亿万富翁和普通人Billionaires and ordinary people
来源:股典钟AI连板涨停 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-08 | 573 次浏览 | 分享到:

In fact, billionaires are more likely to choose. For example, among my customers, the small county who did power consumption advertising business when power consumption rose, also had a few years ago when p two p did it when they first got up. , The post-90s who earned a large vote.
Now that China can't do it, they will go to India to develop. Because they know that this business model works. There are also cosmetics brands that have been established through micro-business channels in the past few years, and so on.
The success of these people is nothing more than grasping the current trend. When a certain trend is starting, you enter the industry. This is the prerequisite for success.
For example, now I would not recommend people around me to be a real estate agency. Because the real estate investment space will be compressed in the future, naturally people in this industry will not be better off. But the practitioners of brokerage firms will be much better in the next few years.
See the track clearly and make a good cycle layout. Don't worry in life, as long as you succeed once, at least it will be comparable to the middle class. In practice.