价,也就是成交价。第二,你挂单早并不是说明就是你成交早。我们a 股遵循的规则是价格第一优先。

You can't grab the stock market with the daily limit. The most painful thing for you is not that you lose money, but that you have a super positive one night. You know that this stock will have a daily limit.
But you can't buy it, because you don't even know two fatal misunderstandings that you won the call auction. I will only talk about the end of this time, and I will also share my own skills.