三款红牛警示谨慎做嫁衣Three Red Bull warnings to be cautious about making wedding dresses
来源:股典钟AI连板涨停 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-07 | 666 次浏览 | 分享到:


Come, brothers, take a look at the differences between these three Red Bulls. This one is Thailand Tencel Red Bull.
This one is Austrian Red Bull. This one with vitamin functional drink written on it is a Chinese Red Bull that has been sold in China for more than 20 years.
How about it? Don't think that they are just different places of origin. They belong to different countries and different companies. Strange, today we will take a look at what is going on behind this mountain Red Bull.
In the 1970s, Thailand will host the Asian Games Tai Chi Chinese Xu Shubiao. Seeing that the workers are exhausted during the day and night rushing period, they developed an anti-fatigue energy drink. This is the Red Bull in Thailand's glass bottle. In 1982, an Austrian young man went to Thailand on a business trip. He felt that the drink was really good, so he found Xu Shubiao. The two jointly established the Austrian Red Bull Group.
So there is this second Austrian Red Bull we bought. Later, Xu Shupiao was determined to sell his drinks to the Chinese market, but he found out when his first batch of drinks was about to go offline in China. China has strict regulations on foods containing caffeine. After Xu Shubiao was busy, he didn't take it down. This production license had to be given up in the end and returned.
Later, he got acquainted with Yan Bin, the chairman of Reignwood Group. To say that this brother Yan, although he is low-key, he was a man of great importance in the economic and cultural exchanges between China and Thailand in the late 1990s. He and Xu Shubiao agreed that Yan Bin would have full power to operate and develop the Chinese market. Subsequently, Yan Bin and Xu Shubiao signed an agreement with a cooperation period of 50 years. At that time, although Red Bull was already well-known in Europe and America. However, few people in China know that they are active and unnamed. It is not easy to open a market in such a large market. After Yanping was busy, he first improved the beverage formula and obtained the production license from the national department.
He ran down again, this little blue hat certification of health food, he also used his skating building as a mortgage, and spent hundreds of millions of dollars in advertising expenses, and even hit the advertisement until the spring evening of 1996. After a meal, Red Bull became the first to eat crabs in the domestic functional beverage market. In 2015, China Red Bull achieved sales of RMB 23 billion in one fell swoop. We must know that domestic beverages' annual sales of single products enter 20 billion yuan, but that is one of the few. It stands to reason that Yanbian should have breathed a sigh of relief at this time. In his early years, he had cultivated a national brand.
However, at this time, his partner recruited him to be his heir in 2012, Xu Shubiao. At first glance, he was messing up again, so. So he backhanded China Red Bull and Yan Bin to court, saying that although the agreement signed by Xu Shubiao and Yan Bin was 50 years old, the Red Bull trademark was registered in my hands.
I won't use it for you now. At the same time, Austrian Red Bull and Thai Red Bull Tencel also entered China one after another to share the huge market dividends cultivated by Chinese Red Bull.
Hey, combined with the case of Wang Laoji, I would like to remind you that our entrepreneurs must not do the wedding dress for others anymore. If you do, you will be like the Chinese Red Team. Resolutely safeguard rights in accordance with the law to the end.
Finally, I would like to know, if we see these three Red Bulls in the market, which one do you prefer to choose? Don't ask me, I definitely choose China Red Bull. Have I made it clear?