美国缩债进行时When U.S. debt reduction is in progress
来源:股典钟AI连板涨停王 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-06 | 1155 次浏览 | 分享到:
这里面就包括一百亿美元的国债和五十亿美元的抵押支持证券。概括下来就是老美啊要开始作战了。同时美联储还正式开启了taper 美。

这里面就包括一百亿美元的国债和五十亿美元的抵押支持证券。概括下来就是老美啊要开始作战了。同时美联储还正式开启了taper 美。
缩债就是减少买国债的额度啊,原先不要命的疯狂买啊,现在是收敛一点,也就相当于是变相的把资金流动性缩小。而paper 呢就是逐步缩小流动性的意思。
咱们说paper 之前呢先解释一个跟它对应的词儿叫q e 啊,也就是量化宽松,通过扩大货币的发行量来减轻银行的资金压力。常见的一般是通过购买债券啊、资产抵押证券啊等等等等这些。
吧,然后给金融市场增加流动性啊,通俗来讲就是放水嘛。而taper 呢刚好跟它相反啊,是逐步缩减资产购买规模,慢慢退出q e 收回。
相对于paper 来讲呢,也就更加凶残一些。毕竟你想啊之前老美那池子里放了太多的水了。加息的抽水机一旦打开啊,池子里的鱼虾它怎么可能。

Global capital again revealed heavy news late at night. The Fed finally took action. It was at 2 o'clock this morning that the Fed announced the latest interest rate decision, announcing that it would reduce the size of asset purchases by $15 billion each month.
This includes US$10 billion in national debt and US$5 billion in mortgage-backed securities. In summary, Lao Mei is about to start fighting. At the same time, the Fed also officially opened taper beauty.
This year's interest rate hike is definitely not enough for him. That brother must be over, what does this mean suddenly? What is a paper, and why is it called a rate hike? What does this old beauty have to do with ordinary people like us?
Don't worry, today we will see through what we mentioned earlier. Now, Lao Mei has already owed a huge debt of nearly 30 trillion U.S. dollars in the world. Hey, instead of repaying the money quickly, he also raised the upper limit of U.S. debt by four thousand.
Eighty billion U.S. dollars intends to borrow more money from the world and owe more debts. And since March last year, in order to stimulate the economy, the United States not only changed the printing of money, but also carried out an unprecedented large-scale release. Although it is irritating to release water.
The economy has risen, but there are also side effects. The dollar has depreciated and inflation is very serious. I believe you have seen it in the news during this period of time. Lao Mei is either short of oil or rare. A large number of ordinary people are unemployed lying at home, relying on government relief funds to live their lives every day.
The goods in the supermarket were looted, and the remaining goods were sold at sky-high prices. The whole life of the old beauty can be described as miserable in one word. And from the data point of view, the price index of personal consumption expenditure in the United States in September increased by 4% year-on-year.
4.4 is the fastest growth rate since 1991. What concept? In other words, the inflation of Lao America is about to explode, which can be said to be thirty years old.
The strongest inflation, there may be brothers who want to ask, the inflation is so serious, do they care about it? Hey, it will not affect us. Humph here, I have to mention why Lao Mei wants to reduce debt?
Debt reduction is to reduce the amount of national debt to be bought. It used to be frantic to buy it, but now it is a bit of convergence, which is equivalent to reducing the liquidity of funds in a disguised form. And paper means to gradually reduce liquidity.
Before we talk about paper, let’s first explain a word corresponding to it called q e, that is, quantitative easing, which reduces the pressure on banks by expanding currency circulation. The common ones are generally through the purchase of bonds, asset-backed securities, and so on.
Well, then to increase the liquidity of the financial market, in popular terms, is to release water. And taper is just the opposite, it is to gradually reduce the scale of asset purchases, and slowly withdraw from q e to recover.
Liquidity can be simply and rudely understood as the Fed used to open the faucet to release water, but now he slowly closes the faucet tightly, and the water released will be less.
For example, maybe he had to invest 10 billion in debt every month, so this month it will be allocated at the rate of 80, and then it may be invested at the scale of 6 billion in the next month. In other words, it is actually released.
But the speed is also a bit slower. Hey, the brother may have to ask, what does this rate hike mean? Hey, raising interest rates means raising interest rates by banks like the Federal Reserve. If the bank's interest rates become higher, people will put their money back in the bank instead.
Circulating investment in the market can also be simply understood as taking a pump directly and pumping water out of the market. Because behind it is state support, once the interest rate is raised, the effect is very obvious.
Compared with paper, it is more brutal. After all, you think there was too much water in Lao Mei's pool before. Once the pump for raising interest rates is turned on, how could it be possible for the fish and shrimps in the pool?
It's not affected, right? In the end, my brother must ask, this old beauty is shrinking debts and raising interest rates. What does it have to do with us? Hey, don't see it through. Earlier we also said what is the dollar?
The world currency has a certain hegemony. If he wants to harvest some countries, it is not too difficult for him. For example, Lao Mei will first turn on the money printing machine before going crazy, and then invest a lot of these enthusiasm in other countries.
Investing in this other country inflows so much money at once, this country was dumbfounded at the time, and this country's economy was booming like an adrenaline. What is the property market, stock market, and prices soaring all the way, but the old United States.
This money came in when the economy came first. Alas, when I reach the top position, I'm sorry, I have made enough. Everyone, let me withdraw first. The withdrawal of US dollar capital has taken away huge profits, and other countries have no support for this hot money.
The economy declined rapidly. The simple understanding is that the leeks have been cut. The more hateful thing about Lao Mei is that not only does he cut your leeks, he even runs away with you from the roots of your leeks. Are you not in recession now?
That thing must be cheaper. At this time, I am taking advantage of the exchange rate difference to copy your products and then try again. This is Lao Mei's tried-and-tested way of diverting the crisis.
And using this trick to cheat many countries, and this debt reduction is the best warning. He tells you that Lao Mei may have to repeat the trick again. Of course, everything will definitely not come so quickly.
After all, Lao Mei hasn't packed his own blue dumplings yet. So we still have enough time to deal with it and do it in advance.