股典钟涨停王资讯:掌握这三大技能,洞悉金钱世界的奥秘Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Information: Master these three skills and gain insight into the mysteries of the world of money
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-05-11 | 1090 次浏览 | 分享到:
Once you have mastered these three core skills, you will have an insight into the mysteries of the world of money. In this world, you will always be at the top of the pyramid. If you don't have billions of wealth to inherit, then there are only two ways you want to achieve financial freedom.
One is to continuously purchase pre-mortem assets, and the other is to create pre-mortem assets. Both of these methods can quickly allow us to achieve financial freedom. But Shaoan Wuzhao, it is not as simple as you think, investment and entrepreneurship are two kinds, and there are even many different skills that can be subdivided.
When everyone hasn't mastered these skills, if you rush to do it, there will be no good results. How do I master these skills. Today we start with the purchase of pre-mortem assets.
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The way to buy assets during your lifetime requires that you already have some money or you have a relatively stable income. Of course, it doesn't matter if your income is not high. As long as you insist on using the power of compound interest, your assets during your lifetime will grow larger and larger.
The most important thing to purchase pre-mortem assets is to master the three major investment skills, the three auxiliary skills of stocks, enterprises, and real estate, and the reverse repurchase of currency funds with convertible bonds.
And a family-guaranteed skills insurance. If you make good use of the business skills, you will become an entrepreneur. If you make good use of the skills of stocks and real estate, you will become an investment in the three skills of good businesses, stocks and real estate.
You will become a capitalist. Once you have mastered these three core skills, you will have an insight into the mysteries of the world of money. In this world, you will always be at the top of the pyramid.
When you stand on the top of the tower and look down, you can’t help but say that even if you take away all my wealth and throw all the light into the desert, as long as a team of camels pass by, I can still become billions. Regal.
You can find on the Internet that Ma Huateng, Liu Qiangdong, Bill Gates, and Buffett’s main money-making assets are companies and stocks. Check Li Ka-shing and Wang Jianlin again.
Including Trump, you will find that their main assets during their lifetime are corporate stocks and real estate. Since the most important core assets of the super-rich are these three. So for us.
It is enough to apply these three investment skills. The better the skills in this area, the higher your annualized rate of return and the stronger the power of compound interest. The growth of your assets and non-wage income during your lifetime.
The faster the realization of financial freedom, the shorter the time. If you want to achieve financial freedom by purchasing assets during your lifetime, then you must learn the skills I mentioned above.
Remember that it is not money, but knowledge that makes you rich, because you will never make money beyond your knowledge. Even if you get a lot of fortune by fluke, if you don't improve your knowledge.
Your wealth will slowly return to the same level as your cognition. By the same token, even if you don't have money now, but you have enough knowledge, your wealth will definitely catch up with your knowledge quickly when you think it should be.
If you don't have much money for the time being, and want to realize financial freedom relatively quickly, you can choose the second way to create assets during your lifetime. Can’t we create one if we don’t have money to buy it?
Creating an asset before a lifetime is to start a business. It can be a company, a convenience store, or even a Douyin account. It doesn’t matter whether you have money in your business, the important thing is that you have to systematically master the skills of entrepreneurship.
At this time, there may be many people who want to make a difference. How can they start a business if they have no money? Don't worry, I will publish a series of videos in the future, you will understand after watching them. If you really understand the business.
Know finance well, your business model and team are very good. The money will come to you. I do not recommend stocks or funds. I am not a real estate agency and I do not sell insurance. I just want to share with you.
The underlying logic of investment allows ordinary people to master and identify the method of purchasing promotion assets and the method of creating promotion assets, which is also very good for me.
Because when I teach everyone, I can quickly sort out and classify the too many fragmented knowledge in my mind, so that I can have a big one.