炒股总赚不到钱——术业有专攻No money can be made from stocks-there is a specialization in the industry
来源:股典钟炒股机器人AI连板涨停王 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-05 | 577 次浏览 | 分享到:

这个季度的业绩怎么样?同时公司的经营接下去会发生什么样的变化?而普通投资者呢六月份的业绩要等到八月或九月才看得到。那我们之间怎么p k 呢?
就像你拿着炒饭的勺子去跟人家a k 四十七比,这个有得比吗?

This is because there is a specialization in the technical profession. For example, you run a 100-meter race against a sprinter, or you race against a swimmer. Who wins and who loses in swimming?
So there is a saying: Don’t use your hobbies to challenge other people’s jobs. In addition, we are professionals in stocks, we can meet the chairman regularly. We can learn about his latest.
How was the performance this quarter? At the same time, what changes will happen to the company's operations in the future? Ordinary investors will not be able to see their June performance until August or September. What about p k between us?