巨薪乞丐的逆转思维The reversal thinking of a hugely paid beggar
来源:股典钟炒股机器人AI连板涨停王 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-04 | 794 次浏览 | 分享到:

一个年薪百万的乞丐,彻底颠覆了很多人的常规思维。一个刚买完l v 从商场出来的老板被一个职业乞丐发现了,非常专业的走过去说。先生行行好,给点吧。老板一时无聊,便找出了一个硬币给了他,并和他聊了一会儿。那乞丐很健谈,他说我只在华强北一带乞讨。

我一扫眼就见到你了。在茂业买l v 一定舍得花钱。老板很惊讶的看了一眼乞丐,又说,人们对乞丐都很反感。但我相信呢你并没有反感我,这就是我与其他乞丐的一个不同之处。老板点头默认了一下,他说我做过精确的计算。这里每天。人流量上万,穷人多,有钱人更多。理论上讲,我若是每天向每个人讨一块钱的话,那我每月就能挣三十万。






A beggar with an annual salary of 100,000 has completely subverted the conventional thinking of many people. A boss who just came out of the mall after buying l v was found by a professional beggar, and he walked over and said very professionally.
Sir, please give me some. The boss was bored for a while, so he found a coin and gave it to him, and chatted with him for a while. The beggar is very talkative. He said that I only beg in the Huaqiangbei area.
I saw you at a glance. You must be willing to spend money to buy l v in Maoye. The boss glanced at the beggar in surprise and said that people are very disgusted with beggars. But I believe you do not dislike me. This is what makes me different from other beggars. The boss nodded and acquiesced. He said that I had done precise calculations. Here every day. There are tens of thousands of people, with more poor people and more wealthy people. In theory, if I ask everyone for a dollar a day, then I can earn 300,000 yuan a month.
But not everyone will give it, and there are not so many people who can test it every day. So I have to analyze which are target customers and which are potential customers. So in the Huaqiangbei area. My target customer is 30% of the total traffic, with a 70% chance of success, and 20% of potential customers, with a 50% chance of success. The remaining 50%. I chose to give up. The boss was surprised when he heard that, and asked him, how do you define your customers? He is saying that the first target customers are young gentlemen like you.
And those couples also belong to my target customers. Secondly, I see beautiful girls who are alone as potential customers because they are afraid of entanglement. So most will spend money to avoid disasters. The age of these two groups is controlled at 20 to 30 years old, and there is no economic basis for being too young.
He's too old, maybe he's married, and his wife is in charge of finances. This kind of people has no fun at all, and they can't wait to ask me for money instead. The boss continued to ask, how much money can you ask for every day?
The beggar said that from Monday to Friday, the business is almost 200 yuan, and it may cost four to five hundred on weekends. The boss said so much. The boss was a little skeptical, so he settled an account for the boss.
He said that like you, I also work eight hours a day, from 11 am to 7 pm, and work normally on weekends. Every time I beg. It’s about five seconds, minus about one minute of walking back and forth and searching for the target, and begging for one yuan for eight hours at a time, that’s 480 yuan. Multiply it by the 60% chance of success, and you get nearly 300 yuan. When the boss heard that this was a beggar, he seemed to be a senior marketing director.
The boss became more interested, and the beggar went on to say that some people rely on luck to eat as a beggar. I don't think so. To give you an example, suppose a handsome boy and a beautiful girl. Which one do you choose for begging? The boss thought for a while, but the boss didn't say anything. He said you should go to the man's side with beautiful women, but he was embarrassed not to give it. If you go to the lady's side. He might pretend to be scared and avoid it. The boss said that it makes sense. The more I listen to it, the more interesting it is. He said that I have heard more than a dozen presidents say these things, and the first time I heard beggars say the same.
The beggar said that he worked hard during the day, and took his wife and children to go shopping after get off work at night, and the family of three enjoyed themselves. The boss said, you still have a wife and children. Said the beggar.
My wife is a full-time wife at home, and the child is in elementary school. I mortgaged a house in Futian District, and the ten-year installment is still six years away, and I