认知未来财富Recognize future wealth
来源:股典钟炒股机器人AI连板涨停王 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-04 | 755 次浏览 | 分享到:

没有机会,未来因为所有的商业的门槛被提的无限高,所以你们应该看得到,现在所有的企业只要稍微露出点好的苗头来,能被好的走。基本上背后的老板在中国只要不是国有,就是b 百度a 阿里巴巴t 腾讯、小米。
那些钱赔光的时候,为什么这么多人到o k com 中关村一个月四个人跳楼,两个人和滴滴位。这些人意识到了他这几百万几千万赔光了以后,他还有没有机会?没了,他一生除了死没什么出路。由俭入奢易,由奢入俭难。曾经无限风光过几个一起十个亿,现在变成个穷光蛋打工,那心态真受不了。所以我跟大家开个玩笑说,当然这是真话。我只是说开玩笑,希望大家放松,未来,没有机会。以前选择错了,还可能回头从现在你选择错了。
一辈子因为任何东西的门槛儿都不限高。贾老师,我还可以炒股票,我还可以炒期货。那你就只有两种情况,一个就面对像ok come 这样子什么。骗子他们在后台操控所有东西,把你钱榨干。因为他们玩的你根本就看不懂。

There is no chance. In the future, because the threshold of all businesses will be raised infinitely high, you should see that all enterprises now can be well-traveled as long as they show some signs of goodness. Basically, as long as the bosses in China are not state-owned, they are b Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, and Xiaomi.
For a company like Xunfei, if you want to make the company bigger, there is no way. Why give examples of these companies? Because you know that one of their M&A preferences is that most of the founders get out after the company's engineering is clear. Because they don't need a founder, they need something in this house. Even listed companies like Xunlei cannot avoid it. Yes, once Xiaomi has a controlling stake, the founder and the team will definitely get out. So what kind of company do you want to be in the future? Each of us is still immersed in the glory of the last tail of industrial civilization. Everyone still thinks I can start a business now.
I'm not working here anymore. I'll find another chance. I will put my money in a slippery shot. No one of you knows at all. In fact, when you descend to the bottom of the threshold that humans can walk through.
When the money was lost, why did so many people go to ok com Zhongguancun a month and four people jumped off the building, two people and Didi. After these people realized that he had lost the millions and tens of millions, would he still have a chance? No, he has no way out in his life except death. It is easy to change from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to change from luxury to frugality. There used to be a few billions of people together, and now they become a poor job, that mentality is really unbearable. So I joked with everyone, of course this is the truth. I'm just kidding, I hope everyone relaxes, in the future, there is no chance. You chose the wrong one before, and you might choose the wrong one from now on.
Because the threshold of anything is unlimited for a lifetime. Teacher Jia, I can still speculate in stocks and I can also speculate in futures. Then you have only two situations, one is facing something like ok come. The scammers control everything in the background and drain your money. Because you can't understand what they are playing.
The second is the normalized stock market futures. What are you facing, the traders of artificial intelligence, now how many securities companies across China have begun to use this batch of Morgan products. You still want to have a chance. He has included all the human stock futures and all the sight signals for hundreds of years in it.
All the impressions that the Chinese stock market has, all the performance of this stock from the day it went public are in it to use the most subtle things to judge buying and selling. Your opponents are no longer humans. What do you use to fight them once, the wrong choice. Your whole life. There will not be a second time, you choose the opportunity. So wealth will be like this in the future.