这样做就能一招鲜吃遍天By doing this, you can eat fresh all over the sky in one move
来源:股典钟AI连板涨停 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-07 | 788 次浏览 | 分享到:

Create a so-called online incense burning platform, alas, you can burn incense at home, and it will be published by which master you order. You order that monk, and that monk will come out to serve you. Uh, the amount of money he releases is the same, and you have to give him a reward. Hey, he has Mars in there, that's right. Someone burns incense, he finds that place, isn't he all anime? Virtual? Let me tell you, the purpose of Kazakhstan mobile phone will be very hot in the future.
After a person dies, if you bury it, it is a waste of land. Do you all agree clearly now? Will your children and grandchildren remember you now? Don't worry, we don't remember our ancestors, our children and grandchildren generally remember us. How to do it? The best way for us to make them remember is to let them go online. But our purpose is online and he can see it as soon as he opens it. You don’t need to sweep the tomb on Ching Ming Festival. It burns and drives, and the mountains and plains are everywhere. Damn, just turn on the phone, I miss you, um, it's over. Then, there are people who can reply back. Your voice is very imitative. Imitating your old father’s voice can allow you to imitate your father’s voice and tell you that your child will live a good life. You can see that I live outside, don’t worry, you see. no no. Let me tell you you don't believe in this thing. It already exists and has a very high valuation. Don't worry, everything will go online. Everything except physical experience can pass. Hey, really, you just burn paper online and sweep tombs online. This is already there, it has been there for a long time. I couldn't call this ten years ago, so now I sometimes think about it. If I don't give lectures, I will do it myself, that is, if we do our business, we have to be dedicated, and we can't do everything.