  • 股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁炒股技术知识:高手炒股三四五六Stock Dianzhong stock trading robot system computer version lease stock trading technical knowledge: master stocks three, four, five, six

    股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁炒股技术知识:高手炒股三四五六Stock Dianzhong stock trading robot system computer version lease stock trading technical knowledge: master stocks three, four, five, six


    If you want to eat meat in stocks, you must learn what three, four, five, six, three, four, five, six are? Three, four, five is critical. But six is ​​the most critical.
    Third, the number of individual stocks held by retail investors should not exceed three. The most common mistake many people make is to see a lover and a nympho. Others say this is good, um, I’ll buy some to try, and I heard that it’s a leader.
    I also bought some for a try, and bought ten or even more by accident. When he opened his account, he couldn't even see the green stock market.
    How much energy do you have, three wives and four concubines are not enough, do you use it? Many tens of millions of large funds have no more than three to five positions. Remember not to be sentimental everywhere.
    At most, it can be half-hearted, and then most of the breakthroughs in key technical pressure points will occur in the fourth time.
    According to statistics, the probability of the third breakthrough is only 30%, and the probability of the fourth breakthrough is as high as 80%.
    As the saying goes, there are no more than three things. If the first three breakthroughs fail, then the fourth breakthrough is the one with the highest success rate. The same is true for breaking the support.
    If it is said that after the triple ceremony, there is a fourth bottoming, then this bottom is often unable to hold the fifth to fifty percent position. Don't listen to that Mr. XX told you that he crossed that line.
    You fill me up with the broken thread, and you will immediately clear it. In fact, many times you will find that the opportunities you think are often risks, what you think.
    Risks are often opportunities. In the end, your account shrinks faster than the Rockets, and the half position can be relatively attackable.
    Retreat can be defended. The most important thing is the 60-day moving average. Many people will tell you that you have to follow the trend when doing stocks. So this trend is actually a trend.
    So how to judge the trend? The 60-day moving average is the simplest trend watershed. When the price has been running above the 60-day moving average, and the moving average is constantly diverging upwards.
    Then it can be understood that this is an upward trend, and we must focus on it. On the contrary, stocks that have been running below the 60-day moving average, and the moving average diverges downward at the same time.
    This is called a downward trend, so don't pay attention to it, don't go to the bottom, this is the easiest way to follow the trend. Do a good job of three, four, five, six, let you continue.

  • 股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁炒股知识:会买的是徒弟会卖的是师傅,会空仓的才是高手The computer version of the stock trading robot system of the stock code clock leasing stock trading knowledge: it is the apprentice who buys it, the master who sells it, and the master who knows short positions

    股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁炒股知识:会买的是徒弟会卖的是师傅,会空仓的才是高手The computer version of the stock trading robot system of the stock code clock leasing stock trading knowledge: it is the apprentice who buys it, the master who sells it, and the master who knows short positions


    For stocks, the apprentices will buy the masters, and the short positions will be the masters. Many people know this, but there are actually very few people who can do it in the stock market. In the stock market, there are actually two relationships between investors and stocks and funds.
    One is that you have picked the right stock and it is in good time, so you will own it for a long time. It's like you have picked a suitable wife or husband.
    Yangtze River water. What about the other, you are still waiting, you have not found a suitable partner, then you may have to wait, right? That is the short position. It's like you might not find the right boyfriend or girlfriend yet.
    Then you can't always own it. If you always have a good one, it will be embarrassing, so short positions are necessary. So what do we do while we wait? I think it's just reading a book or doing something else.
    You personally.

  • 股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁行业投资资讯:国产光刻机产业链Stock Dianzhong Stock Trading Robot System Computer Edition Leasing Industry Investment Information

    股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁行业投资资讯:国产光刻机产业链Stock Dianzhong Stock Trading Robot System Computer Edition Leasing Industry Investment Information


    能获得高功率、高重频窄带宽的相干辐射波长可覆盖从泰克斯到机子外扩段大功率的e u v 光源是e u v 光刻机的核心技术。
    并且公司二十八纳米节点光刻机预计在今年就会造出来光刻机市场多大,一台e u v 光刻机售价就超过一亿美元。现在全球都在闹芯片荒。
    To solve the stuck neck problem, the independent research and development of Optical Technology is expected to achieve new breakthroughs. Yesterday, Tsinghua University's Department of Engineering Physics Professor Tang's research group released a major scientific research result. This is a new type of particle accelerator light source steady-state crisis technique.
    A high-power, high-repetition frequency and narrow-bandwidth coherent radiation wavelength that can cover the high-power e u v light source from the tex to the external extension of the machine is the core technology of the e u v lithography machine.
    This research result is expected to solve the stuck neck problem that has been restricting the technological breakthrough of domestic advertising machines.
    The light source has always been the key to the upgrade of lithography machine technology. One of the important reasons why the domestic optical machine is still at the level of ninety nanometers is that the light source technology has not resumed work for a long time.
    Therefore, this news is a huge boon for the chip industry, and companies that do lithography machines directly benefit. Who is the leader of the domestic lithography machine? Of course, Shanghai Microelectronics, its 90-nanometer node lithography machine represents the most advanced level of domestic lithography machine.
    And the company's 28-nanometer node lithography machine is expected to be built this year. How big is the lithography machine market? An e u v lithography machine sells for more than 100 million US dollars. Now there is a chip shortage all over the world.
    As long as the lithography machine can be built, it will be snatched wildly. If Shanghai Microelectronics goes public, it is estimated that he has already reached the daily limit, but what should he do if he is not listed? To dig out the shareholders behind him.
    This company holds more than 10% of the shares in upstream electronics, the most among all listed companies, and the company is mainly engaged in venture capital, and has abundant resources in high-tech industries such as chips.
    And the market layout, the recent market adjustment is just right.

  • 股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁行业投资资讯:自动驾驶Stock Dianzhong Stock Trading Robot System Computer Edition Leasing Industry Investment Information: Autonomous Driving Industry 产业

    股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁行业投资资讯:自动驾驶Stock Dianzhong Stock Trading Robot System Computer Edition Leasing Industry Investment Information: Autonomous Driving Industry 产业


    未来的反击来了,今年刚开始特斯拉model y 大降价的事儿就闹得沸沸扬扬。三十三点九九万的起售价比同级别的未来e s 六三十五点八万元的起售价还要低。
    未来被竞争打击,就这样看着特斯拉抢走自己的市场嘛,开玩笑。本周六未来会发布首款旗舰轿车,这款轿车将搭载未来最新的l 四级别自动驾驶技术,并且会配备一百五十千瓦时的电。
    十足续航里程有望突破九百公里。在性能方面,玩月model 三特斯拉model y 降价打的未来措手不及,这次轮到未来出招了,很多人担心倒车新势力竞争不过特斯拉。
    未来已经告诉我们了,就是自动驾驶未来本周六发布的轿车将会搭载未来最新的l 四级别自动驾驶技术,这意味着自动驾驶技术已经开始向下渗透。
    接下来将进入放量期,其中一家公司是未来自动驾驶技术的供应商,并且公司第一代车载终端产品已经开始量产是全球首个五g v 二x 量产项目。
    The counterattack in the future is coming. At the beginning of this year, the price of Tesla model y was greatly reduced. The starting price of 339,900 yuan is lower than the future e s of the same level of 635,800 yuan.
    The future will be hit by competition, just watch Tesla take away its market like this, kidding. The first flagship sedan will be released this Saturday in the future. This sedan will be equipped with the latest four-level autopilot technology in the future and will be equipped with 150 kilowatt-hours of electricity.
    The full cruising range is expected to exceed 900 kilometers. In terms of performance, the future of playing model three Tesla model y was caught off guard. This time it is the turn of the future to make a move. Many people worry that the new forces in reversing will not be able to compete with Tesla.
    In fact, the development of new energy vehicles has just begun. At present, the sales of new energy vehicles account for only 5%. This is an incremental market that is far from the stage of stock competition.
    Regardless of Tesla's happily playing with the future, it is the traditional fuel vehicles that are actually hit, and the new energy vehicle industry chain is the real beneficiary besides consumers. So we can see the Ningde era.
    It is still continuing to new highs, and the market value is close to one trillion, but it has risen too much, and there is more than one in the new energy vehicle industry chain. There are many other opportunities to explore in your era, there is an opportunity.
    The future has already told us that the auto-driving car released on Saturday will be equipped with the latest four-level autopilot technology in the future, which means that autopilot technology has begun to penetrate downward.
    It will enter a period of heavy volume next. One of the companies is a supplier of future autonomous driving technology, and the company's first generation of in-vehicle terminal products has begun mass production, which is the world's first 5g v 2x mass production project.
    With the popularization of autonomous driving technology, the company has room for growth.

  • 股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版炒股心得:炒股聪明人三不急Stock trading experience of the computer version of the stock trading robot system of the stock code clock: three smart people are not anxious when trading stocks

    股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版炒股心得:炒股聪明人三不急Stock trading experience of the computer version of the stock trading robot system of the stock code clock: three smart people are not anxious when trading stocks


    There are three wise men.
    Okay, let's walk into this article together to taste the truth slowly.
    As the old saying goes, haste is not fast.
    The more you worry about many things, the easier it is to make mistakes, but the harder it is to get things done.
    Anxiety not only can't solve any problems, it can also bring down the mentality.
    Ok. Life needs to find the right direction, one step at a time in order to go further and smoothly.
    The trilogy of wise men, first of all, is not eager to be famous.
    Whether a person is good or not famous is not to be praised by himself, but to be recognized by everyone. People's reputation is not overnight.
    Can be recognized, but slowly talk about it.
    There is a saying that talented people are not afraid of namelessness, reputation is imaginary, and ability is real. The most taboo thing about being a man and doing things is.
    Anxious to be famous.
    Because you are eager to be famous, you will lose your way, and you will fail when you do anything. Only when you take your time, use your true ability to press down, and gain fame, is truly admirable.
    There are three wise men. The second thing is to do things without rushing for profit.
    There is a saying that the prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit.
    Everyone loves Li, but doing things too fast for quick success will make things more difficult.
    People who are eager for quick success will easily give up halfway, and those who are not eager for quick success can get twice the result with half the effort.
    As mentioned in the 10,000-hour genius theory, it takes at least 10,000 hours of effort to become an expert in a certain field.
    Then 10,000 hours are broken down into eight hours a day, five days a week, and it takes five years to make persistent efforts.
    As the saying goes, if you can’t eat hot tofu if you are anxious, eager for quick success and quick benefits is a stumbling block to accomplishing great things.
    Time will give feedback.
    There are three wise men. The third thing is that there is no need to worry about the way of life.
    Nowadays, society pays attention to everything fast, but a lot of things have been lost in the process.
    Fast food can't experience the happiness of food.
    Read it quickly. Can't taste the essence of the book.
    One's life is anxious to miss the beauty, and only slow can keep the years.
    Not satisfied with a little achievement.
    Just think of every way to speed up and make yourself successful.
    Forget about taking every step well.
    It is difficult for anxious people to appreciate the joy of life.
    You have to eat one bite at a time, and you have to walk step by step.
    People can walk more steadily and farther only if they walk steadily and calmly.
    There is a saying that life is not simple, try to live as simple as possible.
    A person’s life is so long as anxious, and so long as it is slow, so the key is not speed, but quality.
    Anxiety makes people ignore the beauty and lose happiness.
    Not everything is as fast as possible, and sometimes it is a kind of wisdom in life to take it slowly.
    The beauty of people lies not in the destination, but in the scenery along the way.
    Why not hurry if life is too late.
    Slowly look at the scenery and savor life carefully.
    Start every minute.

  • 股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁行业投资资讯:军工无人机产业Stock Dianzhong Stock Trading Robot System Computer Edition Leasing Industry Investment Information: Military UAV Industry

    股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁行业投资资讯:军工无人机产业Stock Dianzhong Stock Trading Robot System Computer Edition Leasing Industry Investment Information: Military UAV Industry


    In the military industry news, the military equipment regulations have just been officially released, and there is a saying that this is the first time for the national defense military industry to fully focus on preparing for war.
    The opportunity came. The base of the fighter aircraft shared earlier was ten centimeters today, but the strong seal failed to keep up. Then I listened carefully. In the recent local conflicts, one thing appeared more and more frequently.
    It is an unmanned aerial vehicle. For example, in the Naqqa conflict, the Arab side used the aerial strike capability of the unmanned aerial vehicle. Military unmanned aerial vehicles have the advantages of low cost, low maintenance and no need for pilots. It will become more and more important in future wars.
    Therefore, there is a big opportunity for UAVs in the military industry. my country’s UAVs started late, and the market size in 2015 was only 6.6 billion yuan. However, it has developed rapidly in recent years, and it is now available.
    Pterosaur Jianglong unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, sword unmanned fighter. Last year, the drone market reached 35.9 billion yuan, a four-fold increase, with an annual growth rate of 52%, and it is expected to reach 2224 billion by 2025. Yuan, five times more.
    We have performed well in those markets in the past, whether it is photovoltaics or new energy vehicles, which have one characteristic, that is, rapid growth. UAVs also have this feature, which not only meets the needs of future wars, but also continues to increase orders.
    Therefore, in the future, the drones may also come out of big cows such as Longji shares and Ningde era. One of the companies is the leader of domestic drones, and the strength of military drones is the first in China. and.
    It is the only unit that has both complete aircraft and missile development capabilities. As the demand for drones continues to be released, the company's growth space will be broader.

  • 股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版行业投资资讯:周期品种(铜、铝)Stock Dianzhong Stock Trading Robot System Computer Edition Industry Investment Information: Cycle Varieties (Copper, Aluminum)

    股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版行业投资资讯:周期品种(铜、铝)Stock Dianzhong Stock Trading Robot System Computer Edition Industry Investment Information: Cycle Varieties (Copper, Aluminum)


    周期主要看宏观经济,目前国内的宏观经济持续向好,工业生产全面回暖,预计二零二零年四季度g d p 同比增长百分之五点五。
    是全球唯一保持正增长的大国。今年一季度因为基数低,所以增速会更快。g d p 同比增长超过百分之十,问题不大。
    Is there still a chance for the cycle? Last year, the cycle rose by a wave, but it was obviously not full of happiness. Recently, many people are asking if there is any chance in the cycle, and I will tell you today.
    The cycle mainly depends on the macro economy. At present, the domestic macro economy continues to improve, and industrial production is picking up in an all-round way. It is expected that g d p in the fourth quarter of 2020 will increase by 5.5% year-on-year.
    It is the only major country in the world that maintains positive growth. Because of the low base in the first quarter of this year, the growth rate will be faster. g d p increased by more than 10% year-on-year, which is not a big problem.
    More institutions predict that with a year-on-year growth of 20%, rapid economic growth will drive the price of cyclical products. This has already been demonstrated in cyclical products such as coal and aluminum last year.
    Coupled with the introduction of vaccines on the market, after the epidemic is brought under control, foreign economies will also recover, which will also boost the cyclical market. So how to grasp the opportunity of the cycle? When it comes to cycles, everyone thinks of coal.
    Zhengzhou Coal and Electricity has quadrupled in two months, which is impressive. Although the demand for coal is very good, the price of thermal coal has been limited to 640 yuan per ton last year.
    The issue of price limit will affect the market's valuation of the coal sector, so it is difficult to have a big opportunity to talk about steel, which is also a typical cyclical industry. But iron ore is an international commodity.
    The trend of price increases is difficult to reverse, which has brought a lot of cost pressure to the steel industry, so it is difficult to have a market. The one that looks promising at the moment is colored.
    International copper and aluminum prices continued to strengthen, aluminum prices hit a new high in the past two years, and the same price hit a new high since 2013. After the period of global economic and financial recovery.
    Copper and aluminum prices may strengthen again. Last year, the non-ferrous sector moved out of Huafeng Aluminum and nearly doubled in half a month. This opportunity will reappear in the future. One of the companies is the leading domestic aluminum company.
    Relying on cost and technical advantages, it continues to obtain excess profits, and the company has realized the upgrade from traditional processing to high-end manufacturing. As the economy continues to recover.
    The company's growth space is expected to be further opened up.

  • 股 典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版行业投资资讯:粮食产业玉米种子Dianzhong Stock Trading Robot System Computer Edition Industry Investment Information: Corn Seed for Grain Industry

    股 典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版行业投资资讯:粮食产业玉米种子Dianzhong Stock Trading Robot System Computer Edition Industry Investment Information: Corn Seed for Grain Industry


    2021 is here, and the new year is new. Here, first of all, I wish you all the best for catching the account of Daniu lightning pit Changhong. Regarding the views on the market this year, institutions are generally optimistic about the spring disturbance.
    So what are the specific opportunities? Next, I will share with you one after another. Therefore, we must pay attention to the annual No. 1 document is about agriculture, and the agricultural sector has always had the tradition of spring market.
    So we will talk about agriculture in the first video of the new year.
    At present, the core topic of agriculture is food security, which not only puts it in the first place, but also repeatedly emphasizes that the seed industry has mentioned it for the first time recently.
    We must resolutely fight the seed industry's turnaround. Many people find it strange that our hybrid rice output is so high, why the seed industry has to turn around?
    That's just hybrid rice. From the perspective of the global seed market share, the top few do not have a Chinese company. Many of the corn seeds we use are belts.
    And the share of corn in the seed market is the highest, reaching 23%. Therefore, the key to a good turnaround in the seed industry lies in corn seeds.
    And after supply-side reforms in recent years, corn seed stocks are at a low level. Taking into account the significant increase in corn planting efficiency this year and the recovery of feed demand brought about by the restoration of pig stocks.
    The demand for corn seeds will increase significantly, and the contradiction between supply and demand will also promote the market for corn seeds. We will look for the next opportunity in corn seeds.
    One of the companies is the domestic leader in corn seeds and has abundant reserves of corn genetically modified technology. Genetically modified in this turning over of corn seeds.
    It is the key core technology of agriculture, as the application continues to deepen, the company is expected to directly benefit.

  • 股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁行业投资资讯:国防军工产业链Stock Dianzhong Stock Trading Robot System Computer Edition Leasing Industry Investment Information: National Defense Industry Chain

    股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁行业投资资讯:国防军工产业链Stock Dianzhong Stock Trading Robot System Computer Edition Leasing Industry Investment Information: National Defense Industry Chain


    四代机歼二零仅列装了十九架,而美军已经拥有一百七十七架f 二十二和一百九十六架f 三十五,并且我们周边的日韩陆续采购f 三十五,使得我们在四代机竞争中逐渐失去优势。
    What are the opportunities in the new year? Let’s talk about the military industry today. Not long ago, I just put forward the brand new century-old goal of ensuring the achievement of the century-old goal of building the army by 2027.
    This previously proposed time point for the realization of national defense and military modernization in 2035 is further advanced. To achieve this goal, we need to accelerate the modernization of weapons and equipment.
    Accelerate the upgrading and intelligent development of the future. The number of new advanced weapons and equipment purchases is expected to increase significantly, and the relevant military industry chain is expected to benefit. What are the specifics?
    Military aircraft is one of them. In terms of quantity, the current number of my country's military aircraft is 3,260, while the number of US military aircraft is 13,232, which is four times ours. In terms of structure, our military's military aircraft are mainly second-generation and third-generation aircraft.
    The fourth-generation J-20 has only 19 installed, while the US military already has 177 f 22 and 196 f 35, and our neighboring Japan and South Korea have successively purchased f 3 Fifteenth, we gradually lose our advantage in the competition of fourth-generation machines.
    Therefore, the shortcomings of the next four generations of aircraft are expected to be made up as soon as possible, and the number may increase significantly, which brings opportunities for the J-20 industry chain. One of these companies is the only one in China.
    The entire fighter aircraft is the standard, and the carrier-based aircraft on the aircraft carrier is also provided by the company. In the next five years, with the development of the Air Force and Navy, the company's growth space will be broader.

  • 股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁行业投资资讯:新能源动力电池Stock Dianzhong Stock Trading Robot System Computer Edition Leasing Industry Investment Information: New Energy Power Battery

    股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁行业投资资讯:新能源动力电池Stock Dianzhong Stock Trading Robot System Computer Edition Leasing Industry Investment Information: New Energy Power Battery


    国产model 三一共经历了五次调价,以标准续航后驱升级版车型为例,其价格由最初的三十五点五八万元降到目前的二十四点九九万元。
    降了近十一万,这次真的要涨价了吗?未必。尽管经历多次降价,特斯拉毛利率仍然很高。据测算,国产model 三的成本大概是十八点八七万元。
    在model 三的成本中,电池成本占了百分之三十八,而动力电池价格下降是必然趋势。预计到二零二六年,动力电池市场平均价格。
    降低一半到零点三九元每瓦时,以入门级model 三为例,每台车的电池包成本将由四点五万元下降到二点一万元,降低一半以上。
    Tesla is going to increase prices. Recently, Tesla China executives said that the goal of Tesla's localization rate has been basically achieved, and it is unlikely that prices will continue to be reduced in the future. If the price of raw materials or parts rises in the future.
    Tesla electric cars are not without price increases. You may need to know that Tesla has cut prices in the past two years, but it hasn't stopped. From October last year to October this year.
    The domestic model Sany has undergone five price adjustments. Taking the upgraded version of the standard battery life rear-drive model as an example, its price has dropped from the initial 355.8 million yuan to the current 249900 yuan.
    It has dropped by nearly 110,000. Is the price really going to increase this time? not necessarily. Despite many price cuts, Tesla's gross profit margin is still high. According to calculations, the cost of the domestic model 3 is about 188,700 yuan.
    The profit per vehicle is 61,200 yuan, and the gross profit margin is 25%. Compared with peers, this is already very high. BYD's gross profit margin was about 20%, which was only about 10% lower in the previous period.
    In the cost of Model 3, battery costs accounted for 38%, and the decline in power battery prices is an inevitable trend. It is estimated that by 2026, the average market price of power batteries.
    Will drop to one hundred dollars per kilowatt-hour, Tesla’s battery cost will only be lower, and according to Tesla’s own goals, by 2025, the battery pack cost is expected to be from 0.81 yuan per watt hour .
    Reduce by half to 0.39 yuan per watt-hour. Taking the entry-level Model 3 as an example, the cost of battery packs per car will be reduced from 45,000 yuan to 210,000 yuan, which is more than half.
    According to this plan, Tesla may be cheaper than gasoline vehicles. Musk himself said that in about three years, a fully self-driving car with a price of US$25,000 can be manufactured.
    It is equivalent to about RMB 160,000, which is less than 200,000. To achieve this goal, Tesla's production and sales have to go to a higher level. Facing the decline in subsidies for new energy vehicles starting next year.
    Compared to price increases, Tesla is more likely to cut prices again.

  • 股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁行业投资资讯:新能源充电桩Stock Dianzhong stock trading robot system computer version leasing industry investment information: new energy charging pile

    股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁行业投资资讯:新能源充电桩Stock Dianzhong stock trading robot system computer version leasing industry investment information: new energy charging pile


    The latest news from Tesla's supercharger factory is that the Tesla Supercharger Pile Factory in Shanghai's Lingang New Area is under intense construction. The equipment installation has begun to take shape and will soon be put into operation.
    Following the new energy vehicles, the opportunity for charging piles is also coming. As of the second quarter, the number of new energy vehicles in my country was 4.17 million, while the number of charging piles was only 560,000.
    The vehicle pile ratio is seven to one, the charging pile is seriously insufficient, and the huge demand gap also means a broad market prospect. According to the new energy vehicle industry development plan.
    By 2025, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in my country will increase to 20%. Now it is only 5%. There is still four times the room for growth. This will also bring about the rapid growth of charging piles.
    According to the current policy goal of one vehicle, one pile, it is estimated that by 2030, the number of charging piles in my country will reach 29.81 million, which is now.
    Eighteen. Therefore, charging piles will enjoy the dual benefits of the growth of new energy vehicles and the increase in the allocation ratio. New energy vehicles are out of a company that triples in a year like BYD.
    Next, charging piles are expected to replicate the performance of new energy vehicles. One of the companies is a leading domestic charging pile company, and the total number of charging piles is the first in the country.
    The charging capacity has increased by 105% in the past four years. The annual output of Tesla charging piles is only 10,000, which is almost negligible compared with the current demand gap of 3 million.
    As the leader of domestic charging piles, the company will be even more.

  • 股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁行业投资资讯:国际空间站工程Stock Dianzhong Stock Trading Robot System Computer Edition Leasing Industry Investment Information: International Space Station Project

    股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁行业投资资讯:国际空间站工程Stock Dianzhong Stock Trading Robot System Computer Edition Leasing Industry Investment Information: International Space Station Project


    天宫空间站要来了,目前我国空间站建造任务已经全面开启,空间站试验核心舱和发射用的长征五号b 遥二火箭的研制工作已经完成。
    The Tiangong space station is coming, and the construction of my country's space station has been fully launched. The development of the space station's test core module and the Long March 5b Yao-2 rocket for launch has been completed.
    The opportunity to launch the core module aerospace sector next spring is here. The demand for missiles from the military sector has given birth to Hongdu Aviation’s three times as many aerospace in half a year. Next, the construction demand of the space station was driven.
    Who can become the aerospace sector of aviation will be announced immediately. my country proposed a three-step development strategy for manned spaceflight in 1992. The first step is to launch a manned spacecraft.
    The second step is for the astronauts to move out of the space, the rendezvous and docking of the aircraft and the launch of the space laboratory have also been completed, and the third step of construction is now underway.
    In the next two years, my country will conduct as many as eleven high-density launches of the space station. It is expected that the space station orbit construction plan will be completed around 2022. In addition.
    The International Space Station has experienced multiple air leaks and it is likely to be forced to decommission in 2024. By that time, only my country's space station may still be operating in outer space.
    At present, nine projects from 17 countries and 23 entities have been selected for the Tiangong Space Station, and there will be more and more similar projects in the future, which will further accelerate the development of my country's aerospace field.
    Therefore, on the one hand, there is the huge demand for our space station construction in the near future, and on the other hand, the demand transferred from the long-term international space station decommissioning. Both factors will continue to promote.
    Aerospace use, so which companies will benefit? In fact, the major aerospace institutes are basically responsible for the construction of the space station, such as the core module that will be launched next spring.
    It is the 5th Academy of Aerospace in charge. It is worth noting that one of the listed companies affiliated to these institutes is controlled by the Fifth Aerospace Academy and is mainly responsible for the manufacture of small satellites.
    And the company also has a layout in the field of satellite communications. With the rapid development of my country's aerospace market in the future, the company's growth space will be broader.

  • 股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁行业投资资讯:光伏单晶弩配件光伏玻璃Stock Dianzhong stock trading robot system computer version leasing industry investment information: photovoltaic monocrystalline crossbow accessories photovoltaic glass

    股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁行业投资资讯:光伏单晶弩配件光伏玻璃Stock Dianzhong stock trading robot system computer version leasing industry investment information: photovoltaic monocrystalline crossbow accessories photovoltaic glass


    There is also a shortage of photovoltaic monocrystalline furnace accessories. Due to the strong demand for downstream photovoltaic installations, there has been a shortage of photovoltaic glass prices before. Fleet doubled in a month.
    Now the demand for stand-alone machines is also rising, which leads to carbon-carbon hot-field materials. Guo Bang and other stand-alone parts are hard to find, and the opportunity to explore everyday materials is here. So who will become the Flett in Tantan Hot Field Materials?
    Effective immediately.
    The thermal field material is an indispensable accessory in the single crystal furnace. my country started late in this regard. In the early stage of the development of the photovoltaic industry, single crystal drawing furnaces, polycrystalline ingot casting furnaces, and thermal field system component materials.
    Mainly use imported high-purity, high-strength, net pressure graphite.
    However, the high cost of the graphite thermal field system is not in line with the development direction of the photovoltaic industry to reduce costs and expand the scale, especially in the single crystal furnace straightening room whose capacity is from 16 inches to 20 inches.
    Rapid development to the current 26 inches and 28 inches. The brittleness of waiting for pressure reduction after the thermal field has been unable to meet the requirements of the use of large thermal fields in terms of safety, therefore.
    Gradually replaced by carbon-based composite materials.
    Due to the high technical barriers to the R&D and manufacturing of carbon-based composite materials, there are not many companies that can be found in the market to make thermal field materials. One of them is the gold foil shares listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board.
    It has risen by nearly 50% this week.
    But after all, it is too high. The company's Tantan Nissan material is expected to be completed and put into production next year, with an additional annual output of 650 tons of carbon-carbon thermal field materials, which is expected to have a production capacity three times that of gold foil.
    And the price is much cheaper than Jinbo. As the photovoltaic industry continues to grow rapidly, the company's growth space will be more photovoltaic.

  • 股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁行业投资资讯量子通信模拟器Stock Code Clock Stock Trading Robot System Computer Edition Leasing Industry Investment Information Quantum Communication Simulator

    股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版租赁行业投资资讯量子通信模拟器Stock Code Clock Stock Trading Robot System Computer Edition Leasing Industry Investment Information Quantum Communication Simulator


    New progress in the quantum field. Alibaba just released the quantum development platform and opened a full open source quantum simulator at two o'clock, which will help my country's research and application exploration in the quantum field.
    The opportunity of quantum concept has come. Quantum technology can be said to be the Mount Everest of science and technology. So where are the opportunities it brings? Don't worry, then continue listening. Not long ago, Chinese scientists just completed the construction of a quantum computing prototype with 76 photons.
    Nine chapters and realized the fast solution of Gaussian sampling task with practical prospects. This is 10 billion times faster than the quantum computing prototype Platanus released by Google last year. You can say me.
    my country's quantum technology is the world leader, and the application of quantum technology is relatively mature is quantum communication. Quantum communication is unbreakable and highly secure. Traditional encryption technology.
    At present, the wide-area quantum communication backbone network is under construction, and it is planned to build 32 quantum communication metropolitan area networks. In the future, as the industrialization of quantum technology continues to mature.
    The era of large-scale commercialization of quantum communications is coming. It is estimated that by 2025, the quantum communications market will exceed 100 billion.
    Every technological advancement will give birth to great companies. It is believed that such companies will also appear in the quantum communication field in the future, and one of them is the first company in China to develop quantum communication technology.
    Industrialized companies mainly provide quantum communication equipment. The products and technologies of the company have been fully verified, and the second largest shareholder has officially developed quantum computing.
    Professor Pan Jianwei of the nine chapters of the prototype is the purest quantum communication target. With the continuous advancement of the industrialization of quantum communications in the future, the company's growth space will be further opened.

  • 散户的钱是如何被主力赚走的How is retail money earned by the main force

    散户的钱是如何被主力赚走的How is retail money earned by the main force


    How is your money earned by the main force? Know yourself and the enemy, and a hundred battles will never end. We come to the market to speculate. Since we are speculating, we know what speculation is.
    Hype is hype.
    But are we noisy? No, who is arguing, the main force is arguing.
    Because we do not have the ability to speculate prices up or down, who can speculate prices up and down? It is the main force. Why can the main force be hyped, but we can’t?
    The reason is simple. We know that there is a thing called a circulating disk in the market, and every stock has its circulating disk. Then this circulation plate is the total number of chips that can be traded in this market.
    There is a saying that the scarcity is the most expensive. When there are fewer and fewer tradable chips in the market, then the price is more controllable.
    If the chips flow more, then its price controllability is relatively small. This is what we find in the market sometimes the price will rise quickly.
    But sometimes, the price is always holding, so what caused this? Even when trading is not active in this market, prices are usually fluctuating.
    Then when this transaction is active, the price will fluctuate. So how can price fluctuations be formed? Is trading active? That is, the fewer chips in the market.
    The more people who buy and the fewer people who sell, there will be a price fluctuation at this time. People may not understand it this way, and some new friends may not understand it. Let me give you an example.
    Now you are a businessman and you want to do the egg business. How do you want to monopolize the eggs in your city?
    The first step is to collect all the eggs from the chicken farms around your city. After the collection, you will not supply them.
    Are there fewer and fewer eggs in the market in your warehouse? At this time, is the demand in the market growing, and many people want to buy eggs, do they want to eat them? He wants to buy. At this time, you just don’t sell it.
    Then the price of eggs is affected by the relationship between supply and demand. Is the price of eggs more and more expensive? At this time.
    You didn't sell eggs for five yuan, and the market has fewer and fewer eggs. Then you can sell them for six dollars, seven dollars, and eight dollars. Even if you say I want to sell eggs for 100 yuan a catty, how to do it?
    Then the natural transaction in this market definitely cannot form this price, what should I do? You need to create themes. Just talk.
    Find a reason, find a subject, and say what kind of benefits the ability to eat eggs will bring to our lives, or what positive impact it has on our health.
    At this time, some bosses felt that eating eggs was so good, but now the eggs have begun to have their value. Then I want to sell it for one hundred yuan a jin, you see if you can sell it.
    Okay, because as long as someone is willing to spend 100 yuan to buy your egg, then your egg price can be set at 100 yuan, because there is a deal? Right? If you sell it for 100 yuan, someone buys it for 100 yuan, and the price of the egg will be sold at 100.
    So as long as there is a transaction, everyone will slowly recognize the price. That's why the price is up. So how do we operate our market? The same is true.
    In the first step, the main force must buy as much of the chips in the circulation as possible into their own hands. The more chips he buys on this circulation plate, the fewer chips he has in circulation.
    At this time, the price is more manipulable. As long as there is still demand, the price will inevitably rise.
    So we know what the first step of the main force is to do, which is called opening a position. What is the purpose of opening a position? It is to put most of the chips in the circulation plate, he tried his best to hold himself here.
    And usually the price is very low at this time, because the price will not rise very high before the hype. He will buy a large amount of low-cost chips at a very low price. This process is called opening a position.
    Then think about it, if the price is very low, then the investor is willing to sell this bargaining chip to him at a low price, it must be unwilling. But how can he be at a very low price.
    Buy your chips, there is only one way to scare you.
    Out all kinds of news.
    Use the negative things in various markets to stimulate you, so that you dare not hold this stock anymore, and then let you reluctantly sell it to him.
    We often see it in the market, right? Why do many of our friends say that I have been carrying it for a long time, I have been carrying it for half a year, I have been carrying it for a year, I really dare not carry it here, right? The market felt like it was going to collapse, so I didn't dare to carry it. I sold one of my own.
    The price has risen. What is the reason? Are you really unable to hold it? No, it is affected by external factors in the market. You if you.
    If you don't hear anything outside the window and don't know anything, I believe you will hold it. It is precisely because you go everywhere to inquire about the news, to read the news everywhere, and to read so many things, once they are used by the main force, you happen to sell it.
    If you don’t post anything, I believe you won’t sell it either.
    Is it true that after selling to the main force, after the main force has bought a large number of chips at low prices, then there are fewer chips in the market? What should I do at this time?
    It's impossible for the main force to hold so many chips to keep it. What does he need to do? He needs to pull the price from low to high to sell it, and then get the difference from it. The main force is also doing this.
    What then? Pull up.
    Right, he wants to raise the price. Then in the process of pulling up, because there are very few chips outside, as long as he wants to buy and sell.
    It's very rare, right? Because if you want to sell it, you have already sold it. Then if the price is raised again, fewer and fewer people will sell, because all the people who sell the chips will be.
    He will take them all back. Then it becomes a unilateral buyer's market at this time. So if it becomes a unilateral buyer's market, that price will continue to rise, so wait until the price reaches a certain level.
    The main force wants to sell you a large amount of chips that they bought at a low price. How can they sell it to you? We investors are not stupid, nor stupid, right?
    It has risen from ten dollars to fifty dollars, and then you also know that the main force is the cost of ten dollars, now fifty dollars are sold to you, will you take it? You must be afraid to pick it up.
    Then why can he let you pick it up?
    Have you thought about this problem? Turn on the TV to see the stock reviews.
    You will know why, because you are listening to the company's good performance.
    Products have hot spots. Uh, this company has hot spots, and what new products and concepts it has developed? It is this kind of thing that makes you feel that this stock is so good, if you hold it in the future.
    There is a higher profit margin and a greater profit margin. Then I can't, then I have to buy some, or else what should I do if I miss this opportunity? Then, there are some critics.
    Ah, let me tell you that the stock has good performance and strong potential. In addition, there is a concept that the future medium and long-term development potential is very huge. It is recommended that investors hold the medium and long-term.
    Do you just hold it, right? Then, what would he do?
    Everyone is so eager to buy, what is the main force? Then don’t hurry up and sell it to you, right? That is not the main force to sell you quickly. Then everyone will find out how will he sell during the selling process?
    Many friends said that if you receive a big Yinxian, will the main force sell it? I will tell you when the main force really distributes it, he will definitely not sell it like that. If you take a big Yinxian and scare you away early, you will not dare to buy it.
    He will definitely use a very gentle way to swing sideways at high positions. We all know that our retail accounts do transactions.
    What is one reason you bought the stock and the reason you sold the stock? After most of our investor friends buy stocks, you lose money and do not sell.
    If you don’t make money, you will sell if you make money.
    Think about it, is this our transaction? If you buy a stock now for fifty yuan, you bought a stock, and the stock has been fluctuating between fifty-one and forty-nine, would you sell it?
    You must not sell, why? Don’t you sell if you don’t make money? You will not sell if you do not reach your desired goal.
    Isn't it possible under any circumstances that you will sell the stock you bought at fifty, suddenly fifty-five or sixty, and you ran away, right? There is also a situation where there is no reason why you do not sell.
    Fifty forty-nine, forty-eight, forty-nine, and then you will not sell because of the decline. Then the main force is to take advantage of the mentality of our investors.
    Then he firmly controlled the price, for example, from ten yuan to fifty yuan, he would firmly control the price to fluctuate around fifty yuan. Then a shock is three months to half a year.
    Then, you gradually get used to this process. You think this stock is very safe. You can't resist the fall. If you can't fall down, you can't fall down. You are not willing to sell. Then add the mountains outside to you.
    Ah, the news in the external market is being deleted for you, saying that the stock reform has good performance and full potential. It is fanning the wind every day, people are here sideways, and the wind is fanning outside. You will firmly hold this stock.
    Isn’t that the case? Then, whether it’s three months, half a year, or even a longer period of time, it’s better to sell it to you bit by bit. After many of our friends got this stock, they were still there every day.
    Very happy, very happy. Waiting for the next wave of market to explode, in fact, you don't know that the main force has slowly turned all the chips into your hands. Then one day when the main chips are all transferred to this day in retail investors.
    What are the consequences? One can imagine. The next step is.
    Fei Liu went down three thousand feet, and it didn't matter how much I fell.

  • 炒股机器人有多厉害How powerful is the stock trading robot

    炒股机器人有多厉害How powerful is the stock trading robot


    Do you know why it is increasingly impossible for retail investors to make money in this market? Because there is something in our market that is becoming more and more mature, it is called quantitative investment, that is, the machine is completing this transaction, that is, the strategy of selecting stocks at the time is written as an algorithm and a mathematical model is used.
    Human subjective judgment, and then use machine operation instead of human to trade, it can select those high probability events that can bring excess returns from massive historical data to formulate investment strategies. Of course he will also calculate the value model.
    Arbitrage opportunities can also be found. So you will find a quantitative private equity fund, it is especially like a top technical genre player, right? He looks invincible on the board. At the same time, he has several characteristics.
    The first feature is strong discipline, right? He is absolutely not disturbed by emotions. How your strategy and method are modeled, he will execute it. The second is that it is systematic, it can not only contain multiple varieties, it can contain multiple strategies.
    The most important thing is that it can handle massive historical data models. Of course, the third is actually fast. You will never be able to compete with the machine at hand speed. Well, you are a master, you have made a judgment before your finger touches the keyboard.
    His trades are all done, so arbitrage is definitely not enough for him. Whenever there was an opportunity for a little arbitrage in an instant, it was all flattened by him. Besides, you must bet against him. Because the machine is always the perfect performer of probability theory.
    So we say who earns money from quantitative trading, or you say who earns the best money on the market, is those retail investors who rely on technical schools to do short-term transactions, if you let you normalize and compete with precision computing machines plate.
    In the long run, whoever will win will use the same strategy, and your money will be slowly earned by him. Because of what? Because he does not make mistakes, not to mention his strategy and his experience may be higher than yours.
    Therefore, we never encourage individual investors to indulge in the knowledge of technical schools, nor do we recommend retail investors to hold individual stocks. It is because of the fact that the money at the level of these technical genres is earned by quantitative trading.
    Because this part of the money is good money in the market. It is relatively difficult to make money from fundamental schools in this market. So you will see such a trend, that is, during the period from 2017 to last year, our top domestic quantitative private equity fund, it can.
    Earn a lot of excess returns, and the risk is very low. The quantification of the three-year time of the exchange is 100%, and the three-year time has doubled, but the maximum drawdown does not exceed 4%. What concept? Use the stability of bond funds.
    The return of stock funds is due to the fact that there is too much money in the technology genre on the market and there are too many retail investors. But when there are more and more institutions in this market and fewer and fewer retail investors, you will find quantitative trading.
    The income tends to be stable, and he has no way to obtain such a high excess income as before. What will it tend towards in the end? It will tend towards the risk-free rate of return in this market. That is, if all the money in this market is extremely rational, quantify the net investment curve.
    It will become more and more stable. Another inevitable trend is to quantify the giant effect of private equity funds. Look at our country's quantitative investment development in just a few years, and there have been top 20 quantitative private equity funds in the market.
    It occupies 60% of the scale of the entire quantitative trading market, which is well understood, resources are concentrated to the head. This trend is more obvious in machine trading. God throw the dice, right? The world is inherently unfair.
    In 2017, four years ago, quantitative private placements in this market accounted for only about 5% of the entire securities private placements. But as of the end of last year, this number has expanded to 15%.
    The scale of telephone private equity funds has exceeded 500 billion, and these 500 billion are all high-frequency transactions. You can visually understand that when retail investors are trading, you have about 20% of the operations, and the counterparties are robots, that is, for every five stocks you buy and sell, one of them.
    A stock is bought and sold by a machine, so you can see why I said don’t indulge in the daily indexing. The excess returns in the market, that is, the alpha return, must be brought to you by a few people.
    Most people have no way to train themselves to be geniuses, so admit that they are not geniuses as soon as possible. The most responsible attitude we can express is not to give away money to quantitative private equity funds.
    Unless you think that I am the chosen one.

  • 股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版行业投资资讯:太阳能发电技术Stock Code Clock Stock Trading Robot System Computer Edition Industry Investment Information: Solar Power Technology

    股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版行业投资资讯:太阳能发电技术Stock Code Clock Stock Trading Robot System Computer Edition Industry Investment Information: Solar Power Technology


    其中一家公司就是以光伏电站运营为主。目前公司光伏电站规模约五g 邷国内第一,并且公司利用自身优势。
    已经锁定了十二g 瓦的优质光资源项目,这为公司的持续增长提供了保障。相信在未来这场能源变革中,公司的行业地位将。
    The photovoltaic market continues, and the previously shared photovoltaic brackets and inverters continue to be strong and beneficial. Recently, the Energy Administration proposed that my country’s wind power and solar power generation will be combined in 2021.
    The goal of adding 120 million kilowatts in total, where does this point? It is solar power. From the perspective of the industrial chain, the market for photovoltaics has transitioned from modules to solar power plants.
    The shares of Longji, the established leader, have risen eightfold in two years. So who will be the leader of photovoltaic power generation next will be announced immediately.
    To say that the big strategy behind photovoltaics is actually the transformation of the energy structure. This has been clarified in the recent climate ambition summit to 2030 the proportion of new energy in the energy structure.
    To reach 25%, our current share of new energy is 14%, and there is still room for nearly double the penetration rate. From the perspective of the power industry, at present.
    Solar power generation accounts for only 1.56%. To achieve the goal of replacing fossil energy with new energy, we must find ways to increase the proportion of solar power in the future.
    There is no doubt that there is huge room for growth in this area.
    In terms of power generation costs, the cost of photovoltaic power at the beginning of the year has been close to that of coal power, but the price of thermal coal has risen sharply recently, which has led to a significant increase in the cost of coal power.
    Compared with photovoltaics, it has completely lost its competitiveness.
    At the same time, the price increase of thermal coal also makes us aware of the difficulties faced by coal power companies in the future. Looking at the future cost of photovoltaic power, there is still room for decline. So.
    Therefore, the future power industry opportunity lies in solar power generation. Whoever can seize the industry's transformation will be the leader of the future power industry.
    One of the companies is mainly engaged in the operation of photovoltaic power plants. At present, the scale of the company's photovoltaic power station is about 5g, which is the largest in China, and the company uses its own advantages.
    A high-quality light resource project with 12 g watts has been locked, which provides a guarantee for the company's continued growth. I believe that in the future energy revolution, the company's industry status will be.

  • 股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版行业投资资讯动力电磁硅碳负极Stock Code Clock Stock Trading Robot System Computer Edition Industry Investment Information Power Electromagnetic Silicon Carbon Anode

    股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版行业投资资讯动力电磁硅碳负极Stock Code Clock Stock Trading Robot System Computer Edition Industry Investment Information Power Electromagnetic Silicon Carbon Anode


    Do you believe that changing the material can increase the energy density of power batteries tenfold? How to improve the energy density of power batteries has always been the core topic of the entire new energy vehicle industry chain.
    One way is to change the anode material. The mainstream anode material is carbon-based anode, commonly known as graphite. The upper limit of the theoretical energy density of this negative electrode material is 372 mAh per gram.
    But now it can achieve 365 mAh, which is close to the theoretical limit every moment, and there is not much room for further improvement and improvement. And now it is most promising to become the next generation of anode materials.
    It is silicon material. The theoretical energy density of silicon anode can reach 4,200 mAh, which is ten times that of graphite anode material per gram.
    However, because silicon is prone to volume expansion during charging and discharging, and its lifespan is too short, so far it has not been commercially available on a large scale. However, as a transition, silicon-carbon composites have now transitioned from graphite to attached grade.
    Important carrier. At present, the global proportion of new energy vehicles is 3%, and it is estimated that by 2025, the proportion of new energy vehicle sales to total vehicle sales will exceed 13%.
    With the continuous increase in the penetration rate of new energy vehicles, the demand for anode materials will continue to grow at a high speed in the future, and the proportion of anode materials in the shipment of anode materials with their superior performance will be regulated.
    It will also continue to improve the company that has gone out of the electrolyte four times a year like Tianzi Materials. I believe that the performance of silicon carbon anode materials will be stronger than it in the future. One of the companies has a controlling stake.
    The world's leading anode material company's silicon anode material has achieved the third generation, and the energy density of the product has reached 1,500 mAh, which is four times that of graphite anode per gram.
    At present, the company's standardized household registration has been mass-produced, and as the penetration rate continues to increase, the company's growth space is expected.

  • 爽歪歪:超强大脑炒股机器人系统电脑版十天之内至少一个涨停板就是倍儿爽 It's beier cool to use

    爽歪歪:超强大脑炒股机器人系统电脑版十天之内至少一个涨停板就是倍儿爽 It's beier cool to use



    A股注册制全面铺开,企业上市容易退市也很快。业绩不好的垃圾股将会很快退市。未来股票将以价值投资为导向,预测有可能恢复T+0和取消涨跌幅限制的交易机制,股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版交易系统也做出了调整,基本面分析进行了修改,增加了估值体系,增加了涨跌的预测功能(预测功能的准确率在80—90%左右没有100%的准确率),剔除劣质股。调整后的系统适合短、中、长线操作,短线可实现十天之内至少一个涨停板,预期一个月至少可达20个点以上的收益(妥妥的20个点)。做股票买卖相对其他大宗商品买卖的优势在于:商品买卖(服装、衣帽鞋袜化妆品、大宗商品)与股票买卖,只要是做买卖,用到的知识都是生活中的知识,而做股票最大的优势在于可以采用大数据进行量化计算分析得出买卖时机。(1、工具 :做任何事情,工欲善其事必先利其器,打仗需要一把好枪。2、风险:做生意是亏本还是赚钱。3、收益:赚多少?4、策略:怎样做赚钱?5、心态:贪婪:做生意想一口就吃个大胖子肯定没生意,因为客人都给你吓跑了。恐惧:怕没客户不敢做利润)。

    In the investment activities in the risky market, avoiding and preventing risks is the first priority and the guarantee for long-term success. Following the trend of price movements and taking advantage of the trend is the second priority, and it is also the only law of market survival. Firmly grasp these two Point is the prerequisite for the road to investment success. The A-share registration system is fully rolled out, and it is easy for companies to go public and delist them quickly. Junk stocks with poor performance will be delisted soon. In the future, stocks will be value-oriented. It is predicted that it is possible to restore T+0 and cancel the trading mechanism of price limit. The computer version of the stock trading robot system has also been adjusted, and the fundamental analysis has been revised and added. The valuation system has been added, and the ups and downs forecasting function has been added (the accuracy of the forecasting function is around 80-90% without 100% accuracy), and low-quality stocks have been removed. The adjusted system is suitable for short-, medium-, and long-term operations. In the short-term, at least one daily limit within ten days can be achieved, and it is expected that at least 20 points of income per month (properly 20 points) can be achieved. The advantages of stock trading over other bulk commodity trading are: commodity trading (clothing, clothing, clothing, footwear, cosmetics, bulk commodities) and stock trading. As long as it is trading, the knowledge used is the knowledge of life, and stocks are the biggest The advantage is that big data can be used for quantitative calculation and analysis to get the timing of buying and selling. (1. Tools: To do anything, you must first sharpen your tools if you want to do well. Fighting requires a good gun. 2. Risk: Is it a loss or a profit to do business. 3. Income: How much to earn? 4. Strategy: How to Make money? 5. Attitude: Greed: Do business and eat a big fat man if you want to eat a bite. There will be no business, because the guests are scared away. Fear: I am afraid that there is no client and dare not make profits).

  • 股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版行业投资资讯:数控机床加工中心Stock Code Clock Stock Trading Robot System Computer Edition Industry Investment Information: CNC Machine Tool Processing Center

    股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版行业投资资讯:数控机床加工中心Stock Code Clock Stock Trading Robot System Computer Edition Industry Investment Information: CNC Machine Tool Processing Center


    The big manufacturing fund has launched. Genesis just issued an announcement, the manufacturing fund of 500 million yuan, the capital increase company's holding subsidiary Shenzhen Genesis became the third largest shareholder of Shenzhen Genesis.
    Genesis went straight to twenty centimeters. This big manufacturing fund is nothing else, because Genesis Machine Tool is the leader in the field of CNC machine tools in China, so it has naturally become the first choice.
    This investment means that large manufacturing funds have incorporated the machine tool industry chain into investment adaptation. So where is the next opportunity in the machine tool industry will be announced immediately.
    The CNC machine tool industry chain includes upstream parts, midstream body manufacturing and downstream applications. It is the core experience of industrial manufacturing. For a country’s industrial manufacturing level, advanced CNC machine tools have long been an important strategic material.
    Exports are often restricted. Although we have become a major manufacturing country, we are an indispensable tool for the development of high-end manufacturing. High-end CNC machine tools still rely heavily on imports.
    The localization rate is less than 10%. The purpose of investing in machine tools by large manufacturing funds is very clear, which is to promote the machine tool industry to the high end and further realize domestic substitution.
    At present, the domestic stock of machine tools is about 8 million, and more than 60% of the traditional machine tools over 10 years old, that is, there are more than 4.5 million machine tools.
    In the scrapping stage, this means that there is a huge domestic demand for machine tool replacement, coupled with the continuous recovery of downstream automobile and other manufacturing industries, which has brought new demand for CNC machine tools.
    Next, CNC machine tools are about to usher in a new round of upward cycle, and high-end CNC machine tools will enjoy the dual benefits of updating demand and domestic substitution. One of the companies focuses on high-end CNC machine tools.
    The main products include CNC gantry machining center, CNC horizontal machining center, etc. At present, the company has become the main force for domestic substitution, and its products are exported overseas.
    Competing for global market share with major manufacturers in Japan, Europe, and South Korea, the company may take off at any time as the boom cycle of CNC machine tools arrives.

  • 股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版行业投资资讯;苹果汽车配件Stock Dianzhong Stock Trading Robot System Computer Edition Industry Investment Information; Apple Auto Parts

    股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版行业投资资讯;苹果汽车配件Stock Dianzhong Stock Trading Robot System Computer Edition Industry Investment Information; Apple Auto Parts


    苹果汽车要来了。最新消息,苹果计划在明年九月发布首款apple car,这笔原计划提前了两年。苹果对产业链的影响力。
    当然也有一些原本就在苹果手机产业链的公司跨界做汽车的,也可能会成为苹果汽车供应商。其中一家公司是给iphone 提供。
    Apple cars are coming. In the latest news, Apple plans to release its first apple car in September next year. The original plan is two years ahead of schedule. Apple's influence on the industrial chain.
    Needless to say, just look at the performance of Lixin Precision Goertek in the past two years. So what industrial chain opportunities will the emergence of Apple cars bring?
    Don't worry, then continue listening. Everyone knows that Apple's new products must be kept secret. So about the details of Apple cars, we still have no way to know.
    However, there are four well-known suppliers. Keda Mao and Fukuda Keda are companies engaged in transmission machinery and are accelerating the production line layout.
    Six new production lines are expected to start production in the second quarter of next year. Tomita is a motor company and is currently expanding its production. It is estimated that the power motor can be increased from the current 400,000 production capacity to 1 million sets next year.
    What's interesting is that He Yamato Tomita is also a supplier of Tesla, providing Tesla with reducers and drive motors. Judging from the current information in all aspects, the early stage.
    Apple's auto industry chain and Tesla may have a high degree of similarity, such as power batteries. As early as 2017, Apple had cooperated with CATL, and it may be it next.
    Of course, there are some companies that are already in the Apple mobile phone industry chain that cross-border cars, and they may become Apple car suppliers. One of the companies is to provide iphone.
    The glass cover is now cross-border to do, such as car glass central control screen navigator. The company is expected to benefit directly from the launch of Apple Motors.
