请读懂西游记里面的小社会Please understand the small society in Journey to the West
来源:股典钟AI连板涨停 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-07 | 828 次浏览 | 分享到:

Why does he always owe people money and don't pay his salary? No one says that he is normal, that he is neurotic, and that he is not a lunatic. But such a lunatic really succeeded. Hey, Jack Ma's people you have to succeed are really amazing.
, If Jack Ma is talking, that's better than mine. Jack Ma often engages in dealer conferences, and I am also his agent. I listened to Ma Yun's speech inside, and that Ma Yun was quite eloquent, eloquent, eloquent, witty, vomiting lotus, and he could talk about the waters of the Yellow River. Come here, his painful action collapsed. My pain is not good, at most it collapses half a meter away, accidentally my old man eats back, I am afraid, can't let your face go. Many bosses always wipe their faces, don't wipe them, that is the holy water of wisdom.
So Jack Ma's confidence is really good, uh, the richer, the more confident he is. But the funds swelled later, and as a result, they brought goods to themselves. But Dahuan obviously can't say, because of this, you won't be fooled. One thing must be remembered from now on. The first major drawback of Shuai Cai is that he is easy to influence others, that is, it feels like a big wave, that is, his speech is a little empty, and others don't understand it. I hope everyone can see him through.